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Oberlin stepped in it in their SJW Marxist March "forward".

You have little to no idea what communism is.

I've brought up Whittaker Chambers to you before. Specifically to you. Because of you. You don't get it. Your explanation above shows you still don't. "Communism is a failed political model."

In the very beginning of Witness, Whittaker explains what Communism is. Eloquently and at length. This Tibs is Communism. It goes beyond the political and social movement that was built upon it. At it's core, this is Communism:

It [Communism] is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: "Ye shall be as gods." It is the great alternative faith of mankind. Like all great faiths, its force derives from a simple vision. Other ages have had great visions. They have always been different versions of the same vision: the vision of God and man's relationship to God. The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God.

It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world. It is the vision of man's liberated mind, by the sole force of its rational intelligence, redirecting man's destiny and reorganizing man's life and the world. It is the vision of man, once more the central figure of the Creation, not because God made man in his image, but because man's mind makes him the most intelligent of the animals. Copernicus and his successors displaced man as the central fact of the universe by proving that the earth was not the central star of the universe. Communism restores man to his sovereignty by the simple method of denying God.” - Whittaker Chambers

Modern day "Leftism and progressivism" is no longer even veiled communism, it is communism.



And as he wrote, Liberalism IS Communism. He breaks it all down. To those of us with open eyes, there is no question:

In August 1948, Chambers, an editor at Time, identified Alger Hiss, a golden boy of the liberal establishment, as a fellow member of his underground Communist cell in the 1930s. Hiss, a former assistant to the Secretary of State and former General Secretary of the United Nations founding conference at San Francisco, and then president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, immediately denied Chambers' allegation.

A great deal more than the reputations of the two men was at stake. If Hiss was innocent, anti-Communism--and the careers of those closely associated with it, like Richard Nixon, a prominent member of the congressional investigating committee--would be dealt a deadly blow. If Hiss was guilty, anti-Communism would become a permanent part of the political landscape, and its spokesmen would become national leaders.

It took two protracted trials (Hiss reluctantly sued Chambers for slander), but Hiss was finally convicted of perjury for denying his espionage activities and sentenced to five years in jail. Hiss went to his grave more than 40 years later still protesting his innocence--and still lauded by many on the Left. But the Venona transcripts of secret KGB and GRU messages during World War II (released in the mid-1990s) confirmed that Alger Hiss had been a Soviet spy not only in the 1930s, but at least until 1945.

In 1952, Chambers published his magisterial, best-selling autobiography, Witness. The work argued that America faced a transcendent, not a transitory, crisis; the crisis was one not of politics or economics but of faith; and secular liberalism, the dominant "ism" of the day, was a watered-down version of Communist ideology. The New Deal, Chambers insisted, was not liberal democratic but "revolutionary" in its nature and intentions. All these themes, especially that the crisis of the 20th century was one of faith, resonated deeply with conservatives.

I suggest you read this entire article to get a taste. Modern Liberalism and Communism are too often one in the same.


Whittaker Chambers is best known today as the veteran Soviet spy who became, in William F. Buckley Jr.’s words, “the most important American defector from Communism” when he testified against members of his underground Communist cell in the 1930s. Yet Chambers did more than reject Communism: He revealed a key problem with modern liberalism. In his now-classic autobiography Witness, he argued that Communism ought to be rejected in the name of something other than 20th-century modern liberalism by showing how the two grew out of a common ideology that places unbounded confidence in state power. As he remarked, New Deal acolytes had no principled reason for opposing unlimited state intrusion into the social, economic, and political realms. Herein lies the source of Chambers’ ongoing relevance: While Communism stands discredited, many still accept its fundamental conceit that man makes his own reality and that the government is the solution to all our ills.


Imagine a disheveled, eccentric, if not brilliant, journalist and essayist who wrote for one of the most consequential publications in the English-speaking world testifying to the much-maligned House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) about intricate Communist activity within the federal government. Imagine further that the disheveled journalist’s testimony, disbelieved by virtually the entire ruling political class, would send to federal prison for perjury a former high servant of the New Deal and current president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Alger Hiss.

