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Nope. Walls don’t work.

It's true a lot of illegal immigrants come here this way and that also needs to be enforced better. Glad Tibs and 21 agree.

I've never been a big proponent of the wall. You can't build it tall enough or long enough to really make much of a dent in illegal immigration. We can stop illegal immigration tomorrow by establishing a guest worker program, taking away all government benefits from illegals, prosecuting employers for hiring, and requiring proof of citizenship at the voting booth. .

Of course a simple cost-effective solution like that will never happen because this is all about political posturing on both sides and not about stopping illegal immigration at all.
How many criminals and drugs flew in with visas?

I'm not saying walls wont stop anyone or anything. But drugs are smuggled into this country in all sorts of inventive ways. They come in legal shipments of produce. They are dropped from light aircraft and drones. They are brought in via tunnels. The border is almost 2000 miles long and someone can get over the wall with a decent sized ladder.

I know this is Trump's campaign promise and he wants to save face but as an effective means of border patrol, I think it's marginal.

Remove the incentives and regular "just want to work" folks won't come here illegally. Then you can focus more resources on the criminals and drugs.
I'm shocked you guys continue to fall for Trump's constant lies, embelishments and deceptions. After two years you would think you'd know better, but guess not. The situation at the southern border is nowhere near the 'crisis' Trump wants you to believe. He's just trying to save face at this point, cause he suckered everyone into thinking he's gonna build a huge, monolithic, medieval border wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. That was bullshit from day one, and now he has egg on his face as he's failed miserably getting anything done over two years running, and that was with a full GOP majority in both the House and Senate. And now the Dems are really gonna force his hand, as nobody's buying his bullshit anymore.

no, the Dems believed that. People with common sense know that there really can't be a 2,000 mile wall, 15 feet high. The topography won't allow it. There can be walls put up in certain areas that would allow patrolling of the areas without walls to be better patrolled. As for Mexico paying for it, sure. They will, eventually. I never thought we'd get a check from Mexico that would be for x-billion, and if we did, it would likely bounce. Yet Mexico will pay for it. But, you go on believing the hyperbole that Mexico will be backing up thousands of low riders to the border with trunks of pesos. This country does need better border security. That stupid graph you posted shows that ILLEGAL border entries dropped 90 percent and you believe that is the only way to enter the country. Legal immigration, to you and the Dims, is akin to a rolling stop on a right hand turn at a red light.

The number of family units – usually mothers or fathers with small children – apprehended in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Rio Grande Valley sector jumped from 49,896 in fiscal year 2017 to 63,278 in fiscal year 2018, which ended Sept. 30. That's a 27 percent increase, according to recently released agency statistics.

Those numbers are in line with an overall rise in family unit apprehensions across the Southwest border, which increased from 41,435 in fiscal year 2017 to 50,036 this past fiscal year, a 21 percent rise. The Rio Grande Valley Sector, which covers 320 border miles and runs from Rio Grande City to Brownsville and up the coast to Corpus Christi, was far and away the biggest contributor to that total.

The wave of migrants – coming primarily from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras – arrive in large groups, sometimes 70 or 100 at a time, and are jamming federal facilities where they’re held while their asylum requests are processed.

this is called overwhelming the authorities. This is why your lefties were in such a frenzied state. We MUST determine who is who and not use the border as a turnstyle. Asylum seeking is increasing. As is the number of asylum seekers being DENIED.

Whether they cross illegally or through a port of entry, asylum seekers are facing tough odds, according to a new report from Syracuse University. Immigration judges denied a record number of asylum claims in the fiscal year of 2018.

Last year, judges decided 42,224 cases, a sum that exceeds 2017’s tally by 40 percent. It can take years for an asylum case to be heard in court, and most of the cases in question involved applicants who arrived well before President Donald Trump took office. This year, judges denied asylum in 65 percent of such cases, marking the sixth year in a row that denial rates have increased.
Ha ha ha! Screw congress!

President Donald Trump on Friday said he told Democrats earlier in the day that he would keep the government partially closed for years, or as long as it takes to get funding for his proposed border wall.

Trump also asserted that he had the authority to declare a national emergency and build the wall without congressional approval.
Nobody wants open borders, that’s simply a myth - and yet another lie - propagated by Trump.

We just don’t support Trump’s harebrained, medevial wall, not on taxpayers dime. What happened to his initial plan to have Mexico foot the bill? Let’s get back to that. He said it over and over again and promised it would be easy. Until then, he should get out of the way and let the adults in the room, yes, the Democrats, end Trump’s idiotic government shut down.

Come on man. You hate Trump, I get it. I don't really care for the guy and I have my reasons. That's another subject though.

To suggest no one wants open borders is nonsense. Tibs, there are politicians out there that have said as much. It may not be consensus in the Democrat party, but I really don't hear a lot of people in the Democrat party making a strong case for border security. Add to that that the Democrats support and fund sanctuary cities, want to abolish ICE, and remain silent when illegal immigrants kill police officers and citizens, and you are gonna have a hard time selling they want border security. No matter how one feels about our immigration laws, by propping up and supporting sanctuary cities, they are helping people break the law. How can anyone support that? Why would anyone support that? You want to really help people. Do your ******* job, write some legislation, put it to a vote and try to reform immigration law. For all the whining about Trump's lawlessness, there's plenty of it on the other side.

