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Oberlin stepped in it in their SJW Marxist March "forward".

Adults? They act like petulant children most of the time. Reasoned? Hahahaha
While I disagree with many of their policies and ideas, I don’t question whether or not they are reasoned adults.

Turn in your guns or we will nuke you.

Reparations for slavery.

Take over of the entire healthcare industry.

Cash money for NOT working (UBI).

90% top tax rates.

Billionaire tax.

Trillions in new entitlements.

What is "reasoned" about any of that?
Turn in your guns or we will nuke you.

Reparations for slavery.

Take over of the entire healthcare industry.

Cash money for NOT working (UBI).

90% top tax rates.

Billionaire tax.

Trillions in new entitlements.

What is "reasoned" about any of that?

Free college
Free healthcare
Free child care
Pay off all student loans
End all C02 emissions in 10 years
Rebuild every building in the U.S.
Tax cow farts

I could go on.
The Press IS an enemy of the people. They are basically charged by the First Amendment to inform the populous with unbridled, uncensored, impartial FACTS. They haven't been doing any of that for DECADES. They are basically an arm of the Democratic Party. So if you're an American who is a conservative, a libertarian, unaffiliated, or politically agnostic, then the press is not on your side, they are the enemy. They serve to protect the interests of the Democratic Party at the peril of everyone else in this country.

They either lie directly or by omission in every single broadcast, every single day. While it is true that Trump exaggerates, or sometimes makes ill-informed statements, so does every democrat in Congress. Obama did so just as often as Trump, the difference is that MSM covered for him. They either lied along with Obama, or they failed to address his lies at all.

The Press have chosen a side, and that makes them the enemy of any American who isn't on that side. PERIOD.
While I disagree with many of their policies and ideas, I don’t question whether or not they are reasoned adults.

So just to be clear, you feel any of them would benefit the country more than President Trump, yes or no?

For myself, I cannot say any of them would.
I don't see where people calling Hungarian in anyway is racist. Is Hungarian a slang term or put down? Yes you get some **** here and some of it is a bit over the top but I really don't see anything racist in it.

Hungaria is a country, not a race. I think people who state race in dealings with a country are morons and lost.

My fathers mother was from Hungaria. Big ******* deal. I also have relatives from England and Germany. They're not races. They're ******* countries.

The ******** disregarding our borders are from other countries.
That makes no sense. Trump is the state. When was Pravda ever critical of the state? Sean Hannity is Pravda. Alternative facts is Pravda.

Trump says many thing that are factually wrong, the media calls him on it, and he calls it fake news. Perhaps someday we can get back to a somewhat reasonable presidency.

2nd time...you have got to be kidding me.

Walking your logic out here a bit...Stalin was the state. Lenin was the state. Pravda issued their propaganda. Pravda spread propaganda to support the Soviet leader in charge at the moment. Pravda lied to the populace. Pravda issued the lies of the state to the people. Pravda was not objective. Pravda was subjective and didn't report the truth - it spread the propaganda of the state.

You said Trump is the state. I pointed out that the MSM does NOT support Trump (unlike Pravda which supported the state). The MSM is AGAINST Trump (the state, as you put it). The MSM does NOT spread Trump's words. The MSM reports daily, in a biased way, to bring DOWN the state.

What about this simple logic is escaping you? Is the manbun tied too tight today?
Orange Julius calling the media “the enemy” is communistic.

I'd say it's more like freedom of speech.

What is communistic would be controlling speech like facebook, twitter, youtube are doing. It would also be wiretapping reporters like Obama did. Oh but that's different.... Orange man bad
Right, so when Rex Tillerson called Trump a “******* Moron” or when Don McGann said Trump asked him to do “Crazy ****”, not that...

Another liberal irrelevant diversion. You all are not qualified to say anyone is reasoned.
So here's my question. What happens if Liberals get their utopia? I mean, guy bakes cakes for gay weddings, nobody uses slurs or bad swears anymore, all lifestyles are universally accepted as normal, no one has to work yet everyone is a millionaire, everything is free, no more guns, no more rapes, white people are marginalized and then exterminated, no more military, a mosque in every town, what then? What will they do then? If liberals have nothing to protest, destroy, demean or marginalize, they are mostly useless. So what then?
LOL.... You don't believe Marxism is a thing and support Bernie Sanders.....

