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Ohio investigation found 385 non-US citizens registered to vote, 82 cast illegal vote


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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COLUMBUS -- Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced an investigation has uncovered that hundreds of non-US citizens are registered to vote in the state, and dozens of them voted illegally.

According to a release from Husted, 385 people who are not citizens of the United States are registered to vote in Ohio. Out of those, 82 voted in at least one election in the last year.

Husted’s office says the 82 non-citizens who are registered to vote and cast ballots will be immediately referred to law enforcement for further investigation and possible prosecution.

Any non-citizens identified that remain on the rolls after being contacted twice will then be referred to law enforcement



Can't wait to see the number of illegals that voted in California
I'm sure Commiefornia will have a **** ton of foreign invaders and long dead people voting.
And Chicago, Seattle, Miami, Phoenix, Portland, New York...
Don't forget Philadelphia.

Not Philadelphia.

Recall they hire special people who's job is to look out for voter fraud.

No way all my liberal friends said that's impossible lol
Trog will be along soon to tell us that voter fraud is not a problem and that voter ID laws are racist.
Trog will be along soon to tell us that voter fraud is not a problem and that voter ID laws are racist.

Ha! At what point should I be concerned about your obsession with me?

Wake me when when the numbers approach the asinine 3 to 5 million claim you made. Until then, consider laying off the Alex Jones outrage and hysteria and consider putting things in perspective.
Ha! At what point should I be concerned about your obsession with me?

Wake me when when the numbers approach the asinine 3 to 5 million claim you made. Until then, consider laying off the Alex Jones outrage and hysteria and consider putting things in perspective.

Forget Alex Jones, would you believe a black guy?


I'm on the fence with this....leaning toward there not being massive voter fraud.
Without a doubt there have been cases reported of voter fraud. A woman in Cleveland went to jail for voting for Obama 5 times I believe. Reports of dead people voting are true.

To the extent or how deep voter fraud goes I'm not sure. We are talking about democRATS here so you cant entirely dismiss it.
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I want to see how many illegal jihadists in Detroit voted for Hilltwat.
Saying blacks are incapable of obtaining an ID is racist.

I don't think there any blacks in America that are incapable of getting an ID, it's the liberals that are saying that the blacks can't get ID's. Yet blacks still flock to the polls and vote for their Democrat masters year after year.


In Virginia, their Governor put a halt to halting voter ID fraud...can't have that stuff 'round here, we value our dead and illegal voters.

Governor McAuliffe Vetoes Bill Requiring Investigations Into Virginia Voters

Today Governor Terry McAuliffe vetoed Senate Bill 1105, which would require local election officials to investigate Virginia voters without a clear standard for when and how such investigations should be undertaken

Last summer, Republicans grilled officials at the state Department of Elections over proposed changes that would make certain questions on the registration form optional, including the ones that ask whether the registrant is a U.S. citizen or a felon without voting rights. The proposed changes were never implemented.

Cole’s bill passed the House of Delegates on a vote of 64-31. It passed the Senate with amendments on a vote of 22-18.

Speaker of the House William J. Howell, R-Stafford, said in a statement:

“This legislation would have prevented the governor from using the regulatory process to disregard longstanding and commonsense voter registration requirements, as he tried to do last summer. Voter registration requirements should be set by the legislature and they should be clear and consistent across the commonwealth. If the governor had his way, registrars would have unbridled opportunity to disregard the law.”
I don't think there any blacks in America that are incapable of getting an ID, it's the liberals that are saying that the blacks can't get ID's. .

Exactly. I was implying that those liberals saying blacks can't get ID's are racist....as if white people are the only ones smart enough to know how to obtain one.
Ha! At what point should I be concerned about your obsession with me?

Wake me when when the numbers approach the asinine 3 to 5 million claim you made. Until then, consider laying off the Alex Jones outrage and hysteria and consider putting things in perspective.

Like calling for my dog, you appear on the doorstep.

Now sit. It's time for training.

I never said there were 3 to 5 million illegal votes, Trump did. I said it was feasible, but since the US doesn't police it as they should, we can't today know the extent to which rampant voter fraud is having an effect on our polls.

I also showed historically how voter fraud has been systemic, part of a machine, and has been around since Tamany Hall...that in some single precincts alone, voter fraud climbs over 6 digits in illegally cast votes.

