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Member of Congress and Aide shot this morning

It was Ark that alluded to violent rhetoric but no actual violence by the right.

You can only be intentionally obtuse. I can type slower, I guess.

1. All us white supremacists roaming the states concealed carry automatic assault ak47''s listening to nugent, rush, Glenn and Sean telling us how much we hate the negros and their president ando how much we hate that brown guy''s gubmint.

2. No shots at The Big O, Democrat congressmen etc.

3. Actual riots and social medIA being used by groups like antifa to organize only against non-leftists.
4. Lefty shoots up GOP baseball practice, apparently with hit list of the most conservative. .
You can only be intentionally obtuse. I can type slower, I guess.

1. All us white supremacists roaming the states concealed carry automatic assault ak47''s listening to nugent, rush, Glenn and Sean telling us how much we hate the negros and their president ando how much we hate that brown guy''s gubmint.

2. No shots at The Big O, Democrat congressmen etc.

3. Actual riots and social medIA being used by groups like antifa to organize only against non-leftists.
4. Lefty shoots up GOP baseball practice, apparently with hit list of the most conservative. .

This is what Trog and the rest are missing. He's trying to argue that there is "some" hate speech from the Right. I've asked he and Tibs and others to post "calls for violence" from say Fox or Breitbart or others. They come up with individuals who allude to violence. Fine, I posted a list of individuals a mile longer. They are trying to make an equivalence between Ted Nugent calling for violence and CNN or Huffington Post doing so. Apple, orange.

There are substantive differences as you refer to.

These factors make what is going on on the Left real and dangerous:
1. Platform - some of the major outlets are preaching violence semi-regularly now. It's going to a national audience - including to the fringe elements like our would-be assassin.
2. Volume - the calls for violence from the Left are increasing in volume - both by individuals and by their media outlets.
3. Action - there are those that are following the preaching - BLM, AntiFa, college students, the driver running the congressman off the road, the countless individual assaults, and now Hodgkinson.
4. Apologists - when these acts happen, they are either justified or apologists cover for them, including the media (i.e., Wolf Blitzer - Hodgkinson was not an evil man)

There is a developing causal relationship. As I said pages ago, Trog would spend pages defending (even if indirectly) Hodgkinson's actions. And he has. He, Tibs et al. We witness this every time there's a terrorist act, a BLM incident, an AntiFa rally - they rationalize and justify the behavior somehow.

Now, one of his arguments is that we are somehow dismissing violent rhetoric from the other end. We all know it is there. But see the 4 points listed above. It's not being disseminated through a platform, with volume. There's no action by anyone on the right, and there isn't an army of apologists out there justifying or mitigating any of the action when it happens.

Apple, orange.

He's also missing the basic differences between the Left and the Right. We're not picking up weapons attempting assassinations; we're not attacking our political opponents. They are. They are acting, we are not. The comparison - there's hate speech on the Right and on the Left - fails miserably.
  • Take BLM killing police officers (I mean, really, look how easily they gloss this over, like a page 9 story in their newspapers - "oh, another cop shot. Well, off to work"). You hear no outrage from the Left, just justifications, apologies, or arguments about how "we don't understand black culture."
  • There's a rising tide of violence we see weekly, sometimes daily, coming from the Left.
  • They cannot produce a list of weekly violent acts by Conservatives, because it doesn't exist.
  • They can't produce a would-be assassin, because there hasn't been one.
  • They can't list riots driven by Conservatives that led to looting, hospitalizations, or felonies because we've started no post-election riots, no Fergusons, no Baltimores.
  • They can't point to Conservatives at universities and their students violently shutting down would-be Liberal speakers, because it isn't happening.
  • They can't point to a billionaire on the Right who is hiring mercenaries like Soros, because it isn't happening.
  • They can provide a few names, a few instances, where famous people on the Right have alluded to violence. Yet Conservatives can produce hundreds, hell maybe thousands of calls for violence from their Hollywood elites, newspaper editorials, journalists, politicians, and media outlets imploring their followers to violence against Conservatives.

Their argument of equivalence fails. It amounts to "well this one or three people made hate speech" so the Right is just like the Left. Nope, not when you consider the 4 points above. It's not even in the realm of being comparative.
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Even the ******* idiot white supremecist, who are apparently all over the place, and not one shot fired at a black president. Shooting at congressmen by a leftist, though. ...I get it now. I guess.