Oh my gosh, you're a fool.
So here's my question. What happens if Liberals get their utopia? I mean, guy bakes cakes for gay weddings, nobody uses slurs or bad swears anymore, all lifestyles are universally accepted as normal, no one has to work yet everyone is a millionaire, everything is free, no more guns, no more rapes, white people are marginalized and then exterminated, no more military, a mosque in every town, what then? What will they do then? If liberals have nothing to protest, destroy, demean or marginalize, they are mostly useless. So what then?

They’re useless when they do that **** too.
Communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.

Again, nobody in mainstream American politics support this, or anything like this.

Sanders is running on an outright socialist platform, promising a number of big-government programs that would require a massive increase in taxes, as well as a massive transference of wealth.

Sanders would love to get the government even more involved in the healthcare system than it has been in the age of the Obamacare and VA scandals. Sanders envisions "a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system" that would replace private insurance companies with government programs. According to one estimate highlighted by the Fiscal Times, Sanders' plan would add $14 trillion to the national debt.


May 19, 2015: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today introduced legislation to make 4-year public colleges and universities tuition free.

“We live in a highly competitive global economy. If our economy is to be strong, we need the best educated work force in the world. That will not happen if every year hundreds of thousands of bright young people cannot afford to go to college and if millions more leave school deeply in debt,” Sanders said.

Under the legislation, $70 billion a year in assistance – two-thirds from the federal government and one-third from states – would replace what public colleges and universities now charge in tuition and fees. The federal share of the cost would be offset by imposing a tax on Wall Street transactions by investment houses, hedge funds and other speculators.


In 1980, Sanders served as an elector for the Socialist Workers Party, which was founded on the principles of Leon Trotsky. According to the New York Times, that party called for abolishing the military budget. It also called for “solidarity” with the revolutionary regimes in Iran, Nicaragua, Grenada, and Cuba; this was in the middle of the Iranian hostage crisis.


Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders warmly praised Cuba and the Soviet Union in the late 1980s after visiting each, dismissing "horrors" in Cuba as right-wing propaganda and praising Soviet infrastructure even as dictatorship prevailed and the country was on the verge of collapse.

The new revelations were uncovered by a Washington Examiner investigation of archives at the University of Vermont containing papers from the time Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vt. The documents reveal that Sanders, who calls himself a socialist, evinced enthusiasm for the two communist regimes.


Bernie Sanders revered — and still reveres — Eugene Debs so much that in 1979 he wrote, directed and narrated a 30 minute documentary on Debs’ life and achievements.


Debs wrote: "I am not a capitalist soldier; I am a proletarian revolutionist...I am opposed to every war but one: I am for that war with heart and soud and that is the world-wide war of the social revolution. In that war I am prepared to fight in anyway the ruling class may make necessary, even to the barricades." (Appeal to Reason, September 11, 1915.


Take over medical care, take over college costs, tax more and more and more, take more and more and more private property for government re-distribution, praise Cuba, praise the Soviet Union, criticize the United States, worship communist Eugene Debs, look for ever-expanding central government power by taking from the producers, admire Trotsky, admire Soviet leaders, honeymoon in the labor-camp ridden Soviet Union.

If it walks like a duck ...
If it walks like a duck ...

What kind of economic system is it when one generation passes a 20 trillion dollar debt onto the next generation?
Is that Credit Card Capitalism or is this also a form of Socialism?
What kind of economic system is it when one generation passes a 20 trillion dollar debt onto the next generation?
Is that Credit Card Capitalism or is this also a form of Socialism?

I know, right? And I remember your never-ending rants at Bammy for dumping trillions into the deficit.

Can't seem to find those posts, however. Can you help a brother out, 21, and link to the myriad of posts you authored, pointing out that Bammy's reckless spending was jeopardizing our nation?!?
Again... Obama spent 60% MORE than revenue. Trump is spending 20%. Yet he's the bad guy to 21?

Sounds like funny (democratic) math to me.....
What kind of economic system is it when one generation passes a 20 trillion dollar debt onto the next generation?
Is that Credit Card Capitalism or is this also a form of Socialism?

Its what the left keeps demanding and voting for. When Conservatives say we need to cut spending, eliminate programs entirely and shrink government so it costs us less you leftists RHEEEEEEEE and shout Racist and Heartless.
Its what the left keeps demanding and voting for. When Conservatives say we need to cut spending, eliminate programs entirely and shrink government so it costs us less you leftists RHEEEEEEEE and shout Racist and Heartless.

(R): "How about we control spending?"

(D)umbass: "Eeeeeeeeh, pushing grandma off a cliff!!"

(R): "Wait, what? I just think that spending so much ..."

(D)umbass: "Aaaaaaaaaah, the poor!! And government workers!! And women of color married to Islamic immigrants!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ..........."