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Muslim groups raise nearly $500,000 for families of ‘Portland heroes’


Oct 26, 2014
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Muslim groups raise nearly $500,000 for families of ‘Portland heroes’

It only took 5 hours to shatter their initial $60,000 goal.

Respond to hate with love.

That’s the slogan of Muslim organizations that have raised nearly half a million dollars for the families of three Portland, Oregon men violently attacked when they tried to protect Muslim women being berated by a white supremacist.

The horrific encounter occurred last Friday, when two Muslim girls wearing hijab were allegedly accosted by Jeremy Joseph Christian while riding on a commuter train. The man, a known white supremacist, reportedly began screaming anti-Islamic slurs, catching the attention of three men who rose from their seats to defend the young women.

Then things took an even more harrowing turn: Christian allegedly pulled a knife and stabbed all three men, killing two and leaving a third hospitalized.

“We wish to respond to hate with love, to evil with good, as our faith instructs us, and send a powerful message of compassion through action.”
The tragedy has rocked Portland, where locals held vigils to mourn the victims of the attack — recent college graduate Taliesin Namkai-Meche, 23, and Army veteran Ricky John Best, 53, who were killed, and 21-year-old Micah David-Cole Fletcher, who was wounded.

American Muslims, however, felt there was more they could do. That’s why two Muslim groups —CelebrateMercy and the Muslim Education Trust — created a LaunchGood online fundraising campaign on Saturday that cited the Prophet Muhammad as inspiration to response to hate with compassion.

“We wish to respond to hate with love, to evil with good, as our faith instructs us, and send a powerful message of compassion through action,” the website reads. “Our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: ‘Have mercy to those on earth, and the One in Heaven (God) will have mercy upon you.’ The Prophet’s life exemplified that central commandment in the Quran: ‘Repel evil with that which is better’ (41:34).”

Organizers, who noted that people of all faiths were welcome to contribute, initially set out to raise $60,000, hoping to aid with funeral expenses for the victims’ families and help pay for Fletcher’s medical bills.

According to the campaign website, it took only five hours to shatter that goal.
Money continued to pour in over the weekend, and the campaign has now raised more than $450,000 as of Tuesday morning. Meanwhile, hundreds attended events at Muslim community centers in Portland to learn what they can do to help, and others have started using the hashtag #Muslims4Portland on Twitter to mourn the victims and lift up their bravery.

The inspiring display of interfaith solidarity follows a long history of Muslim groups raising money for victims of tragedy. When black churches across the country were struck by a wave of arson attacks in 2015, for example, Muslim groups pulled together $90,000 to help their neighbors with repairs. And when Jewish cemeteries were desecrated earlier this year, Islamic organizations helped raise more than $65,000 to aid with clean up efforts. Other faith groups have returned the favor: when a mosque in Tampa, Florida burned to the ground in February, Jewish groups rallied to accrue more than $60,000 to help rebuild.

Stories of mutual compassion are becoming more common, but they belie a darker reality: Hate incidents against religious groups are on the rise.
Muslim Americans have recently endured a sharp spike in Islamophobic incidents. The Council on American-Islamic Relations published a report in May reporting a that 2016 saw a 57 percent increase in anti-Muslim bias incidents compared to the year before. Meanwhile, ThinkProgress counted 111 anti-Islam incidents from November 2015 to November 2016 using our own methodology, and recently analyzed another 31 attacks that occurred between the election of Donald Trump and February 10 of this year.

Meanwhile, assailants like the alleged killer in Portland — people spouting Islamophobic, xenophobic, and racist views — continue to make headlines. In February, a Kansas man yelling anti-immigrant slurs reportedly opened fire on two Indian men and other patrons in a bar, killing one and leaving good Samaritans who tried to stop him hospitalized. And in October of 2016, three men who called themselves “the Crusaders” were arrested for allegedly plotting to bomb an apartment complex populated by Somali immigrants.
Yes we all know there are good people who are Muslim just like there are bad people who are Christian. The problem is the majority of bad Christians are not killing and bombing while the majority of bad Muslims are killing bombing or providing aid and comfort to those who are. Muslims have to fix this problem within their own religion or it will become the spark of a world war unlike anything we have seen yet.
[FONT=q_serif]those churches you hate? This is an answer about how much they give to the poor.

Churches do not, generally, make those numbers available but as part of an answer, The Economist estimates the Catholic Church spent $171,600,000,000 in 2010 (worldwide figures) (cf. [/FONT]
[FONT=q_serif]Page on patheos.com[/FONT][FONT=q_serif]). [/FONT][FONT=q_serif]If you want a comparison figure, the budget for food stamps was $6.4B in 2009.[/FONT]
How much was raised by them for 9/11 victims?

Could it be that this is the Trump effect? Funny how things change when people are held accountable. Finally we are starting to see Muslims own the fact that they do have a nutjob sect that they must deal with if they want to truly be part of the world. The Saudis admitted as much during Trump's recent visit.
That's why Queen Isabella threw the Jews out of Spain and sent them to Mexico even after they converted.....because...you know..SHIFTY JEWS.

Sound familiar?

One has nothing to do with the other. Moslems are allowed to deceive for tactical advantage and their stated goal is to impose Sharia on the whole world.
How much was raised by them for 9/11 victims?

Could it be that this is the Trump effect? Funny how things change when people are held accountable. Finally we are starting to see Muslims own the fact that they do have a nutjob sect that they must deal with if they want to truly be part of the world. The Saudis admitted as much during Trump's recent visit.

I've said for a long time that the best way to stop Muzzie terrorism is to make life hard enough for all Muzzies that they root out the terrorists in their midst and don't raise future generations of their kids to be terrorists.
America: "We're not going to let any more Muslims in."
Muzzies: (insert Arab accent) "But it's only a small number who are terrorists. We are the religion of peace."
America: "**** you and the pedophile prophet you rode in on. Prove it. Let's see if y'all can go five years with no terrorism."
One has nothing to do with the other. Moslems are allowed to deceive for tactical advantage and their stated goal is to impose Sharia on the whole world.

So they are united in this purpose like the shifty Jews. are? I mean that's what the klan has always taught about the Jews.

They are deceitful and of one mind....as they plot.

Again for the slow learners; sound familiar?
There's good evidence that it was the "Jews" and not muslims who were behind all of our ISIS and ISIL attacks. Along with our own covert funding of course.

Sadly, when you "follow the money" it tends to NOT lead you to the poorest people on the face of the planet. I'm just sayin'.
There's good evidence that it was the "Jews" and not muslims who were behind all of our ISIS and ISIL attacks. Along with our own covert funding of course.

Sadly, when you "follow the money" it tends to NOT lead you to the poorest people on the face of the planet. I'm just sayin'.

And there we are..........
So they are united in this purpose like the shifty Jews. are? I mean that's what the klan has always taught about the Jews.

They are deceitful and of one mind....as they plot.

Again for the slow learners; sound familiar?

I have not mentioned Jewish people. In fact I have nothing but respect for a people that have 6000 years of written language and history. And on top of that I thoroughly support Israel. And again one has nothing to do with the other Jews are not waging continuous war on the rest of the world with the stated intention of bringing Dar al Harb into Dar al Islam by force.
what dew it be say dat dem damn jooz muss lye n deseeve sodey kin ru de worl?
The portion of their statement touting the mercy of Mohammed is comical to me. Who in the hell believes this ****?

The Prophet’s life exemplified that central commandment in the Quran: ‘Repel evil with that which is better’ (41:34).”