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Member of Congress and Aide shot this morning

Wait. A Liberal shot the congressman? Where the **** did they get a gun? They're liberal??

Oh, they're mentally challenged. That's how they got their gun...

Polarizing the american populis to the point of violence is the worst thing I have seen in this country. Stop the cycle people. Stop the hate...

Each election cycle gets worse. This isn't going to change. One group wants free everything they feel they're entitled to and the other group works for what they have.
Just want to make sure we have clarity who is calling for violence and for civil war in America.

Just want to make sure we have clarity who is calling for violence and for civil war in America.

The clarity on which side is calling for violence was long ago established. You don't win this battle Tibs. You can point to an example, here, there. We can point to nearly daily examples from HuffPo, D Congressmen, CNN...and now Bernie Sanders' assassins.

Stop while you're ahead.
Let's get something straight. We understand that the freedom to own and carry weapons comes with greater access to weapons generally. We are good with that. The fundamental right of citizens is not mitigated by any bad acts by criminals.
Wait a damned minute! Tibs said the Left isn't calling for violence against the right. He said the mainstream networks weren't doing so. He said the would-be assassin in Alexandria was a lone wolf nut job.

There's another one? Another Liberal (thank God stopped) with a list of Republicans he wanted to kill?

FANTASY LAND...this all must be fake news.


Online Threat Suspect Rattles Off Republican Names During Courtroom Outburst

A man accused of threatening to kill a Florida lawmaker in an online posting ranted about Republicans during a courtroom hearing to evaluate his mental health.

Steve St. Felix said he was sorry about his Facebook post and did not mean to harm Florida Rep. Jose Felix Diaz, but was fed up with the Republican party.

Days earlier, the 34-year-old St. Felix allegedly posted a message on Facebook to Diaz saying, “I’ll kill your [expletive] and you better not show up to the next REC meeting.”

In court for a mental health evaluation on Thursday, St. Felix waved and smiled for the camera before unleashing an outburst.

“Marco Rubio! Nelson Diaz! Manny Diaz! Manny Diaz Junior! Carlos Gimenez,” he rattled off before being escorted out of the courtroom.

He even threatened a cameraman.

“Torturing my son, man! Get him outta here,” he continued in a stream of emotion. “Alright cameraman, alright! Marco Rubio, West Miami, right? That’s right, baby!”

The tirade followed into the hallway with St. Felix shouting about his “two sons” and “Marco Rubio.”
Dana Loesch ... hit with something other than the "closed fist of truth."

Also, the clip that Indy posted is very informative. The left bleats that Loesch is calling for violence, in a commercial showing just a few of the dozens - hundreds - of acts of intimidation, interference, burning, and violence by the left, and saying that when the left engages in such behavior, the police have to intervene and then the left tries to proclaim itself as victim?

So that is a "call for violence"?

And - get this - a BLM advocate complains that the commercial is racist or violent or something, he can't figure out what? Repeat, a BLM activist???

Is this supposed to be a joke? If so, it's not funny. If not, it's moronic.
so telling members of your organization to be aware of political protesting turned violent and protect yourself and your loved ones is a call to arms and racist?


What is Antifa and why should you care if they show up in Gettysburg this weekend?


By John L. Micek


Rumors are swirling that the controversial leftist group Antifa may crash this weekend's 154th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in Gettysburg.

As PennLive's Barbara Miller reports, U.S. Parks Service officials are bracing for a weekend of protests coinciding with the anniversary of the historic battle. The Sons of Confederate Veterans and a group called Real 3% Risen have received permits for 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday in a special section north of Meade's Headquarters.

A battlefield spokeswoman told The Philadelphia Inquirer that Parks Service police, the Pennsylvania State Police and local law enforcement to keep the peace this weekend.

The black-clad and masked Antifa protesters, whose name is an abbreviation for "anti-fascist" are best known to Harrisburg residents for their recent appearance at an anti-Sharia Law rally on the steps of the state Capitol on June 10.

