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Menendez indicted for accepting valuables in return for political favors


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
No, I did not misspell "Biden." New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, one of the most corrupt individuals ever to stain Washington, D.C. (and that is saying A LOT), has been indicted on bribery charges after it was learned his wife, who was close to bankruptcy and had her home foreclosed in 2020, somehow sold about $400,000 in gold bars in 2018 and 2019.

How did Mrs. Menendez get $400,000 in gold bars at the same time she could not afford her mortgage? Why it turns out she founded a ****** LLC that ran out of her home at the same time three businessmen - one of whom gave her the gold bars just because, you know - benefited from very lucrative contracts in Egypt. Senator Menendez was on the foreign affairs committee at the time, but that is pure coincidence.

One out of 536 corrupt politicians indicted for corruption

Word is that Menendez plans on changing his name to "Hunter Biden" and get off with a slap on the wrist.

**** Washington, D.C. and every slimy grifter in that whorehouse.
He is dirty. Very dirty. This is only a small piece of his corruption. He will get off. Garland will decide not to prosecute. Yay democrats.
This nation is toast.

What would ever give you that idea?..haha. Ok, so maybe the entire federal government needs pretty much fired. Every single agency gone over,reduced or dissolved.
The Constitution is still good. It needs a few Ammendments to insure this doesn't happen again.

That is our United States, not these clowns perverting everything it was never intended to be.

It wasn't supposed to be this behemoth tyrannical overlord sucking down every last dime while putting the country into debt so large it will never recover from it. And that will continue to grow.

How does one fix something that has gone completely off the rails?
How does one fix something that has gone completely off the rails?

As DBS and Sarge have been saying for several years now - burn it down. Problem is the people who are sick of the corruption and lies are not willing to do what is necessary. To be fair, that would include me.
All I can do is vote. Doesn't do much.
All I can do is vote. Doesn't do much.

Yep, and yep. Voting is now a corrupt joke. Tens of thousands of ballots mailed out to people who no longer liver there, to people not entitled to vote, to dead people, ballot harvesting, paid vote-gatherers. It's a sham now.
I looked in the Democrat handbook. Vote= sham. Page 47.