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Obama's Muslim friends in the USA government. Just a lot of smoke or not?


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Obama's Muslim friends in the USA government. Just a lot of smoke or not?

1 ) The CIA Director, John Brennan is rumored to have converted to Islam.

During the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual conference, Sept. 14-18, 2016, CIA Director John Brennan admitted to supporting the Communist Party in the 1976 election.

2 ) Obama's right-hand woman is Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran.

Valerie Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was labeled as a Chicago Communist, according to separate FBI files.

3 ) Hillary Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin is a Muslim.

Abedin, the vice chairwoman of Clinton’s presidential campaign and a near-constant fixture at her side for more than 15 years.

4 ) Keith Ellison, known racists who worked with the Nation of Islam, may be the next head of the DNC. He was sworn in by the Koran.

5 ) Arif Alikhan. Homeland Security Deputy mayor.Alikhan was responsible for derailing the LAPD‘s efforts to monitor radical and potentially terrorist activities within the city’s Muslim community, where numerous radical mosques were known to have provided aid and comfort to the 9/11 hijackers.

Alikhan, an openly devout Sunni Muslim, has openly participated in a Muslim Public Affairs Council fundraiser titled “Be the Change,” in order to support that organization’s leadership development programs which openly advocates for the Sharia Law takeover of the United States. The open support for this Sharia Law intention to overthrow the U.S. government, on the part of an American citizen, is illegal. When such an advocate is a Federal employee in a sensitive position this person should disqualify one from holding sensitive positions within the government.

6 ) Malick Obama, the Head of the Muslim Brotherhood Finance and Arms Procurement

Malick Obama is the half-brother of the President. Malick is a terrorist and is in charge of finances and arms procurement for the Muslim Brotherhood. During his tenure in office, President Obama has been strangely silent on the terrorist membership of his half brother.

7 ) Homeland Security Advisor, Mohamed Elibiary

The presence of Mohamed Elibiary inside of DHS as a special advisor is extremely troubling. Again, Discover the Network has provided the background of Elibiary:

“Admirer of the late Ayatollah Khomeini

Has advised numerous law-enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters

Was named to President Obama’s Homeland Security Advisory Council in 2010

Misused classified documents in an effort to promote the notion that “Islamophobia” was widespread.”

8 ) Which brings us to Barack Hussien Obama. His father was Mulsim, father in law was Muslim, wrote the most beautiful thing he ever heard was the call to prayer of Islam, has sounded himself with some characters that would not pass governmental vetting pre-2007.
Drain it!

The big reason all the lefties hate us possibly being friends with Russian is because together we might flush out all the dirty Muslim infiltrators in Obama's regime in place here.
and Obama is a well known Jew hater

What's that about foreign governments not intruding on other country's elections?

Obama Administration Gave $350K to Prevent Netanyahu's 2015 Re-Election

According to the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI), the State Department gave $349,276 in U.S. taxpayer-funded grants to a political group in Israel to build a campaign operation, which subsequently was used to try to influence Israelis to vote against conservative Benjamin Netanyahu in the March 2015 election for prime minister.

In the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations report about the State Department’s action, Chairman Bob Portman (R-Ohio) said, “It is completely unacceptable that U.S. taxpayer dollars were used to build a political campaign infrastructure that was deployed — immediately after the grant ended — against the leader [Netanyahu] of our closest ally in the Middle East. American resources should be used to help our allies in the region, not undermine them.”

Drain it!

The big reason all the lefties hate us possibly being friends with Russian is because together we might flush out all the dirty Muslim infiltrators in Obama's regime in place here.

Thank god it will be drained. Is the question was Obama the most pro-Islamic president of all time? I think so, and I suspect some subterfuge with the characters who surrounded him.

I hope someone can connect these dots a bit better, and make this part of Obama's terrible legacy.

There comes a point where political ideology must take a back seat to national patriotism and I do think at least half the Obama voters if educated on this topic would view him with negativity.

Could you imagine a Republican or normal Democratic presidency with these cast of characters?

The best financial person I know said Obama damaged the USA worse that ISIS, but accumulating more debt than all presidents combined and only having 1.54 million printed in cash....this can not be covered and sooner or later the banks will want their money back and stop lending...crashing our economy.
LOL! I think #6 is the funniest.


Malik Obama, the president's Kenyan half brother, was photographed in 2010 at a public event in Yemen wearing a 'keffiyeh' – a special scarf – bearing two anti-Israel slogans of the terror group Hamas, it emerged today.
'Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING,' reads one saying. 'From the river to the sea,' says the other statement.

That rallying cry refers to Palestinian militants' belief that the territory representing Israel, with the Jordan River to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, rightfully belongs to them – and Israel should not exist.



President Barack Hussein Obama’s older half-brother is Malik Obama. Malik is the child of Obama’s father Barack Obama Sr and his first wife Kezia. He was born and raised in Kenya, where he received a degree in accounting at the University of Nairobi.

In addition to illegally operating the non-profit organization, Barack H. Obama Foundation, Malik Obama currently works as the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO). The US State Department considers the government of Sudan to be a terrorist organization and it just so happens that the IDO was created by that same Sudanese government.

In 2010, the IDO held a conference in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The conference was led by Omar Al-Bashir, the President of Sudan. He is wanted on seven counts of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court. The US State Department has also listed Bashir as the head of the state sponsored terrorism of Sudan.

