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Nationwide dog and pony **** show.

so, Tibs, if you and Flogomanbun are so vehemently assured that AR-15s are irrelevant to the equation, why are you so against citizens having such guns that, per your own logic, are worthless?
Is the argument that it is silly to worry about a tyrannical government, or that it is silly to think that we could defend against a tyrannical government with civilian arms?
so, Tibs, if you and Flogomanbun are so vehemently assured that AR-15s are irrelevant to the equation, why are you so against citizens having such guns that, per your own logic, are worthless?

Because they're getting into the hands of the wrong people and kids are getting mowed down by the hundreds sitting in their classrooms.

Is the argument that it is silly to worry about a tyrannical government, or that it is silly to think that we could defend against a tyrannical government with civilian arms?

The latter.
No, Tim is arguing the need for militias to prevent democide. If Tibs is reaching its to catch Tim’s overthrown pass.

Um no...it's was a reach. To suggest that Tim hates the cops and military because he's pro militia is a reach no matter which way you try to spin it.

But please do continue making brazen presumptions, without them it would be impossible for you LIEberals to partake in a "debate".
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Because they're getting into the hands of the wrong people and kids are getting mowed down by the hundreds sitting in their classrooms.

good thing you're not embellishing that at all. Hundreds.
Here are the basic facts:

A. "Assult Rifles" were banned for ten years... every study be it left or right, concludes it had virtually no impact on crime.... the left said it didn't go far enough, the right that there aren't enough crimes done with them to matter

B. During said ban, the narrative from the left was that handguns must also be banned. This gives credibility to a lot of the people who claim this is a step by step path the elimination of firearms, which some vehemently oppose...

C. Next weapon up theory states that a person intending to commit a violent crime will use a weapon based on popularity, availability, and functionality... if it can be concluded that there are weapons available that can not be logically banned and are as or more destructive than "assult rifles" its best to focus energies and resources on combatting what drives non sociopaths to these points and recognizing true sociopathic behavior...

I mean or we can keep going around in circles about this political pissing contest....
Is the argument that it is silly to worry about a tyrannical government, or that it is silly to think that we could defend against a tyrannical government with civilian arms?

I think we’re all against a tyrannical government, but what we consider tyranny differs. I assume many of the people who don’t want the government to take their guns don’t have any problem with the government telling them who they can marry, if they can have an abortion, or use marijuana.
Because they're getting into the hands of the wrong people and kids are getting mowed down by the hundreds sitting in their classrooms.


Gee, and guess who the wrong people are...The killer kids themselves that's who.

"Hundreds" of kids being mowed down in classrooms?...how many hundreds would you guess Tibs?
good thing you're not embellishing that at all. Hundreds.

I'm sorry if that number's wrong, it's less then a hundred, for the record. With so many school shootings happening these past few years - and the one like in Vegas - hard to keep track of the fatalities.
I think we’re all against a tyrannical government, but what we consider tyranny differs. I assume many of the people who don’t want the government to take their guns don’t have any problem with the government telling them who they can marry, if they can have an abortion, or use marijuana.

you've already said abortion is murder, so we have common ground in that.
no, we don't want to commit murder.

though, this may blow your ******* mind (or what's not being squeezed by your manbun, but we also don't give a **** who someone marries, or if they smoke weed.
Gee, and guess who the wrong people are...The killer kids themselves that's who.

Exactly, so why make high capacity, rapid-fire weapons widely and readily available? Why make it easy for the crazies to be able to spray a room full of bullets?

I respect the 2nd Amendment and want it to remain intact. I'm saying certain weapons and ammo should be handled more carefully. Who drew the line you can't buy a mortar or an RPG at Wallmart? How is that not covered by the 2nd Amendment. Is it not our right to bear arms? I want a ******* hand grenade to protect my wife and my kids, it's in the Constitution.

I think certain weapons should be added to the list AR15's and similar weapons. It would be a good start, to tackle the pandemic of mass shootings in the country. It's insane to have these numbers of semi-automatic weapons floating around, seems to be out of control, at this stage.
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Good luck with that. You may wanna buy an xtra few rounds for your AR15 and get some sandbags ready.


I encourage you to look at Vietnam and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.
I think certain weapons should be added to the list AR15's and similar weapons. It would be a good start, to tackle the pandemic of mass shootings in the country. It's insane to have these numbers of semi-automatic weapons floating around, seems to be out of control, at this stage.

Yep, because of the last 17 school shootings an AR15 was used twice. No proposed or in place gun laws would have prevented those two killers getting the weapon.

And don't forget...the deadliest school shooting in US History...


32 dead, 17 wounded...by hand guns. Standard magazines. Standard glock pistols.

But, but, but...assault weapons!
The hypocrisy is deafening.

Yep...Ole Bill Clinton IS an assault weapon.


And I would bet serious money that a majority of Liberals have no clue what an assault rifle is. How many times have I see an explanation on -line and they all must refuse to even read it.


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keeping guns from bad people is your task. Now, go. . .

