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Liberals & the AntiFa - for the record

elfie this thread wasn't about which racist hate group is worse. It was how they are the same type of ignorant pieces of ****. hate groups whether they be liberal or conservative, they are still hate groups.

feel free to **** off now
Yeah, this guy is an Uncle Tom, a Racist, a Nationalist, believes in God, recognized it was 55 degrees last evening in NYC and doesn't believe in Global Warming/Cooling/Change, blah, blah blah.

Oh my......

Over the past 10 years (2007-2016), domestic extremists of all kinds have killed at least 372 people in the United States. Of those deaths, approximately 74% were at the hands of right-wing extremists, about 24% of the victims were killed by domestic Islamic extremists, and the remainder were killed by left-wing extremists.

And that's because your sick party promotes this:


Many Republican candidates have included themselves using firearms in their campaign ads. From left to right, top to bottom: Kay Daly, Joni Ernst, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Eric Greitens, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Will Brooke.

Your party enables, and prods these people with everything from right wing radio ,to lying about Dems. intentions on the floor of the house and senate.
Oh my......

Over the past 10 years (2007-2016), domestic extremists of all kinds have killed at least 372 people in the United States. Of those deaths, approximately 74% were at the hands of right-wing extremists, about 24% of the victims were killed by domestic Islamic extremists, and the remainder were killed by left-wing extremists.

Many Republican candidates have included themselves using firearms in their campaign ads. From left to right, top to bottom: Kay Daly, Joni Ernst, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Eric Greitens, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Will Brooke.

Your party enables, and prods these people with everything from right wing radio ,to lying about Dems. intentions on the floor of the house and senate.

You keep repeating the same bullshit I've debunked over and over, then you bring in a straw man after the *** whipping. So very classic.


Stick to the facts, rebut, or **** off.

Elfie reacting to people pointing out the bias in the "proof" he provides.
Do you know what a straw man is? And you've whipped no one son, you're just "wanking" as the Brits like to say.

Here is the link I forgot from my post above


Absolutely. Per the actual definition: an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.

You avoided my real argument, and instead switched your argument to gun ownership. Not once did you attempt to rebut any of the facts I put forward. Just the same, regurgitated statistics from Left wing sites that use abuse of statistics to narrow Left wing terrorist groups and expand Right wing terrorist groups to show one as more violent as the other.

That is indeed a straw man. We weren't discussing gun ownership. You interjected that argument.

Now back to the dog house...unless you want some more?
And Trump voters are mainstream.You enabled a racist POTUS, who in turn enables and empowers neo-Nazis(even has them serving in the white house)

What does that say about the average Trumptard?

That's quite the response..........

I thought it was funny but I'm sorry that was uncalled for on my behalf..

So you have an example from the 70s, and accounts from former employees who likely had an axe to grind, a true statement about the folks coming over the border illegally rather than by the proper channels (They may be unable to come over legally due to crimes, etc.), and more stuff related to Mexico. I'm sure that over the course of a lifetime that he has said things in the heat of the moment like we all have said at one point or another. Look hard enough and you'll find things that Mother Teresa or Ghandi have done/said that would offend. I believe that you would be hard pressed to find the perfect human being. If you don't like the guy because of his politics, that's totally understandable. I did not agree with Obama's politics but I do not think he was racist. Maybe he is but who cares.

If he is discriminatory against hiring qualified minorities for positions within the government, hangs a whites only sign in the Oval Office, or something like that then yeah I'd say you are right but I don't think classifying him as racist because you do not agree with his politics are hitting on all cylinders.

However if you think he is racist that's fine, nobody here is going to be able to sway your opinion. I do sincerely hope you do not believe that the millions of voters who voted for Trump are racist pigs. There are likely very small percentage of really bad, hateful, racist folks who voted for him, just like there were a very small percentage of really bad, hateful, racist folks who voted for Hillary. If you do believe all his voters are really bad hateful truly racist people, you must have a very hard time getting through the day with all the discrimination (real or imagined) you have to face every waking minute. I hope that one day you lose the hate that you obviously feel deep in your soul.

Out of curiosity, do you follow the Steelers or just enjoy hanging out in political forums?
Tibs, Elftard and Flogodyte see:
KKK and White Supremacists as relating to and equating to 100% of all Trump supporters.

Tibs, Elftard and Flogodyte say they denounce violent protests, unless they are violent towards the KKK and White Supremacists.

Tibs, Elftard and Flogodyte do not see that they're clamoring for violence towards ALL Trump supporters by exactly what they state and support.

Trump supporters may not have even voted for him, but see that he's the POTUS and are willing to support, albeit leery of, the POTUS.

Not ALL Trump supporters do embrace the KKK or even White Supremacist leanings. In fact, most are disgusted by it.

Most Trump supporters see that there is a left and a violente extreme left.

Not ALL Trump supporters lump all leftists into the same fringe groups that the Left lump ALL Trump supporters in.
Anti-fascist activists, or “antifa,” increasingly mobilized in the wake of President Trump’s election, are unapologetic about what they describe as the necessary use of violence to combat authoritarianism.

While both experts on the movement and activists within it emphasize that not everyone who participates in anti-fascist activism engages in violence, they say the use of force is intrinsic to their political philosophy.

“The justification [of the use of violence] is that Nazi ideology at its very core is founded on violence and on wielding power by any means,” said Mike Isaacson, one of the founders of Smash Racism D.C., an antifa organization in Washington.

