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Obama 'worst president' since World War II

Dow 6500 at start of Obama, today it crosses 17,000.

Due to the fact that the Fed has artificially kept interest rates well below market levels by buying hundreds of billions of dollars of their own debt, thus creating massive interest obligations that the government tries to reduce by forcing interest rates down. The Fed does not actually print money to purchase its own bonds (debt) and merely runs a balance sheet trick, creating fictional cash that the government then spends. This is called "monetizing the debt."

Treasuries that are more valuable don't have to pay as much in yield to get buyers. A lower yield drives down interest rates on the U.S. debt. Lower interest rates means the government doesn't have to spend as much to pay off its loans. This is money it can use for other programs.

The net effect is that it is as if the Treasuries bought by the Fed didn't exist.But they do exist on the Fed's balance sheet. Technically, the Treasury must pay the Fed back one day. Until then, the Fed has given the Federal government more money to spend and increased the money supply. This is called monetizing the debt.


The artificially low interest rate creates, as a consequence, an artificial increase (inflation) in the stock market. As a basic market premise, as interest rates decline, money seeks a better return on the stock market than in bonds. Additionally, since businesses trading on the NYSE carry debt, a reduction of interest rates lowers the company's debt, and makes the company look more profitable. That two-fold effect increases the stock prices.

If you sat down in an economics class today, you would probably learn that there is a negative relationship between interest rates and the stock market. In other words, when interest rates fall, the stock market rises and when interest rates rise, the stock market falls. There are two main reasons why this happens.

The first is that stocks appear more attractive when compared to bonds.


Therefore, your premise that stock market inflation is a "good thing" is and always has been wrong, since that increase is nothing more than the Fed buying hundreds of billions of dollars in debt and artificially keeping interest rates below market level to hide the empty economy we now have.

21Steelers21 said:
He saved us from a Depression and now we start the biggest boom in American history.

He most certainly did NOT "save us from a depression." You have zero background or education in macroeconomics, that is clear. Why don't you cite a credible source - an actual investment, monetary, research or academic publication - postulating that the United States was heading for a "depression"??

Here are the GDP data showing how wrong you are - and showing that Bammy made the economy much WORSE in his first year than what he inherited. (Is your theory that he "saved us from a depression" by making the economy much worse??):

Gross Domestic Product 1978-Present and Projections through 2016


Comparison of Unemployment Levels - Obama vs. Nixon, Reagan, Clinton and Bush (Bammy is the WORST ... even WORSE than GWB)


United States Employment Levels as Percentage of Population (Not good for Bammy)


United States Debt/Deficits (Not good for Bammy - his debt and deficit to GDP is exceeded only by the money spent fighting WWII)


21Steelers21 said:
I predict severe labor shortage by 2016.

Then start a business supplying temporary labor. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

Yeah, actually pay for something and take a risk, predicated on your prediction? Not going to happen, is it?
so, Ron, 21 is correct?

he's ******* brilliant.
Yes but not for the reasons he thinks. Besides, if you add in the people who have given up looking for work then the unemployment rate is double.

The sad part is that if we repealed term limits he'd be re-elected again. No doubt in my mind.
I'm waiting to see some blacks on TV who are agitated when they find out that Bomma can't run for a third term. Racist ******* government. We've had 43 white Presidents so now we need 43 black Presidents in a row to get even.

I hope I get a refund for those loans I had to pay back all those years ago.
You register Democrat and votes for Bomma ten time for BommaMoney from His stash.

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But if we're picking worst presidents it begins and ends with ol' W. The Iraq war was by far the biggest **** up since Johnson escalated the war in Vietnam. Let's also not forget the worst attack on American soil happened on his watch. And, last but not least, the economy imploded, causing us to have to give the Wall St. ***** that caused the implosion in the first place almost a trillion dollars to keep us from sliding into the second Great Depression.

OK, let's clear some things up with this particular part here.
Yep, chasing the terrorists responsible for 9/11 and then making a "right turn" into Iraq to secure our oil interests in the name of freedom and democracy for the people of the middle east is squarely on George Jr., Dick Cheney, and brought to you by Haliburton. But getting there in the first place was voted on and approved by a vast majority of congress, elephants and donkeys holding hands the whole way.
While 9/11 was less than 8 months into George Jr's presidency, it was indeed on his "watch". But the planning, developing of the cells, infiltration, etc were all done under Wee Willie Winkies 2nd term.
Lastly, why did the economy implode under Georgie Porgie Jr.? Cause of the "Hey, you make $7.00/hr.? You get to live in a million dollar mansion that you couldn't possibly afford" Act Willie and the donkey controlled congress enacted in his final year in office. The housing bubble burst under George Jr. but through no fault of his own. That, along with the trillions we wasted on the war, were the biggest two contributing factor to our economical decline under W.
You see, it's always a shared blame. It's annoying when people just pick sides and say, "Nope. Not our guy. He's the coolest. No flies on them."
Repubs? Dems? They're ALL scammers and crooks. As someone previously stated, our elected officials only have money, themselves, and big corporations best interests in mind. Not ours.

