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Matt Gaetz & GOP hypocrisy

Seems Trump wants nothing to do with him.

Well actually, looks like disgraced former guy did decide to speak out on sleazebag Gaetz.

This is a great read, a clear-eyed account of the downward spiral the GOP has succumbed to since embracing MAGA.

In the days since it's been revealed that Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., is currently under investigation for sex trafficking of a minor, it seemed like most Republicans were throwing him under the bus. As Politico reported, even though Gaetz was among the most loyal and outspoken Donald Trump supporters on Capitol Hill, "neither Trump nor anyone in the ex-president's orbit is rushing to Gaetz's defense." Trump insiders appear to have gone out of their way to humiliate Gaetz further, leaking reports to the New York Times about Gaetz begging Trump for a pre-emptive pardon in Trump's last days in office. Gaetz's Republican colleagues were crawling all over each other to tell embarrassing or damning stories about him, from the time he reportedly showed them nude photos of women on the House floor to his fight against efforts to ban "revenge porn" in Florida. As an analysis from Media Matters shows, Fox News, which used to never get enough of Gaetz, has barely mentioned the congressman in recent days. Even professional troll Jacob Wohl has turned on Gaetz.

But then, like a devil rising up to collect his dues from Faustus, Trump decided to go ahead and personally defend Gaetz. In a statement released on Wednesday, Trump denied that Gaetz had asked him for a pardon, adding: "he has totally denied the accusations against him."

The entire scandal represents the larger conundrum for Republicans, one that isn't going away just because Trump is no longer president. Politicians like Gaetz, and like Trump before him, hold the promise of broadening the GOP base to pick up a lot of voters that more traditional conservative politics, especially the kind peddled by the religious right, weren't appealing to. But while dirtbags like Gaetz and Trump hold a special appeal to previously ungettable voters, their very presence invites scandal.

As I noted in last week's newsletter, Trump and his "grab 'em by the *****" aesthetic clearly had a secularized appeal to creeps and pigs — with the Proud Boys being a shining example — who find the religious right's approach to politicized sexism too constraining. Trump may have done his time letting evangelical ministers pray over him or holding a Bible like he was afraid it would bite him, but no one was fooled. On the contrary, understanding that Trump didn't really believe all that crap was a big part of the Trump's appeal, which brought him an eye-popping 15 million more voters in 2020 than Mitt Romney got in 2012.

The religious right that was once a backbone of the party's voting base is shrinking by the day, as older religious conservatives die and fail to be replaced by younger people, who are turning away from religion. By appealing to America's trolls and creeps — the people who Hillary Clinton famously, and accurately, described as a "basket of deplorables" — Trump held the promise of expanding the base, converting people who were often otherwise uninterested in electoral politics into Republican voters. And, as unpopular as he was among his colleagues, Gaetz held a similar promise of a GOP that was less dependent on a shrinking religious right by shoring up its appeal with dirtbags.

Until recently, it was reasonable — savvy, even — to imagine Gaetz had a good shot at making himself into the face of the Republican Party post-Trump. Gaetz seemed like just the man to pick up a specific strain of Trump voters, those who were open to a racist, misogynist message, but had no interest in the traditional showy religiosity of the GOP. Gaetz brought a Rush Limbaugh-esque "triggering the liberals" justification to his antics, replacing the traditional feigned piety of Republicans with a trollish delight in being the worst. And it was working for Gaetz, who was a rising star on Fox News, averaging a whopping 87 minutes a month of airtime on the network.

The problem with pandering to dirtbags, it turns out, is that they are, well, dirtbags. The qualities that made Gaetz so appealing as a Fox News figurehead are the qualities that also led to this scandal. Misogyny dressed up as religious conviction is a drag, but when misogyny is just men gleefully asserting their right to treat women however they like without consequence, terms like "sex trafficking," "revenge porn," and "sex with minors" are rarely far behind. And yes, the religious right has those problems, as well, but the trappings of faith make it easier to ditch the men — like Jerry Falwell Jr. — who get caught up in scandal, while still claiming, however falsely, to have the moral high ground.

No doubt many of the more traditional Republicans were excited throwing Gaetz out with the trash. There's a reason the religious right — as smarmy, hypocritcal, and dishonest as they are — survived for so many decades as the backbone of the Republican Party. Claiming to act out of "faith", no matter how much you're lying, puts a moralistic veneer on the deeply immoral beliefs that actually drive conservatives. Gaetz — like Trump — threatens to topple the whole enterprise by exposing how sleazy and opportunistic 21st American conservatism actually is.

Unfortunately for them, by coming out to defend Gaetz, Trump just made life way harder for the religious right.

