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Oberlin stepped in it in their SJW Marxist March "forward".


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VERDICT: Jury awards Gibson’s Bakery $11 million against Oberlin College

William A. Jacobson | 6/7/2019 - 3:11pm

Punitive damage phase to start next Tuesday, which could increase the damages to $33 million.



The Jury in the Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College case has reached a verdict.


According to our reporter in the Courtroom, the jury awarded $11 million. Here are the details: Allyn W. Gibson was awarded $3 million, David Gibson $5.8 million, Gibson Bros. $2,274,500. Next Tuesday there will be a separate punitive damages hearing which could be a double award (meaning tripling the $11 million to $33 million).

[Judge John Miraldi reading Jury Verdict][Photo Credit Legal Insurrection Foundation]

(clarification) Meredith Raimondo was held liable on the libel and interference with business relations, but not intentional infliction of emotional distress. By stipulation, the college is responsible for any amounts awarded against her, so she will not pay anything out of pocket.

We followed this case from the start of the protests, through the lawsuit process, and now trial. Here’s my statement:

The verdict sends a strong message that colleges and universities cannot simply wind up and set loose student social justice warriors and then wash their hands of the consequences. In this case, a wholly innocent 5th-generation bakery was falsely accused of being racist and having a history racial profiling after stopping three black Oberlin College students from shoplifting. The students eventually pleaded guilty, but not before large protests and boycotts intended to destroy the bakery and defame the owners. The jury appears to have accepted that Oberlin College facilitated the wrongful conduct against the bakery.

We will have interviews and video later. We will update this post as more information becomes available.

[Four generations of Gibsons after Jury Verdict][Photo Credit Legal Insurrection Foundation]


Video of David Gibson reacting:

More complete statements by attorneys Lee Plakas, Owen Rarric, and plaintiff David Gibson:

As previously posted, I was amazed at the tone-deaf and demeaning approach of Oberlin College to this family business. Oberlin College claimed the*Bakery was worth only $35k, less than one semester at Oberlin College:

I’m still shaking my head at the tone-deafness of the defense in belittling this family business which has sustained five generations of Gibsons, and at the time of the protests sustained three generations: 90-year-old Allyn W. Gibson, his son David Gibson, and his grandson Allyn D. Gibson. There also were almost a dozen employees. After the protests, the Gibsons stopped taking salaries and most of the employees have been laid off. This is real life to these people. To say that the business was worth only $35,000 erases the lives of these people. Maybe it’s just the plaintiff’s lawyer in me coming out, but I’d cross examine this defense expert and college president, and show in closing argument, the tuition, room and board charges at Oberlin College. This business, which has been an important feature of the community since 1885, is worth less than one semester at Oberlin College?

This case is bigger than just this case, and reflects*reflects Higher Ed disconnect from the lives of most Americans:

First,*from the start of this case*I have questioned the aggressive and demeaning attacks on the Gibsons as a defense strategy. There is no evidence that the Gibsons did anything wrong, unless you consider stopping people from stealing something wrong. That lawful act of protecting one’s property nonetheless has devastated a 5-generation business because of Oberlin College racial politics. Gibson’s Bakery survived two World Wars, the Depression, the turmoil of the 1960s, and the so-called Great Recession, but it may not survive Oberlin College’s social justice warriors and their faculty and administrative enablers. If the jury understands this, the other pieces of the case fall into line, factually and legally.

Second, I never cease to be amazed at the arrogance of the college community as reflected in the defense that Gibson’s Bakery was close to worthless. It’s the arrogance of the credentialed. A business that is in its 5th generation, and that currently supports three of those generations, is something of value. A business that employed almost a dozen local employees prior to this incident is something to value. Ultimately the jury will have to put a monetary value on the dramatic drop in business, and the loss of reputation of the individuals, but to demean the business the way was done is maddening.

Scott Wargo, spokesman for Oberlin College, provided the following comment in response to my inquiry: “The College does not have a comment.”

Oberlin just sent this blast email:

Dear Members of the Oberlin Community:

I am writing to update you on the lawsuit that Gibson Bros., Inc. filed against Oberlin College and Vice President and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo in the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas in November 2017.

Following a trial that spanned almost a full month, the jury found for the plaintiffs earlier today.

We are disappointed with the verdict and regret that the jury did not agree with the clear evidence our team presented.

