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Parents of Benghazi Victims Sue Hillary Clinton for Wrongful Death, Defamation

no. I can agree most individuals in the news have been over the years. Comes with the higher education. MSNBC has a left slant by design, just as Fox has a right slant. Most other serious news organizations are money driven only.

I thought so.
This is either utter denial or ignorance. Left wing media bias is glaring.

From the ABC newsfeed in 2 days...

50 Former Natl. Security Officials: Trump 'Not Qualified to Be President'
Fifty national security officials questioned Trump's temperament and knowledge.

•GOP Senator Susan Collins: 'I Will Not Be Voting for Donald Trump'
The senator joins a list of prominent Republicans who will not support Trump.

•Donald Trump Trails Hillary Clinton by Double Digits in New National Poll
Poll shows Clinton leading Trump, 46 percent to 34 percent.

•Clinton Jokes Trump's Economic Speech Was Written by '6 Guys Named Steve'
Hillary Clinton wasted little time in criticizing Trump's new economic plan.

Do you also deny Hillary is a liar? Do you deny that she even lied about lying?

This should get good.
Then why are so many Liberals complete nitwits? The smart ones don't open their mouths much I guess.

"If you are not liberal by the time you are 20, you have no heart. If you are not conservative by the time you are 40, you have no brain"

Winston Churchill
Most journalists have higher education. All the stats show the higher your lever of education, the more likely you are to be liberal.

Co-mingling "intelligence" with "journalism" is quite a stretch, even for you is it not Vis? Do explain how journalists, as a lot, are intelligent, as compared say to doctors, lawyers, accountants, politicians, high tech sales people, and the like?

Per the prior poster, those people I beat with honors in college that were journalism majors were typically some of the least intelligent at university.
Co-mingling "intelligence" with "journalism" is quite a stretch, even for you is it not Vis? Do explain how journalists, as a lot, are intelligent, as compared say to doctors, lawyers, accountants, politicians, high tech sales people, and the like?

Per the prior poster, those people I beat with honors in college that were journalism majors were typically some of the least intelligent at university.

Not compared to lawyers. Lawyers are the smartest by far.
Klayman has also filed suits against the Bushes when President. He's right wing, but non-partisan.
Not compared to lawyers. Lawyers are the smartest by far.

Well your theory is that so many journalists are Liberals because they are smart. Journalists aren't that smart. Period. Not compared to other white collar professionals.

The real reason, which is my theory, is education and schooling and our die-hard, ultra-Left wing Universities in this country...as this journalist himself writes. They aren't that smart, as he points out. Conservatives often go for higher paying jobs (because they can get them and journalists cannot), but his theory holds water - these journalists go through a brainwashing process and are steeped in a Liberal bubble for their careers.


Why the Media Lean Left – A Personal Perspective

Why is it, in fact, that so many journalists are liberal?

I have to go back to my own training and career in journalism. I was raised in a conservative-leaning home in Northern Utah, by Mormon parents. Then something radical happened. I went to college and decided to major in journalism and political science. Each of my journalism and political science instructors even at a red state public university were hardcore liberals. Many of my classmates, and best friends in college were liberal. I came to adopt the assumptions and worldviews of those around me. I don’t think my experience is unique.

What is it about journalism that attracts — and breeds — liberals?

For one, I’d have to concede that journalism is not a mainstream major or career. It’s akin to majoring in art history or sociology. When you tell most "normal" people you’re majoring in journalism, they immediately give you a look of complete pity and apprehension, as was the case when I told my mother that I planned to become a newspaper reporter. She asked: “Can you make a living doing that?”...

Looking back at the journalists I’ve worked with over the years, however, most remain in their liberal bubbles, surrounded by likeminded liberals, convinced that they alone are doing idealistic work for the mythically oppressed – sometimes even as they “sell out” for media-related jobs in corporate America. They often wear their distain for Republicans, capitalists, corporations, the military, and organized religion on their sleeves, as if religious Republicans or the American military are the source of all oppression and injustice. Hey, we’re all products of our prejudices.

Even the business press is not immune. The last editor I worked for refused to let our staff portray Social Security negatively or refer to its ponzi scheme characteristics. He must be doing his best to cover up news that Social Security is now running a permanent deficit. I am so not missing being under his thumb.

In journalism school, Republicans are viewed largely as caricatures: heartless and greedy, and as always attempting to shove religion down people’s throats by opposing legalized abortion.
If you step foot on any major college campus, you will gain an insight into why journalists are liberal. Colleges bring together large numbers of people who run to the ideological left. Indeed, universities (especially humanities and communication departments) are havens and hotbeds for people who don’t fit in ideologically with the larger community or the center-right country at large. They are mini-Berkeleys and Haight Ashburies.

