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Net neutrality gone in the bat of an eye

Btw ... to Tibs... living in Hungary, this really doesn't affect you does it?
Yeah it affects me, as much as it affects you. 99,9% of the content I access on the net is US based. As an American, everything that happens back home affects me, one way or another.
1) thanks for adding content
2) piss off for your continued labelling. Yoh reap what you sow.
3) how are international governments handling this same issue? If you route the internet thru Hungary , maybe you can become the interwebahn czar!
Lead the innovation!

Sent from my SM-G950U using Steeler Nation mobile app
I'm not really seeing the global emergency truthfully but if people want to go crazy over it then more power to them. Really, it sounds like more of the same partisan bologna where side A says it's the end of the world and side B thinks it's wonderful. In the end those things usually amount to nothing major in the grand scheme of things, so to me that usually spells "Meh".
Yeah it affects me, as much as it affects you. 99,9% of the content I access on the net is US based. As an American, everything that happens back home affects me, one way or another.

This change isn't a limit on content, it's on ISPs treating all content equally on their networks, but that's only as far as how the ISPs are allowed to operate in the US.
Unless your ISP in Hungary is governed by US law, what happens to US regulations shouldn't impact how Hungary regulates their ISPs.

I'm not sure why they're selling it as if those services will now shutdown. Netflix will still be active -- it's just that Comcast, Verizon, and other ISPs can put a price tag on the bandwidth available to Netflix.

ISPs are already charging extra for increased bandwidth, but that bandwidth is shared equally for all content. The problem is, now they can charge more at their own discretion for the services that require higher bandwidth.
I presume there'll be lighting fast internet for those with deep pockets and a public swimming pool lane for everyone else.

That's on the user end.

I wonder what the mood will be like when left-leaning ISP's will choose to significantly slow down fox, breitbart and alt right sites? Or slow down right-wing blogs or right-wing forums on reddit, for instance. Or simply not provide access to those sites at all? Ok, so you'll change ISP's to a right-leaning one. But will they provide service in your area? How much more expensive will it be? Will you be willing to pay extra to get access to the content you want? According to Trump, we're are fine and dandy in wanting to find answers to these questions.

Or you're okay with going back to using the net like when we had dial-up modems, waiting for pictures and content to load. It will have nothing to do with how fast your own internet connection is. It will be regulated, site by site on the ISP's end. They will hold the levels to what gets passed through the net at what bandwith. With nothing to guide them, provide them stucture with an implemented set of standards for all - big and small, right and left.

The internet has been kept open, fair and balanced by these net neutrality laws. Trump feels these issues should now be handled and policed by AT&T, Comcast & Verizon.

If they can't stop this move by the FCC, the internet as we know it will be gone forever. Again, if you have plenty of cash lying around, you'll probably be okay paying premium service for premium content. Good on you.

It's simply a bonehead move that's bad for everyone, unfortunately.
Net neutrality was a government takeover of the internet. It’s only been around for 2 years. They would have you believe that as soon as net neutrality is over, your bills will go up and you’ll start getting horrible service.

The opposite is true. Getting rid of net neutrality opens up competition. They say that this will favor evil Comcast and Verizon. Guess what. Comcast and Verizon were in favor on NN. Why? Same reason why Walmart is on board with a higer minimum wage. Because they can afford it and small competitors can’t. It’s the same with NN. It makes it harder and more expensive to be an ISP meaning it keeps it closer to a monopoly.

Have you internet prices gone down the last 2 years? Hell no.

This will also open up more options for consumers. Get the speeds you actually want and need. Many people with light internet usage are paying for way more bandwidth than they need.
So, all these people against can start their own provider and this is irrelevant.

All these tech companies dont have the $$? Of course they do.
Another way to look at it is it’s the inverse of Obamacare. In healthcare, you have old people costing the most, using the most services. So they want to get young people who barely use any services to buy health insurance to pretty much pay for the old people.

with the internet, it’s the reverse. Young people use ridiculous amounts of data and are in effect being subsidized by many older people paying for bandwidth they don’t use. But they pay for it because there’s not enough competition to let them get the internet version of a pay as you go phone.

The anger is millennials fearing they may actually have to pay a fair market value for their actual usage. That and people making up ridiculous scare tactics to claim the internet will never work again, or something.
So, all these people against can start their own provider and this is irrelevant.

All these tech companies dont have the $$? Of course they do.

It’s more than money. It’s also regulation stopping ISP competittion. Most places, only a select few ISP are allowed to operate.