Neither Oberlin College nor Dean Meredith Raimondo defamed a local business or its owners, and they never endorsed statements made by others. Rather, the College and Dr. Raimondo worked to ensure that students’ freedom of speech was protected and that the student demonstrations were safe and lawful, and they attempted to help the plaintiffs repair any harm caused by the student protests.

As we have stated, colleges cannot be held liable for the independent actions of their students. Institutions of higher education are obligated to protect freedom of speech on their campuses and respect their students’ decision to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights. Oberlin College acted in accordance with these obligations.

While we are disappointed with the outcome, Oberlin College wishes to thank the members of the jury for their attention and dedication during this lengthy trial. They contributed a great deal of time and effort to this case, and we appreciate their commitment.

Our team will review the jury’s verdict and determine how to move forward.

Donica Thomas Varner
Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary

I wonder if this statement can be used against the college in the punitive damage phase. They have learned nothing, and still are blaming the Gibsons for this.

Dan McGraw, who was in the courtroom, reports:

When the verdict was read by the judge, four* generations of the Gibson family — from 11-year-old Cashlyn to 90-year old Allyn W. “Grandpa” Gibson — hugged each other behind their plaintiff’s courtroom table. They are a hardy bunch, and did not cry or show too much emotion — no wailing or crying by this family —* but as one who has watched them for over a month now, you could see a burden had been lifted from their shoulders.

It was the culmination of their life being blown up and their state of living being pushed upside down ever since three students from Oberlin College shoplifted at their store on Nov. 9, 2016.

Their reward for calling the police on the shoplifters was being tagged as racist by the Oberlin College students who protested their actions. And for Oberlin College to support those actions of defamation. Two-and-a-half years later they feel somewhat vindicated, as an Ohio jury saw what Oberlin College did to them was wrong and slapping them with an $11 million judgement for doing so.

“I am at a loss for words,” 64-year-old David Gibson told Legal Insurrection in an exclusive interview. “Two-and-a-half years of putting up with this has been very difficult and overwhelming. I just want to let people know across the country that this can happen to anyone else, but we stayed and worked together as a family and fought against this. In many ways, what we wanted from Oberlin College the jury gave to us.* They said we were not racists and that the college should have said so when all this started.”

“I thank the jury for seeing what we have seen from the beginning of this,” he said

Owen Rarric, one of the lead attorneys for the Gibson’s, also pointed out that this case has national implications in this time of cultural debate.

“The jury saw that Oberlin College went out of their way to harm a good family and longtime business in their community for no real reason, and the jury said we aren’t going to tolerate that in our community any more,” Rarric said. “The college kept saying we don’t control our students. But the jury told them that we can tolerate some of this from time to time, but not what you did this time.”

Lee Plakas, who handled much of the month-long trial and who gave the closing argument, said this case “is a national tipping point.”

“What the jury saw is that teaching students and having them learn how to be upstanding members of the community is what colleges are supposed to do, not appease some students who they are afraid of,” Plakas said. “People around the country should learn from this, that you can use the legal system to right the wrongs, even if the one doing the wrong is some huge institution who thinks they can do anything they want.”

Roger Copeland, a retired Oberlin College professor of theater and dance, was in the courtroom and seemed ecstatic after the jury came back with their verdict. Prof. Copeland is somewhat famous in the courtroom for getting this response on a Raimondo text to co-workers after a letter-to-the editor he wrote was critical of the school for their handling of the Gibson’ affair. “**** him,” Raimondo responded in a text message about Copeland. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”

“I’m exhilarated by this verdict,” Copeland said, whose wife Michele worked at the school in food service and testified she was under orders by the school to cut the business off from the cafeteria bagels and pastries they provided because of the student unrest.

“What is most amazing about this trial is that the public was able to see what the process really was in how the school goes about its business,” Copeland said. “It’s almost like the mask has been ripped off the face and we can now see what the face really looks like.”


For background on the case,*see here.

The plaintiffs are Gibson Bros. Inc. (the Bakery), 90-year-0ld Allyn W. Gibson, and his son, David B. Gibson. The defendants are Oberlin College and its Dean of Students, Meredith Raimondo.

