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Liberals & the AntiFa - for the record


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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For those keeping score at home, this went down while Obama was still in office.


Obama's Homeland Security Dept. classified AntiFa activities as 'domestic terrorist violence' since early 2016

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has classified the activities by anti-fascist protesters, or "antifa," as "domestic terrorist violence" since 2016, Politico reported on Friday.

As of April 2016, DHS and the FBI had reportedly concluded that far-left "anarchist extremist" groups were centrally responsible for inciting violence at a number of public rallies against targets including government institutions under the cause of opposing fascism.

The DHS had since issued warnings to law enforcement officials of potential violence between the leftist extremists and white nationalist groups.

Officials told Politico that President Trump's campaign and election fueled the fires of left-wing extremism.

“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” one senior law enforcement official said. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the **** out of people. … They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”

Dozens of armed antifa groups have emerged, according to government reports reviewed by Politico, and their clashes with the far-right have escalated violently.

“Both the racists and a segment of violent antifa counter-protesters are amped for battle in an escalating arms race, where police departments are outmaneuvered, resulting in increasingly violent dangerous confrontations,” Brian Levin, a former New York City police officer and domestic terror expert, told Politico. “It’s an orchestrated dance. The rallies spill over into social media and then even more people show up at the next rally primed for violent confrontation.”

The type of whitewashing, generalizing and lumping together of peaceful, anti- White Supremacists, anti-Nazi, anti-KKK protestors - along with liberals and progressives at large - with AntiFa thugs has got to stop. It has spread, like a pandemic, here on this very board. I hate to bring it up, but it's parallel to lumping all peaceful, law-abiding Muslims in with extremist Islamic terrorists.

At least the board's Alt Right faction is consistent. Consistent in generalizing, pointing fingers, scapegoating and the like. But it's simply inaccurate and not true.

The fact there exists a fringe, violent AntiFa element does not delegitimize the massive, country-wide anti-Trump protests such as the Women's March or the Scientist March or countless other grass roots groups and individuals that see the Trump presidency as a real danger to America and to our democracy. These things are not mutually inclusive. Just as the 1st amendment guarantees Nazis and the KKK their right to march and let their voices be heard, those that stand firmly against this President, and everything he represents, should not be lumped in with the violent AntiFa factions resorting to violence and causing mayhem in the streets.

But there are several members here that will continue to do so, as evident by the posts on this board. It's quick and easy and probably feels pretty good. I hope the wiser folks on the board - and there seems to be quite a few moderate conservatives here at SN - will see through this and view the fringe AntiFa much like you view the KKK and Nazis.

There has to be some common ground that we can have civil, intelligent political arguments - conservatives and progressives - without labeling anyone not with Trump as AntiFa supporters, or - as we've seen - terrorist sympathizers.
This is comical to me.

You were all Johnny Rah Rah when you thought the "Punch a Nazi" narrative was going to stick.

But when people aren't buying it you change tacks.

The only thing President Trump is a threat to in our REPUBLIC is the socialist agenda, and the ***** hatters et al are simply leftists throwing a temper tantrum because they did not get their way.
tibs that would be possible if those of you on the left would not continually lump all Trump supports in the racist neo-nazi, KKK bucket.

antifa is an extremist organization, as are some groups who claim to be BLM supporters. Many of the liberal protests that occured after President Trump was elected ended up as violent and damaged a lot of property. Not all of these were antifa led protests.
For those keeping score at home, this went down while Obama was still in office.

Obama's Homeland Security Dept. classified AntiFa activities as 'domestic terrorist violence' since early 2016

The type of whitewashing, generalizing and lumping together of peaceful, anti- White Supremacists, anti-Nazi, anti-KKK protestors - along with liberals and progressives at large - with AntiFa thugs has got to stop. It has spread, like a pandemic, here on this very board. I hate to bring it up, but it's parallel to lumping all peaceful, law-abiding Muslims in with extremist Islamic terrorists.

At least the board's Alt Right faction is consistent. Consistent in generalizing, pointing fingers, scapegoating and the like. But it's simply inaccurate and not true.

The fact there exists a fringe, violent AntiFa element does not delegitimize the massive, country-wide anti-Trump protests such as the Women's March or the Scientist March or countless other grass roots groups and individuals that see the Trump presidency as a real danger to America and to our democracy. These things are not mutually inclusive. Just as the 1st amendment guarantees Nazis and the KKK their right to march and let their voices be heard, those that stand firmly against this President, and everything he represents, should not be lumped in with the violent AntiFa factions resorting to violence and causing mayhem in the streets.

But there are several members here that will continue to do so, as evident by the posts on this board. It's quick and easy and probably feels pretty good. I hope the wiser folks on the board - and there seems to be quite a few moderate conservatives here at SN - will see through this and view the fringe AntiFa much like you view the KKK and Nazis.

There has to be some common ground that we can have civil, intelligent political arguments - conservatives and progressives - without labeling anyone not with Trump as AntiFa supporters, or - as we've seen - terrorist sympathizers.
Okay. Then why is the Berkeley mayor standing his police force down when these chimpanzees are running rampant?
tibs that would be possible if those of you on the left would not continually lump all Trump supports in the racist neo-nazi, KKK bucket.

No, Trump lumped in the neo-Nazis and KKK all by himself.
No, Trump lumped in the neo-Nazis and KKK all by himself.

