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Football takes a back seat to someone’s life at this moment.
How can someone even think about standings, seeding when you see your brother drop and potentially looking at death?

This league talks about player safety etc. Well here’s Rogers time to actually put his money where his mouth is

I get that and they likely will cancel. I hate on Goodell as much as anybody but I don't think in this case it's fair to criticize the delay in cancelling it. There's no precedent for this.

It has been cancelled now. As i write above, unless Hamlin is stable and can talk with his teammates tonight then how do you play the game tomorrow? The game does need a result, not that it needs to be played necessarily. NFL has some big decisions. This might take a vote from all league owners or something to decide on what to do now.

My gut is they will call the game a tie if the bengals agree and I'm guessing they would agree.
I get that and they likely will cancel. I hate on Goodell as much as anybody but I don't think in this case it's fair to criticize the delay in cancelling it. There's no precedent for this.

It has been cancelled now. As i write above, unless Hamlin is stable and can talk with his teammates tonight then how do you play the game tomorrow? The game does need a result, not that it needs to be played necessarily. NFL has some big decisions. This might take a vote from all league owners or something to decide on what to do now.

My gut is they will call the game a tie if the bengals agree and I'm guessing they would agree.
It’s been postponed for now Skip
Quit while you’re behind
I wasn’t watching… almost glad I decided not to… people forget two things… headshots aren’t the only thing that causes massive damage sometimes… a direct heart shot can sometimes stop it… nerve damage too… back in the old days before pads a small but significant amount of people died or were hurt real bad playing football and they weren’t all headshots
I think postponing it is crazy. Postponing it meaning you think it will be played later. I think the NFL handled it correctly to wait to see what was happening but at this point it should just be cancelled and figure out what to do in the standings about it. I want to be clear that's the point i'm making if i wasn't clear. Not that i'm saying it should have continued. Cancel it. No postponement.
Reminds me of a hungarian player of my favorite football team ( soccer), the kid just colapsed on the field, heart attack. It was horrible
I think postponing it is crazy. Postponing it meaning you think it will be played later. I think the NFL handled it correctly to wait to see what was happening but at this point it should just be cancelled and figure out what to do in the standings about it. I want to be clear that's the point i'm making if i wasn't clear. Not that i'm saying it should have continued. Cancel it. No postponement.
Your opinion is duly noted
I think postponing it is crazy. Postponing it meaning you think it will be played later. I think the NFL handled it correctly to wait to see what was happening but at this point it should just be cancelled and figure out what to do in the standings about it. I want to be clear that's the point i'm making if i wasn't clear. Not that i'm saying it should have continued. Cancel it. No postponement.
postponing doesnt make sense. Is tomorrow, wednesday, thursday going to be any better for the players? Going to be a logistical nightmare. Not an easy choice for the league. A tie gets KC the #1 seed pretty much. Buffalo had a shot at #1 just needed to win both games. Cinci had an outside shot as well. KC just needs to beat the raiders. An outside option would be to extend the season another week, but that could cause logistical issues. Will certainly be interesting to see how they handle it. going to be a lose lose situation I feel
Just saw this not sure how accurate it is
"Latest update: Hamlin’s vitals are normal again and he’s been put to sleep through a tube down his throat. Tests are currently being run, per his marketing rep
Just saw this not sure how accurate it is
"Latest update: Hamlin’s vitals are normal again and he’s been put to sleep through a tube down his throat. Tests are currently being run, per his marketing rep
Ventilation has a very low recovery rate… hopefully he isn’t brain dead or damaged from his downtime… seriously though this is better news than the alternative
As we all hope Hamlin is okay, you have to feel for Tee Higgins right now. I hope he has some support around him tonight as well.
Ventilation has a very low recovery rate… hopefully he isn’t brain dead or damaged from his downtime… seriously though this is better news than the alternative
This is not true. My Sister In-Law is a sudden cardiac death survivor who collapsed Oct 27th, 2009 at the young age of 38 years old. She collapsed in front of her husband and he immediately began CPR for 13 minutes until EMT's arrived. They shocked her 3 times and got her back.....she spent 4 days on a Vent and woke up Halloween night and somehow pulled the beathing tube out. She wasn't brain dead because of her Husband immediately starting CPR which saved her life as it kept her blood pumping and oxygen moving throughout her body. Brain death typically occurs around the 6 minute mark without CPR. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you ever see someone collapse....start CPR immediately and get EMT's en route. I pray Hamlin will be ok....I think he will survive and I belive he will make a complete recovery because of how quickly they administered CPR.
This is not true. My Sister In-Law is a sudden cardiac death survivor who collapsed Oct 27th, 2009 at the young age of 38 years old. She collapsed in front of her husband and he immediately began CPR for 13 minutes until EMT's arrived. They shocked her 3 times and got her back.....she spent 4 days on a Vent and woke up Halloween night and somehow pulled the beathing tube out. She wasn't brain dead because of her Husband immediately starting CPR which saved her life as it kept her blood pumping and oxygen moving throughout her body. Brain death typically occurs around the 6 minute mark without CPR. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you ever see someone collapse....start CPR immediately and get EMT's en route. I pray Hamlin will be ok....I think he will survive and I belive he will make a complete recovery because of how quickly they administered CPR.
Glad your SIL made a full recovery and I hope the same can be said for Hamlin one day. I actually said when I saw the replay that what happened to him could very well not be football/hit related. Could be an underlying health condition that happened to happen during the game. One thing is to be said thank god the medical staff acted so quickly no matter what the cause.
Glad your SIL made a full recovery and I hope the same can be said for Hamlin one day. I actually said when I saw the replay that what happened to him could very well not be football/hit related. Could be an underlying health condition that happened to happen during the game. One thing is to be said thank god the medical staff acted so quickly no matter what the cause.
Quick response is key....my Sister In Law made a complete recovery. She speaks all over the East Coast for the Go Red for Women campaign. I've attended many events with her. Quick Response improves someone's survival by 80%. So if you ever see someone collapse...start CPR immediately....they will still have a pulse but no Heart Beat. That is normal when Cardiac Arrest occurs so don't assume they are still breathing despite having a pulse. Pump their chest....yes you will feel bones breaking but don't stop....your keeping them alive by doing CPR. You act quick and you just might save someone's life.....and when you start don't stop until EMT's get there!