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May, June plot

What happened to the May and June plot? Isn't it like August now?

Good question and something for all of us to be concerned about. The US and Chinese governments have apparently been trying to assassinate Katsung for over 20 years - and he (or she or it) is still alive. How incompetent are the US and Chinese Government intelligence and security agencies that one person can evade them for so long:redface2:?
What happened to the May and June plot? Isn't it like August now?

What happened to the May and June plot? Isn't it like August now?

If you followed the thread, you could see it was signaled with the job loss of the former FBI Chief Comey. It's just like the GOP's Healthcare, failed to go through in Senate once and again. But they will go on.

974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house. I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at. He left hurriedly after I asking him why there was no notice in advance. I called p.G.& E that night. The operator confirmed there was a meter change that day but she didn't know why. Billing is normal. I allege that was an operation of the Feds. They could have installed some device in that new meter which may cause leaking to their control. Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologise for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking.

Re: 958. Create a gas explosion (4/28/2017)

Started from April 20, for nearly a week, PG&E had a commercial broadcast in TV channel KTSF26. In the commercial, PG&E apologized for the gas explosion in San Bruno six years ago. What made PG&E to remind public of a tragedy six years ago? Since the Feds have a tradition to intimidate people openly in media and the strong vibration of the ground I have felt nearly a month until now, I think the Feds may have plotted a gas leaking explosion by acoustic weapon. Four weeks ago, I wrote "954. Damage water pipe? (4/1/2017)", thought the use of acoustic weapon was to damage the water pipe, the PG&E's commercial proves they have other purpose.

Beware of a gas explosion in North San Jose near Milpitas.

About San Bruno gas explosion. I talked about it four years ago:

770. Drill in “Boston bombing?and “Texas explosion?(5/7/2013)


There is a Pacific Gas and electricity terminal near Milpitas Library. I am impressed by the huge pipes on the ground which is several blocks away from the library. I passed by that site sometimes when I go to Wal-Mart after leaving the library. It reminds me of the massive natural gas explosion that killed eight people and destroyed an entire neighborhood in San Bruno, CA, on Sept. 9, 2010. I think The Texas fertilizer plant explosion was created to justify an Utility gas explosion in Bay Area for a murder purpose.

As for TV commercial intimidation, see "815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)"
I think I have a new favorite poster.
You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice.
If you followed the thread, you could see it was signaled with the job loss of the former FBI Chief Comey. It's just like the GOP's Healthcare, failed to go through in Senate once and again. But they will go on.

974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)

On 8/3, a P.G.& E engineer truck drove in my lane. A worker changed the gas meter of my house. I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at. He left hurriedly after I asking him why there was no notice in advance. I called p.G.& E that night. The operator confirmed there was a meter change that day but she didn't know why. Billing is normal. I allege that was an operation of the Feds. They could have installed some device in that new meter which may cause leaking to their control. Three months ago P.G.& E had a commercial in TV Chinese channel to apologise for deaths caused by gas leaking explosion six years ago. Now they are in action. It can be an explosion murder or an unreasonable search in the name of gas leaking.

Okay, I think Katsung has gone over the cliff to the point he is copying my stuff.
975. How to justify a gas leaking plot (8/15/2017)

On 8/3, P.G.& E. changed gas meter without any reason. I allege it was an operation of the Feds for a "gas leaking plot". (see #974)

On 8/6, In TV news, I learned a news:

Mother, Child Injured After Tree Branch Falls on Picnic
A mother and her 2-year-old child were injured when a tree branch fell onto a company picnic held at Menlo College.

Aug. 7, 2017


I noticed this news because I have alleged the Feds had created such incident by acoustic weapon(resonance). see "922. Cover up operation for Acoustic weapon (9/8/2016)"

Next afternoon (8/7), my neighbor drove in lane. Came with him there were several children. They were toddlers, similar to child of that news. I was then aware of that news was made for me. As I have said that the Feds moved residents away from community. What left are agents and informants. I have never seen these toddlers before. It's a tool of their operation.