Lotta people jumping over the White House wall and an aerial attack by the Postal Service Air Corps though.
Oh, Tim... What say you?

I thought this radicalism was exclusive to the left?

And Indy, die a thousand deaths, coward.

Ooooh, Troglotard going into tough guy mode! LMAO. It doesn't work for you.

And there is nothing radical about self preservation. You deranged leftist nuts who are committing all of this violence and spouting constant violent rhetoric will lose if there's a civil war. No doubt about it. You little tantrum throwers would be toast.
Steve Scalise conscious, spoke with wife on Saturday

WASHINGTON — Three days after he was shot in the hip by a high-velocity rifle, U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise has regained consciousness and is able to talk softly, having spoken with his wife Saturday morning, according to two sources close to the congressman's family.

Medical staff also have removed a tube that had been inserted into Scalise's abdomen to prevent fluid from going into his lungs while he was sedated, said the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment on the congressman's medical status.

Scalise's staff did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment Saturday. A spokesperson for MedStar Washington Hospital Center also could not be reached.

The update comes just one day after a doctor told reporters here that Scalise is not only expected to walk again but "hopefully run" some time after he is released from the hospital.

Dr. Jack Sava, the director of trauma at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, said Scalise's prognosis had improved considerably over the past few days, adding the congressman had faced an "imminent risk of death" after he was shot Wednesday in Alexandria, Va.

"I feel a lot more confident and a lot more optimistic than I did two or three days ago," Sava said. The doctor added, however, that Scalise will certainly be in the hospital for a considerable period of time, presumably weeks."



Time to name a ship after him, cheer him up
I'm glad he's going to make it.

Really scary how close this came to first assassination of a sitting congressman since 1978 (not counting the guy shot down in a plane by the Russians).
I'm glad he's going to make it.

Really scary how close this came to first assassination of a sitting congressman since 1978 (not counting the guy shot down in a plane by the Russians).
Every normal person is glad he is going to make it. Not sure why it would be more scary if he died.
It is entertaining to watch the left pronounce self defense as violence. Not so much in this horrific event but I've seen it more and more that the mouthpieces for the left are questioning law abiding citizens right to defend themselves. It's too dangerous, it'll be used against you, just wait for the police (ha), leave it to the professionals and so many other illogical prepositions. Why in the hell would I embrace any of those idiotic reasons to not defend myself?
I guess 73% of us live in Fantasy Land

From Liberal CBS News.


Poll: Americans say U.S. political debate is increasingly uncivil

Three-quarters of Americans feel the current tone of politics and debate is encouraging violence among some people; Democrats are especially likely to say so. About a third of Americans consider the recent shooting of a Congressman and others a terrorist attack.

Whoops, more fantasy land stuff. Another Liberal site inciting Liberals to use violence against Conservatives.

FBI: Virginia Gunman Visited Bernie Sanders' Office Prior to Shooting

The FBI released new information Wednesday on the lone gunman who critically injured a congressman when he opened fire at a GOP baseball game last week, saying the suspect had visited the office of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and had exchanged emails with two senators from Illinois prior to the shooting.

The FBI also said the shooter had been in contact with the offices of democratic senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.



BERNIE ******* LIED!

They knew him!

******* Bernie hired a Jack Ruby!

Democrat collusion!


The FBI should raid all their Dem offices and confiscate all computers, phone logs, and recordings of each phone call. Time to play hardball with these terrorist supporters.
What? Are you kidding me? Another member of the violent Left advocates assassinating Trump? Another Hollywood elite with worldwide exposure and a microphone? This can't be true, Tibs says this is Fantasy Land stuff.


Johnny Depp talks about assassinating Trump

At an appearance in England on Thursday, actor Johnny Depp joked about assassinating President Trump.

Depp was at a drive-in movie theater in Glastonbury, where he introduced his 2004 film The Libertine, when he began talking about the president, according to The Guardian.

“I think he needs help and there are a lot of wonderful dark, dark places he could go,” Depp said.

Depp, noting his comments would “be in the press,” began discussing prior assassinations of presidents.

“When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?” he asked, referencing John Wilkes Booth assassinating President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

“I want to clarify, I am not an actor. I lie for a living,” Depp said. “However, it has been a while and maybe it is time.”

