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My thoughts on today...

Tell me your criteria for qualifying who is employed at protests and who is not....you have this figured out, so do share your analysis. I'll be intrigued.
Its impossible to impart common sense to someone.
Question....im not talkin **** but I seriously wanna know....are you a conspiracy theorist or do you by chance subscribe to InfoWars or Breitbart or Mark Levin.....
You don't think Soros funds demonstrations?
What other nations on the planet have gangs ? Japan for example, has mental illness issues...just like the US. They have video gaming consoles that project violent imagery just like here in the US. They have social discord in Japan...just like we do.....they share most of the same issues we do, yet they dont have the number of gun deaths we do...they haven't had more than 10 in a year in over a decade. Whats the outstanding difference ? They dont have open access to guns the way we do. Access to guns tip the balance towards the deadliest outcome on the planet.

We have more deaths than any other nation by guns with:

Murder- suicides
Killing of spouse in domestic violence situations
mass public shootings
school shootings
accidental shootings
police shootings

And folks want to say its not a gun problem.............please. Theres other factors at work but I guarantee you if you address THOSE issues and you limit access to guns we wouldn't see the amount of gun-related deaths we see today. When we bring up Chicago, or gang violence, whats the chief element in that equation ? Guns.....spin it how you wish, but guns are the issue. No one else on the planet sees anywhere near the level of gun violence we do

According to this chart, Japan has a suicide rate that is 9 more per 1,000 than we do. How is that if they have fewer guns?


[FONT=&quot]Unfortunately, Japan has one of the world's highest suicide rates, and suicide is the leading cause of death for people under 30. Factors in suicides in the country include social pressure, depression and unemployment, and the National Police Agency found that suicides linked to job loss increased 65.4%. There was a suicide in Japan every 15 minutes, with close to 33,000 reported in 2009. Luckily, [/FONT]suicide rates have been on the decline for three consecutive years.[FONT=&quot] This is just one of the many problems Japan will need to control to see its population and economy grow into the future.[/FONT]

Japan's teenage birth rate (which should correlate pretty well with single parent homes) is about 4. US is about 34....

When a society is almost as completely homogenized as Japan, you should expect a great deal less violence.
I'm not spinning ****. The issue is people. A gun is nothing without the hands and the brain that operate it.

Like I said, get the criminals first. Take their guns. Then maybe, we can talk about mine.

Japan has people....hell China has people...lots of ******* people..India too...in fact if you combine the total gun-related deaths of both India and China, they still only account for a fraction of the U.S.....both nations have more residents than we do....India twice as many and China nearly 3.5. Its a gun problem...**** all that other ****....let China or India do away with gun restrictions and become as open with guns as we are and watch the death rate increase.

I personally support the 2nd amendment but I just don't know why the **** we make some of these high capacity firearms available for public use. ....like I said, theyd have restrictions in short time if these rifles were used to murder cops
You don't think Soros funds demonstrations?

LOL...ohhhh ****.....okay, ill play..

So how many demonstrations has he funded....how many accounts are dispensing funds under his name or any related to him ?
Whats his agenda and whats he stand to gain from funding these demonstrations ? Is he winning ?

Give me a source where I can sign up and get in on the payee list.
Its impossible to impart common sense to someone.

***reaching in the sack.....Okay, so you got nothing....

Let me help you out.....in this modern era of technology many citizens work for corporations that have 24 hr operations....some of these folks might do shift work, that allows them to attend protests
Then, there are others that telecommute or work from home and this offers flexibility ...some of the protestors also are entrepreneurial and run independent businesses. Some have managers that support time away from the job to attend functions provided these folks make up loss time on the job. Many of them are students....

to assume anyone that attends a march, rally or protest is unemployed is silly. But I don't give Appalachia must credit for being intelligent or thinkers at a critical level. But they'll dance with a conspiracy theory all night long
How are you finding out the employment status of folks that protest ? Or are you assuming folks that protest don't work ?

Uhhhh, the occupy wall st. clowns did not work since they LIVED IN THEIR TENTS 24/7, and the protesters this week WALKED OUT OF SCHOOL, and by definition don't work.

Try to keep up.

As for solutions-- they are offering. Have you listened at all to the suggestions they've made or do you just place your head in Fox's box and allow the flood of spin prop to take hold. Ive listened and ive heard what they want from these protests--they want a more comprehensive gun control measure that includes but is not limited to extensive background checks, limits on access to firearms by those who demonstrate violent tendencies, those who might be immediate threats to the public and strong limitations or bans on high capacity rifles like the AR15 that seems to be the weapon of choice in these mass killings.

