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N. Korea again

It's a sneak attack on Japan!

“We have launched a full scale attack on North Korea...."
Based on Trump's comments a few moments ago, 'We will take care of it" in reply to this latest missile, anyone willing to wager the US will launch strikes against NK in the near future?
Based on Trump's comments a few moments ago, 'We will take care of it" in reply to this latest missile, anyone willing to wager the US will launch strikes against NK in the near future?

I hope so. Bomb the **** out of them!
We got time

Pentagon spokesperson Col. Rob Manning told reporters that the missile was "launched from Sain Ni, North Korea, and traveled about 1,000 kilometers before splashing down in the Sea of Japan, within Japan's Economic Exclusion Zone."

"The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) determined the missile launch from North Korea did not pose a threat to North America, our territories or our allies," Manning added.

Bullshit. They can hit anywhere they want. Thier tests prove it. The chess match is on. This is scary.
We better not have to go alone on this......come on. These crazy ******* have been lobbing missiles in all directions to threaten and intimidate everyone around the world. The other world powers must all see what is going on right? I'm gonna be pissed if they all sit on their hands and make us get into an all out war by ourselves. NK is everyone's problem.
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We better not have to go alone on this......come on. These crazy ******* have been lobbing missiles in all directions to threaten and intimidate everyone around the world. The other world powers must all see what is going on right? I'm gonna be pissed if they all sit on their hands and make us get into an all out war by ourselves. NK is everyone's problem.

I presume we'll take the lead then others will line up behind us, wagging their fingers that 'of course NK had to be stopped.' There is next to no leadership in the world without the US on military issues. Clearly this should be - or rather should have been - China's situation to deal with. Never understood why they didn't put the clamps on NK years and years ago. What did they think was gonna happen? This is basically like having a country like Jamaica or the Bahamas, sitting right off our coast, developing a nuclear arsenal and shooting off ballistic and intercontinental missile tests, and the US waiting around for Russia or China to do something about it.

The only thing I can come up with is China thinks/knows NK is just posturing and bluffing and in reality is years and years away from developing any type of significant warhead. In other words, they're willing to let NK be a thorn in our side and play around with toy missiles in the sandbox while the rest of the world cowers in fear. Even so, why take the risk of a full scale US attack on NK, throwing the region into turmoil and peril? There must be a good book out there explaining China's position on NK, I'll read it someday as it makes no sense at all what they're doing, and have been doing, for decades.
I presume we'll take the lead then others will line up behind us, wagging their fingers that 'of course NK had to be stopped.' There is next to no leadership in the world without the US on military issues. Clearly this should be - or rather should have been - China's situation to deal with. Never understood why they didn't put the clamps on NK years and years ago. What did they think was gonna happen? This is basically like having a country like Jamaica or the Bahamas, sitting right off our coast, developing a nuclear arsenal and shooting off ballistic and intercontinental missile tests, and the US waiting around for Russia or China to do something about it.

The only thing I can come up with is China thinks/knows NK is just posturing and bluffing and in reality is years and years away from developing any type of significant warhead. In other words, they're willing to let NK be a thorn in our side and play around with toy missiles in the sandbox while the rest of the world cowers in fear. Even so, why take the risk of a full scale US attack on NK, throwing the region into turmoil and peril? There must be a good book out there explaining China's position on NK, I'll read it someday as it makes no sense at all what they're doing, and have been doing, for decades.

I agree with all that and I hope we don't go to full scale war there either. I'm just afraid they aren't going to leave us any choice if they keep escalating this **** further.
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We got time

Bullshit. They can hit anywhere they want. Thier tests prove it. The chess match is on. This is scary.

Seems like you're both correct. On the one hand the missile they tested could probably reach mainland US, on the other, it may not be able to carry a warhead. The risk assessment obviously has to be how long do you wait around until they get both of those things figured out - ie distance + payload?

After more than two months without a missile launch, North Korea did a middle-of-the-night test (3:17 a.m. in Japan) today that appears to be its longest yet.

Reports are saying that the missile test was highly lofted and landed in the Sea of Japan some 960 km (600 miles) from the launch site. They are also saying the missile reached a maximum altitude of 4,500 km. This would mean that it flew for about 54 minutes, which is consistent with reports from Japan.

If these numbers are correct, then if flown on a standard trajectory rather than this lofted trajectory, this missile would have a range of more than 13,000 kilometers (km) (8,100 miles). This is significantly longer than North Korea’s previous long range tests, which flew on lofted trajectories for 37 minutes (July 4) and 47 minutes (July 28). Such a missile would have more than enough range to reach Washington, D.C., and in fact any part of the continental United States.

We do not know how heavy a payload this missile carried, but given the increase in range it seems likely that it carried a very light mock warhead. If true, that means it would be incapable of carrying a nuclear warhead to this long distance, since such a warhead would be much heavier.