With Trump out of the picture, there was a fighting chance that evangelical leaders could reclaim the GOP, and go right back to selling themselves as a party of "faith" and "family values," instead of a bunch of power-hungry hypocrites who happily throw in with shamelessly hedonistic unbelievers like Trump clearly is. Getting rid of Gaetz could have been the first step in the restoration of the old power structures of the Republican Party. But Trump is popular with Republican voters and nearly every Republican leader still clearly feels the need to kiss the ring. By defending Gaetz, Trump made it clear that Republicans aren't going to be able to just walk away and pretend this whole appealing-to-dirtbags thing never happened. Instead, he's tying the deplorables around their neck like an albatross and making it clear they can't go forward without them.
Hmmm? So now if you voted for Trump and you are not stereotyped as an "older religious conservative" ....

you are now stereotyped and considered "trolls or creeps"....and definitely part of Hillary's "deplorables basket"....

not only that we are open to "racist and misogynists" messages...

I believe the deplorable is whoever penned this garbage and the rag which published it!

And people wonder why there are many good hard working, patriotic Americans who feel disenfranchised and angry about how the media, politicians on the progressive left, and their constituents speak and feel about them...and I am not a member of the republican party, so my opinion is not rooted in MAGA or far right conservatism..

Its garbage like this that is destroying this country.
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And people wonder why there are many good hard working, patriotic Americans who feel disenfranchised and angry about how the media, politicians on the progressive left, and their constituents speak and feel about them...
At this point it seems to me 'good, hard working, patriotic Americans' would begin to take a long, hard look where the MAGA/right wing of the Republican party has gotten them. Even as they maintain their negative views of the media and the progressive left. These things aren't mutually exclusive.
I'm just curious why no actual evidence of any wrongdoing has been leaked. He's under investigation, he's asked for a pardon...but no details? No accusers?

As I said he belongs in jail if any of it's true but the leftist media sure is putting a lot of eggs in this basket. They're going to look like idiots if it's all fake news.
An article from Salon? That was one of their nicer articles. There may not be a more biased “news” source out there.
An article from Salon? That was one of their nicer articles. There may not be a more biased “news” source out there.

I don't know Sarge. Oddly enough, I really enjoy their articles. Sure, they don't pull punches, but the articles are cross-referenced with embedded links so you can dig deeper into stuff as you wish. I appreciate how they cut to the chase and call a spade a spade.

It also matches up quite accurately with what we see play out on this board from the MAGA base. You can call that real-time, corroborating evidence which substantiates the views expressed by Salon.

Such as this most recent article.

Individuals join cults because they are seeking meaning in their lives. Many people who join cults are also lonely or emotionally damaged and want some sense of family and larger community. The cult leader sees his or her followers as extensions of their ego and an opportunity to accrue personal, financial and often sexual power. In nearly all cases, cult leader and followers are tied together in a knot of collective narcissism.

Donald Trump is a political cult leader who commands tens of millions of followers. After he finally, reluctantly accepted defeat in the 2020 presidential election and retreated to plot his next steps from his Mar-a-Lago hideout, the cult members are leaderless — at least for now.

How are they reacting to these events? Many, of course, are angry and remain trapped in collective delusion. New research suggests that some of them are experiencing despair or feeling "despondent."

A new report from Democracy Corps, a polling and research firm led by longtime Democratic strategists James Carville and Stan Greenberg, offers some insights learned from focus groups with Trump followers.

As Alternet reports, "diehard Trump voters were bitterly disappointed that he lost the election, and Democracy Corps' focus groups found that they are in a state of total despair."

Democracy Corps explained that these disillusioned Trumpists "felt powerless" in the wake of electoral defeat, and believed that the Republican Party "failed to act with the same determination and unity as the Democrats. They believed Democrats were smarter, rigged the election, had a plan to grow their support, and stuck to their guns — unlike the fickle Republican leaders who gave up on Trump."

That is of course misguided on a world-historical scale, but not entirely surprising. Nor is it surprising that racism and white supremacy play a key role in how Trumpists feel about their place in America society and politics:

Democracy Corps found that "the Trump loyalists and Trump-aligned were angry, but also despondent, feeling powerless and uncertain they will become more involved in politics…. The Trump loyalists and the Trump-aligned are animated about government taking away their freedom and a cancel culture that leaves no place for White Americans and the fear they're losing 'their' country to non-Whites."

Democracy Corps also found that "Trump loyalists and the Trump-aligned" were "angered most of all by Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa" and believe those movements "were responsible for a full year of violence in Democratic cities that put White people on the defensive — and was ignored by the media."