Moreover, this journalist’s testimony knocked the bloom off the rose of American progressivism and represented the first time that a conservative would deeply resonate with the American people about the challenge that progressivism was issuing to constitutional government.

The troubled journalist was Whittaker Chambers, a man known to many Americans in 1948—when he first testified before HUAC—as a superb writer in the Henry Luce media empire at Time. Chambers, however, had also been an underground member of the Fourth Section of Soviet Military Intelligence and had betrayed his country.

Chambers divulged his traitorous conduct because he came to understand the intrinsic evil of his former commitment to Communism. Driving Chambers’ painful insights into his ideological commitments were the Stalinist purges and his existential conversion to Christianity. From this conversion emerged his desire to immolate himself before Congress and the country if it meant that America would finally understand its existential Communist foe.

Yet Chambers did more than simply testify about espionage. Standing apart from liberal anti-Communists, he forcefully argued in his epic autobiography Witness that Communism must be rejected in the name of something other than 20th-century modern liberalism.

I'll take the words of a former, converted, dyed in the wool Communist over a Hungarian ex-pat political troll any day.

Whittaker warned us and he was right. Look at modern day Progressivism: Abortions (anti-religious), the outright war on Christianity, the ACLU, and one million thousand other examples.

He was right nearly a century ago Tibs. His prophecy about America being at a crossroads then was correct. America failed to act. And as predicted, Communism has crept into America as the silent intruder in the night, slowly, so as we don't notice. Look at the popularity of Socialism in America now. The growing desire for more and more government power. The all out attempts to destroy God...everywhere.

There are a million examples.

Progressivism is, at its very core, Communism, when you understand what Communism (at its core) actually is.
Modern day "Leftism and progressivism" is no longer even veiled communism, it is communism.

I see you've really gone down the rabbit hole on this. Regardless what your favorite fringe political theorist Whittaker Chambers thinks about it, communism is simply defined as:

Communism is a type of government as well as an economic system (a way of creating and sharing wealth). In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that they create.

Again, nobody in mainstream American politics support this, or anything like this.

Your views - and the views of Whittaker Chambers - are whimsical musings blowing in the wind, not factual analysis of the political, economic clusterfuck that's known as communism.
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I am American, born and raised in CA.

You do realize, constantly harping on my ethnicity is point blank racist? It's like referring to someone as a chink, a nigger, or a jew. It's racist and bigoted to insult someone because of their color, ethnicity, nationality or race.

Just wanted to point that out, so when the nuthuggers on this board get their panties in a bunch when I call you ******* racists, bigots and xenophobes, they know what I'm referencing.

Evidently, the owners and mods here at SN have no issue with blanket racist behavior, as it's been going on for years. I guess this is truly an 'anything goes' corner of the internet, like 4chan or Stormfront.

"Oh look, he played the race card, typical ***** libtard!' Yeah, I did.

When my ethnicity is mocked and derided post after post, year after year, it gets old, sorry. That's not the America I know and love. Thank God this board is not reflective of the country at large.

You live in Hungary, not America, so I consider you to currently be Hungarian. There is nothing racist about that. Unless YOU consider Hungarians to be inferior. I happen to think that Hungarians, except for you, are great. They are role models for what the rest of Europe should strive to be.

Sent from my iPhone using Steeler Nation mobile app
You live in Hungary, not America, so I consider you to currently be Hungarian. There is nothing racist about that. Unless YOU consider Hungarians to be inferior.
Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Congeniality. Based on that I imagine you'll be referencing and insulting other posters by the States and cities they live in, since it's such a huge, existential deal to you.

I happen to think that Hungarians, except for you, are great. They are role models for what the rest of Europe should strive to be.
Ironic you'd write that in this thread. As Orban is doing little else than rebuilding the structures of Communism of post-war Hungary, with top-down control over the economy, media, courts and education. He was born into Communism, he speaks the language of Communism and that's his m.o. as far as how he's restructuring everyday life for Hungarians. All that's missing are the gulags. So if that's your role model for the rest of Europe, sounds like you're a big fan of Communism. Kind of how Trump doles out - redistributes - taxpayer money to farmers hurt by his trade policies. Perhaps Tim is right, there are communists everywhere you look. Unfortunately in 2019, they're all on the right-wing of politics.
Thanks for the clarification, Mr. Congeniality. Based on that I imagine you'll be referencing and insulting other posters by the States and cities they live in.

