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LIVE THREAD:RNC National Convention Day 1 July 18, 2016

Hannity: "This is #Brexit for America"

That Moment When Ted Cruz Doused Himself With Gasoline and Lit the Match On Stage

And TOTALLY United The Republican Party!


LMFAO - Trump knew ahead of time what he was going to say and just sat back and watched him hang himself. Trump rocks!

The level of dumbfuckery on this board rivals the sludge seeping out of the RNC in Cleveland. Several lines from Michelle Obama's speech were lifted verbatum into Melania Trump's speech. How incredibly ridiculous is that? If you're the Republican first-lady-wanna-be, plagarize and steal lines from Ayn Rand, Nancy Reagan or Sarah Palin. Melania Trump stealing lines from MICHELLE OBAMA's speech is literally the dumbest ******* thing that's ever happened. This is Trump's America where the stupidest, dumbest bullshit is applauded and revered. The country is teetering on the edge of complete collapse and it's all you dumbfuck Trump supporters that will push it over the edge.

I've sat back and figured I'll just follow along and not post anymore. I'm villified as some 'foreigner' cause I live and work abroad. Well, you guys are in this cesspool up to your necks, and you deserve everything that's coming supporting this asshat Donald Trump. You guys made your bed, you'll have to lie in it. Hillary is damaged goods, but she at least won't destroy the country as we know it.

Aaaaaannndddd....the Democratic double standards have returned. Put on the blinders, ignore one's own sins, cast stones. Brilliant Tibs, brilliant!


Sorry Liberals, Melania Trump Did NOT Plagiarize Michelle Obama’s Speech and This is Why…

The first day of the RNC was outstanding, so naturally liberals had to find something to criticize.

The accusation is that Melania Trump “plagiarized” a speech made by Michelle Obama in 2008. Well I’m sorry liberals, she did not.

Here are the comments from Michelle Obama in 2008:

And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them.

And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Melania Trump’s speech:

From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life. That your word is your bond, that you do what you say and keep your promise. That you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to or son. And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.

Did Melania use a few sentences that were similar to Michelle Obama’s speech? Sure, but that is common. ALL First Lady speeches resonate the same universal concepts.

The fact is, you can go back and look at Laura Bush’s speech, Nancy Reagan, and even Hillary when she was first lady and find the same type of comments.

In a speech Hillary Clinton gave in 2014 for the New American foundation. Hillary spoke of the same values saying,

” my mother and father gave us a middle-class life with opportunities she never could have imagined for herself but which she always believed could be possible for her children. And that was a great gift that I will be forever grateful for, and then Bill and I of course worked hard to pass on those values to our daughter.”

(In other words, passing on values to the next generation, like Michelle Obama said in 2008.)

Laura Bush said in her 2004 RNC speech,

“If you’re determined and you want to work hard, you can do anything you want to. That’s the beautiful thing about America.”

(The same concept of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008.)

Even Ann Romney’s speech hit the same notes in 2012

“Mitt will be the first to tell you that he is the most fortunate man in the world. He had two loving parents who gave him strong values and taught him the value of work.”

Hillary is actually the biggest offender when it comes to plagiarism, she plagiarized Bernie Sanders so often that the hashtag #StealTheBern was born.

Obama plagiarized Bush nearly word for word in 2014, but the liberal media didn’t seem to have a problem with that.

Every 4 years, a first lady, or potential first lady, stands on stage at their convention and talks about the same subjects: upbringing, values and family.

In fact, 90% of what we hear this week will probably be rehashed and resaid at the DNC. They’ll just spin it around to be all about race, class warfare, illegal immigrants and insulting police, of course.

Joe Biden plagiarized word for word. Bammy's plagiarized Deval Patrick and Bush nearly word for word. Moochelle plagiarized Saul Alinsky in the same speech Melania "supposedly" plagiarized.

Ooohh, where's the outrage Tibs? I bet if I look back at your posting history, I'll find scads of posts where you expressed your deep disdain for these events.

Ted Cruz Denied Entry Into Sheldon Adelson’s Suite Following RNC Speech

CLEVELAND — Texas Senator Ted Cruz was denied entry into billionaire GOP donor Sheldon Adleson’s suite following his speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night, Independent Journal Review has confirmed.

A former U.S. Senator inside the Adelson’s luxury box at the Quicken Loans arena told Independent Journal Review that Cruz approached the suite after he finished his speech

Cruz was not welcome in the suite “because he’s a piece of ****,” the Senator said.

Multiple other news outlets reported the incident. BuzzFeed and CNN reported that Cruz was denied entry, which coincided with an outburst by Washington State Republican Party chairman Susan Hutchison, who had to be physically restrained.



Lyin Ted is finished, go back to Canada

but wait...it gets even better!

Michael Moore Tells Bill Maher: "Trump Is Going to Win"

hahahahahaha...did you hear all those libs heads pop?