The news and the scene next day meant "your neighbor have children, move your tree for their safety". I have tree in front yard. It's private land however.

Then another news in TV revealed their true purpose.


In honor of National Safe Digging Day on Friday, August 11, Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is asking all Californians to help prevent damage to gas pipelines and other underground utilities. With a free call to 811 or submission on 811express.com at least two working days ahead of any digging projects, homeowners, renters and contractors can ensure their outdoor project is safe to start.


The tree is near that gas meter. If I move the tree and dig the ground, it will give the Feds an excuse that the work caused the damage of underground gas pipeline. That's how the Feds to justify a gas leaking plot.
975. How to justify a gas leaking plot (8/15/2017)

On 8/3, P.G.& E. changed gas meter without any reason. I allege it was an operation of the Feds for a "gas leaking plot". (see #974)

On 8/6, In TV news, I learned a news:

I noticed this news because I have alleged the Feds had created such incident by acoustic weapon(resonance). see "922. Cover up operation for Acoustic weapon (9/8/2016)"

Next afternoon (8/7), my neighbor drove in lane. Came with him there were several children. They were toddlers, similar to child of that news. I was then aware of that news was made for me. As I have said that the Feds moved residents away from community. What left are agents and informants. I have never seen these toddlers before. It's a tool of their operation.

The news and the scene next day meant "your neighbor have children, move your tree for their safety". I have tree in front yard. It's private land however.

Then another news in TV revealed their true purpose.

The tree is near that gas meter. If I move the tree and dig the ground, it will give the Feds an excuse that the work caused the damage of underground gas pipeline. That's how the Feds to justify a gas leaking plot.

To Repeat myself from before, Wat da ***?
I've been let down the last few times I opened this thread. NOT TODAY.

Beautifully written katsang and I agree with you completely. Remember to stay vigilant and please keep it coming!
Three weeks from Wednesday the great horned owls will be coming home to roost. The awakening will occur at 15:23, at which time we all experience simultaneous groin pulls. The preferred meal of choice shall consist of rumaki, black bean soup and tequila. During the Hunters Moon all of our possessions will be seized by congress and stored in the empty silos of Montana. Carpet, Friday, allen wrench hydrogen peroxide.
To Repeat myself from before, Wat da ***?

Did you do same thing to Trump's "Health care" revolution?


976. Sessions and garage door (8/21/2017)

In 2005, my rolling up garage door was broken up by the car my daughter drove. The Homeowners Association warned to fix it right away. I noticed the Feds drove the contractors from the market away so their men could take over the work for an unreasonable search and arrest. 12 years ago, I wrote,

300. Garage door (3/27/05)

On 3/18, Mercury News reported: "Unlicensed contractors get stung". 59 unlicensed builders were nabbed in an undercover sting operation. Those nabbed by the ruse were given criminal citations that could land them in jail for a maximum of six months, or they could be ordered to pay a $1,000 fine."

That's amazing similar to the event taken place in July 2003. When Feds tried to force me to have a roof contract with them, they created a roofing worker's death to intimidate other uninsured roofers out of the market. So the undercover contractor could get the deal. (see "145. SARS, a big issue(7/20/03)"

To avoid an unreasonable search, I repaired the garage door. It's more then ten years now, the repaired garage door had worn out and had to be replaced. In late May, the Homeowner Association mailed me a notice that there would be a meeting. I knew that was to justify an inspection. The target was the garage door.

In mid June, my wife gave me a weekly magazine - "USCITYPOST"(June 17, 2017) In its "Business Classified", I found four advertisement of "Garage door" contractors. In newspaper commercial, "Garage door" is a rare. That four ads obviously were prepared for me. To avoid being framed by the Feds, I had to do it by myself. I thought of the original one piece garage door which I hadn't abandoned.