Depp’s comments come a week after the politically-motivated shooting of Louisiana Rep. Steve Scalise.


Nah, this type of stuff, published world wide, has NO effect on nut job Liberals being told every day to take violence to their political opponents.
I watched that clip of Depp. He sounded stoned off his ***. It was a horrible thing to say.
Wait, what?

FBI Calls Scalise Shooting 'Spontaneous,' Gunman 'Had No Target In Mind'

Totally baffling. This Associated Press write-up of yesterday's FBI press conference makes clear that everyone involved agrees that deceased shooter James Hodgkinson detested Republicans with a fiery passion, yet investigators seem unwilling to call his attack premeditated or specifically targeted -- nor will they comment on his motive at this point. Why? Am I missing something here? This is what they're telling us right now:

The gunman who shot a top House Republican and four other people on a Virginia baseball field didn’t have any concrete plans to inflict violence on the Republicans he loathed, FBI officials.

They said he acted alone and had no connections to terror groups. But they said they had not yet clarified who, if anyone, he planned to target, or why, beyond his animus toward President Donald Trump and the Republicans he felt were ruining the country...“At this point in the investigation, it appears more spontaneous,” Slater said.

Hodgkinson had a piece of paper with the names of six members of Congress written on it, Slater said, but the note lacked any further context and there was no evidence from his computer, phone or other belongings that indicated he planned to target those officials...He also took pictures of the baseball field where he would later fire more than 60 shots. “The FBI does not believe that these photographs represented surveillance of intended targets,” the FBI said in a statement.


Jane Kleeb, the state’s party chairwoman, insisted the language heard on the recording has no place among Democratic leadership in Nebraska, and reportedly fired Montag as a result. She went on to decry over-the-top “political rhetoric … from both the far right and the far left.”

Uhhh, sure. "Both sides are crazy."

Except that is ******* NOT ******* TRUE. Why doesn't she cite the riots, and beatings, and assaults after the 2008 and 2012 elections? Yah, nothing to cite. Or how about the numerous statements, depictions, etc. by celebrities or public figures of murdering our President in 2008 or 2012? Yep, nothing again.

I am not going to allow this "oh, both sides do it" equivalence argument to continue. The violent, virulent, illegal, increasingly dangerous crazy **** is 100% leftist right now. That is a fact.

Anybody who disagrees ... please post a video or gif of mask-wearing conservatives rioting, looting, stealing, etc. in 2008 or 2012.

Go ahead. I'll wait.
I am not going to allow this "oh, both sides do it" equivalence argument to continue. The violent, virulent, illegal, increasingly dangerous crazy **** is 100% leftist right now. That is a fact.

Anybody who disagrees ... please post a video or gif of mask-wearing conservatives rioting, looting, stealing, etc. in 2008 or 2012.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

Good luck. Tibs has already explained to us all in previous pages, that we are crazy to claim the Left is violent and the Right is not. He's made the equivalency arguments - the Right is no different than the Left. It is fantasy land thinking - his words.

I made the arguments you made, asking where the riots were in 08 and 12....where were our Fergusons or Baltimores...what is our BLM that assassinates cops...Where are our universities that we torch and destroy in the name of destroying free speech...and where are our celebrities and news media that continually called for or depicted the assassination of Obama?

Utter, roaring and deafening crickets.
Good luck. Tibs has already explained to us all in previous pages, that we are crazy to claim the Left is violent and the Right is not. He's made the equivalency arguments - the Right is no different than the Left. It is fantasy land thinking - his words.

I made the arguments you made, asking where the riots were in 08 and 12....where were our Fergusons or Baltimores...what is our BLM that assassinates cops...Where are our universities that we torch and destroy in the name of destroying free speech...and where are our celebrities and news media that continually called for or depicted the assassination of Obama?

Utter, roaring and deafening crickets.

As I recall, the violence in the streets that occurred while Bomma was President was from people who didn't think He was Leftist enough.
Wait. A Liberal shot the congressman? Where the **** did they get a gun? They're liberal??

Oh, they're mentally challenged. That's how they got their gun...

Polarizing the american populis to the point of violence is the worst thing I have seen in this country. Stop the cycle people. Stop the hate...