Before Democrats and other Americans who oppose the Trump cult and the Jim Crow Republican Party celebrate their downfall, they should take a lesson from the landmark 1956 book "When Prophecy Fails," which showed that "true believers" within a cult movement will simply adjust their beliefs when faced with disappointment. Through that process, cognitive dissonance is resolved in order to justify the original predictions as somehow still being true. Such predictions could be about the arrival of alien spacecraft or the end of the world — or about how Trump's battle with the "deep state" now continues in a different form, and he and his movement will be victorious on some future date, after being "betrayed" on Election Day 2020.

When viewed through such a lens the support of Trump's followers for their Great Leader appears to be much more enduring and deeply felt than many would like to believe.

The New York Times has reported that Trump's campaign effectively stole tens of millions of dollars from his own donors through a deceptive scheme that led Trump supporters to unknowingly authorize repeated bank withdrawals and credit card charges. Even after being blatantly defrauded, many Trump followers remain loyal, like Ron Wilson, a man interviewed by the Times:

Mr. Wilson, an 87-year-old retiree in Illinois, made a series of small contributions last fall that he thought would add up to about $200; by December, federal records show, WinRed and Mr. Trump's committees had withdrawn more than 70 separate donations from Mr. Wilson worth roughly $2,300.
"Predatory!" Mr. Wilson said of WinRed. Like multiple other donors interviewed, though, he held Mr. Trump himself blameless, telling The Times, "I'm 100 percent loyal to Donald Trump."

Trump's white evangelical Christian followers also remain staunchly loyal to him, despite (if not because) of his unrepentant and chronic sinfulness, which leads some to regard him as a prophetic figure. As new research from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) shows, white evangelical fealty to Trump is at its core driven by a commitment to Christian nationalism, racism and a desire to overthrow secular multicultural society.

Republicans and other Trump followers have convinced themselves, or been programmed by the right-wing disinformation machine to believe that the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and coup attempt was either nonviolent, did not happen at all or was a provocation staged by antifa or Black Lives Matter activists. Other polls and research show that a large percentage of Republicans generally support the events of Jan. 6 and believe political violence may be necessary to protect "traditional America" — understood as white supremacy.

Donald Trump himself may be out of power — and whether he is capable of mounting a political comeback is unclear. But his followers are not going anywhere. They have had a taste of what is possible when a fascist movement takes power and validates their pain and emptiness — and their desire to hurt those people they deem to be "un-American."

Much to the consternation of Americans who believe in the Constitution, the rule of law and multiracial secular democracy, the Republican Party and its allies are not going to change the minds of Trump's followers, or otherwise abandon them.

Why should they? Trump himself remains remarkably popular among Republican voters — more popular than the party itself. His voters still largely believe that the 2020 election was stolen by the Democrats. The right-wing terrorist insurgency inspired and encouraged by the Trump movement shows no signs of going away.

Trump may have been defeated, in other words, but Trumpism has not. That neofascist movement has many tens of millions of followers, waiting for a new strongman to emerge. When that happens — and there should be no doubt it will — will Democrats and their voters be prepared for the long hard fight to save American democracy?
At this point it seems to me 'good, hard working, patriotic Americans' would begin to take a long, hard look where the MAGA/right wing of the Republican party has gotten them. Even as they maintain their negative views of the media and the progressive left. These things aren't mutually exclusive.
Oh, but they are.
Democracy Corps explained that these disillusioned Trumpists "felt powerless" in the wake of electoral defeat, and believed that the Republican Party "failed to act with the same determination and unity as the Democrats. They believed Democrats were smarter, rigged the election, had a plan to grow their support, and stuck to their guns — unlike the fickle Republican leaders who gave up on Trump."
I guess so, if you're attracted to demagogues.
More like anti-globalists who are tired of seeing Americans trampled on and discarded in the name of progressive agendas that only enrich the elite. We know Trump is an *******, an arrogant and narcissistic millionaire playboy who is used to getting everything he wants. No question. We don't worship the man, we instead rally around him as our collective voice. Finally, someone stood up for Americans and stopped putting others first. We had a champion in President Trump.

If he would have began balancing the checkbook, he'd have been the greatest President to ever sit in the oval office in my mind.
I guess so, if you're attracted to demagogues.

Definition of demagogue

(Entry 1 of 2)
1: a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power
2: a leader championing the cause of the common people in ancient times

that's ******* rich. coming from you, its even richer. and more ironic. and absurd. and hypocritical. and the list goes on and on and on.
If he would have began balancing the checkbook, he'd have been the greatest President to ever sit in the oval office in my mind.
Might have happened if he had support from his own party his first two years. Part of the problem is that at least half the Republicans in D.C. are what I call Democrat Lite.
I'm just curious why no actual evidence of any wrongdoing has been leaked. He's under investigation, he's asked for a pardon...but no details? No accusers?

