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May, June plot

Katsung is like one of those bogus fortunetellers. Throw enough **** out, and at some point one may come close to being true.

I want to see katsung47 and Elfie go at it.
981. Attempt to murder my wife (9/12/2017)

I have warned Korea war crisis would be created to cover up the framed case of 9/2. N.Korea did detonate a nuke bomb on 9/3. If US reacted with "fire and fury" Trump had promised, my predict would have become true. The procedure was so closely carried out. Only the Feds failed to frame me in any framed case. Then the Feds immediately designed another murder case - to kill my wife.

The Feds used to influence public opinion by TV commercial. on 9/6 and 9/7, an organization had an ad on KTSF26(Chinese) to remind people of "Lupus erythematosus". It was so shortlived(2 days) that I never saw it after 9/7. What I remember of that ad was some people having a parade with banners written "Lupus ..."I even couldn't finish reading the whole banner because the banner was upright, the English was so rare seen. I was confused the first letter was "I" or "L". I knew it was "lupus erythematosus" only by audio Chinese aside.

Decades ago when I was a in HongKong, I knew an acquaintance of my parents - Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang was a rich widow. She lived with a close friend - Ms. C. Mrs. Wang had a quick death - died of Lupus erythematosus. Although people knew she had such a disease, nobody expected she'd have a sudden death. The gossip in their social circle was: how much did Ms. C got from Wang's wealth.

In US, when I knew G-man and realized he is a double agent, I also knew Ms.C is G-man's sister. I also found the Feds are money looters. That made Mrs. Wang's death a throughly different story to me. Lupus erythemotosus could be a killing tool of the intelligence.

I don't think the short lived commercial of Lupus Erythematosus is a coincidence. The disease is incurable and victims mostly are women. In #979. I wrote," If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death." The words might touch off the killing motive. If my wife doesn't exist, that's more convenient for them to do a murder case.
981. Attempt to murder my wife (9/12/2017)

I have warned Korea war crisis would be created to cover up the framed case of 9/2. N.Korea did detonate a nuke bomb on 9/3. If US reacted with "fire and fury" Trump had promised, my predict would have become true. The procedure was so closely carried out. Only the Feds failed to frame me in any framed case. Then the Feds immediately designed another murder case - to kill my wife.

The Feds used to influence public opinion by TV commercial. on 9/6 and 9/7, an organization had an ad on KTSF26(Chinese) to remind people of "Lupus erythematosus". It was so shortlived(2 days) that I never saw it after 9/7. What I remember of that ad was some people having a parade with banners written "Lupus ..."I even couldn't finish reading the whole banner because the banner was upright, the English was so rare seen. I was confused the first letter was "I" or "L". I knew it was "lupus erythematosus" only by audio Chinese aside.

Decades ago when I was a in HongKong, I knew an acquaintance of my parents - Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang was a rich widow. She lived with a close friend - Ms. C. Mrs. Wang had a quick death - died of Lupus erythematosus. Although people knew she had such a disease, nobody expected she'd have a sudden death. The gossip in their social circle was: how much did Ms. C got from Wang's wealth.

In US, when I knew G-man and realized he is a double agent, I also knew Ms.C is G-man's sister. I also found the Feds are money looters. That made Mrs. Wang's death a throughly different story to me. Lupus erythemotosus could be a killing tool of the intelligence.

I don't think the short lived commercial of Lupus Erythematosus is a coincidence. The disease is incurable and victims mostly are women. In #979. I wrote," If I were arrested when my wife was absent, nobody would have known that I was in prison. This time my wife travels to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. The Feds could have seven days to do a "suicide" death." The words might touch off the killing motive. If my wife doesn't exist, that's more convenient for them to do a murder case.

you could get a puppy from the pound as a companion. areal cute one. rescue dogs are the best. I think they know they you saved them from death.
982. Revive the original tactic (9/18/2017)

My wife traveled to Canada from 9/2 to 9/9. I thought it was a time range designed for a framed case. During that period, the Feds manipulated weather to create many big events.
9/2 to 9/4, Unprecedented heat sizzling San Jose area.
9/8, an 8.1 earthquake shook Mexico.
9/9, Hurricane Irma landed Florida, followed by hurricane Jose.
All these disasters could have developed more severe if the framed case going through.

Then two events indicate they revived the old tactic:

1. On 9/14,
Five quakes shake San Jose, epicenters near Alum Rock park
Mark Gomez September 14, 2017


I think the Feds are going to create a gas leaking case justified by earthquake.