Until voter ID laws are in place (a time when we'll be able to actually measure the # of legal voters v the number of votes cast), accurately measuring the extent of voter fraud is a near impossibility. Hopefully with this President in place, we'll finally get the moral, legal, and obligatory voter ID laws passed we need.

Now roll over like a good boy.
Wake me when when the numbers approach the asinine 3 to 5 million claim you made.

Would you say its asinine to suggest that millions of Americans cheat on their taxes every year? Well, according to a survey taken its true.

Would you say its asinine to suggest millions of Americans cheat on their job applications and or resumes? Well it's true.

So now Americans decide to become squeaky clean when it comes time to vote?

63 million American ******** voted for the Hildebeest. It would not surprise me one iota if a mere 3mil were the result of voter fraud.
Forget Alex Jones, would you believe a black guy?


I'm on the fence with this....leaning toward there not being massive voter fraud.
Without a doubt there have been cases reported of voter fraud. A woman in Cleveland went to jail for voting for Obama 5 times I believe. Reports of dead people voting are true.

To the extent or how deep voter fraud goes I'm not sure. We are talking about democRATS here so you cant entirely dismiss it.

That's a great article. I'd like to highlight a section that everyone I believe overlooks when thinking of voter fraud. Your average DemocRAT or the media believe that voter fraud is measured by those 'caught' in the act of fraud. Wrong.

Yet in spite of all this, a report by the Brennan Center at New York University claims voter fraud is a myth. It argues that North Carolina, which passed comprehensive measures to prevent voter fraud, “failed to identify even a single individual who has ever been charged with committing in-person voter fraud in North Carolina.” However, this faulty reasoning does not point to the lack of in-person voter fraud, but rather to lack of enforcement mechanisms to identify and prosecute in-person voter fraud.

^^^^As I have been saying to certain dimwits in this thread and others on this subject....

The science of criminal justice tells us that many crimes go unreported, and the more “victimless” the crime, the more this happens. The fact is, a person attempting to commit voter fraud is very unlikely to be caught, which increases the incentive to commit the crime...gathering accurate data for unreported victimless crimes such as voter fraud is even harder, since 1) outside of the criminal, no one may know a crime has taken place, and 2) there is no direct victim to report the crime in the first place. Yet we are expected to believe that, unlike violent crime, voter fraud is limited only to the cases that are actually reported and prosecuted? This is a senseless position.

Further, the Brennan Center report argues that because prosecutor Kris Kobach’s review of 84 million votes cast in 22 states found only 14 instances of fraud referred for prosecution (which amounts to a 0.00000017 percent fraud rate), voter fraud is so statistically small that it’s a non-issue. Let’s follow this logic. Does the fact that 109 people were cited for jaywalking in Seattle in 2009 mean that only 109 people jaywalked in Seattle that year? Does the fact that 103,733 people were cited for driving without a seatbelt in Tennessee in 2015 mean that only that many people were driving without seatbelt in Tennessee in 2015?

Absolutely not. This can be proven easily because in 2014, the previous year, only 29,470 people were cited. The disparity is largely due to increased enforcement efforts in 2015. In other words, increasing enforcement of the crime revealed a much larger number of people committing the crime.

The exact same is true for voter fraud. We have no reason to believe that the low number of prosecutions means only that exact amount of voter fraud is happening. Rather, it could mean a lack of enforcement is failing to reveal the bulk of the violations that are occurring. Thus, as with many types of crimes, especially victimless crimes, the real number of cases is likely significantly higher than the number reported.

Because voter fraud isn't policed and/or measured, we have NO idea what the extent is. And anyone with a an ounce of knowledge knows, considering history and all of the systematic symptoms we see across the country, if we enforced rules around voter fraud and chased it, we'd find the problem to be rampant. Just like Tennessee and enforcing seat belt laws. Start looking for it just a little bit, and you get a 350% increase in citations. Remember, that's a 350% increase in "discoveries" of crimes that were historically occurring, not a 350% increase in people committing the crime. Just like voter fraud.
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That's a great article. I'd like to highlight a section that everyone I believe overlooks when thinking of voter fraud. Your average DemocRAT or the media believe that voter fraud is measured by those 'caught' in the act of fraud. Wrong.

^^^^As I have been saying to certain dimwits in this thread and others on this subject....