As I said he belongs in jail if any of it's true but the leftist media sure is putting a lot of eggs in this basket. They're going to look like idiots if it's all fake news.

OFTB, you mean the moronic bleating sheep SHOULD look like idiots for fulminating and propagating a blatant lie, but the unfortunate truth is they won't. They'll just move on to their next bullshit story.

Two years, RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA! All of it panting lies by the lying liars.
  • Donald Jr. knew about the (D)imbo e-mail release before it happened because plotting! [False. Dumbshit (D)ims can't read a calendar]
  • Michael Flynn worked with Russians to spread disinformation! [Totally false. Never even charged for anything remotely like that]
  • George Popadoupolis worked with Russian agents, never an asset for the CIA!! [False and false]
  • Spying on Trump supported by legitimate court orders/warrants! [False. Court would never have issued warrants if told the truth]
  • Donald Jr. met with a Russian agent to spread disinformation! [False. Never happened]
  • Trump colluded with Russia to change the election results! [False. Made up. James Clapper, “I never saw any direct evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.”]
  • Trump colluded with Russia to change the election results! [False. Entirely made up. Right-wingers Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, and Samantha Power declared under oath they’d seen no evidence of collusion or conspiracy]
  • Mueller's investigation showed Deutsche Bank records evidencing Russian payoffs!! Ahhhh!!! [False. Never existed. Phony]
  • The Steele dossier had nothing to do with the FISA warrants! Credible evidence supported the warrants! [False. Steele dossier was the key "evidence" behind the warrants, where Steele later stated under oath in a British court he could not verify a single fact in the extortion allegations]
  • The allegations in the Steele dossier confirmed! [False. Not a single allegation, literally not one, has ever been corroborated. Instead, the two or three factual allegations that could be investigated, e.g., Trump's lawyer flew to Prague in the summer of 2016 to meet with Kremlin official, proven false]
  • Buzzfeed reports that Mueller ready to indict Trump for perjury! [False. Buzzfeed forced to issue retraction]
  • CNN reports that Cohen told Mueller that Trump knew about meeting between Donald Jr. and Russian model in NY! [False. Cohen lawyer says it is a lie, CNN retracts story]
  • Photo of Trump meeting shows Russian spy! [False. The woman in the photo was staffer Cari Lutkins. Media forced to retract once again]
Lie after lie after lie after lie. Number of indictments having a single thing to do with Russia or collusion or disinformation: Zero.

Number of retractions for blatantly, provably false claims: Dozens.

And the media got away with it 100%. To say that corporate media is a corrupt, diseased, lying shill would be a disservice to corrupt, diseased, lying shills.
I'm just curious why no actual evidence of any wrongdoing has been leaked. He's under investigation, he's asked for a pardon...but no details? No accusers?

“I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.” — Fritz Scheller, attorney for Joel Greenberg, associate of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Greenberg is expected to take a plea deal with federal prosecutors in his own criminal case.

Until last year, Joel Greenberg was an ascendant political player in Seminole County, Fla., where he unseated a longtime incumbent in the race for county tax collector, won a political battle to allow his deputies to carry guns on the job and flaunted his connections to prominent Republicans with close ties to then-President Donald Trump, including Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Roger Stone.

But last June his reputation fell apart in spectacular fashion when federal investigators arrested him on stalking and child sex trafficking charges, prompting his resignation.
On Tuesday, the case against Greenberg, 36, gained national prominence after the New York Times reported that it had also sparked a separate criminal investigation into allegations that Gaetz had a sexual relationship with a teenage girl.
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It's all legal theater at this point. I'll wait to hear the facts and read the evidence before I take a position on it.
and if not political theater, why isn't Hunter being investigated for all that above and more?

oh, silly me. we all know why.
Still waiting to see what is what. Anonymous sources and no facts should never lead to calls to resign.

For **** sake, a dozen women, most who have identified themselves, say Killer Cuomo sexually harassed and/or assaulted them, provided verifiable details, and Adam Kinzinger is as quiet as a mouse fart.
And the plot thickens.

#BREAKING: The House Ethics Committee has opened an investigation of Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Among the accusations listed in the House Ethics Committee regarding Rep. Matt Gaetz is sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, sharing nude images on the House floor, misusing identification records, campaign funds for personal use, accepting bribes, improper gratuity and gifts.

Another smear campaign by the criminal Dems and their media lapdogs. They have had a lot of practice lately.