The Homeowners Association's meeting date was set on 7/26. I had to replace the garage door at that time. In mid July, I dug out the old one piece door. What surprised me was next day President Trump told media he was going to fire Sessions.

Can Trump fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions? Yes, but it would be unprecedented
Maureen Groppe and Jessica Estepa, USA TODAY July 20, 2017

In an interview with the New York Times, the president on Wednesday slammed Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia investigation, believing that this action led to the appointment of a special counsel.


Trump is unqualified to be president. His victory was out of the support of the Feds.(FBI) Now I believe his main task is to eliminate me - Kat Sung. When they thought it was a certain, they didn't expect I dug out an old door. So Trump was so angry. They quickly plan new plots in rogue's way.

On Aug. 3, a "Fed Express" cart roared into the lane, not for delivery, but turned around to drive out.
Then came the PG&E engineer pick up to replace the gas meter of my house.

I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission.
Can you explain the garage door thing again?

That seems so important....
I allege the Feds have planted drug or contaminated the garage with drug. They try to damage the garage door so they can access garage by disguising the contractors to have an unreasonable search and arrest. If that works, it makes plant easy and civil right severely eroded.

977. The end of August plot (8/27/2017)

On 8/22, PG&E man came again and replaced the gas meter of my neighborhood. I think it was a cover up job to my allegation in #974 "I saw him checked my neighborhood but my house was the only one he had worked at." Apparently they tried to make the replacement of my gas meter on Aug.3 not so prominent. That later work on my neighbor still doesn't explain why I was the only one had my gas meter replaced on Aug. 3 and other activities done by PG&E in August. (see #975)

On 8/26, the August plot ended. (because new plot developed?)

In framed case, the Feds used to prepare big events to distract public's attention. The distraction for August plot were:

1. Hurricane Harvey.
The storm made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on Friday. By Aug. 26, it had weakened to a Category 1 storm.

2. Racial riot from Charlottesville.
"Berkeley’s far-right rally ‘called off,’ but residents still plan counter-actions
By Natalie Orenstein Aug. 26, 2017,"
"Leader of Right-Wing Group Cancels Planned San Francisco Rally
by PHIL HELSEL AUG 25 2017,"
If the Feds carry out the framed case, I think big riots would have happened all over the country. Charlottesville event and Hurricane Harvey were propagandized so much by media but now suddenly fade away.
978. The September plot (8/27/2017)

The Feds end the August plot, to continue it with September plot. My wife is arranged a trip to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9.

A week ago, my wife said she wanted to find a suit case in garage for trip. My wife rarely go to garage. She always buys a new case and left the used one in garage. It's unusual that she wants old one. I helped her. When we reached the bottom and she still couldn't find the case she wanted, I realize it was something didn't exist. She was doing a search job for the Feds - that's why the Feds tried to damage the garage door for an unreasonable search. I left her alone.

Next day, I saw her taking a case away. I thought it was to the Feds for examination. I think something will take place in early September. It's easy to plant when someone is in trip or to create an accident when victim is in travel.

A framed case will happen on September 2.

979. September 2nd is action date (8/31/2017)

Why the Feds abandoned the planed "Hurricane Harvey" and "Charlottesville racial riot"? Because they focus on murdering Kat Sung.

In murder case, They used to perform action on Friday. Jail won't release detainer on bail in week- ends. So the Feds have two days(Saturday and Sunday) to do the killing. I have no income, I have no available working phone. If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death.

What will be big event used to distract public's attention? I think it is a war in Korea Peninsula.

US bans travel to North Korea beginning September 1, says Americans should leave
Thomson Reuters
YEGANEH TORBATI Aug 3rd 2017 6:01AM


Same day on Aug.3rd, there was a "Fed Ex" cart roaring into my lane, then came a PG&E pick up to replace the gas meter of my house. That assures me the Feds decide to carry out unreasonable search and arrest by damaging my garage door or perform a "gas leaking" trick. See "974. Prepare for a gas leaking (8/9/2017)" From the timing, the war plan was accordance to harassing show off in my lane. Also be noticed that the N.Korea travel ban(9/1) is a day before my wife's Canada travel(9/2).