Here are the counts that went to the jury:

Count 1: Libel
Count 3: Tortious Interference with Business Relationships
Count 4: Tortious Interference with Contracts
Count 6: Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

These are the jury interrogatories the jury had to follow to reach a verdict:

Gibson Bros Inc. Jury Interrogatories

Allyn W. Gibson Jury Interrogatories*

David R. Gibson Jury Interrogatories

The short version of this story*is that the day after the 2016 election victory by Donald Trump, a black male Oberlin College student was stopped for shoplifting wine at Gibson’s Bakery and Market in downtown Oberlin, OH. Gibson’s had been in existence since 1885, was frequented by students, and also provided baked goods to the college dining halls. A scuffle ensued that was joined by two black female Oberlin College students accompanying the male shoplifter and apparently acting in concert with him. All three eventually would plead guilty to shoplifting and aggravated trespassing, and would avow that Gibson’s was not engaged in racial profiling.

But before those guilty pleas, students at the college immediately declared that Gibson’s was guilty of racial profiling, and large protests were organized outside the bakery. Flyers were passed out claiming Gibson’s was “racist” and had “a long account of racial profiling and discrimination.” The Oberlin College Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo allegedly participated in handing out the flyers in front of the bakery. The Oberlin College Student Senate also passed a resolution claiming Gibson’s “has a long history of racial profiling and discriminatory treatment of students and residents alike.” The college administration allegedly helped spread this student senate resolution.

Students started a boycott of the bakery, initially joined in by the college. The college eventually resumed business with the bakery, but then terminated that business after the lawsuit was filed.

Gibson’s and its owners sued the college and Raimondo for libel, tortious interference with business relationships and contracts, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and trespass. Gibson’s alleged long-term damage to its business and reputation for the allegedly defamatory accusations and other torts. The plaintiffs in closing argument asked the jury to award $12.8 million in compensatory damages.

Here are our some of our posts when the protests against Gibson’s started, along with the early litigation history:

Bakery targeted by Oberlin College #BlackLivesMatter fights back*Oberlin College halted purchases from Gibson’s Bakery targeted by #BlackLivesMatter, but may reconsiderGibson’s Bakery sues Oberlin College over racial profiling accusations, Oberlin cuts business tiesOberlin College lashes out at Gibson’s Bakery, portrays itself as victimCourt: Gibson’s Bakery lawsuit against Oberlin College can continue in fullOberlin College: We can’t get a fair trial in our home countyJudge rejects Oberlin College request to move town-gown lawsuit to another countyGibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College — Trump 2016 win stoked student protests over shoplifting incident day after electionPutting Social Justice Warfare on trial: Gibson’s Bakery lawsuit against Oberlin College heading to trial.

Here are our trial posts:

Juror perceptions of reputation and social media emerge in questioningOpening Statements: Claims of War and PeaceTrial Day 1 – “It was a mob mentality out there”Trial Day 2 – “I don’t know” may come back to haunt the defenseTrial Day 3 – To “unleash the students” or not, that was the questionTrial Day 4 – As protests grew, Mrs. Gibson was “very nervous and afraid”Trial Day 5 – 90-year-old Allyn W. Gibson testifies “some threats made to us”Trial Day 6 – What’s a bakery worth?Trial Day 7 — Damages Expert says Show Gibson’s The Money!Trial Day 8 — “my dad was going to pass away labeled as a racist”Trial Day 9 – “the business never came back”Defense motion for directed verdict DENIED, case going to the juryAlumni Weekend – Oblivious alums in for a shock if college losesTrial Day 10 – It depends upon what the meaning of the word “support” isTrial Day 11 – Don’t let them eat Gibson’s cakeTrial Day 12 – Defense says Bakery worth only $35k, less than one semester at Oberlin CollegeTrial Day 13 — Defense expert declares Gibson family 5-generation bakery history “irrelevant”Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College trial reflects Higher Ed disconnect from the lives of most AmericansJudge keeps out politics, but Town v. Gown frames the caseVerdict this week?Closing Argument: “When a powerful institution says you are racist, you are doomed”


NOTE:*Our trial coverage is a project of the*Legal Insurrection Foundation.*Your*support*helps make this type of coverage possible.

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Ironman*|*June 7, 2019 at 3:24 pm

Somebody’s tuition just went up!

bw222*|*June 7, 2019 at 4:31 pm

Oberlin’s enrollment is lasted as 2,929, so a $3,755 increase in 2019-2020 tuition will cover the $11-million.

elliesmom*|*June 7, 2019 at 5:21 pm

All of this happened in the fall of 2016. Only students who were freshman at the time are still there so the majority of the kids who protested have left the building. The students who will have to pick up the tab if this gets paid for by a tuition increase had nothing to do with the protests. Which is typical. Make a mess and leave it for others to clean up.

bw222*|*June 7, 2019 at 7:45 pm

Oberlin has long “enjoyed” a reputation as one of the country’s farthest left-wing colleges. Do you actually think its 2019 students would have acted any differently?