Please, everyone stop buying into the "big two" philosophy. They really are ALL crooks. Donkeys and Elephants are the same animal in politics. Wolves in sheeps' clothing. Don't be so blind just because it's your team. If you're pointing a finger across the isle, at least have the decency to point it back on your side, too. Don't be "that guy".
We do have the power, we just choose to not use it and think the machine's too big to stop. And that's exactly what they want you to think, too.
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The primary knowledge gleaned from this is not easy to see for Joe six pack, i.e. Americans have almost zero understanding of history(even their own) and those few that think they do depend on 'pop' history fed to them through the T.V. news media and the History Channel.

That's why a POS like Reagan or Bush get ships named after them and Jimmy Carter gets called the worst pres. ever.

God forbid Americans find out that it was Carter that set in motion the economic recovery that Reagan inherited, or that it was his administrations strategy and actions that brought down the Soviet Union(which was already collapsing anyway) by aiding the mujahedeen in Afghanistan.

Wow. I am an independent but your slanted views are just amusing. Yes, Reagan like Clinton get too much credit but anyone with an IQ above 75 can see that Carter was a god awful president. People wonder why jobs are being outsourced to China? That was Carter and his trade relations he set up with them. Gave away the Panama canal... that one he should of not been impeached for but actually hung for treason. Gas prices skyrocketed. But that has been an ongoing thing since big oil greases the politicians to keep them high. Of course Reagan dropped them in half when he took office. And he caused the biggest increase in inflation the US has ever seen.

Nice guy but an awful president.
Hillary is running for Obama's third term and guess what. She will WIN IT.

Happy Days are here again. You guys will win 8 more years of hearing yourself whine.
Hillary is running for Obama's third term and guess what. She will WIN IT.

Happy Days are here again. You guys will win 8 more years of hearing yourself whine.

So you get your *** kicked on your last statement but want to come and gloat about something that hasn't even happened yet? You are a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Hillary is running for Obama's third term and guess what. She will WIN IT.
Probably. There are more people who will vote for free **** from the government than there are people who pay for the free ****.

Happy Days are here again. You guys will win 8 more years of hearing yourself whine.
We might be whining but at least we're right.
Wow. I am an independent but your slanted views are just amusing. Yes, Reagan like Clinton get too much credit but anyone with an IQ above 75 can see that Carter was a god awful president. People wonder why jobs are being outsourced to China? That was Carter and his trade relations he set up with them. Gave away the Panama canal... that one he should of not been impeached for but actually hung for treason. Gas prices skyrocketed. But that has been an ongoing thing since big oil greases the politicians to keep them high. Of course Reagan dropped them in half when he took office. And he caused the biggest increase in inflation the US has ever seen.

Nice guy but an awful president.

H.W. Bush and Clinton gave China MFN status, don't let the facts get in your way though.
H.W. Bush and Clinton gave China MFN status, don't let the facts get in your way though.

And not to be outdone, barry gave Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan to terrorists. But to be fair, the army did take Egypt back.
And not to be outdone, barry gave Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan to terrorists. But to be fair, the army did take Egypt back.

....but.....but.........he killed Bin Laden. We always forget about that.

what about a POTUS that covered up the largest attack on American soil since....ever...to protect his foreign investor friends?

a couple useless wars that have cost a few thousand lives (on our side) and a few trillion dollars that his Veep's buddies got a huge share of?

nah, that guy was white and undoubtably a WASP.

all good.

this should be interesting when the rest of the 9-11 papers come out.
Obama lied, people died....the blood is on his hands

US Navy SEAL killed by ISIS in Iraq firefight

Remember "NO boots on the ground"?

Why isn't the press holding his feet to fire for that lie?
And not to be outdone, barry gave Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan to terrorists. But to be fair, the army did take Egypt back.

This whole Barry Soetoro, " Commander in Chief " thing has been a disaster from the get go. The U.S. military has been hindered by an overbearing and inexperienced White House under this President, according to each of his three former defense secretaries, causing the Pentagon to struggle to carry out operations and make decisions. With some help from Fred, I'll attempt an explanation.

To begin with, I don’t think there’s one veteran on the senior staff at the White House. Hell, I don’t believe there’s even one business person.