2. On 9/15, a man came to pick up the minivan my wife donated. The minivan parked at the front of garage for nearly seven months after my wife having a new car. When they planed to damage the garage door, a parked car would cause trouble for action car.

Quote from #976: "I think they have two plans: 1. To create a gas leaking. 2. To damage newly installed garage door to force a replacement. I believe so because two days later, a US Mail cart rushed into the lane too. Both cars rushed in with high speed that caused large noise. That was not the way to move in small lane. As for why changed a mail car later? The "Fed Express" cart is too big and long, not easy to aim the target in a lane. The mail car is smaller and easy to carry out the impact mission."

Now there's open space for the car to impact the garage door.
The natural shogun drew his sword. He was sure the single edge had jelly on near Seoul. Two notes passed between the shore and Barry's broken sandbox. They had to count each toothpick in every case by hand. The bowl had it's cut ,but the shape was still with 18 sides and filled with the epicenter of depleted meteoric core chips sanded,but populated. How tense could this really get? Could they really pull with that amount of force without detection? Just a fable they said. Oh it's real. Very real. We have him trapped now. In any moment it will be as if you had never been. The steel is blue and the temper rings true.
983.Earthquake, hurricane and defense budget (9/25/2017)

The Feds (D.O.D. and D.O.J.) activate their high tech. weather alt. machine (HAARP?)for this September plot. We saw so many unprecedented hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, Maria appeared in a month. Also we saw so many big earthquakes in Mexico in September.

The hurricanes were used to distract the September plot. The earthquakes are used to justify a planed gas leaking plot.

2017-09-23 Oaxaca 6.1 Mw VII 5 7
2017-09-19 Mexico City, Morelos, Puebla 7.1 Mw VIII 310 4,683
2017-09-07 Chiapas, Oaxaca 8.1 Mw

2017-09-14 five small earthquakes in San Jose.

I think the 9/19 Mexico City quake was a swift response to my allegation of #982. To cover up the artificial quake as a natural one.

It would take a lot of money to carry on such a big operation.Then I noticed the new Pentagon budget.

"Senate approves $700 billion defense policy bill
Associated Press September 18, 2017"

They give more than requested. It's for that special September operation? or for a coming Korea war? or for both? Watch the publish time of these two news.

Overview of the FY 2018 Defense Budget Request
August 3, 2017 | Katherine Blakeley

The Trump administration’s first President’s Budget (PB) requests a total of $667.6 billion in discretionary national defense funding for FY 2018, including $639.1 billion for the Department of Defense (DoD). The administration requested $603 billion in base discretionary funding for national defense, an additional $64.6 billion for overseas contingency operations, and $9.7 billion in mandatory spending for a total of $677.1 billion in funding for national defense, known as budget function 050.


The approved budget is more than Trump administration requested in August.

The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time. It costs billions of dollars.
Last edited:
I for one appreciate you letting us know .I don't find it strange at alt that you are telling all of this stuff on a Steeler message board. this is how big **** like this always goes down
Stardate, 2622. Today it rained. It was odd as it usually doesn't rain on mondays. It was also wet. Not a normal wet, but really wet. Like water. Strange. Must be poison.
Katsung, why in the world are you sharing this top-secret sensitive information on a public message board that the Feds are watching?
His posts are even better if you read them out loud in a James T. Kirk type of voice

If you record and listen to them backwards, the messages reveal some universal metaphysical secrets.
Not that reason has any impact on Katsung...but why wouldn't Katsung just have his gas line removed and switch to solar power? ��
Katsung, why in the world are you sharing this top-secret sensitive information on a public message board that the Feds are watching?

If you ruin this, and Katsung doesn't post again I'm going to punch you right in the dick! This is pure gold right here. :uglyhammer:
If you ruin this, and Katsung doesn't post again I'm going to punch you right in the dick! This is pure gold right here. :uglyhammer:

You actually read it?
Who has that time to throw away?
You actually read it?
Who has that time to throw away?

I'm bed ridden with an inner ear virus, vertigo hell. So this is keeping me fairly sane.
983.Earthquake, hurricane and defense budget (9/25/2017)

The Feds (D.O.D. and D.O.J.) activate their high tech. weather alt. machine (HAARP?)for this September plot. We saw so many unprecedented hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Jose, Maria appeared in a month. Also we saw so many big earthquakes in Mexico in September.

The hurricanes were used to distract the September plot. The earthquakes are used to justify a planed gas leaking plot.

2017-09-23 Oaxaca 6.1 Mw VII 5 7
2017-09-19 Mexico City, Morelos, Puebla 7.1 Mw VIII 310 4,683
2017-09-07 Chiapas, Oaxaca 8.1 Mw

2017-09-14 five small earthquakes in San Jose.