PostLiberal*|*June 7, 2019 at 8:31 pm

Dan McGraw, CI’s reporter on the trial, has questioned some Oberlin students about Gibson’s. The Oberlin students told him that they were told that Gibson’s was racist, and that they shouldn’t purchase anything there. Which they didn’t. As current students are acting in accordance with the “Gibson’s is racist” narrative from the fall of 2016, I have little sympathy for the possibility of their having to pay higher tuition as a result of the lawsuit judgement.

PODKen*|*June 7, 2019 at 10:02 pm

Tough luck … they “inherited” it.

C. Lashown*|*June 8, 2019 at 4:35 am

LOL I guess the ‘best thing in life’ are not free! I doubt those 3 kids learned anything.

If folks think this is a big kerfuffle, then just wait until they throw Smollet’s lying butt in the joint! Wonder how Chicago will deal with those riots?

blkchic2015*|*June 8, 2019 at 10:44 pm

The jury still has to award punitive damages which will raise the total amount to just about double the damages award. Whooohooo!

RadioGuy77*|*June 7, 2019 at 6:04 pm

Holy Crap on a Cracker! This is such good news, and setting a legal precedent. After a full month of testimony, to come back so quickly with a huge award, and GUILTY VERDICT! I will sleep well tonight.

Kiwi King*|*June 7, 2019 at 10:03 pm

…..and alumni contributions just went down.

SHV*|*June 7, 2019 at 3:27 pm

Good job by the jury!!! Was it 8-0? They will hammer Oberlin with punitive damages. POS Raimondo needs a seven figure penalty.

Tom Servo*|*June 7, 2019 at 3:48 pm

Oh YES! This is way on the high end of what I was hoping for/expecting!

The Low-ball Estimate by Oberlin’s expert backfired badly – clearly it was so low that the Jury just threw it out and went with Gibson’s numbers entirely.

From Oberlin’s side, this was one of the most incompetent pieces of legal strategy I have ever seen!

RITaxpayer*|*June 7, 2019 at 4:15 pm

Tom, I wouldn’t say it was incompetent. The defense lawyers had nothing to defend. They were DOOMED.

ecreegan*|*June 7, 2019 at 4:37 pm

Trying to describe the damages as less than ONE year of salary for ONE of the family members who are no longer being paid by the business was incompetent. However, it was so incompetent I suspect it was at Oberlin’s demand.

rdmdawg*|*June 7, 2019 at 7:05 pm

yeah, Oberlin lawyers are awful.

Owego*|*June 8, 2019 at 9:26 am

Agree. This is a very good thing. Folks today are always looking for unsung heroes-and remaining unsung is probably what these jurors prefer. IMHO this panel joins the Ferguson jury (Michael Brown and the ensuing riots) as such. This was a demonstration of considerable courage, a trait that needn’t always manifest itself in physical ways. Here’s hoping they finish the job in the civil proceeding with an award of the maximum permitted. It would be a good thing if Raimondo, Oberlin’s trustees, et al took this as a reason to do some serious soul searching, but I doubt it; they are condemned to go to their graves with no understanding of what they have done and how wrong they are.

Wisewerds*|*June 7, 2019 at 3:28 pm

Good for them!

bear*|*June 7, 2019 at 4:09 pm

For those old enough to remember….OH…OH…OH….HAPPY FEET! (ht to Steve Martin)

DieJustAsHappy*|*June 7, 2019 at 6:53 pm


Pillage Idiot*|*June 7, 2019 at 3:31 pm

Legal question.

I assume Oberlin will appeal the verdict, regardless of the amount of additional punitive damages.

If Oberlin loses on appeal, are they responsible for the legal fees that accrue to Gibson’s from this point forward?

puhiawa*|*June 7, 2019 at 6:46 pm

Likely no.

Brave Sir Robbin*|*June 7, 2019 at 9:33 pm

If it is found the Oberlin acted with malice, then it is possible to collect attorney’s fees, in most jurisdictions. Still unlikely, however.

Terence G. Gain*|*June 7, 2019 at 9:58 pm

Really? That’s unfair and there’s not enough disincentive to a frivolous appeal. In Canada the losing side pays costs.

I am just delighted by this verdict and I offer my heartiest congratulations to the Giibson family and their lawyers. And thank you LE for your coverage of this important trial. I am hoping that the jury awards $22 million in punitive damages. A lesson needs to be learned.