I did - hilarious
I thought Eric Trump, newt, and pence all had great speeches. I think Donald should take some tips from his kids on speaking...I hope Donald does not come out with the same recycled speech we have heard over and over and over...
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Originally Posted by Tibs
The level of dumbfuckery on this board rivals the sludge seeping out of the RNC in Cleveland.

You guys made your bed, you'll have to lie in it. Hillary is damaged goods, but she at least won't destroy the country as we know it.

I see Tibs can't help himself, like MSNBC, he will find some reason to spew his bullshit slant. "Won't destroy the Country" ..BWAhahahahaha

This article goes hand in hand with the Dems message,

MSNBC Warns Sensitive Viewers Before Showing Anti-Hillary Buttons

Warning, sensitive MSNBC viewers may want to look away. That’s essentially what Rachel Maddow told liberal watchers on Wednesday night before showing a picture of anti-Hillary Clinton buttons at the Republican convention. Considering the hateful rhetoric that’s come out of MSNBC for years, perhaps that viewer warning should have appeared in the past.

Look away Tibs, before you turn to stone or cry or whatever Libs do when faced with evil buttons.



I have a few friends who STILL support Cruz after last night's debacle. They say he's a man of integrity and that he stands by what he says. Yes, and Hillary Clinton is honest too.

The fact that Ted thought (thinks) he has a chance to garner votes now is laughable.
I said Ted Cruz was the lowest candidate on my ladder way back in November. The guy is a sleaze ball. And smart. And that is scary combination.

I would vote for Hillary or Bernie over that *******.

Just try to run in the 2020 primaries buddy....
Cruz is toast

“political suicide by convention.”

Slime ***** Lyin' Ted will never get elected dog-catcher after this, booed off the stage in disgrace - Trump gave him a primetime rope and he climbed the ladder - end of career, good riddance.

Trump played Cruz like the fool he is. Cruz has no future in politics. What a total ***.

P.S. Loved Laura Ingraham!
I have a few friends who STILL support Cruz after last night's debacle. They say he's a man of integrity and that he stands by what he says. Yes, and Hillary Clinton is honest too.

The fact that Ted thought (thinks) he has a chance to garner votes now is laughable.

So if it's Clinton vs. Cruz in 2020, you pledge not to support Cruz?
The guy is a sleaze ball. And smart. And that is scary combination.

How does that not define a billionaire who has twice left his wife for a younger woman and has had many lawsuits against him?
Cruz was very smart to blow up trump like that.. Its unpopular now..but if trump loses he gets the inside track on the antiestablishment vote... And if trump wins and screws up and loses to the dems in 4 years, he also gets another chance in 8 years...if trump wins and is great he was never getting another crack at it anyhow... It was a calculated risk betting that his home antiestablishment voters will support him anyhow
Super sleuth Chris Christie is dumb-founded! He just didn't see it. That's your AG.

meanwhile, Loretta Lynch is assembling legislation to incarcerate every white person within a 15-mile radius of any speaker that Melania's speech came from. She intends to charge them with hate crimes and for being victims of the Knockout Game.
I voted for Cruz in the PA primary. I felt he earned my vote because he stood up for the 2nd Amendment and against Obamacare. But I have never been an anti-Trump guy. I will gladly vote for Trump.

What I have come to realize is the Cruz would be more of the same Republican that we have had in prior elections. He would go in there and debate Hillary, and I think he would be fantastic. But he would be up over every bodies head right now, making these deep arguments. He would try to keep it civil. People aren't in the mood for that right now. They don't want civil. I don't want civil. I have ****** had it too. We all want a sledgehammer.
How does that not define a billionaire who has twice left his wife for a younger woman and has had many lawsuits against him?

Sounds a hell of a lot like some Clintons I know.
How does that not define a billionaire who has twice left his wife for a younger woman and has had many lawsuits against him?
Basically any person who has had as many business ventures as Trump, owns the property he owns, and has been as successful as he has been in business over the course of several decades will have been sued - a lot.

And do you know who has been sued vastly more often than Trump? Why, one Barack Obama ...
I thought Eric Trump, newt, and pence all had great speeches. I think Donald should take some tips from his kids on speaking...I hope Donald does not come out with the same recycled speech we have heard over and over and over...

I agree totally. Night 3 of the convention really blew away night's 1 and 2. The delegates and audience in attendance were engaged through the whole proceeding, rather than bowing out with an hour left to the night.

Newt followed by Pence was a real one-two punch. I can see why Pence was chosen as Trump's running mate.

Michelle has multiple degrees from Princeton and Harvard and was an associate Dean.
Melania is a college drop out.

Michelle is of modest appearance
Melania is attractive

Michelle married a spouse that matched her intellect, he was not wealthy at the time.
Melania married an unattractive old man for his money.

Out of respect for Spike's thread (he don't like his threads a goin' sideways), this will be my last reply on this stupid topic and your never-ending defense of your lack of knowledge of the word bimbo.