We already have background checks, preclusion on the mentally ill or violent getting firearms, limits on the ability of those subject to restraining orders getting firearms. The preclusion of AR 15's as "high capacity" rifles? There is no such thing as a "high capacity rifle." The nation already has limits on magazine size, though such restrictions are easy to ignore by buying such magazines at non-legal sites or by simply making your own.

Further, does anybody - ANY SENTIENT BEING - seriously believe that banning AR 15's would prevent mass shootings? The nation had such a ban between 1994 and 2004. So guess what happened in that time span??


Mass shootings continued, and the number of victims of such massacres was greater in 2003 than in any of the other preceding 20 years.

The problem with a ban on AR 15's is that such weapons are so prevalent that they will remain in the public domain, available only to criminals - such as mass murderers. The large capacity magazines remain illegal, available only to criminals - such as mass murderers. Handguns remain available, and are a favorite for some mass murderers, such as the Columbine scum.

Most states have the death penalty for these lunatics. Are we to believe that "gun control" will curtail their insanity? So again, what law will make any difference?

blitzburghv5 said:
Anyways, to my question--where are you finding out the employment statuses of protestors ? serious inquiry

Bums and school children don't have jobs.

You seriously don't know this??
According to this chart, Japan has a suicide rate that is 9 more per 1,000 than we do. How is that if they have fewer guns?


Japan's teenage birth rate (which should correlate pretty well with single parent homes) is about 4. US is about 34....

When a society is almost as completely homogenized as Japan, you should expect a great deal less violence.

According to this 2014 report, there are a lot of supporting factors in Japan's low gun violence numbers. One of which is indeed the lack of guns and strict gun ownership rules.

The country's homicide rate is associated with a stable and prosperous society with low inequality and high levels of development. Young Japanese males now commit only a tenth of the homicides committed by their predecessors in 1955, and the age and sex distribution of victims tend to be uniform across age groups. This has been attributed by some researchers to, amongst other factors, extremely low levels of gun ownership (1 in 175 households), a greater chance of detection (according to police data, 98 per cent of homicide cases are solved), the rejection of violence after the Second World War, the growth of affluence without the accompanying concentrations of poverty common in many highly developed countries, and the stigma of arrest for any crime in Japanese society.

Unlike the U.S., Japan has strict gun laws. Most guns are illegal, and there are tight restrictions on purchasing the few firearms that are allowed in the country, according to The Atlantic. Japan also has a rigorous testing and background-check process for those who seek to purchase a gun.

To put it all into perspective, the U.S. saw more than 12,000 firearm-related homicides in 2008, while Japan had only 11.

So tell me Blitz, besides the strict gun laws, the prosperous society with low inequality and high levels of development, the growth of affluence without the accompanying concentrations of poverty and the stigma of arrest for any crime in Japanese society.

What do we have an abundance of that they don't have...besides guns that is.

Lemme give you a hint

LOL...ohhhh ****.....okay, ill play..

So how many demonstrations has he funded....how many accounts are dispensing funds under his name or any related to him ?
Whats his agenda and whats he stand to gain from funding these demonstrations ? Is he winning ?

Give me a source where I can sign up and get in on the payee list.
I’m not asking you to play anything. Simple yes or no question. Answer it, then we can continue.
***reaching in the sack.....Okay, so you got nothing....

Let me help you out.....in this modern era of technology many citizens work for corporations that have 24 hr operations....some of these folks might do shift work, that allows them to attend protests
Then, there are others that telecommute or work from home and this offers flexibility ...some of the protestors also are entrepreneurial and run independent businesses. Some have managers that support time away from the job to attend functions provided these folks make up loss time on the job. Many of them are students....

to assume anyone that attends a march, rally or protest is unemployed is silly. But I don't give Appalachia must credit for being intelligent or thinkers at a critical level. But they'll dance with a conspiracy theory all night long
Like I said. Do you realize what a poster child you are?
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Wylie Greer, one of the students punished after walking out, told the Daily Beast in a statement that most students at the school were opposed to the idea of the protest.

Greer said that after walking out, he and the other students were told they could “either suffer two ‘swats’ from a paddle or two days of in-school suspension.”

“All three of us chose the paddling, with the support of our parents,” Greer said.