From - http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/350524-antifa-activists-say-violence-is-necessary

Not fringe. Violence is core to their philosophy. This is pretty interesting logic -
Antifa activists justify their use of violence as self-defense against “the inherent danger of fascists organizing,” according to Mark Bray, a Dartmouth historian and author of a recent book on the movement.

“The argument is that it needs to be stopped immediately, because if you let it grow, that poses a danger to society,” Bray said.
So they justify violence based on what they think might happen if they let others organize. And they call themselves anti-fascists. Too funny.
I get what everyone's saying about not lumping all Trump supporters in with the Alt Right, neo Nazis, white supremacists, etc. You've made your point and I hear you.

But you also can't wish away the fact the KKK, David Duke, the Alt Right et al absolutely LOVE Trump. Ever wonder why, even for a moment?
I get what everyone's saying about not lumping all Trump supporters in with the Alt Right, neo Nazis, white supremacists, etc. You've made your point and I hear you.

But you also can't wish away the fact the KKK, David Duke, the Alt Right et al absolutely LOVE Trump. Ever wonder why, even for a moment?
No. Ever wonder why you have so many idiots on your team?
I get what everyone's saying about not lumping all Trump supporters in with the Alt Right, neo Nazis, white supremacists, etc. You've made your point and I hear you.

But you also can't wish away the fact the KKK, David Duke, the Alt Right et al absolutely LOVE Trump. Ever wonder why, even for a moment?

Boy do those cop killers, violent anarchists and minorities knocking out random white people on the subway love Democrats and loved the **** out of Obama! Ever ask yourself why??? This game is easy. I could say based on this, most Obama supporters hate white people and are racist against whites. It would be ******* stupid....but I could say it. That's how Trump voters feel about this argument.

David Duke and a bunch of hood wearing idiots mean exactly ******* zilch to me. They don't even factor in to my thought process in considering Trump. That's the CNN angle. They banged that drum hard in an effort to make white people back off voting for Trump or be labeled racist. It didn't work because that's not why 99.9999% of people voted for him. It backfired and continues to backfire because white people who aren't racists get pretty sick of being labeled racists.....for simply not being Liberal Democrats. That's where the big backlash against the media comes from....well that a a bunch of other things.
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You can lump Duke and the KKK in with the same group as AntiFA and the rest of those idiots. They are all a blight on this country. Sometimes I wonder if they are all funded by the same master.... One side simply feeds off the other and there is a continual source of revenue and a reason to keep fighting....

Reminds me of this episode: (Day of the Dove)

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I get what everyone's saying about not lumping all Trump supporters in with the Alt Right, neo Nazis, white supremacists, etc. You've made your point and I hear you.

But you also can't wish away the fact the KKK, David Duke, the Alt Right et al absolutely LOVE Trump. Ever wonder why, even for a moment?


You and the other fucktards have decided that all who disagree with are now "alt right" whatever the **** that means.

You are biased, a bigot and a racist.

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Tibs, You and the other fucktards have decided that all who disagree with are now "alt right" whatever the **** that means. You are biased, a bigot and a racist.
Confluence, if you read what I just wrote in the other thread 'The Left is ISIS' you would know that's not the case. You are basically, well, a jerk.
No. Ever wonder why you have so many idiots on your team?

Yes, I do, as far as how many idiots there are on the left. But I don't consider myself on any team, one way or another.
I get what everyone's saying about not lumping all Trump supporters in with the Alt Right, neo Nazis, white supremacists, etc. You've made your point and I hear you.

But you also can't wish away the fact the KKK, David Duke, the Alt Right et al absolutely LOVE Trump. Ever wonder why, even for a moment?

Doesn't make sense to me either since Trump's daughters, sons-in-law, and grandkids are Jewish.
Confluence, if you read what I just wrote in the other thread 'The Left is ISIS' you would know that's not the case. You are basically, well, a jerk.
Don't be a twatwaffle.
How would I know what **** you have/haven't written in another thread.
If you've apologized because you've wrongly characterised a massive group of people that you happen to disagree with as fucktarded white supremacists, great.
That should probably be a new thread.
It is great that you feel that you making your way back from the frothy fringe to the mainstream, but I truly doubt it.

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You can lump Duke and the KKK in with the same group as AntiFA and the rest of those idiots.

You could do that....but only if you want to start a firestorm of media driven public hysteria. Oh wait...already happened.
Doesn't make sense to me either since Trump's daughters, sons-in-law, and grandkids are Jewish.

The legitimate complaint against Trump is that he's cow-towed to the far right for far too long. The premise is he considers them at least a part of his base that got him elected, thus doesn't want to alienate them. A President must stand firmly against evil and bigotry, hence he is the leader of the free world and the greatest democracy on the planet. That's why his tepid response to Charlottesville, or the fact he brought the likes of Bannon, Gorka and Steven Miller into his cabinet, or his disparaging comments about racial and religious groups - Mexicans and Muslims - are all part of the jigsaw puzzle that have haunted his presidency. That's how I see it, and that's how millions of others see it.

More than anything else, I see Trump blowing in the wind, not taking a stand on anything, just sticking his finger in the air and making decisions that make sense to him in the short term. Again, Presidents should rise above and stand for something. Stand for what is right, stand for true American values. I don't think he understands that, nor is he capable of serving in this role, to be the leader of ALL Americans. But that's a moot point, as he is the President and the nation will have to endure however much longer he's in office.