North Korea’s Longest Missile Test Yet
This is nothing more than old news imo. The real threat is how they are close to an upgraded sub with launch capabilities. While I’m sure it’s **** and our wolfs wouldnhunt it down, having NK with a sub parked outside NYC is the real threat.

Edit. But yeah. ******* light that place up now.
I'm sure this ties into China's not doing **** somehow, but I'm not an economist...


That has always been our China policy, since the 1970's. If they own enough of our debt, they will not want to start WWIII with us. Basically, we are paying China off year-to-year with our interest payments in return for them not being aggressive in the Asian theater. They are using our money to get their billion people out of the dark ages and into the 21st century (that doesn't happen overnight).

On the Korea thing, I'm not sure this is anything new despite the slightly better ballistics/range of the most recent missile. They are being antagonistic on purpose looking for an excuse possibly to escalate the situation or even just because Kim Jong Un wants to prove to the world how big his dick is.

This is a country that is basically feudal with Kim Jong-Un the king and the population the peasants with a "knight class" that is family connected military class that constantly gets rooted out and assassinated by the king.

In the short term, all embargoes and trade blockades will do is hurt the peasants. But you hope the military class eventually realizes there is a better way and has a military coup and overthrows the king. I still think that's the only way out of this.
U.S. administrations have been kicking this can down the road for decades in hope that nothing bad happens on their watch.

Not sure if taking out the fat boy in NK would end this madness, but it would be a start.
I would aim to start an internal revolt in that country. Arm them and help them overthrow their oppressors. That country has to be the worst place on the planet.
I would aim to start an internal revolt in that country. Arm them and help them overthrow their oppressors. That country has to be the worst place on the planet.

each time we orchestrate **** like that, it spirals out of control.
There has to be an effective way to go against the regime's propaganda of its people.

Even dropping fliers and making sure we have constant short wave radio transmissions available in the country to tell our side of it might help. I can't possibly imagine with today's technology we can't combat Kim Jong-Un's ability to keep his population in the information dark in some fashion.

And the people we REALLY need to communicate with is their military hierarchy. Tell them there is peaceful future in they want it. Tell them we would accept a sovereign nation of North Korea with open participation in the world if they overthrow the regime and talk. A future where all North Korean children can prosper and live better lives than their parents.
You've seen the videos of these people worshipping Dear Leader and Super Leader and all the other Leaders. It is the most forced thing ever. They do this out of fear and nothing else. I mean, you **** up bad enough over there, it isn't just you that gets punished, but 3 generations of your family. A revolt would be awesome, but they have no weapons, no food and probably no energy to do it.
You've seen the videos of these people worshipping Dear Leader and Super Leader and all the other Leaders. It is the most forced thing ever. They do this out of fear and nothing else. I mean, you **** up bad enough over there, it isn't just you that gets punished, but 3 generations of your family. A revolt would be awesome, but they have no weapons, no food and probably no energy to do it.

At some point death would be more welcome than living like that. If we do end up throwing down with them. I see potential for their army to turn against bowl cut Jr if they know we're all in to help them be successful. Just a thought anyway. I can't even fathom being born into that life.

What else can really be done to them? They have all kinds of sanctions and don't give a ****. Keep progressing long range nuclear capabilities. Sooner or later when they have suffered enough they're going to say **** it and launch.
North Korea is allowed to do what they do because they are a Chinese lapdog... when the US starts pressuring china about things they dont like, North Korea makes waves and moves the focus.... if They cross china they are done, plain and simple... if china wants them to go to war with us, then its happening and if they don't, well we will never have to worry about it cause they will be annexed by china before we could even mobilize.. half tgeir government is probably Chinese plants anyhow...
North Korea is allowed to do what they do because they are a Chinese lapdog... when the US starts pressuring china about things they dont like, North Korea makes waves and moves the focus.... if They cross china they are done, plain and simple... if china wants them to go to war with us, then its happening and if they don't, well we will never have to worry about it cause they will be annexed by china before we could even mobilize.. half tgeir government is probably Chinese plants anyhow...

China Inc. doesn't want to lose their biggest customer. That's the leverage we have and it's a big lever.
North Korea: Unwanted war 'closer,' US warns

North Korea’s latest missile test brings the world "closer to war," US ambassador Nikki Haley has told the UN Security Council.


The North Korean regime would be "utterly destroyed" if it came to war, Haley told the council while demanding that China cut off oil deliveries to Pyongyang.

Haley said Trump had called Chinese President Xi Jinping and urged him to take "a pivotal step" by cutting oil, warning that, if not, the US could take the oil situation "into our own hands."

"If war comes, make no mistake: The North Korean regime will be utterly destroyed," said Haley, adding that it was a conflict the US was not seeking.



Saddle up