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More irrefutable evidence of the fact America is supremely racist, pro-white male


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Nolte: White Professor Busted Posing Online as Bisexual American Indian with Corona

BethAnn McLaughlin is a middle-aged, white, woman and leftist #MeToo Warrior who spent years on Twitter posing as a bi-sexual, American Indian woman.

McLaughlin, a former assistant professor of neurology at Vanderbilt University, became a heroine in #MeToo circles in 2018 after co-founding a group called MeTooSTEM, a now-defunct website dedicated to women claiming to have been sexually harassed in their science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) professions. According to various news reports, most of the claims were posted anonymously.

But after the initial adulation and the winning of one-third of $250,000 “Disobedience Award” from MIT, McLaughlin’s celebrity fell apart. She left Vanderbilt by “mutual agreement” after she failed to earn tenure (she blamed it on her willingness to speak out against sexual harassment) and seven of her colleagues resigned from MeTooSTEM claiming McLaughlin was abusive, secretive, and had set up an $79,000 GoFundMe account without their knowledge. They say they still don’t know where the money went.

Two factors appear to have led to McLaughlin’s scam unraveling. The first was that no one could find any proof @Sciencing_Bi was real and what facts she did reveal proved untrue. The second was how much energy @Sciencing_Bi put into defending and championing McLaughlin.

And now McLaughlin has confessed: “I take full responsibility for my involvement in creating the @sciencing_bi Twitter account,” she told the Times through an attorney. “My actions are inexcusable. I apologize without reservation to all the people I hurt.”


If America is so racist, sexist, and homophobic, why would a white woman create a bisexual, female, Hopi Indian to be her online champion instead of an old, white, protestant man?

Kind of makes you think [unless of course you are liberal and thereby incapable of thought].


America ... so pro-white male that everyone who fakes claims of race or gender claims to be non-white and non-male.

Because all the power is being white, male. If you cannot figure that out, it's because racism.