According to published reports, local Antifa protesters are asking members to bring Confederate flags to the battlefield and burn them. According to one social media posting, Antifa protesters may also desecrate Confederate graves.

The rumors have found their way to conservative media, including the widely read Breitbart.com, which warned readers:

"Should members of the 'Antifa' movement carry out their plan to desecrate the graves of soldiers who fell at Gettysburg, they will join the Taliban, ISIS, and Turkish Islamists who have launched a campaign to destroy historic sites and desecrate graves of their enemies," Breitbart's Warner Todd Huston wrote.

Here's what you need to know about this group - and why you should care if they show up at the battle anniversary this weekend.

WHO THEY ARE: In short, Antifa dedicates itself to fighting fascism (as the name suggests).

Speaking to AOL News, a group member said Antifa's "main focus is on groups and individuals which endorse, or work directly in alliance with, white supremacists and white separatists. We try to be very clear and precise with how we use these terms."

As The National Review reports, "Antifa are not a new phenomenon; they surfaced during the Occupy movement, and during the anti-globalization protests of the late 1990s and early 2000s. Antifa movements began in early-20th-century Europe, when fascism was a concrete and urgent concern, and they remain active on the Continent."

As AOL News also reports, the group sprung to the front of the public consciousness during President Donald Trump's inauguration back in January.

There, "alleged Antifa devotee punched white nationalist Richard Spencer while he was being interviewed on camera. Video of the assault was quickly memed into oblivion."

The group also showed up during May Day protests in New York and Paris. The group violently clashed with Trump supporters during an event in New York City's Union Square, prompting police to set up a line between the two camps.

ARE THEY VIOLENT?: Yep. As noted above, they're not shy about breaking stuff and shoving people if they believe it meets their ends.

The group defended its tactics, telling AOL News that it's an appropriate response to the Trump administration's "unprecedented levels of surveillance, incarceration, deportations, and police brutality and murders against the US Public."

A member of the New York chapter, founded in 2010, told AOL:

"Yet a couple punches, some pepper-spray, a broken window, and a flaming barricade is what concerns the liberals and Democrats. Resistance is not always safe and pretty, but it is immaculate compared to our monstrous government."

The group set fires and demonstrated at the University of California at Berkeley to keep conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking (Spoiler: It worked).

ARE THEY DEMOCRATS: Nope. While some critics on the right are quick to lump them in with Bernie Sanders' supporters and backers of Hillary Clinton, Antifa protesters are more appropriately described as anarchists.

ARE THEY A HATE GROUP: Antifa doesn't show up in a map search of hate groups tracked by the Southern Poverty Law Center. But there is a Change.org petition asking the White House to declare them a terrorist group.

WHY SHOULD YOU CARE IF THEY SHOW UP IN GETTYSBURG: Given the group's propensity for violence, its confrontational tactics, and their rumored plans to desecrate Confederate graves and to burn rebel flags, things could get nasty fast.
It's not Facism if you put ANTI in front of it.
I must go on. Tibs told me, hell he edumacated me, on how this notion of violence is all fantasy land stuff. Yet, every day I see this **** increasing....from Left-leaning MSM networks calling for violence to assassination attempts.

Yet the evidence just doesn't add up....we ARE seeing an increase in violence that is coming from the Left...


Threats against lawmakers already higher than all of 2016

The U.S. Capitol Police has investigated close to 1,000 threats directed at lawmakers in the first half of this year, a top House official said in a letter made public Friday.

Paul Irving, the House sergeant at arms, stated that the Capitol Police looked into about 950 threatening messages aimed at members of the House “because of their profile as elected representatives or members of Congress.”

That’s already more than the approximately 902 threatening messages investigated by the Capitol Police in all of 2016.