I think the 9/19 Mexico City quake was a swift response to my allegation of #982. To cover up the artificial quake as a natural one.

It would take a lot of money to carry on such a big operation.Then I noticed the new Pentagon budget.

They give more than requested. It's for that special September operation? or for a coming Korea war? or for both? Watch the publish time of these two news.

The approved budget is more than Trump administration requested in August.

The framed case is going on. My wife said she'll go another trip to Europe from 10/2 to 10/18. So something will happen at that time. It costs billions of dollars.

But the sentry was deployed way ahead to triangulate the proper inverted cipher cauldron. In pulls everything and leaves nothing. No trace. 12-58,59,92,95,88,20. The 5th door on the 277th level =1134. It was found in the 18th pyramid on the edge of the 42 stone. Only the most gifted who give glory know what's coming. You can't even begin to imagine. The cats sung but they can't really sing the song as it's written. Look for the sign on the new moon 12 days before the birth.
But the sentry was deployed way ahead to triangulate the proper inverted cipher cauldron. In pulls everything and leaves nothing. No trace. 12-58,59,92,95,88,20. The 5th door on the 277th level =1134. It was found in the 18th pyramid on the edge of the 42 stone. Only the most gifted who give glory know what's coming. You can't even begin to imagine. The cats sung but they can't really sing the song as it's written. Look for the sign on the new moon 12 days before the birth.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Steeler Nation mobile app
Katsung, why in the world are you sharing this top-secret sensitive information on a public message board that the Feds are watching?

Just to remind people what a true face this country is.

984. Trick to plant drug trace on victims (9/30/2017)

In #979, I predicted 9/2 would be action day of the framed case (my wife started her Canada travel) and thereafter there would be a Korea war crisis to distract. Kim Jong-un did detonate a hydrogen bomb to the order, but there was no action on me. What happened?

I think the Feds planed to arrest me on 9/2. The excuse of arrest was "found drug trace on my body".

How could they do that? I found in this way.

8/12, my wife said she would have a tour to Canada. Next day was Sunday, someone dropped a San Jose Mercury News (local newspaper) at my door. Then for consecutive four weeks I received five Mercury News Sunday edition. That was from 8/13 to 9/10. My wife's travel period was from 9/2 to 9/9.

I was a subscriber of San Jose Mercury News. I cancelled the subscription decades ago due to financial reason. I did pick up the first free Sunday paper to read. Then I thought of the harsh situation I am in. I didn't touch the free paper thereafter.

Then there came an unusual heat wave. Here is quote from #980:

"9/1 - 9/4 Unprecedented heat over San Jose area.

September 2, 2017

California’s history-making heat wave set new all-time records for the second day in a row.
I have no air condition in my house. You can imagine in three digit temperature. What's there purpose, i don't know. To force the window open wide so leaked gas can get in? Or let hitter easy in when the door open wide?"

I think the purpose was to push me taking bath so they could collect drug trace from the sewage water they collected. The drug trace might be from polluted news paper or some other sources they deliberately planted.

I hadn't taken bath in these sweating days.

Now they hurriedly organized another long trip for my wife, 10/2 to 10/18, 16 days. What will take place? If the Feds can arrest people in this way, it's too easy to plant and frame innocent people.

Pictures of free Sunday papers at the door.



112. How they plant (2) (2003)

About that time in 2001, a lady suddenly called my wife to shopping in super market. Among the "harvest", I found my wife bought 8 bottles of vinegar. Vinegar is a popular sauce for cooking. But what she bought was a western style we rarely used. We used to use vinegar made in China. My wife argued that because it was on sale, "buy one get one free" and because the other lady bought a lot too. So she followed her. She forgot the lesson how she was guided to cash the check. Now the same act played again. I was sensitive because I felt the pressure then they were framing case against me. I knew from paper that vinegar is a material to produce drug. And that lady had ever shopping with my wife. That was the only one as I know. Now after one year most of these vinegar are still there unused.
Eddies pool hall called and said he wants his eight balls back. They can't complete the games. They use the ice crystals from weapons grade peanuts. Those folks at planters know but they dry roast until they can fit into the cryo cans for spinning. And you thought Anthrax was just a rock band with a name who could make you sick if you snorted the cover. They wrap them in salted chips and push them out of the car at 89 miles an hour. Crazy stuff. Ben knew his chariot had warped spokes. Just round with bending light to create illusions of pure rounds circles. Those crop circles used to face east and west.