That's the issue. How to stop bad people with guns(and bombs, vehicles, knives, etc) not to do bad things with them? Sure, we want answers and solutions, but it's not that easy. Bad people have been around longer than guns and weapons. We can have all the rules, regulations, background checks there are, but what drives these people to do these crimes is something we will probably never figure out. There's many coyotes roaming the quiet countryside looking for prey and you can't contain all of them.
I encourage you to look at Vietnam and the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

Sorry but every citizen could have an assault rifle and the govt could demolish any rebellion if it wanted to. Vietnam was a terrible strategy and things would be way different now a days. Our troops wouldn't be blindly running around in the jungles. Also Russia could blow up Afghanistan if it choose to put full military force against it.
Sorry but every citizen could have an assault rifle and the govt could demolish any rebellion if it wanted to. Vietnam was a terrible strategy and things would be way different now a days. Our troops wouldn't be blindly running around in the jungles. Also Russia could blow up Afghanistan if it choose to put full military force against it.

Not going to go in depth on this, but disagree. This operates under the assumptions that

a) the Rebellion wouldn't gain access to greater weapons. They would, and
b) that every member of the armed forces and government would turn on the US population. They wouldn't.

As JFPO wrote...God bless the Jews...

It is known that Nazi Germany did not invade Switzerland largely because the Nazis did not want to invest a lot of machinery and manpower to subjugate a nation that was civilian-armed to the teeth. Similarly, historians tell us that the Imperial Japanese military leaders did not want to invade the United States during World War II because they knew they would encounter fierce resistance from armed citizens.

We learn from all of these examples that armed civilians can deter even armed government functionaries.

When a civilian population widely possesses firearms such as rifles, shotguns and handguns, along with ammunition for them, and the population has the training with the weapons along with the ethic of self defense, then the population is very unlikely to be conquered and persecuted either by their own government or by an invading force.

This conclusion means that lives are saved and human suffering is avoided when the population generally undertakes to prepare for its own armed defense. Stated simply: an armed population saves lives.

The data from the 20th Century suggest that millions of non-combatant lives were lost to genocide and persecution, because (a) the afflicted populations were tremendously underpowered compared to the killers, (b) the population relied solely upon their government to protect them, and (c) the government protectors either failed or actively turned against the populations.

And this is rather dated, but it gives you perspective as to what a tyrannical government would be up against:

The World's Largest Army

After the Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941, they could have sent their troop ships and carriers directly to California to finish what they started. The prediction from our Chief of Staff was we would not be able to stop a massive invasion until they reached the Mississippi River. At the time we had a 2 million man army and war ships - all fighting the Germans. So, why didn’t Japan invade?

After the war, the remaining Japanese generals and admirals were asked that question. Their answer: They knew that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them. The world's largest army - America's hunters.

Recently, a blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion: There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin. This makes Wisconsin’s hunters the 8th largest army in the world. More men under arms than in Iran. More than in France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt with firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of Pennsylvania and Michigan 's 700,000 hunters, all of whom have now returned home. Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
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Liberal hypocrite of the day award goes to.......

Rapper Who Performed at March for Our Lives was Arrested on a Gun Charge

Rapper Vic Mensa performed at the March for Our Lives protest in Washington, D.C. on Saturday roughly one year after he was arrested for violating concealed-carry laws.

Mensa, whose given name is Victor Kwesi Mensah, was carrying a gun when he was stopped for a traffic violation in Beverly Hills in February of last year. He presented police officers with a concealed-carry permit issued by another state that did not entitle him to carry his weapon in California.

The rap star was charged with one felony count of carrying a concealed weapon and was released on $35,000 bail after one night in jail. He pleaded no contest in July and received two years’ probation



No guns for self defense for you....just us special people
A gun chambered in 5.56 can shoot 5.56 or .223 safely, but not the other way around due to the 5.56 having slightly higher pressure.

As far as the the 7.62, the ak uses 7.62x39 round. The .308 is similar to the 7.62x51 which is completely different than the ak 7.62.

Sorry, yeah, i got the x39 and x51 mixed up.
Quick, grab a history book. Hundreds of millions of lives may have been saved if other countries had had their own militias.

You are one of the reasons history is doomed to repeat itself over and over and over. Look up democide.


You might want to read the following: http://jpfo.org/pdf/dociviliangunsdoanygood.pdf

So yeah, about that 18th century. Isn't it funny that in the 20th century the single largest killer of human beings in violence has been governments?

Yeah, we don't need the 2nd Amendment because we are different and this could never, ever happen here because we have Disney and Unicorns and this is Utopia.

Wounded Knee on line 1.
Good luck with that. You may wanna buy an xtra few rounds for your AR15 and get some sandbags ready.


Seems like we'd be done in Iraq, Afghanistan, would have done much better in Vietnam and Korea.

What you fail to take into account is that the majority of the people in the military are unlikely to make war on the American people. Even if they don't actively participant in defending those Americans, that grounds a **** ton of weaponry the government has at their disposal.
Seems like we'd be done in Iraq, Afghanistan, would have done much better in Vietnam and Korea.

What you fail to take into account is that the majority of the people in the military are unlikely to make war on the American people. Even if they don't actively participant in defending those Americans, that grounds a **** ton of weaponry the government has at their disposal.

We could have done better in iraq and what not, but they are worried about civilian casualties. We could have turned iraq / afghan etc into rubble if we wanted to.

While the point of the military not turning on people maybe valid that would be the case no matter what weapons citizens had. If citizens gained access to better weaponry who is going to fly the planes? Don't think many people are going to hop in a fighter jet and become magically combat competent. Even if the military did not want to attack if their lives were threatened the plane would be shot down.

The second amendment is way outdated and times are different. I think it is a delusional fairy tale that we need weapons to protect ourselves against the govt. I have no problem with the right to bear arms, but the reasoning is BS. People just want to play with their toys