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Liberals & the AntiFa - for the record

Don't be a twatwaffle. How would I know what **** you have/haven't written in another thread. If you've apologized because you've wrongly characterised a massive group of people that you happen to disagree with as fucktarded white supremacists, great. That should probably be a new thread. It is great that you feel that you making your way back from the frothy fringe to the mainstream, but I truly doubt it.
I take it being a jerk comes naturally to you. Shake hands with your brethren here at SN, you guys bring it day in and day out.
Supe took the time and effort to construct the verbal Venn diagram to show how biased you are/were 10 minutes ago.
I have less time, and fewer words.
You have systematically been wrong for well over a year. And very insulting to the majority.
It is ok for you to be stupid, or to be so enthralled with a losing proposition like a pathetic stains fan, but it is not ok when your statist views result in your bigoted labelling, incorrectly as per Supe, most of the population, and all of those that disagree with you.
So if calling out your bigoted, statist views makes me a jerk to you, well that's just fine with me.


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You have systematically been wrong for well over a year.
Wrong about what?

And very insulting to the majority.
Really? This board is full of sharp elbows, sorry to tug on your heart strings like that.


<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/oXfrWPtCRo1CU" width="480" height="259" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/robin-oXfrWPtCRo1CU"></a></p>
Wrong about what?

Really? This board is full of sharp elbows, sorry to tug on your heart strings like that.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/oXfrWPtCRo1CU" width="480" height="259" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/robin-oXfrWPtCRo1CU"></a></p>
Wrong about the functional and actual reality of US politics.

The passive-aggressive response is tired. But I'm glad you have that smugness to mask your esteem issues.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Steeler Nation mobile app
I get what everyone's saying about not lumping all Trump supporters in with the Alt Right, neo Nazis, white supremacists, etc. You've made your point and I hear you.

But you also can't wish away the fact the KKK, David Duke, the Alt Right et al absolutely LOVE Trump. Ever wonder why, even for a moment?

And yet when David Duke was elected to congress the right wing Republican controlled House of Representin refused to let him take his seat. Conversely the Democrats never refused to seat the Kleagle of the West Virginia KLuKKers. Why is that do you suppose?
And yet when David Duke was elected to congress the right wing Republican controlled House of Representin refused to let him take his seat.
Valid point DBS. Wish Trump was equally assertive.
Wrong about the functional and actual reality of US politics. The passive-aggressive response is tired. But I'm glad you have that smugness to mask your esteem issues.
Yeah, yeah. For me to be wrong about anything, the current political situation would have to make a 180 degree turn. I'd argue I've been systematically right for well over a year. I predicted this clusterfuck that's been transpiring before our very eyes. Almost too painful to watch. The fact you guys love it and lap up everything Trump stands for doesn't make me wrong about anything. That simply means we have differing viewpoints and opinions. So what.
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Valid point DBS. Wish Trump was equally assertive.

Now tell the rest of the story Tibbs. Talk about the Kleagle of the West Virginia KKK that the DNC controlled Senate let serve for 30+ with not a thought to letting an actual Klansman be a Senator. Or do you think its different when the racist in question is a Neo-Socialist Fellow Traveler?
Yeah, yeah. For me to be wrong about anything, the current political situation would have to make a 180 degree turn. I'd argue I've been systematically right for well over a year. I predicted this clusterfuck that's been transpiring before our very eyes. Almost too painful to watch. The fact you guys love it and lap up everything Trump stands for doesn't make me wrong about anything. That simply means we have differing viewpoints and opinions. So what.

You are witnessing the end of the deep state. Yes, it is messy. But it is necessary.
Now tell the rest of the story Tibbs. Talk about the Kleagle of the West Virginia KKK that the DNC controlled Senate let serve for 30+ with not a thought to letting an actual Klansman be a Senator. Or do you think its different when the racist in question is a Neo-Socialist Fellow Traveler?

It never gets old...

Valid point DBS. Wish Trump was equally assertive.
He's been clear, in response to those ********, and in words and actions over the years. He will not respond to your wishes of tone or content because that does not mean ****. Your policies have decimated the very constituents that you claim to champion, and Trump is about fixing that.
since we have Tibs in here and elftard, surely Flog will be along soon.

maybe one of them will tell us how Trump IS racist.

since we have Tibs in here and elftard, surely Flog will be along soon.

maybe one of them will tell us how Trump IS racist.


Yeah....good luck with that. He just IS. I mean holy ****....have you NOT seen how Caucasian he is? It's obvious.
since we have Tibs in here and elftard, surely Flog will be along soon.

They can join their friends

Berkeley Police release mugshots of protesters

Berkeley Police released the mugshots and identification of five of the nine people arrested Thursday night protesting at the University of California, Berkeley during an appearance by conservative speaker Ben Shapiro.

Four of the five people identified were arrested for carrying a "banned weapon."

Sarah Roark, 44, of San Francisco, Michael Paul Sullivan, 29, of Hayward and Eddy Robinson, 44, of Oakland, were all arrested for carrying a banned weapon.


They can join their friends

Berkeley Police release mugshots of protesters

Berkeley Police released the mugshots and identification of five of the nine people arrested Thursday night protesting at the University of California, Berkeley during an appearance by conservative speaker Ben Shapiro.

Four of the five people identified were arrested for carrying a "banned weapon."

Sarah Roark, 44, of San Francisco, Michael Paul Sullivan, 29, of Hayward and Eddy Robinson, 44, of Oakland, were all arrested for carrying a banned weapon.


44 years old, and doing this kind of ****? ******* useless human beings.