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Let's move from OK. to Missouri to Pennsylvania:The Racism/Misogynisim tour


Oct 26, 2014
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Rape, nude photos, racist behavior: Do fraternities make men behave badly?


By Holly Yan, CNN

Updated 1:48 PM ET, Wed March 18, 2015

(CNN)Despite roots in community service and brotherhood, inappropriate behavior at fraternities can be so common that often, no one blinks an eye.

But a spate of recent disgraces -- from racist lyrics to nude photos of incapacitated women -- have prompted suspensions, expulsions and a much more serious look at what some fraternities really stand for.

"I happen to believe fraternities and sororities are a good thing. I happen to believe they do a lot of good work in society," CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill said. "I know a lot about black Greek letter organizations that do a tremendous amount of service in the public interest. So I don't want to dismiss all of it."

But Frank Bruni, author of "Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be," said while we can't stereotype fraternities, "we can take note of what they are."

"And what they are is they are exclusive societies -- many of them, not all of them -- that let in like-minded individuals who can then exist in a very homogenous environment," he said. "That strikes me as something that's at odds with what we really want colleges to be."

Here are some of the disturbing incidents that have made the news this month alone:

Nude photos

Kappa Delta Rho at Pennsylvania State University

Penn State fraternity suspended over Facebook page

Photos of nude women, some apparently passed out, were posted on a private Facebook page -- allegedly by members of Penn State's Kappa Delta Rho chapter.

A former member of Kappa Delta Rho alerted police to the page, telling them in January that it had been used by members to share photos of "unsuspecting victims, drug sales and hazing," according to a copy of a police affidavit.

"No arrests are being made at this time," State College Police Lt. Keith Robb said. "Unfortunately, we aren't able to identify any suspects right now because the accounts on Facebook were sanitized, wiped clean."

In the meantime, the chapter has been suspended for one year.
Fraternities acting poorly? Nooooooooooooohhhhhh!!!!
I gotta say that this doesn't help Penn State in the PR department....
I've asked this before and I'll ask it again.... what planet sends these trolls to us to have to tolerate ?

Assuming whites cannot be transformed from a repentant majority into a scapegoat minority (on the model of European Jews historically, or the Chinese in Southeast Asia more recently), then our ability to make “voluntary” inter-ethnic transfers of money, jobs, and prestige may be nearing its end.

Assuming Elfie is white, ( I don't know of any blacks that would call themselves Elfero ) what is she going to do when whites are just another minority ?

To argue that Hispanics should or should not be eligible for programs of racial integration designed for blacks in the shadow of Jim Crow is to put the cart before the horse. We have these categories in the first place only to promote people’s insertion into race-based programs.

A need to atone for slavery and segregation was once the justification for the “laws and policies”. These laws and policies now seem to require no justification. So to whom, ultimately, will the “new groups” address their “imperative” demands for “equal access” when “sway” is held by people with no felt responsibility to atone for America’s historic sins? Into what kind of society will these new groups fit? Of what will these “augmented” monitoring programs consist, and against whom will they be directed? “Diversity” is leading us down an ominous and unfamiliar stretch of road.

Here's a little troll food Elf, I know you look forward to it.



It's not news really that the Greek system inherently promotes exclusion and division. Greek life wasn't huge where I went to school (Temple) but you still had the black frat, the Jewish frat, the hot girl sorority, the fat ugly girl sorority, the druggie frat, the jock frat...bad things happen in such places where people are intentionally grouped and labelled and lots of alcohol and drugs are mixed in.

Never joined a sorority and personally think frats and sororities are stupid. I'm not going to jump through a bunch of hoops and humiliate myself to prove that I'm worthy to be your friend. I'll be happy to show up at your frat house and drink your free beer though.

I'm just glad cell phone cameras didn't exist when I was in college.
Rape, nude photos, racist behavior: Do fraternities make men behave badly?

Well duuuhhh.... You forgot to add alcohol.

Wait, isn't PA a dem state? And there is racism there? Say it isn't so!!
I was in a sorority at Auburn....got kicked out after 2 semesters.
Wait, isn't PA a dem state? And there is racism there? Say it isn't so!!

True, PA has gone for the Democrat in every election since 1992. I don't see how we can be racist.
What's funny about the Communist's threads like these, is the selectivity of the approach. Find the needle in the haystack, shine a spotlight on it. It overlooks the big picture, the whole picture.

"Why some bad and misguided boys in Oklahoma chanted a racist chant on a fraternity bus!" Meanwhile, black on white crime, racism at is finest, went unreported across the nation.