Maybe prices will go up for a short time but give it 2 years or so and maybe you have Google fiber knocking on your door wanting you to switch, then a new local ISP offering to beat that price.
Hard to find videos actually discussing Net Neutrality without going into hysterics about how comcast might decide to slow netflix and piss off their customers. Why does Comcast suck? Because they can. They don’t have much competition most places.

as Tomlin says Iron makes Iron sharp. Let there be more competition and see how prices and service improve.

here’s a discussion


I presume there'll be lighting fast internet for those with deep pockets and a public swimming pool lane for everyone else.

That's on the user end.

I wonder what the mood will be like when left-leaning ISP's will choose to significantly slow down fox, breitbart and alt right sites? Or slow down right-wing blogs or right-wing forums on reddit, for instance. Or simply not provide access to those sites at all? Ok, so you'll change ISP's to a right-leaning one. But will they provide service in your area? How much more expensive will it be? Will you be willing to pay extra to get access to the content you want? According to Trump, we're are fine and dandy in wanting to find answers to these questions.

Or you're okay with going back to using the net like when we had dial-up modems, waiting for pictures and content to load. It will have nothing to do with how fast your own internet connection is. It will be regulated, site by site on the ISP's end. They will hold the levels to what gets passed through the net at what bandwith. With nothing to guide them, provide them stucture with an implemented set of standards for all - big and small, right and left.

The internet has been kept open, fair and balanced by these net neutrality laws. Trump feels these issues should now be handled and policed by AT&T, Comcast & Verizon.

If they can't stop this move by the FCC, the internet as we know it will be gone forever. Again, if you have plenty of cash lying around, you'll probably be okay paying premium service for premium content. Good on you.

It's simply a bonehead move that's bad for everyone, unfortunately.

TIbs many poor countries have found just the opposite. Poor people are better able to afford the service because they buy access to only what they need and are not having to pay for crap they don't need. Net Neutrality is a touchy subject because of how it is portrayed but it is much different in reality. People are confusing issues of censorship and access.
TIbs... The usual mindless bluster from the Trump asshats from the SN Alt Right peanut gallery shall be ignored. Or have some peanuts thrown at them, like the monkeys they are.

As usual, this is all the farther I needed to go. Everything after that was obviously tainted by socialist rhetoric.


This would have explained it better. But isn't this just like our current mail system. 1st class mail does not cost the same as parcel post...how is that wrong ?


While I admit to knowing absolutly nothing about the subject, the fact that the Left is freaking out about it tells me a lot. Here's one guys slant...

Why I could care less about net neutrality. (self.NoNetNeutrality)

submitted 6 hours ago by MemeGnosisfreedom of speech is illegal

... because there is no longer any free speech on the internet. For the sake of argumentation, let's assume the hysterical complaints of the net neutrality supporters are true, that we'll have to pay manually for websites or whatnot. I doubt it is, but for the sake of the argument:

Why should I care anymore, when there is no neutrality for freedom of speech? All the websites deeply for NN are the worst offenders of free speech save college campuses. As the most censored person on reddit (my subreddits have been banned and my accounts deleted simply for my views and my effectiveness at spreading those views) I find it laughable these morons would dare pretend they care about anything but creating a monopoly. And if NN makes verizon and comcast monopolies instead of facebook, reddit, and twitter, what should I care? Verizon and Comcast haven't censored me at all for my views while reddit, facebook, and twitter all have.

As someone who has seen freedom of speech destroyed on the internet in the past few years ever since the implementation of so-called "net neutrality" and handing over ICANN to the communist UN, even, EVEN if what they're saying is correct (note that before 2015 the internet was fine), I'd still support removing it simply because comcast and verizon have done a lot less to destroy the internet than these "people" have.

If we really had net neutrality on here Coolie would be out of a job...LOL

This is my issue. While I’m all about removing all of BOs work this one I’m not sure. Yes we didn’t have it prior to him and, we’ll the net was perfectly fine...with it, it seemed the same. My issue is what I have seen could (yes could) happen.

Instead of paying X per month for net. Now providers will divide it by, internet, video games, social medial, steaming service (there goes cutting cord)...etc. maybe that can save money for some. But let’s be real. If I’m paying 60 bucks for blazing speed for everything and now I need to pay based on what I use...my family is ******. That net is spinning.

I guess we shall see. If it brings more providers to the table good. But just look at Disney buying fox. Say good buy to Hulu
If anybody bothered to look at the manual when setting up their router they would notice most of them have a setting called QOS or Quality of Service. What it means is you can co figure your router so that Netflix gets a higher priority and more bandwidth than say, your email or windows update. Why? Because you want netflix not to buffer while you are watching so you don’t care if that means it takes a bit longer for your email to download.