No, just you.
No, just you.

"Oh look, he played the race card, typical ***** libtard!' Yeah, I did.

When my ethnicity is mocked and derided post after post, year after year, it gets old, sorry.

I doubt Indy goes around mocking Hungarians at large. He is mocking you.

And with posts like this, it shouldn't come as a surprise, as to why.
I see you've really gone down the rabbit hole on this. Regardless what your favorite fringe political theorist Whittaker Chambers thinks about it, communism is simply defined as:

Again, nobody in mainstream American politics support this, or anything like this.

Your views - and the views of Whittaker Chambers - are whimsical musings blowing in the wind, not factual analysis of the political, economic clusterfuck that's known as communism.

Your post shows your ignorance. Suggest you research the man. Tibs he was a Communist. A card carrying Communist spy working in our government who took down Alger Hiss who worked at the State Department. Schools, especially not in California, don’t teach anyone about Alger Hiss. His story has been white washed from history by Liberals.

But it occurred. Communists littered our government.

Before you dismiss the man, read about the man.

I’ll take the insight of a man who lived as a Communist, worked for Soviet communists - long before I’ll believe a California-raised Hungarian who quotes from ThinkProgress and sees people like Michael Avenatti as American Patriots. Your history of speaking about which you know nothing is, well, extremely long.

Pretty arrogant of you to claim to know more about communism than a communist himself. Not at all surprising however.
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I am American, born and raised in CA.

You do realize, constantly harping on my ethnicity is point blank racist? It's like referring to someone as a chink, a nigger, or a jew. It's racist and bigoted to insult someone because of their color, ethnicity, nationality .


Hungarians are just plain whitefolks.

We call you out on it because you are in fact more Hungarian than American. You embrace European socialism instead of American liberty and individualism. You choose to abandon the USA for the country of your families origin. So yeah people call you Hungarian for the choices you made. You chose to be Hungarian.

Hungarians are just plain whitefolks.

We call you out on it because you are in fact more Hungarian than American. You embrace European socialism instead of American liberty and individualism. You choose to abandon the USA for the country of your families origin. So yeah people call you Hungarian for the choices you made. You chose to be Hungarian.

To be fair all people are just plain "whatever". Mexican are just plain "brownfolks". Nigerians are just plain "blackfolks". What else would people be?

The issue I have with American individualism is that the only group that identifies as "individuals" are whites. Everyone else is in an ethnic group that looks out for them and their interests. Whites need to realize that we aren't special and that we have interests as well.
To be fair all people are just plain "whatever". Mexican are just plain "brownfolks". Nigerians are just plain "blackfolks". What else would people be?

The issue I have with American individualism is that the only group that identifies as "individuals" are whites. Everyone else is in an ethnic group that looks out for them and their interests. Whites need to realize that we aren't special and that we have interests as well.

Yeah that was the great thing about America before the left started pushing identity politics. Every AMERICAN identified as an AMERICAN. That was before assimilation into one culture was a bad thing and our people were an alloy instead of an aggregate. But the left needs Hyphenated grievance groups to win elections.
The Berntard
***** Kamala
Mayor Buttplug
Mayor DeCrazio
Cryin’ Chuck
Nervous Nancy
Your dumb ******* Hungarian ***

Just to name a few...

Orange Julius calling the media “the enemy” is communistic.
Orange Julius calling the media “the enemy” is communistic.

It would be if it wasn’t true. The MSM is overwhelmingly leftist to the point of being the propaganda arm of the DNC. They present half truths, skewed stories and outright lies. That makes them an enemy of the average citizen.
Orange Julius calling the media “the enemy” is communistic.