Melania speaks 5 languages. She grew up under communism in Yugoslavia. And the Left is shaking in their shoes because the comparisons to her and Jackie Kennedy have already started - beautiful, smart, engaging, charming, GREAT in front of the camera - the anti-Moochelle - someone who has multiple degrees yet appears confused and lacking education many times and makes photographers run.


1.a foolish, stupid, or inept person.
2.a man or fellow, often a disreputable or contemptible one.
3.an attractive but stupid young woman, especially one with loose morals.

or from Merriam Webster

: an attractive but stupid woman
—used as a generalized term of disapproval especially for an attractive but vacuous person​

In order to fit the world's definition of bimbo (not Troggy's modified version), Melania would have to be stupid, loose with her morals, and attractive (note nowhere does it say to be a bimbo you must **** for money).

Melania's clearly demonstrated she's quite smart, college drop out or not (Peter Jennings, Ben Affleck, Troy Aikman, Paul Allen of Microsoft and thousands of others in her ranks applaud her demonstrated intellect). Yes, she's gorgeous. Kinda reminds me of Megyn Kelly - smart, shrewd, and a knock-out.

That doesn't make Megyn a bimbo. But it makes her a lot like Melania.

Now scoot.
Sorry if this has been posted, but I found this article fascinating. Seems the person behind Melania's screwed up speech was a Democrat. Go figure! And how does Trump handle it? Again, he says "No Big Deal." Starting to love this guy.


Behind Melania Trump’s Cribbed Lines, an Ex-Ballerina Who Loved Writing

CLEVELAND — In her mid-30s and slowed by injuries, Meredith McIver, a classically trained ballerina who had danced under the limelight with Balanchine and the ensembles of Broadway musicals, decided to pursue her passion for writing.

She tried her hand at short stories and poems in the style of Dylan Thomas before finding work writing advertising copy. “She was always very, very interested in writing as an art form,” said an ex-boyfriend, Stephen Palitz.

He said Ms. McIver brought a dancer’s discipline, precision and rigor to her work. “She’s adept at crystallizing phrases and saying things in an elegant straightforward way.”

This week, Ms. McIver returned to center stage for her writing, but not in the manner she might have hoped.

“My name is Meredith McIver and I’m an in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization,” began an extraordinary statement she released Wednesday morning in which she took the blame for the disastrous plagiarism of Michelle Obama in Melania Trump’s prime-time speech Monday at the Republican National Convention.

In the statement, Ms. McIver, a 65-year-old co-author of several books with Donald J. Trump, said that as she and Ms. Trump were preparing her speech, Ms. Trump mentioned that she admired Mrs. Obama and read to Ms. McIver parts of the first lady’s 2008 speech at the Democratic convention.

Ms. McIver said she had inadvertently left portions of the Obama speech in the final draft.

“This was my mistake,” she wrote. She wrote that she had offered her resignation, but that the Trumps had rejected it. “Mr. Trump told me that people make innocent mistakes and that we learn and grow from these experiences.”

“I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama,” Ms. McIver wrote. “No harm was meant.”

But harm was of course done.

After a Twitter user discovered the plagiarism, the story of the cribbed lines hung over the convention and eclipsed the otherwise positive response to Ms. Trump’s speech.

Her husband’s warring advisers pointed fingers at one another. His family was furious. The campaign chairman said that he believed Ms. Trump wrote the speech herself, as she asserted, and that it would be “crazy” to think she would crib lines when all of America was watching.

As it turned out, Ms. Trump had torn up an early version of her address done by two professional Republican speechwriters. Instead, in a campaign that blurs the lines between family, business and politics, Ms. Trump reached out to one of the most trusted people inside Trump Tower for help.

Now Ms. McIver, a registered Democrat with no known political experience, is suddenly at the center of one of the biggest political stories in the country.
What type of bounce if any will Trump see in the polls after the convention ends? IMO, he needs one.
Melania will set a lot of records for firsts by a first lady: first to pose nude
first to plagiarize a convention speech
first to lie about her college degree

Quite the role model for the young girls of our country.

Rep. Peter King: Cruz 'more of a disgrace now than ever'

"To me, Ted Cruz showed America what he really is. He's a fraud. He's a liar. He's self-centered. He disqualified himself from ever being considered for president of the United States," King told NBC News on the floor immediately after Cruz left the stage.

"He took a pledge to support the nominee. Today the Ted Cruz that I've known — he cannot be trusted and he's not a true Republican. He's not a true conservative. I never saw as much outrage on the floor as I did tonight," King added.



Cruz's Speech 'Was the Longest Suicide Note in US Political History'

Charles Krauthammer said that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) "blew it" at the Republican National Convention with his address in which he did not endorse Donald Trump.

"What Cruz delivered was the longest suicide note in American political history and this morning he added an addendum"

"As of this morning, I think he's destroyed his political career right there," said Krauthammer



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Your next Vice President