C. Lashown*|*June 8, 2019 at 4:46 am

re: “A lesson needs to be learned.”

After living through the ‘Free Love Movement’ of the 1960’s, and the ‘Black Power Movement’ of the early 1970’s and a half-dozen different social bowel movements since…. I doubt anyone learned anything. Nice sentiment, but unrealistic.

The SJW’s will double down, this only tells them they were correct in their analysis of American society – the Patriarchy needs to be smashed. This could be a teachable moment for college administrators, but the elite tend towards haughty arrogance so they’ll continue with their indoctrination. The law, it seems, takes it victories where it can and then girds it loins for the next battle.

johnnycab23513*|*June 8, 2019 at 4:11 pm

The statement issued by the school reflects arrogance of the highest degree!

Tom Servo*|*June 8, 2019 at 7:27 am

“loser pays” is a big advantage the English and Canadian legal systems have over the American system, which almost never allows it. That rule alone is a big reason why there is so much more litigation in American courts than there is anywhere else.

of course for the people who make a lot of money serving clients in those courts, that’s a feature, not a bug.

mrzee*|*June 8, 2019 at 3:34 pm

The “loser pays” rule is not automatic in Canada. The judge can order the loser to pay some or all of the winner’s costs, or none, depending on the merits of the case.

Sally MJ*|*June 7, 2019 at 3:32 pm

SHV – Seven figures for punitive damages?? The compensatory damages are already $11 million, and treble punitive damages could be $33 million (both eight figures).
I might've messed up the body of this link but I was so pissed about what I read there that I had to post it. It's worth the read though.
Hope they have enough money to close down and get the **** out. Oberlin trying to be another hollowed out abandoned liberal shithole.
Had not heard of this case. Thanks for sharing.

C. Lashown*|*June 8, 2019 at 4:46 am

re: “A lesson needs to be learned.”

After living through the ‘Free Love Movement’ of the 1960’s, and the ‘Black Power Movement’ of the early 1970’s and a half-dozen different social bowel movements since…. I doubt anyone learned anything. Nice sentiment, but unrealistic.

The SJW’s will double down, this only tells them they were correct in their analysis of American society – the Patriarchy needs to be smashed. This could be a teachable moment for college administrators, but the elite tend towards haughty arrogance so they’ll continue with their indoctrination. The law, it seems, takes it victories where it can and then girds it loins for the next battle.
So unfortunate... and true. The Left never learns but never wanes either. They just regroup, find a new cause relevant to the generation, and exhibit to the rest of the country/world that liberalism truly is a mental disease.
Loved Raimondo's text response to Copeland, classy *****.

Hope she finds herself unemployed.
I just did some research and lo and behold, guess who graduated from Oberlin? I'm sure you'll be shocked.

Tibs and Flogolodyte are Oberlin grads.

It ALL makes sense now!
I want to see more people do this. People roll over and it just makes the Bolshevik ***** bolder: I would love to see someone do this to the Soros NGOs that fund AntiFa.
The fact that they were going to resume business with the bakery if they dropped the charges against the students burns me up. The psycho dean of students is so unprofessional and inappropriate. Does it still work there? I'm sure. That's crazy.
The fact that they were going to resume business with the bakery if they dropped the charges against the students burns me up. The psycho dean of students is so unprofessional and inappropriate. Does it still work there? I'm sure. That's crazy.

Modern day Progressivism (and I mean for nearly the past century, much worse of late) is Communism under another name. Period.
Modern day Progressivism (and I mean for nearly the past century, much worse of late) is Communism under another name. Period.

You have little to no idea what communism is.
You have little to no idea what communism is.

You're right.

Depending on whose numbers you use, communists have murdered upwards of 259 million people.



The sovs' numbers have to be to the high side. They're population is statistically 'missing' 80 million above the 25 million they lost in the war. Solzhenitsyn claimed that the bolsheviks murdered 66 million Christians. Makes Jerry look like a piker.

To your point Tibs, we have no idea. But I think we would find out if the left were to ever gain control of this Republic. I doubt they'd be outdone by their forebears.
My family lived in East Berlin through 1955. Communism was hiding your religion, dont sell anything or they'll think you're going to attempt escaping, hearing this neighbor get a middle of the.night visit and be pushed off of his balcony, seeing the blood he left on the sidewalk the next day or let your children be brainwashed at school or be on a subversives list.