You have got to be kidding, right? You of course are aware of Pravda? How the media in the Soviet Union was state run? Propaganda?

It's a known fact that a vast majority of the media are in the Democrats' pockets. You'll deny it, the facts speak otherwise...WashPo putting 20 reporters on Trump, 0 on Hillary. CNN giving Democratic panelists answers before hand. The countless, endless amounts of fake news sewn by the Leftist media for the sole purpose of attacking one party and its representatives, not the other.

For Trump to call out the media for being like the Soviet's Pravda is in fact "anti-communist." His point is valid and thank God it's now being called out daily. Perhaps, someday, we can get back to a sense of somewhat reasonable, balanced journalism.
Orange Julius calling the media “the enemy” is communistic.

Oh Lord, you you really don't understand the meaning of the word communist (or communistic).
I am American, born and raised in CA.

You do realize, constantly harping on my ethnicity is point blank racist? It's like referring to someone as a chink, a nigger, or a jew. It's racist and bigoted to insult someone because of their color, ethnicity, nationality or race.

Just wanted to point that out, so when the nuthuggers on this board get their panties in a bunch when I call you ******* racists, bigots and xenophobes, they know what I'm referencing.

Evidently, the owners and mods here at SN have no issue with blanket racist behavior, as it's been going on for years. I guess this is truly an 'anything goes' corner of the internet, like 4chan or Stormfront.

"Oh look, he played the race card, typical ***** libtard!' Yeah, I did.

When my ethnicity is mocked and derided post after post, year after year, it gets old, sorry. That's not the America I know and love. Thank God this board is not reflective of the country at large.
Typical Hungarian.
I am American, born and raised in CA.

You do realize, constantly harping on my ethnicity is point blank racist? It's like referring to someone as a chink, a nigger, or a jew. It's racist and bigoted to insult someone because of their color, ethnicity, nationality or race.

Just wanted to point that out, so when the nuthuggers on this board get their panties in a bunch when I call you ******* racists, bigots and xenophobes, they know what I'm referencing.

Evidently, the owners and mods here at SN have no issue with blanket racist behavior, as it's been going on for years. I guess this is truly an 'anything goes' corner of the internet, like 4chan or Stormfront.

"Oh look, he played the race card, typical ***** libtard!' Yeah, I did.

When my ethnicity is mocked and derided post after post, year after year, it gets old, sorry. That's not the America I know and love. Thank God this board is not reflective of the country at large.

I don't see where people calling Hungarian in anyway is racist. Is Hungarian a slang term or put down? Yes you get some **** here and some of it is a bit over the top but I really don't see anything racist in it.
You have got to be kidding, right? You of course are aware of Pravda? How the media in the Soviet Union was state run? Propaganda?

It's a known fact that a vast majority of the media are in the Democrats' pockets. You'll deny it, the facts speak otherwise...WashPo putting 20 reporters on Trump, 0 on Hillary. CNN giving Democratic panelists answers before hand. The countless, endless amounts of fake news sewn by the Leftist media for the sole purpose of attacking one party and its representatives, not the other.

For Trump to call out the media for being like the Soviet's Pravda is in fact "anti-communist." His point is valid and thank God it's now being called out daily. Perhaps, someday, we can get back to a sense of somewhat reasonable, balanced journalism.

That makes no sense. Trump is the state. When was Pravda ever critical of the state? Sean Hannity is Pravda. Alternative facts is Pravda.

Trump says many thing that are factually wrong, the media calls him on it, and he calls it fake news. Perhaps someday we can get back to a somewhat reasonable presidency.
That makes no sense. Trump is the state. When was Pravda ever critical of the state? Sean Hannity is Pravda. Alternative facts is Pravda.

Trump says many thing that are factually correct, the media calls him a liar, and he calls it fake news as he should. Perhaps someday we can get back to a somewhat balanced and honest press.

Fixed it for you.
Out of the 53 or so Democrats running for President, which ones do you believe are reasonable? I'll wait.

While I disagree with many of their policies and ideas, I don’t question whether or not they are reasoned adults.