Since 8/28, several times I was awakened by strong ground vibration around 3 a.m.to 4 a.m. It's accoustic weapon. The Feds seems try to damage the under ground gas pipe with resonance wave.

See the tactic the Feds to murder in prison:

815. TV commercial intimidation (2/8/2014)



Watch how did they torture that fish to produce this commercial.


900. Murder in jail (4/2/2016)

How would they murder Kat Sung? Find an excuse to arrest him then killing him in the jail. They performed this action 6 months ago.

3 Santa Clara County jail deputies charged in mentally ill inmate's death

Veronica Rocha 9/8/2015

Three Santa Clara County sheriff’s jail deputies were charged Tuesday in the slaying of a mentally ill inmate.

"Michael Tyree was not protected by those correctional officers who were supposed to protect him," Santa Clara County Dist. Atty. Jeff Rosen said. "Instead, they killed him and we have now charged them with murder."


I live in San Jose. If I were arrested, Santa Clara county jail will be the place to detain me. The sheriffs obviously were hinted that the target the feds wanted to kill was a psycho. Michael Tyree, unfortunately was a mentally ill inmate, was mistakened as the target and became the victim.

I used to be tarnished as insane by the cyberspace team agents. The following quote of a reply from fourpart Currently may well indicate my foresight and their elimination skill.

FourPart Currently 05-04-2015
Senior Member

The murder target is Kat Hak Sung who is a witness of the crime committed by the Feds. It's incredible but it's true. It will expand your view sight when you read all the story.
Hainan Island incident

Are we really to believe that the lunatic ravings from another forum, most likely posted by the same lunatic that linked to it in the first place really has any trace of evidence of such things.

Last edited:
Holy ****, this is an acid trip. This must be an acid trip.
Katsung is like one of those bogus fortunetellers. Throw enough **** out, and at some point one may come close to being true.
Holy ****, this is an acid trip. This must be an acid trip.

Uhhh, you realize that Katsung is basically 100% parroting some of the **** from the left regarding Trump not being qualified, Trump not really winning the election, Trump a plant, or what-the-****-ever?

If you noticed in #979, I warned there could be a "war in Korea Peninsula" to distract a framed case "9/2 to 9/9". On 9/3, N.Korea detonated a hydrogen bomb. If Trump reacts with "fire and fury" he promised, then my predict would have become true.

980. Korea war crisis used as distract (9/6/2017)

On 8/1, Christopher Wray was confirmed as new FBI director. The had to fill that post because in September plot, they had a secret deal with N. Korea. Someone has to take the responsibility.

On 8/3, a PG&E man came to replace gas metor of my house. A "Fed Ex" cart roared into my lane to show off Feds' new plot - create a gas leaking case or damage the garage door.

On 8/3, US announced to ban citizen to travel to North Korea beginning September 1,
Thomson Reuters Aug 3rd 2017

8/12 My wife said she was going to travel Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. I thought the Feds had set up a framed case at that travel to carry out a search and arrest.

8/27, N.Korea fired missiles over Japan. It reminded me of Sept. 1st travel ban. I made a search, found it was announced on Aug.3. The day the Feds showing off with attempt of gas attack and garage door damaging tactic. I thus realize the Feds using Korea war to cover up the murder case on me.

9/1, US bans US citizen travel to N. Korea.

9/2, my wife left for Canada. I warned it might be action day and followed by war on Korea.

9/3, N. Korea exploded a hydrogen bomb. N. Korea did their job to the secret deal but Trump did nothing to react. Because the main target - Kat Sung, is still alive.

9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?

9/9, the day my wife returns from Canada. A framed case could happen. The Feds still have an option to distract - bombing N. Korea. Korea war crisis is their core to cover up a domestic framed case.

There is other big event to distract: hurricane Irma.
