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Moves I wish Trump would make


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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1 ) Have several Secretaries for the press. Use them accordingly, and add Newt Gingrich as a special player when needed. He's awesome.

2 ) Get working on either the Wall or the Tax cuts for 2017. Health care is too much of a hot potato. The longer Obamacare is in the books, the worse it will look. Kill it later. Now is not the time as the party is too fragmented. At best you can only line item things out.

3 ) Start promoting up and comers in the primaries for the 2018 election. RINO's out. And Yes Mr. McCain that means you too.

4 ) Limit Twitter to accomplishments, or blasting back to the press after it is vetted by someone else.

5 ) Hire Condoleezza Rice, perhaps as Secretary of State.

6 ) Start instigating Debbie W. Shultz. She's guilty of dirty play among other things, as is a poster face of the Democratic Party.
Moves I wish Trump would make

If only there were tapes Tibs! Clinton would be in jail by now, and Obama tired for treason.

This Russia story isn't going to help the Democrats win back either house. They think they can get Trump to scream I order the code red.
Huckaee is doing great. She is smarter than every reporter in the room. She fights with fire. She is a keeper.

Let obomma care fail on its own. It already is. Let it go snother 12 months. It is omploding.

Get tsx cut plan in place pronto.

Get an SH that will go after shultz, clinton, podesta HARD.
Forget the nothing burger bullshit, that doesn't matter

WINNING is what matters

Cleaning up DEM VOTER FRAUD matters!

Trump commission can resume collecting voter data, federal judge rules

A federal judge on Monday cleared the way for Donald Trump’s commission on election fraud to resume collecting detailed voter roll information from the states.



Florida turns over voter-roll data to Trump election commission


New York To Hand Over Voter Data To Election Integrity Panel

4 more years!

4 more years!

4 more years!
I'd be happy if .........

1. He would stop tweeting nonsense. Hell, just stop tweeting
2. He would act like an adult
3. He would act with dignity worthy of the office he holds.
4. Become familiar with the truth.

That about does it for me. This **** show that is going on right now is old.
Now he is pissing off the generals. I just do not understand his thinking. He has basically pissed off everyone around him at some point except Jared, his sons and maybe Ivanka (except by some gross comments a while ago). http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world...e-meeting-with-generals/ar-AApkkbG?li=BBnb7Kz

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war's top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House, according to senior administration officials.

During the July 19 meeting, Trump repeatedly suggested that Defense Secretary James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford replace Gen. John Nicholson, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, because he is not winning the war, the officials said. Trump has not met Nicholson, and the Pentagon has been considering extending his time in Afghanistan.

Over nearly two hours in the situation room, Trump complained about NATO allies, inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth and repeatedly said the top U.S. general there should be fired.

Trump is the third president to grapple with the war in Afghanistan. On Wednesday, two American troops were killed in Afghanistan when a convoy they were in came under attack. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.

Trump's national security team has been trying for months to come up with a new strategy he can approve. Those advisers are set to meet again to discuss the issue on Thursday at the White House.The president is not currently scheduled to attend the meeting, though one official said that could change.

Former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush went through multiple strategies over the course of their presidencies to try to stabilize Afghanistan. What set Trump apart in the July meeting was his open questioning of the quality of the advice he was receiving.

During the meeting, Trump criticized his military advisers seated around the table in the White House Situation Room for what he said was a losing U.S. position in the war, according to the senior administration officials. At one point the president directed his frustration at Mattis, saying Trump had given the military authority months ago to make advances in Afghanistan and yet the U.S. was continuing to lose ground, the officials said.

Related: Pentagon Weighs More Aggressive Role in Afghanistan

"We aren't winning," Trump complained, according to these officials. "We are losing."
I'd be happy if .........

1. He would stop tweeting nonsense. Hell, just stop tweeting
2. He would act like an adult
3. He would act with dignity worthy of the office he holds.
4. Become familiar with the truth.

That about does it for me. This **** show that is going on right now is old.

Amen. I don't see how even the staunchest Trump supporter can't agree with this. Even if you whittle down everything he's done thus far as president and decide for yourself you like what you see, you still can't argue the things Sarge just listed wouldn't help the President tremendously. He is literally his own worst enemy, can't seem to get out of his own way. Maybe Kelly will help reel him in some. For the sake of the country, I hope so.
I think his tweets are great! He renders the Fake News MSM irrelevant and speaks directly to the people. He has exposed them for the liars that they are. And it's awesome. You Trump haters still don't get it and you're sheep to fake news. Trump's base is not only still with him, its growing. In next year's election even more democrats will be voted out, along with RINOS. And there is nothing you can say or do about it. The future is extremely bleak for the warped ***** on the left and the corrupt establishment.
I think his tweets are great! He renders the Fake News MSM irrelevant and speaks directly to the people. He has exposed them for the liars that they are. And it's awesome. You Trump haters still don't get it and you're sheep to fake news. Trump's base is not only still with him, its growing. In next year's election even more democrats will be voted out, along with RINOS. And there is nothing you can say or do about it. The future is extremely bleak for the warped ***** on the left and the corrupt establishment.