While I believe that years ago kids were held to a higher standard of behavior generally, I never agreed that anyone should be allowed to put their hands on other people's children. I can't imagine giving someone permission to paddle my kid, and I don't know anyone who would feel comfortable actually doing that. Really weird scene over there.
We need to go back to the old school way of schooling. Where parents held their kids accountable and didn't blame the teacherfor everything....one where schools could actually mete out discipline,....one where children didn't make the rules. I don't know how to go back to that old way of doing things, but I guarantee it would change society.
Back when i was in school i had a couple teachers introduce us to their paddles. They never used them but they made it a point to show us.
I have seen teachers throw chairs (Not at students), throw erasers (at students), rip up personal magazines etc etc. One time a girl fell asleep in class and the teacher rolled up a news paper and smacked the desk right near her head as hard as he could. It scared the living **** out of the girl. For the most part when i was I school a couple kids would act up here and there, but none were out of control like today.
People are willing to die over this subject. That's the bottom ******* line when it comes down to it. Everything else is just noise.
We need to go back to the old school way of schooling. Where parents held their kids accountable and didn't blame the teacherfor everything....one where schools could actually mete out discipline,....one where children didn't make the rules. I don't know how to go back to that old way of doing things, but I guarantee it would change society.

Hell, now schools are stuck if a kid has an IEP because you can only suspend them for X amount of days per year. In our case it's 10 days. So, not surprisingly, the 10 worst behaved kids in the school are all on IEP's and have all been already kicked out for the max of 10 days already.....**** they had 10 suspension days racked up by December. Guess what? No more suspensions for them! Short of trying to kill somebody we are stuck with them. We can use an in school suspension in a limited capacity but they cannot be kicked out again.
Hell, now schools are stuck if a kid has an IEP because you can only suspend them for X amount of days per year. In our case it's 10 days. So, not surprisingly, the 10 worst behaved kids in the school are all on IEP's and have all been already kicked out for the max of 10 days already.....**** they had 10 suspension days racked up by December. Guess what? No more suspensions for them! Short of trying to kill somebody we are stuck with them. We can use an in school suspension in a limited capacity but they cannot be kicked out again.

Too many kids are on IEP's now, and that is a big issue. Granted, without kids on IEPs, I wouldn't have a job. BUT there is a huge difference between a kid with Downs having an IEP and a kid who has "anxiety issues and needs extra support to get through the day."
Back when i was in school i had a couple teachers introduce us to their paddles. They never used them but they made it a point to show us.
I have seen teachers throw chairs (Not at students), throw erasers (at students), rip up personal magazines etc etc. One time a girl fell asleep in class and the teacher rolled up a news paper and smacked the desk right near her head as hard as he could. It scared the living **** out of the girl. For the most part when i was I school a couple kids would act up here and there, but none were out of control like today.

Hell- I had a teacher who would give detention just for having gum in class!!! Another one of my teachers was so strict that if your *** was not in your seat when the bell rang, you were tardy. One day, I wore a skirt to school and had to flatten it out before I sat down. I was 3 inches away from my butt being in my chair and the bell rang. I was tardy. But you know what? The kids LOVED him, They knew he was tough and expected nothing less than the best out of us.
Funny thing- back in 1986 I think, when my HS was pretty new (I was in junior high) there was a student who shot himself in the first floor bathroom. I never heard about it until a few years ago. It wasn't on the news, and it wasn't made into a THING. It happened, and kids went on with life. (By funny, I mean that the reactions back then versus now are so different).

While I believe that years ago kids were held to a higher standard of behavior generally, I never agreed that anyone should be allowed to put their hands on other people's children. I can't imagine giving someone permission to paddle my kid, and I don't know anyone who would feel comfortable actually doing that. Really weird scene over there.

why? the left has now made it so a child can have a goddamn abortion without parental consent. but can't have a ******* aspirin from the school nurse without said parental consent. we're also being told to "listen to the children" by the aging hippie crowd, but we're to ignore their reasoning for taking a paddling instead of following along mindlessly with a government-approved function that they disagree with?
why? the left has now made it so a child can have a goddamn abortion without parental consent. but can't have a ******* aspirin from the school nurse without said parental consent. we're also being told to "listen to the children" by the aging hippie crowd, but we're to ignore their reasoning for taking a paddling instead of following along mindlessly with a government-approved function that they disagree with?
We disagree on this one. False choice. Someone gives my kid a choice like that and they will have problems.
so you're for aspirin being prescribed or abortions being parental-approved?