Because voter fraud isn't policed and/or measured, we have NO idea what the extent is. And anyone with a an ounce of knowledge knows, considering history and all of the systematic symptoms we see across the country, if we enforced rules around voter fraud and chased it, we'd find the problem to be rampant. Just like Tennessee and enforcing seat belt laws. Start looking for it just a little bit, and you get a 350% increase in citations. Remember, that's a 350% increase in "discoveries" of crimes that were historically occurring, not a 350% increase in people committing the crime. Just like voter fraud.

In my original post I said that I was on the fence with this....leaning toward there not being massive voter fraud....but after reading what you had contributed to that article, I think I feel myself leaning the other way...
ID should be law of the land. Simple stuff. There's no viable argument against it unless you're looking to be fraudulent. Then you fight tooth and nail against it. Some elections as we have seen are very close races. A few hundred votes could get you a win in some places.
Would you say its asinine to suggest that millions of Americans cheat on their taxes every year? Well, according to a survey taken its true.

Would you say its asinine to suggest millions of Americans cheat on their job applications and or resumes? Well it's true.

So now Americans decide to become squeaky clean when it comes time to vote?

63 million American ******** voted for the Hildebeest. It would not surprise me one iota if a mere 3mil were the result of voter fraud.

If the incentive to cast ONE INDIVIDUAL VOTE among millions were anywhere near the incentive to get a bigger tax refund or get a job, you would begin to have a valid point. Not to mention both are easier to do.
If the incentive to cast ONE INDIVIDUAL VOTE among millions were anywhere near the incentive to get a bigger tax refund or get a job, you would begin to have a valid point. Not to mention both are easier to do.

if it were simply casting one individual vote, your point would hold water.
it's about casting multiple votes at multiple polling places and not counting votes for some candidates.

but you knew that already and are just being obtuse.
if it were simply casting one individual vote, your point would hold water.
it's about casting multiple votes at multiple polling places and not counting votes for some candidates.

but you knew that already and are just being obtuse.

No, the claim is that 3-5 million fraudulent votes were cast individually, by illegals, dead people, etc. I already went through the ridiculous logistics of people traveling from precinct to precinct to vote multiple times in another thread.
No, the claim is that 3-5 million fraudulent votes were cast individually, by illegals, dead people, etc. I already went through the ridiculous logistics of people traveling from precinct to precinct to vote multiple times in another thread.

Probably as hard as busing in paid protestors.
Probably as hard as busing in paid protestors.

Again, anyone with the ability to think critically has to ask the question "If it's so easy, why is it so difficult to expose?" I mean millions of accomplices, right? Very, very loyal and silent accomplices, I guess.
I find it much more interested that Trump's hyperbole and exaggeration 1) instigated this particular investigation into fraud voting and 2) we are still talking about it as a nation.

Both are GOOD things. And I want Trump to keep talking bullshit and keep exaggerating problems and hopefully get the media and journalist back inline with what they SHOULD be spending their time on.

There is no logical reason we can't police non-citizens from casting votes. None. Even one is too many.

Voting is arguably the most important right we have and the integrity and privilege of that right should be protected and ensured to the utmost ability by our government. No shenanigans. No ballot stuffing after the doors close. No dead people. No non-citizens.

And the penalties for breaking these laws if caught should be extremely severe.
Again, anyone with the ability to think critically has to ask the question "If it's so easy, why is it so difficult to expose?" I mean millions of accomplices, right? Very, very loyal and silent accomplices, I guess.

But...it remains a fact that very widespread differences continue to appear each election...in heavy Democrat strongholds. Funny how that doesn't garner attention.


One-third of precincts in Wayne County could be disqualified from an unprecedented statewide recount of presidential election results because of problems with ballots.

Michigan’s largest county voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but officials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.

Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.

Detroit Voter Fraud so Extensive Half of Initial Votes Ineligible for Recount…

If anyone thought a Michigan ballot recount was going to end up being a net positive for Hillary Clinton, they are intellectually disconnected from understanding the reality of how fraudulent the most democrat precincts are in Wayne County (Detroit) Michigan.

Election laws put into place specifically to protect the fraud, and ensure the manipulative discoveries are never identified, now mean the votes cannot be recounted.

According to state law, precincts whose poll books don’t match with ballots can’t be recounted. If that happens, original election results stand.

I know, it's only Detroit, yeah...like it's the only place in the Country we have crooked Democrats..

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