One of the principle goals of the conference was to promote their Wahhabist form of Islam throughout Africa. Wahhabi is an ultra-conservative form of Sunni Islam that was started by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the 1700s. He was an Islamic theologian that lived in Saudi Arabia. This is the predominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia today.

Malik Obama not only attended the IDO conference, but he spoke at it as well. There are photos of Malik and his boss, Suar Al Dahab, Chairman of the IDO. Dahab has a close relationship with Bashir and has been seen with Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who says Hitler did not finish the job in exterminating the Jews, and Ismail Haniyeh, the Prime Minister of Hamas (a terrorist organization). On a recent trip to Gaza, the three men appeared together and it was obvious that Dahab demonstrated full support to the two leaders.

With Malik’s obvious ties to Islamic terrorism, I can’t help but wonder just how close the two half-brothers are. According to reports, they each stood as best man at the other’s wedding, although I’m not sure which wedding of Malik’s it’s referring to since he supposedly has 13 wives. Malik has also visited the White House on a number of occasions.

Is it any wonder that during the first four years of Obama’s reign as President, that he insulted Israel and Jews, launched a war against Christians and supported the rise of Islam in the US and abroad? With his half-brother working for and with known Muslim terrorists, he still has free access to the White House and the presidency and it shows.


Malik Obama, the president's Kenyan half brother, was photographed in 2010 at a public event in Yemen wearing a 'keffiyeh' – a special scarf – bearing two anti-Israel slogans of the terror group Hamas, it emerged today.
'Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING,' reads one saying. 'From the river to the sea,' says the other statement.

That rallying cry refers to Palestinian militants' belief that the territory representing Israel, with the Jordan River to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, rightfully belongs to them – and Israel should not exist.



President Barack Hussein Obama’s older half-brother is Malik Obama. Malik is the child of Obama’s father Barack Obama Sr and his first wife Kezia. He was born and raised in Kenya, where he received a degree in accounting at the University of Nairobi.

In addition to illegally operating the non-profit organization, Barack H. Obama Foundation, Malik Obama currently works as the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO). The US State Department considers the government of Sudan to be a terrorist organization and it just so happens that the IDO was created by that same Sudanese government.

In 2010, the IDO held a conference in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The conference was led by Omar Al-Bashir, the President of Sudan. He is wanted on seven counts of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court. The US State Department has also listed Bashir as the head of the state sponsored terrorism of Sudan.

One of the principle goals of the conference was to promote their Wahhabist form of Islam throughout Africa. Wahhabi is an ultra-conservative form of Sunni Islam that was started by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the 1700s. He was an Islamic theologian that lived in Saudi Arabia. This is the predominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia today.

Malik Obama not only attended the IDO conference, but he spoke at it as well. There are photos of Malik and his boss, Suar Al Dahab, Chairman of the IDO. Dahab has a close relationship with Bashir and has been seen with Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood who says Hitler did not finish the job in exterminating the Jews, and Ismail Haniyeh, the Prime Minister of Hamas (a terrorist organization). On a recent trip to Gaza, the three men appeared together and it was obvious that Dahab demonstrated full support to the two leaders.

With Malik’s obvious ties to Islamic terrorism, I can’t help but wonder just how close the two half-brothers are. According to reports, they each stood as best man at the other’s wedding, although I’m not sure which wedding of Malik’s it’s referring to since he supposedly has 13 wives. Malik has also visited the White House on a number of occasions.

Is it any wonder that during the first four years of Obama’s reign as President, that he insulted Israel and Jews, launched a war against Christians and supported the rise of Islam in the US and abroad? With his half-brother working for and with known Muslim terrorists, he still has free access to the White House and the presidency and it shows.


Where was all of this when he came out as an ardent supporter of Donald Trump? Maybe that is who we should be concerned about?
Where was all of this when he came out as an ardent supporter of Donald Trump? Maybe that is who we should be concerned about?

LOL, Malik Obama is trying to cover his tracks by making nice He's not a Trump supporter, but he knows the winds are changing.

At any rate, the extreme and Muslim types surround our president Obama at some high levels including intelligence and homeland security. Are you A-okay with this? I am not.
LOL, Malik Obama is trying to cover his tracks by making nice He's not a Trump supporter, but he knows the winds are changing.

At any rate, the extreme and Muslim types surround our president Obama at some high levels including intelligence and homeland security. Are you A-okay with this? I am not.

Why would he have waited seven years and eleven months? Is this December, 2016 or December, 2008?
Guess they wouldn't let Barry Soetoro into the club, so he like all the other Muslims changed his name.

Swamp water on steroids. Drain and FLUSH it.
NOT YET! Want for Obama's pardon list and Jan 21st. Then drain it, and he won't be able to pardon anyone.

There's still time to impeach Obama's *** too!

Obama's CIA hacked the DNC?

Intelligence Officer Who Personally Met the Democratic Email Leaker Confirms Leaker Is with AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE Services

As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two.

I know who leaked them. I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.

I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption.

That Obama is so clever. He covered up his love of Muslims by directing the military to kill plenty of them in Iraq, Syria
and Pakistan and used the CIA and drones to kill thousands more, all in an effort to cover up his secret alliances. I'll bet
Osama Bin Laden isn't even dead and Obama intends to leave his family to secretly marry Bin Laden and live
a secret ****-muslim lifestyle with him.
Looked forward to seeing a lot of these asshats unemployment from the government. That rule has come to an end and not soon enough.