Think of it as water in your house. What if you have laundry in, and a toilet flushes in one bathroom while somebody is in the shower in the other. For most people, you would have a terrible shower. You’d probably have to wait for the laundry to get done and if somebody flushes, you’re standing under a dribble.

what if you could prioritize that when the shower is on, that gets all the water it needs and anything else is slower. Now your shower is perfect but that toilet and washing machine take twice as long as usual ti fill. Sounds good, right?

Some internet services should be prioritized.

Those graphics are meant to scare people. The better graphic would show netflix and youtube loading faster than normal while their email takes a bit longer than normal. I’d bet most people would rather that, than having the same bandwidth allocated to both tasks.
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So you mean government agencies with plans to control and tax the internet through Net Neutrality are against getting rid of NN? Shocking.

They want to make it a utility like with the phone companies. Look at the bottom of a landline phone bill and there are taxes on there from the 1920s that were supposedly only temporary to build all the poles and lines everywhere. Funny how they never got around to ending those taxes, just adding more, like the tax for Obama-phones.
I don’t know, Netflix has already criticized the ruling as misguided.

Yes because the ISPs were going to charge them more for the extra bandwidth their services use. The streaming services were very much part of the push to "net neutrality" so as to protect their bottom line. And politicians were keen on it so they had a "See what we are giving you for free" moment plus it gave them precedent to control the web. They had a way to simply shut off Beitbart and Drudge Report for "violations of stadards".
Muh legacy!

The Federal Communications Commission voted Thursday to repeal net neutrality rules, over the objection of Democrats in Congress, Internet activists and online companies.

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, and Commissioner Brendan Carr, all Republicans, supported the proposed rollback of the Obama-era rules.



When liberals write a law, the law never means what the name implies.
Net neutrality was a government takeover of the internet. It’s only been around for 2 years. They would have you believe that as soon as net neutrality is over, your bills will go up and you’ll start getting horrible service.

The opposite is true. Getting rid of net neutrality opens up competition. .


The simplest thing to do is just see who cries the most. If Liberals are squawking it means they want to take things away from real Americans

Net Neutrality = Marxist Internet = government control of the internet.
If anybody bothered to look at the manual when setting up their router...

I get your drift tape and you make some good points. I'm all for a free market and competition, it generally helps improve services across the board.

The problem here, in a narrower sense, seems to be that the 'market' now will have control over the levers of internet content, in this case how they see fit to dole out bandwith on whatever websites and streaming services that are out there. This significantly narrows the playing field. It provides a huge advantage to big money sites over startups or non-commercial content on the net. The big ISP providers will first and foremost give preference to what's popular on the net hence more advertising dollars and profits. Good on them.

Take your water metaphor, that you'd want to control how much water flows to which part of your home. Problem is, it's not you that's deciding where the water flows, but in this case would be the water company. They choose to pipe in 5x the water you need in the washroom, but your shower is at a trickle. Same thing with your router analogy, in which case the consumer can adjust bandwith 'priorities' on their incoming net. Again, removing net neutrality doesn't give you these choices, but to the ISP providers.

It's like having control of the soda fountain at a fast food chain. You get a kickback from the Pepsi guy so you pipe through watered-down Coca Cola in the machines. Or say it's out of service. Then proclaim 'See, customers prefer Pepsi over Coke, the numbers prove it.'

It is boosting the notion of groupthink, and at once narrowing content on the net. We're putting mega corporations and advertising companies in charge of not only what they're gonna pipe through but how they're going to deliver that content. Which video you can stream and which is broken or lagging. In my view net neutrality wasn't some liberal/ Obama overreach or achievement that serves the government, or really anybody. It was an attempt to create a sort of Constitution for the net, if you will, with inalienable rights to keep fundamental aspects of the net free and unfettered.

The basic idea of it doesn't sit well with me, sorry.
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No wonder Libs are howling!

President Trump cuts red tape at White House event touting deregulation

Over the past 11 months, the Trump administration has canceled or delayed more than 1,500 planned regulatory actions, “more than any previous president, by far,” the president said at a White House event. “We’re going to cut a ribbon because we’re getting back below the 1960 level and we’ll be there fairly quickly,” he said.

Trump pledged to cut the Federal Regulatory code back down from more than 185,000 pages in 2017 to the 20,000 pages it was in 1960. A progress update on the administration’s regulatory rollback was contained in the semi-annual Unified Regulatory Agenda published by the White House Office of Management and Budget Thursday afternoon.