Just fun stuff like that. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Communism is a wonderful doctrine that ensures fairness for all and should be embraced the world over. Am I close?
Not at all. Communism is a failed political and economic model the world over. I guess China, NK are still holding out, some rogue states like Venezuela. That's about it. Who the **** believes Leninism, Marxism is still a thing? Who's calling for the State to control the means of production, with no private ownership? A government run by despots with no freedom of speech or religion?

I guess it's a lazy reference and boogeyman for the right.

Communism petered-out with the fall of the Soviet Union, thank God. Who's calling for communism in the US? Maybe some college kids in Che Guevara shirts smoking blunts, that's pretty much it. Not sure which Dem candidate is running on the Communism ticket, reading this board you'd think it's all of them.

Much like Antifa and anything else vaguely related to the left & the Dems, this is just another shiny object - and there are many - with no real purpose other than to stir the base into a frenzy. The threat of 'Socialism' and 'Communism" keeps the Sean Hannity's up at night. Hilarious.
Last edited:
Who the **** believes Leninism, Marxism is still a thing? Who's calling for the State to control the means of production, with no private ownership? A government run by despots with no freedom of speech or religion?

The entirety of gubmint, 'media' and 'education'. Oh yeah, and the legions of idiots in Che regalia.

No, a dim won't run as a communist. But a dim will never tell the truth. Ever.
The entirety of gubmint, 'media' and 'education'. Oh yeah, and the legions of idiots in Che regalia. No, a dim won't run as a communist. But a dim will never tell the truth. Ever.

Are you eating paint chips?

Not at all. Communism is a failed political and economic model the world over. I guess China, NK are still holding out, some rogue states like Venezuela. That's about it. Who the **** believes Leninism, Marxism is still a thing? Who's calling for the State to control the means of production, with no private ownership? A government run by despots with no freedom of speech or religion?

I guess it's a lazy reference and boogeyman for the right.

Communism petered-out with the fall of the Soviet Union, thank God. Who's calling for communism in the US? Maybe some college kids in Che Guevara shirts smoking blunts, that's pretty much it. Not sure which Dem candidate is running on the Communism ticket, reading this board you'd think it's all of them.

Much like Antifa and anything else vaguely related to the left & the Dems, this is just another shiny object - and there are many - with no real purpose other than to stir the base into a frenzy. The threat of 'Socialism' and 'Communism" keeps the Sean Hannity's up at night. Hilarious.

Socialism is basically communism without the gun to the head. But that gun (or other forced compliance) does eventually come once they spend all the rich people's money they stole and the only way to keep the scheme going is to get people to work hard with little chance of being rewarded for it. That's where force enters the equation .

Most of the Dems running for Prez are pushing socialism.

Democratic socialism is just a marketing campaign.
Who's calling for communism in the US?

The Berntard
***** Kamala
Mayor Buttplug
Mayor DeCrazio
Cryin’ Chuck
Nervous Nancy
Your dumb ******* Hungarian ***

Just to name a few...
Socialism is basically communism without the gun to the head. But that gun (or other forced compliance) does eventually come once they spend all the rich people's money they stole and the only way to keep the scheme going is to get people to work hard with little chance of being rewarded for it. That's where force enters the equation.

You mean like Venezuela?

Your dumb ******* Hungarian ***
I am American, born and raised in CA.

You do realize, constantly harping on my ethnicity is point blank racist? It's like referring to someone as a chink, a nigger, or a jew. It's racist and bigoted to insult someone because of their color, ethnicity, nationality or race.

Just wanted to point that out, so when the nuthuggers on this board get their panties in a bunch when I call you ******* racists, bigots and xenophobes, they know what I'm referencing.

Evidently, the owners and mods here at SN have no issue with blanket racist behavior, as it's been going on for years. I guess this is truly an 'anything goes' corner of the internet, like 4chan or Stormfront.

"Oh look, he played the race card, typical ***** libtard!' Yeah, I did.

When my ethnicity is mocked and derided post after post, year after year, it gets old, sorry. That's not the America I know and love. Thank God this board is not reflective of the country at large.
Socialism is basically communism without the gun to the head. But that gun (or other forced compliance) does eventually come once they spend all the rich people's money they stole and the only way to keep the scheme going is to get people to work hard with little chance of being rewarded for it. That's where force enters the equation .

Most of the Dems running for Prez are pushing socialism.

Democratic socialism is just a marketing campaign.