Not sure where you see it growing I know it is certainly not in my area. Most of the people at my work (120 employees) voted for Trump and I dont know a single one who is thrilled with what he is doing. As most say it is mainly his attitude / tweets. Attacking the media for bringing up his contradictions is not being a hero it is being a moron. For example when Obama was president he tweeted about how obama went through 3 chiefs of staffs and he couldnt get his agenda going because of it. Now Trump is doing the same exact thing. Its just like the golfing and his loyalty tweets and the list just goes on and on. The man is a walking contradiction / hypocrite. From heavy Trump supporters I dont see how you can not see this. It is not fake news it is his own words.....Another thing I dont understand is how Trump nut-huggers treat everything that trump says like the gospel, but everyone else is lying or fake or what not. Hopefully Kelly will bring some order. I like the new press secretary she is a huge upgrade over spicer. If Trump would sit down and focus on policies and not worry about twitter he could be great, but I do not see that happening unless the General has some huge pull.
Not sure where you see it growing I know it is certainly not in my area. Most of the people at my work (120 employees) voted for Trump and I dont know a single one who is thrilled with what he is doing. As most say it is mainly his attitude / tweets. Attacking the media for bringing up his contradictions is not being a hero it is being a moron. For example when Obama was president he tweeted about how obama went through 3 chiefs of staffs and he couldnt get his agenda going because of it. Now Trump is doing the same exact thing. Its just like the golfing and his loyalty tweets and the list just goes on and on. The man is a walking contradiction / hypocrite. From heavy Trump supporters I dont see how you can not see this. It is not fake news it is his own words.....Another thing I dont understand is how Trump nut-huggers treat everything that trump says like the gospel, but everyone else is lying or fake or what not. Hopefully Kelly will bring some order. I like the new press secretary she is a huge upgrade over spicer. If Trump would sit down and focus on policies and not worry about twitter he could be great, but I do not see that happening unless the General has some huge pull.

The recent failure by congress to fix the disasterous Obamacare alone has increased his base. Democrats are ******. Not one of those pieces of **** made an effort. They, and the obstructionist RINOS will be replaced with Trump republicans, true Americans. There is no stopping this train.
Totally agree with Sarge.

Trump needs to understand that while he was a private citizen, he could have said anything he wanted and done anything he wanted and it would have only reflected on him and those around him. As POTUS, he casts a large shadow and his words and actions affect all citizens - even the people who did not vote for him. I would HOPE that he would find a way to bring everyone together, but I understand his mindset in that he was hired by certain people to do a certain job. Though, in his defense, if people who are butt hurt over their shouldbeconvicted candidate not winning the POTUS election, they may want to tone down the rhetoric, LOOK at what Trump is trying to do (without their own personal bias thrown in), see how things CAN be better and when Trump is wrong, call him on it...PEACEFULLY.

For eight years, we had to put hope and trust in Bomma for change. While he did do what he was elected to do (Obamacare), it came at the cost of fragmenting the country (along with his ignorance of race relations, how his words and actions can effect citizens who didn't vote for him, etc). Though Bomma did some things right for the average citizen, he absolutely was not called to the carpet every minute of every hour of every day. Bomma did get pissy with reporters and did limit access to WH functions, but did so in such a way that the MSM fawned over him. The man could quite literally have skinned a newborn puppy alive in the Rose Garden, and the press would have gushed over his culinary skills.

So, Trump needs to find a happy medium. He can't go balls out for 4 years, or 8 years. He represents all of America, even if all of America didn't vote for him. I've longed for a POTUS who would unite the country instead of increasing the divide.
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I think his tweets are great! He renders the Fake News MSM irrelevant and speaks directly to the people. He has exposed them for the liars that they are. And it's awesome. You Trump haters still don't get it and you're sheep to fake news. Trump's base is not only still with him, its growing. In next year's election even more democrats will be voted out, along with RINOS. And there is nothing you can say or do about it. The future is extremely bleak for the warped ***** on the left and the corrupt establishment.

Totally agree with Sarge.

Trump needs to understand that while he was a private citizen, he could have said anything he wanted and done anything he wanted and it would have only reflected on him and those around him. As POTUS, he casts a large shadow and his words and actions affect all citizens - even the people who did not vote for him. I would HOPE that he would find a way to bring everyone together, but I understand his mindset in that he was hired by certain people to do a certain job. Though, in his defense, if people who are butt hurt over their shouldbeconvicted candidate not winning the POTUS election, they may want to tone down the rhetoric, LOOK at what Trump is trying to do (without their own personal bias thrown in), see how things CAN be better and when Trump is wrong, call him on it...PEACEFULLY.