During the Vietnam war the antiwar rallies grew and became huge, and kids fled to Canada and sought deferments and hid in the Navy, the military felt betrayed. To this day many veterans remain bitter at what they see as treason, cowardice, lack of patriotism. They were fighting and dying, seeing friends bleeding to death, choking on their own blood, burned alive in flaming Amtracs–and college kids were smoking dope and getting laid and chanting “Hell no, we won’t got.” The vets were, and are, embittered. They won, they believe, but the hippies and lefties stabbed them in the back.

Now one of those very same leftie's is the BBMFIC.

America was not then the pansy world of today. This was before our age of milquetoasts, sick-puppy transgenders who lop their willies off, and squishy delicates in panties who have never jumped from a high-wing Cessna or seen the eagle rays 130 feet down on Caribbean walls or even baited a fish hook.

We see the feminization in the ranks from the socially progressive. We see they are against the culture of violence that prevails in the military. But what people expect in a society that has so many gun thingies, and glorifies them? We need to de-emphasize war, and substitute caring activities involving cooperation. You could lead from the front by taking part in social activities, perhaps being pivot man in a circle jerk.

I see also on his watch the Army has taken measures to make the service more LBTG-friendly, as well as more inclusive and welcoming to single mommies. I think you should go further. For example, the Army could use armored nail-salons to keep the troops looking great and feeling good about themselves, and those funny old tanks need changing tables inside the turret-thingy. And big guns look tho phallic. They must make women anxious. The only thing they are good for is drying lingerie. The guns, I mean, not the women.

The all-voluntary military means that body bags will contain only elements of society that the ruling classes don’t care about. Wars now chiefly involve bombing enemies who have no way of fighting back. Reliance on drones means no casualties at all, and the use of robots in ground combat, long a pipe dream, is nearing reality. The media are under control. America still loses its wars in the sense of not getting what it wants, but the public doesn’t care and you cannot sap a drone’s will. Here is the lesson of Vietnam.

Remember this ?

what about a POTUS that covered up the largest attack on American soil since....ever...to protect his foreign investor friends?

a couple useless wars that have cost a few thousand lives (on our side) and a few trillion dollars that his Veep's buddies got a huge share of?

nah, that guy was white and undoubtably a WASP.

all good.

this should be interesting when the rest of the 9-11 papers come out.

Dang ole grave robber.
Only a typical knuckle-dragging, science denying racist tea bagging republican WOULD choose Obama as the worst. He's got a lot of ******* up to do in the next couple years if he wants to even come close to the guy he replaced.

The Quinnipiac University Polling Institute is a public opinion polling center based at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut. It surveys public opinion in Connecticut, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, and nationally.

It is considerably larger than other academic polling

Right, only Republicans were polled.
Probably. There are more people who will vote for free **** from the government than there are people who pay for the free ****.

Has Trump said anything about reducing the amount of free ****?
Time to pull all our nukes out of Britain......**** you Obama, this is all your fault


Moderate Muslims are ‘Uncle Toms,’ said Muslim set to be London mayor

In London, Labour’s Sadiq Khan is favored to beat Conservative multimillionaire environmentalist Zac Goldsmith in the race to run the English capital...

Khan has taken heat for calling moderate Muslims “Uncle Toms”

Heat Street’s also detailed his links to Zacarias Moussaoui, who pleaded guilty to conspiring to kill US citizens as part of the Sept. 11 attacks.

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Limpdick Obama again

Iranian Commander Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz To US

‘Americans cannot make safe any part of the world’

TEHRAN, Iran — The deputy commander of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard said Iranian forces will close the strategic Strait of Hormuz to the United States and its allies if they “threaten” the Islamic Republic, Iranian state media reported.

The remarks by the acting commander of the Guard also follow those of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who on Monday criticized US activities in the Persian Gulf. It’s unclear whether that signals any new Iranian concern over the strait or possible confrontation with the US following its nuclear deal with world powers.

Obama 'BEST president' since World War II

There must have been some mistake, I fixed the thread title for you. There, that's a lot better. And much more accurate. Carry on.
Liar Liar Liar

Obama Aide: Iran Deal Built on Lie

The Obama administration misled Americans about supposed "moderates" that officials were dealing with in the Iranian theocracy to forge a nuclear proliferation deal — all to make the deal more palatable to the American public, according to The New York Times.

Ben Rhodes, deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, even boasted about how he helped create the false narrative to mask that Iranian hard-liners were really calling the shots, the Times reports.

Rhodes concedes to the Times that the so-called moderate regime is not moderate at all, commenting: "We're not betting on it."

"We created an echo chamber," he tells the Times in a piece to appear in the Sunday magazine of the newspaper. "They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say," he adds about so-called experts praising the deal in the press.

Spike why do you hate America? And why are you so in love with Putin and Russia? You want to live under an autocratic regime with a strong-armed dictator at the helm? Must be it. That explains the fanboy giddiness with which you worship Trump.