And to call Democrats the adults in the room is hilarious. What they are doing right now on border security is tantamount to sticking their thumbs in their ears, wiggling their fingers and saying "neener, neener, neener." Call Trump childish, then act childish in return. Good strategy. Next, I'm sure you'll tell me "Trump started it." Adults indeed.
Yes thousands of semi-literate day laborers flew up here from South America on Delta Airlines. I keep seeing estimates, well how are they making these estimates?
I'm shocked you guys continue to fall for Trump's constant lies, embelishments and deceptions. After two years you would think you'd know better, but guess not. The situation at the southern border is nowhere near the 'crisis' Trump wants you to believe. He's just trying to save face at this point, cause he suckered everyone into thinking he's gonna build a huge, monolithic, medieval border wall and Mexico was gonna pay for it. That was bullshit from day one, and now he has egg on his face as he's failed miserably getting anything done over two years running, and that was with a full GOP majority in both the House and Senate. And now the Dems are really gonna force his hand, as nobody's buying his bullshit anymore.



Less people came here because of Bammy's lousy economy and there were less jobs. That's one way to do it I suppose.....
This is the physical and mental state of the right in America in 2019, as an invigorated, diverse and enthusiastic Democratic majority takes over the House. Trump will never know what hit him.

Wishful thinking Tibs. That is not my mental state. Where do you get this **** from? Mother Jones? LOL.

The Dem Party right now is a train wreck, and Nancy Pelosi is going to regret taking back the gavel. You have the old Dem guard, like Elijah Cummings, versus the freshman brand of misfit toys. Watching the Dems right now is like watching Saturday morning cartoons, as a kid. I still like those old Scooby Doos.

I give you, the new Democratic Congress................

I love how the word is diverse. They all believe the same things. They all say the same things. They all do the same things.

Diverse from white people I guess is what they mean. So diversity in looks. Not diverse in thoughts or ideas.
Border crossings don't even account for a majority of the people joining the unauthorized population in a given year. In fiscal 2016, for instance, the Department of Homeland Security estimated 628,799 people who had previously entered the country legally overstayed their visa that year. Other groups, such as the Center for Migration Studies, have similarly estimated that visa overstays account for about two-thirds of the total number of people joining the undocumented population in any given year.

“The number attempting to get across the Southern border is probably the lowest it's been since at least the 1970s,” said Robert Warren, a demographer with the Center for Migration Studies. “I'm surprised the [Trump] administration hasn't really focused on overstays. That's where the action is.”

LOL. I'll see your non-partisan think tank, the Center for Migration Studies, and raise it one non-partisan think tank, the Center for Immigration Studies. Anyway, for some reason you all think that percentage is important to your anti-wall arguments. It's a red herring.
Christ! Really. Is this from a grown man? The Democrats. Just being a Democrat should be treason. The new definition for treason is the Democratic party. Their so bad the make Nancy Pelosi look almost normal and that's Pelosi at 80!!! Mexico would of paid and in time will pay for the wall if it wasn't for the meddling by the high treasonous way of the Demicratic party. Go get a job and get off the dwindling public hand out you probably been on for years.

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It's a cleat cut division that most Anti Trump low life are o the public free ride including free food, free cash, free housing, free cell phones, free WiFi, also they got out of bed long enough to fight fpr the right to buy fast food with their food stamps and got it. Yes lets not build a wall and the tax payers can carry even more then the 48% who are on some kind of hand out. AlL FACTS ALL TRUE AND WERE ALL PAYING THEIR WAY!!

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With the government **** down it's estimated that we'll save $45,000,000,000 a year every year. All Trump has to do is keep the shut down for two years to build the wall at the Democrats inflated costs prediction and maintain and man it for the next 133 years. His plan is working already either way the D party is too stupid to realise well with their noses cut off. Despite the faces.

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Not Pelosi's house, but the point is valid. Rich people have walls around their houses.
I love how the word is diverse. They all believe the same things. They all say the same things. They all do the same things.

Diverse from white people I guess is what they mean. So diversity in looks. Not diverse in thoughts or ideas.

Yeah, diversity in thought will not be tolerated.
My proposal:

Don't ask for money to build a wall.

Ask for money to build a solar farm. The solar collectors will need to be ON something. I propose that some sort ok f concrete standing supports be built under the solar collectors. Of course, you'll need some fencing to protect it from vandals.
My proposal:

Use some of the $5.7B to build new detention facilities for those seeking asylum. Include dormitories, small apartments for families with children, medical clinics and cafeterias. Hell I’d live there myself.

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The intrepid Jim Acosta made his way down to the border and found that there is indeed no crisis on the US side of a border wall -
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I found some steel slats down on the border. But I don’t see anything resembling a national emergency situation.. at least not in the McAllen TX area of the border where Trump will be today. <a href="https://t.co/KRoLdszLUu">pic.twitter.com/KRoLdszLUu</a></p>— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) <a href="https://twitter.com/Acosta/status/1083411819354558467?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 10, 2019</a></blockquote>
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