Surveillance video shows patrons attacking Parma Chuck E. Cheese employees (video)

http://www.cleveland.com/parma/index.ssf/2015/03/surveillance_video_shows_patro.html <----wonderful video included

Black Mob Violence Spreads as the President Preaches Victimization in Selma

At Chuck E. Cheese outside of Cleveland, a large group of black people attending a birthday party said they were unhappy that one of the machines was not working. So they attacked the staff, sending five to the hospital with “serious” injuries, including a teenager girl who was knocked unconscious.

Much the way Congressman John Lewis reminded us on Sunday at Selma that he too was knocked unconscious.

This is just the latest is a series of recent episodes of black mob violence in Chuck E. Cheese stores around the country, including Long Island, Florida, South Carolina, St. Louis, Dearborn, California, Memphis, Commack, Beaumont, Colorado Springs and other places.

Read all of the examples on that page.

Another wonderful little site with video after video, story after story of Black on White crime/violence - "White Girl Bleed a Lot." View with caution: http://whitegirlbleedalot.com/black...ry-president-spoke-black-victimization-selma/

Daily Caller: “As the brutal “knockout” game sweeps across the U.S., one author isn’t surprised by the attacks or the media reaction. Colin Flaherty, author of the book “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How The Media Ignores It,” began chronicling the new wave of violence nearly a year ago — revealing disturbing racial motivations behind the attacks and a pattern of media denial.”

Keep bringing your needles of racism Elfie. Keep those blinders firmly attached to the sides of your head so you can only see that which you focus on.

What's funny about the Communist's threads like these, is the selectivity of the approach. Find the needle in the haystack, shine a spotlight on it. It overlooks the big picture, the whole picture.

Uhh, that is the liberal playbook.
There are over 320 million people in this country... assuming that a mere 10% of them are moronic dickwads of the worse ilk, that's more than enough to find terrible stories in any direction of violence and stupidity spectrum then hype and spin them for political motives. This country is far from the cesspool of racism and hatred that the media portraits... for the most part it is good people who, like the rest of the world, haven't yet figured out how to stop immoral and imbecilic ******** and jerks from acting as such....

Of the hundreds of people of a multitude of varying races and income levels I interact with on a relatively normal basis, only a handful are actually violent jerkbags. less than ten come to mind... I don't think a country should be judged by the behavior of its lowest common denominators and I think people who use that to drive wedges into the public for personal gain, be it political power, money, or whatever, should be burned at the stake....
There are over 320 million people in this country... assuming that a mere 10% of them are moronic dickwads

don't forget, all statistics are racist

In New York from January to June, 83 percent of all gun assailants were black, according to witnesses and victims, though blacks were only 24 percent of the population. Blacks and Hispanics together accounted for 98 percent of all gun assailants. Forty-nine of every 50 muggings and murders in the Big Apple were the work of black or Hispanic criminals.
Can't believe I'm saying this, but it's so stoooopid to single out Penn St.
What do you think happens on EVERY college campus when 18 to 20 year old students get their fill of liquid courage?

Not saying it's right, but I'm guessing most of us made some bad decisions before our large head took over control of the small one.
Tim, don't even get me started on Chuck E Cheese lol. Mob violence aside, the place is hell on Earth. We took the kids there for the first and only time about 3 years ago and it will never happen again. The play area with the slides and climbing stuff there is the most disgusting, germ infested area on the planet. My daughter was about 3 and was in it but needed help getting back down. As soon as you got within a few feet of it, the overpowering reek of piss and **** assaulted your nose. It smelled like hobos had been using it as a toilet.

Needless to say we kept her out of it after that but the damage was already done. She apparently contracted some ****** up, extravagant (no doubt feces induced) virus where she started vomiting uncontrollably the next morning. She continued to vomit for the next 6 days straight. We had her to the ER twice for IV fluids. Ain't no ******* way I will set foot within 300 yards of another one of those cesspools.

Not to mention the two little 14 year old jackholes I witnessed going around threatening and bullying the smaller, younger kids to give up their tokens and tickets. I made it my business to follow them around for the next half hour. I didn't say anything to them, but every time I saw them moving in on a little kid I walked up right next to them and stood about an inch away, until they gave up and moved on to someone else. After the 3rd or 4th time they got the picture that I knew what they were doing and they cut it out. Little ********.

Worst place ever.
I think you're smart for avoiding those pizza selling petri dishes. We took our kids there a few times when they were young but in retrospect probably just asking for some problems.
I've never even heard of University of North Georgia...must be an online school.