The increased number “constitutes the new daily threat environment faced by Member of Congress,” Irving wrote in a letter dated June 21 to Federal Election Commission Chairman Steven Walther.
Irving provided the statistics as part of a request that the FEC issue guidance that would allow lawmakers to use campaign funds to pay for security systems in their homes.

The FEC has issued a handful of rulings on a case-by-case basis allowing members of Congress to use campaign money for home security, such as for former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was shot in the head at a constituent event in 2011.

But House leaders have been reviewing how to give lawmakers more resources for their personal security in the wake of a shooting at the GOP baseball practice earlier this month.

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) presented the idea to lawmakers last week that the FEC could issue a blanket guidance allowing lawmakers to use campaign funds for their personal security measures.

Irving's letter formally made the request.

“It is my position that Members of the U.S. House of Representatives require a residential security system due to the threat environment,” Irving wrote.

A gunman shot four people, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), a staffer for Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas), a Tyson Food lobbyist and a member of Scalise’s Capitol Police security detail, at the baseball practice.

Scalise came close to death and is still recovering at MedStar Washington Hospital Center.

Earlier this week, the House passed a measure granting lawmakers an additional $25,000 for their annual office budgets to spend for security while conducting official business.

The taxpayer funds could be used to secure lawmakers’ district offices or public events. Members cannot use them to secure their personal residences.

A number of lawmakers have gotten death threats this year, including Reps. Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) and Tom Garrett (R-Va.), from people angry about the GOP’s healthcare bill and President Trump.

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, also received lynching threats after he called for Trump's impeachment.
As expected, zero response from Tim to Spike's call for violence. It's always a one-way street with you guys. Hypocrites the whole lot of you, but Tim takes the cake.
As expected, zero response from Tim to Spike's call for violence. It's always a one-way street with you guys. Hypocrites the whole lot of you, but Tim takes the cake.

You are now utterly desperate. I don't answer to you and I'll choose what I want to answer. I avoid stepping into loaded and diversionary discussions, which is what your conversation about Spike's post was. You read Spike's post one way, I another.

You are worried about Spike's supposed "call to violence", a lone man, a military veteran, a single poster on this board.

Yet you show ZERO outrage at CNN and HuffPo asking a nation of Americans to commit violence. You show ZERO outrage toward Democratic elected officials encouraging their constituents to commit violence against Conservatives. You are apathetic and indifferent to BLM assassinations of the police, AntiFa violent riots at universities and gatherings across the country. You don't denounce citizens using their cars to run Conservative politicians off the road.

Your selective outrage and operational double standards have been exposed on this board numerous times.

Now you expect me - hell anyone here - to live up to a code of morals you refuse, yourself, to live by?

That takes the cake. You are a typical low-life liberal who expects his political opponents to take the high road, while you take the low road.

As long as you defend, excuse, and/or show apathy to the examples listed above, you have no right to ask anyone to be outraged over anyone's call to violence. That redefines hypocrisy. Don't ask others to live by a different standard that you yourself refuse to comply with.
The violence in the face of the defeat of their agenda reeks of a child's temper tantrum. Grow up, pull up your pants and try to be a productive member of society. Or, be a violent loser and hopefully go to jail. Or, just be a cry baby SJW wbo thinks they're better and smarter than everyone else.
antifa is a bunch of little ******* hiding behind masks so their mommies don't spank them when they get home...
antifa is a bunch of little ******* hiding behind masks so their mommies don't spank them when they get home...

Yes ... and no.

Here's an interview with that Mom. She's awesome.
The Left excoriated her for doing that. We called her mother of the year. There were countless Left wing outlets saying that was terrible parenting.

Then again, the Left's always been out of touch.
The Left excoriated her for doing that. We called her mother of the year. There were countless Left wing outlets saying that was terrible parenting.

Then again, the Left's always been out of touch.

Everyone knows it's always better to let your kids run wild in the streets, throwing bricks through windows and having no Supervision. Look how great it's working out in Chicago and Detroit.