Sigh, no....he didn't. CNN garbage info strikes again. You guys are so damn gullible, I swear. Getting played like fiddles.
wrong again.Trump lumped antifa in with the neo-nazis and KKK, which is where they belong....just a group of ignorant hate groups


Any extremist groups regardless of political affiliation; if they are acting upon their views in an unsafe manner towards society --- should be labeled terrorist.
wrong again.Trump lumped antifa in with the neo-nazis and KKK, which is where they belong....just a group of ignorant hate groups

Yep. And Tibs agrees with us on this point. To wit:

Tibs said:
... and view the fringe AntiFa much like you view the KKK and Nazis.
Where the Leftists lose it is where they claim, or act like, there are no hate groups, racists, or extremists on their side. In their view their hate groups, racists, and extremists are forces for good. This is why Trump was excoriated for saying there are bad people on both sides. That wasn't what the Libs, Dems, and MSM wanted to hear, in fact that doesn't even compute in their tiny brains.
Sigh, no....he didn't. CNN garbage info strikes again. You guys are so damn gullible, I swear. Getting played like fiddles.

CNN, Fox News, every late-night show, every CEO, Corker, Tillerson.
wrong again.Trump lumped antifa in with the neo-nazis and KKK, which is where they belong....just a group of ignorant hate groups

"Many fine people"

Face it, Trump is a ******* moron.
tibs that would be possible if those of you on the left would not continually lump all Trump supports in the racist neo-nazi, KKK bucket.

antifa is an extremist organization, as are some groups who claim to be BLM supporters. Many of the liberal protests that occured after President Trump was elected ended up as violent and damaged a lot of property. Not all of these were antifa led protests.

And Trump voters are mainstream.You enabled a racist POTUS, who in turn enables and empowers neo-Nazis(even has them serving in the white house)

What does that say about the average Trumptard?
Where the Leftists lose it is where they claim, or act like, there are no hate groups, racists, or extremists on their side. In their view their hate groups, racists, and extremists are forces for good. This is why Trump was excoriated for saying there are bad people on both sides. That wasn't what the Libs, Dems, and MSM wanted to hear, in fact that doesn't even compute in their tiny brains.


Of course there are extremists on the left. No one on the left here would deny that.

The problem is that most domestic terrorism is committed by right wing white males.
The problem is that most domestic terrorism is committed by right wing white males.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/ap6wcjRyi8HoA" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/ap6wcjRyi8HoA"></a></p>
The problem is that most domestic terrorism is committed by right wing white males.

Wrong again.

You've got a very warped definition of "domestic terrorism."

BLM assassinations of police officers aren't in your definition. AntiFA violence (all of it terrorism) isn't in your definition of terrorism.

"A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act "dangerous to human life" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism."

You LIEberals will only include in your definition white Christians. When the whole scope of terrorism, as defined by the US Patriot act is utilized, your argument fades.


Notice the list of terrorist organizations (not all inclusive):

4 Terrorist organizations

4.1 Alpha 66 and Omega 7 - Left Wing organization
4.2 Animal Liberation Front - Left Wing organization
4.3 Anti-Fascist Action - far Left militants

4.4 Army of God - Right Wing Militants
4.5 Aryan Nations - Right Wing Militants

4.6 Black Liberation Army - Left Wing Black militants
4.7 The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord - Right Wing militants
4.8 Earth Liberation Front - Left Wing Militants
4.9 Jewish Defense League - - not sure where to put them. White, but Jewish.
4.10 Ku Klux Klan - Right Wing militants
4.11 May 19th Communist Organization - Left Wing militants
4.12 The Order - Right Wing Militants
4.13 Phineas Priesthood - Right Wing Militants

4.14 Symbionese Liberation Army - Left Wing Militants
4.15 United Freedom Front - Left Wing Militants
4.16 Weathermen - Left Wing Militants

BLM is not included, but should be included as they are a terrorist organization on many fronts. They too would fall into the Left Wing category.

By the Patriot definition, AntiFA is the most active domestic terrorist organization at hand. Monthly, if not more, we witness them committing terrorism. BLM and police assassinations are on the regular now. Both violent leftists.

Right wing terrorism? A death in Charlottesville. Dylan Roof. When was the last abortion bombing? Ya just don't see it when you look at the news and compare the activities going on.

Not included in this list are all of the domestic terrorist attacks committed by Muslims - a long, long list. They damned sure aren't "right wing white males."
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And Trump voters are mainstream.You enabled a racist POTUS, who in turn enables and empowers neo-Nazis(even has them serving in the white house)

What does that say about the average Trumptard?

haven't I told you to **** off enough yet....ignorant *******

President Trump was never called racist until he ran against hitlery....you libs are ******* idiotic
What did he do that was deemed racist?

Trying to protect our border from foreign invaders who just come on in and stay as if it's a right. That **** has nothing to do with race at all. Just another big fat lie.
What did he do that was deemed racist?

Don't bother. I threw out that challenge to them asking to find any proof of that exact thing last week. Not a single peep from the whole lot. Then they just continue to carry on the narrative in other threads like it's the truth. Nothingburger.
Don't bother. I threw out that challenge to them asking to find any proof of that exact thing last week. Not a single peep from the whole lot. Then they just continue to carry on the narrative in other threads like it's the truth. Nothingburger.

He didn't disavow David Duke fast enough or something... it was a precanned narrative to try to scare minorities into voting for Hillary... Trump may be a ill tempered immature windbag, but there is a long line of people who know him willing to swear he isn't racist... again aiming forcthe wrong targets cause democrats haven't had a good platform with any real solutions in decades...
go ask all the people he met at George R Brown which is being used as a shelter, if they think he is racist????