For eight years, we had to put hope and trust in Bomma for change. While he did do what he was elected to do (Obamacare), it came at the cost of fragmenting the country (along with his ignorance of race relations, how his words and actions can effect citizens who didn't vote for him, etc). Though Bomma did some things right for the average citizen, he absolutely was not called to the carpet every minute of every hour of every day. Bomma did get pissy with reporters and did limit access to WH functions, but did so in such a way that the MSM fawned over him. The man could quite literally have skinned a newborn puppy alive in the Rose Garden, and the press would have gushed over his culinary skills.

So, Trump needs to find a happy medium. He can't go balls out for 4 years, or 8 years. He represents all of America, even if all of America didn't vote for him. I've longed for a POTUS who would unite the country instead of increasing the divide.

**** that. The crazy *** left is on the verge of extinction. I don't want a President who unites with those nutty fruits. I want a President that has America's best interest at heart, and Trump is it. No more bowing and apologizing to other countries and giving our tax dollars to terrorists and illegal aliens.
**** that. The crazy *** left is on the verge of extinction. I don't want a President who unites with those nutty fruits. I want a President that has America's best interest at heart, and Trump is it. No more bowing and apologizing to other countries and giving our tax dollars to terrorists and illegal aliens.

no, they're not on the verge of extinction. There's a **** ton of them in California and New York in colleges teaching the next generations. Without accounting for the number of fake votes in CA, we can see that there was a lot of support for Hillary. We can even say that some of those votes for Hillary were straight party line. Some were cast because of their hatred for Trump.

Not all liberals are ******* nuts. I know a few who aren't. I also know a few who tend to believe that since I differ in political opinion that I'm a card carrying KKK member who hates women and anyone of color. Those *******...

We're not ALL going to always agree. And I believe that the circle of politics is coming around in that Trump is using some of the political power that Bomma carved out for things the left didn't think would ever happen. I do recall the left saying that if the Conservatives wanted something different that they should win an election or two. So the Conservatives go out and win the POTUS. Yet the POTUS is constantly fighting an uphill battle - due in large part to his abrasiveness.
no, they're not on the verge of extinction. There's a **** ton of them in California and New York in colleges teaching the next generations. Without accounting for the number of fake votes in CA, we can see that there was a lot of support for Hillary. We can even say that some of those votes for Hillary were straight party line. Some were cast because of their hatred for Trump.

Not all liberals are ******* nuts. I know a few who aren't. I also know a few who tend to believe that since I differ in political opinion that I'm a card carrying KKK member who hates women and anyone of color. Those *******...

We're not ALL going to always agree. And I believe that the circle of politics is coming around in that Trump is using some of the political power that Bomma carved out for things the left didn't think would ever happen. I do recall the left saying that if the Conservatives wanted something different that they should win an election or two. So the Conservatives go out and win the POTUS. Yet the POTUS is constantly fighting an uphill battle - due in large part to his abrasiveness.

Thankfully those two ****** up States don't decide our elections. Obama was a limp-wristed panty waste who did his best to destroy America by doubling our debt (with nothing to show for it) and supporting ISIS and terrorist nations. I welcome Trump's abrasiveness. I love it. The pansy game is over, *******. America: Live it, love it or leave it.
I don't see any unity on **** coming in this country. Not by a long shot. You have a few younger generations completely oblivious and entitled. The divide I see is miles wide. About the only thing that will unite this **** show is someone attacking our homeland all out. In case you haven't noticed over the last 12 years elections have gotten nastier and nastier. I've actually lost clients over this bs just for saying I didn't vote for hildabeast. I don't even talk politics with people. I really don't want to. I'm so repulsed by the democrat party and what they really stand for it's just a waste of time discussing anything. Just a bunch of demented bs.

I will say Trump needs to stop the shrewd businessman mentality on everything he deals with. That stuff is great for trade and jobs,but terrible with being somewhat diplomatic in reaching deals such as healthcare. He's dealing with a bunch of ******* who care most about self preservation and staying in office as long as possible. Both parties are pretty much the same on that.
Trump cares about trump. He lied about don jr, he lied about a call from the mexican president, and he lied about a call from the boy scouts just to make himself look good. That is just in the last week. He is simply an unprofrssional egomaniac. He is disrespecting the people and America by totally disrespecting the office of president. The whole healthcare thing was a disaster and trump can't take all the fault for that, but he didn't exactly try to make things easier either. As for McCain he was called a loser for being a POW so wouldnt surprise me if he has a grudge.
Trump cares about trump. He lied about don jr, he lied about a call from the mexican president, and he lied about a call from the boy scouts just to make himself look good. That is just in the last week. He is simply an unprofrssional egomaniac. He is disrespecting the people and America by totally disrespecting the office of president. The whole healthcare thing was a disaster and trump can't take all the fault for that, but he didn't exactly try to make things easier either. As for McCain he was called a loser for being a POW so wouldnt surprise me if he has a grudge.