And so are newsrooms. For three years, I worked for a daily newspaper in Logan, Utah – one of the most conservative cities on the planet. But you’d never know it from the newsroom, which was filled with environmental extremists, hardcore feminists, and leftover 60s radicals. This small-town newsroom was so disconnected from the community it served, it still blows my mind. It was like a time warp. Outside the newsroom it was 1990 … Inside, 1970. Newsrooms, in general, are filled with iconoclasts, curmudgeons, and cultural rebels, even in small towns – and perhaps, especially in small towns. While a whopping 80% of my community was Mormon, I can only recall two reporters out of a dozen or more I worked with who were active members of any faith, let alone the predominant religion. I would dare say 80% of the newspaper staff was either agnostic or atheistic, especially among the editor ranks. Most of the staff, in fact, were secular East Coast and Upper Midwest transplants who flocked to Utah for the outdoor environment, not the cultural landscape.

Why the disconnect? Why don’t more conservatives go into journalism? Why are the devoutly religious severely under-represented in newsrooms?

I think it’s because conservatives have tended to pursue more traditional careers, jobs that pay better or that would lend themselves to family life in suburban or rural settings — closer to home. Even Governor Palin was forced to give up her career in sports journalism for family life. She no doubt would have had to relocate from Alaska to pursue her dreams of working for ESPN. She would have had to have been willing to move wherever the job took her, and that, often, I believe influences the transitory and cosmopolitan nature of the newsroom. So few of the people covering the "locals" are themselves "local."
For whatever reason, journalism is still not the cultural equivalent of a career in accounting. Journalism is predominantly of, for, and by liberals – a career for those who either eschew normalcy, lean urban, or prefer the counter culture, kinda like a career in graphic arts or jazz.

Will this ever change?

Not likely. Especially as newsrooms are increasingly hit by economic reality. But I think we’ve reached a tipping point. I think it is now liberals who have become the establishment, and conservatives are the new rebels. Liberals dominate the culture: schools, media, courts, entertainment, some churches, and most of the federal government. How can they claim to be counter cultural when they run the culture? Moreover, just as fish don’t notice water, liberals in newsrooms don’t notice when nearly nine out of ten of their colleagues share their same liberal world view, the same view they perceive as “mainstream.”
We may very well see a conservative Woodward and Bernstein emerging from the right as a new generation rebels against their Baby Boomer predecessors. The pro-life and Tea Party movements are fertile ground for young conservatives to rock the liberal establishment.

That being said, thankfully, liberal journalists have lost their monopoly power on information. We may never see a rightward shift by the “mainstream” media. But conservative consumers are voting with their feet, their ears and their eyes – getting their news elsewhere, including talk radio, Fox News, and the blogosphere, where conservatism thrives.
As much as it pains me to say this about my former colleagues, I long for the day when much of the liberal “mainstream” media is rendered irrelevant, a footnote in history, an aberration in the long flow of human communication. I long for what Dan Calabrese at North Star National sees as an impending Berlin Wall moment for the mainstream media.
It's not even "journalism" anymore. Even the investigative reports have a slant. The "journalists" are paid liberal mouthpieces and that's it.
Im an independant moderate. I was taught long ago that media bias is real. I can point to a dozen factual events to prove it. Cnn is absurdly pro hillary to the point they bury stories and spin others for her. Most of the trump bullshit is literally overstated or fabricated... Its all coordinated to elect Hillary and youd have to be blind or a hillary cultist to ignore it...
no group 4palin has anything to say on the topic of intelligence

And there it is. As I predicted in my mind, your rebuttal would be something about the link and it being for Sarah Palin, a way of mitigating the messaging by attacking the source. Very Alinsky of you.

Now go back and read the man's words and refute his theory.

Journalists are not highly intelligent, per your claims and my theory and his (and it's one that's very hard to refute) is they are Liberal-biased based upon their education and the environments in which they work.
I said the journalists are more liberal. Most journalists have higher education. All the stats show the higher your lever of education, the more likely you are to be liberal.

College graduates lean Democrat, but not by very much - 50% to 40%.

Further, the divide among registration is gender-driven, not education-driven. Woman are much more likely to be Democrats than Republicans, 52% to 36%


So care to explain the 93% to 7% ratio among the press? Education? Nope, not close.