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Petition to keep Vick off the team, or dump him since he's already been signed

Well I'm sure if they ever did, the definately DON"T now. I'm sure if the teams were run by the fans, most teams woiuld be bankrupt. No league would even exist and one team would be Mr. goody two shoes and another team woujld be thugs / rapists / drugs etc. I'll take this league as is....... or was, about 8yrs ago.

Salute the nation

yeah I miss those days

the new and unimproved Rooney
A dog killer on the team.....
Pouncey out
Mitchell hobbling

things have gone to ****

well at least I get to watch my 52 Steelers

so there is that

none ever really accomplish anything

but interesting to see how many people are for or appose something

Thats really all I was trying to show, how many people are opposed to the signing. If anything, I'd think that a petition would cause the team to keep him longer than they normally would, in defiance.

But I definitely don't like his being signed, totally against it.
Haha petition lol
Good ******* luck *******
I'm going to start a petition against that petition.

What's even more sad is, two innocent reporters were killed on the air today and there are many huffing and puffing about a back-up QB signing. Where's our priorities?
This entire argument is totally ridiculous. Yes, the man did a disgusting act abusing dogs and I don't even want to delve into the entire story since it makes me sick taking about it, but and there is always a but. Vick paid his debt to society by spending 18 months in prison and has since worked in support of humane treatment of animals. Lets move on and give this guy a chance and if you don't want to support the Steelers any longer because of this signing, then move the **** on. Don't come on here whining about it and how you're not going to support the team You were never a true Steeler fan to begin with then. Vick is now a member of this football team and if Tombert and Rooney can learn to forgive then I think I can as well and I will support Vick as long as he is a member of this team.
Ok, I'll ask. What is the deal with Vick and Seattle? The rumors that he was signing with them. If so, too bad they did not get him.

We signed Vick, so when we playSeattle in Seattle, spencelisberger13 is going to wear his M Vick jersey to the game.
It wont make a difference until there is a financial impact. Thats not likely to happen but if everyone could quit buying that pink **** so it will get it off my ******* TV Id appreciate it. *lights match and walks away
They should be all shot on sight, it's the humane thing to do...and that would eliminate all these idiots trying to sell their fighting dogs by breeding millions more

Hey, back off! Those idiots serve their time and then go on to represent the Steelers.

Get rid of pit bulls because of idiot owners = get rid of guns for the same reason. Nice logic!
I'm going to start a petition against that petition.

What's even more sad is, two innocent reporters were killed on the air today and there are many huffing and puffing about a back-up QB signing. Where's our priorities?

What's even more sad is that people don't realize the only reason that it's the leading news story is the "on air" part. A lot more than two people were shot and killed yesterday.

Our priorities are apparently whatever the TV and internet tell us they are.
What's even more sad is that people don't realize the only reason that it's the leading news story is the "on air" part. A lot more than two people were shot and killed yesterday.

Our priorities are apparently whatever the TV and internet tell us they are.

so you are watching the news and some guy shoots the news team during the broadcast, live on TV and that's not a legit story? Must be another slow news day.
Climb into a cage with a pitbull and a gun. See which one attacks you first.

We've owned two pits and are currently fostering one, the only way I could hurt you with any of them would be to throw them at you. If they were raised differently, I'm quite sure they would be effective weapons, but it really isn't in their nature. As a matter of fact, after over 12 years of fostering over 40 dogs, the ONLY dog we've had in our home that we had biting problems with, and that eventually had to be put down was a jack russel/ chiuahua mix.

hmmmm...petition?? I got your petition....right hereFingers_and_thumb_in_circle_downward_motion.jpg
We've owned two pits and are currently fostering one, the only way I could hurt you with any of them would be to throw them at you. If they were raised differently, I'm quite sure they would be effective weapons, but it really isn't in their nature. As a matter of fact, after over 12 years of fostering over 40 dogs, the ONLY dog we've had in our home that we had biting problems with, and that eventually had to be put down was a jack russel/ chiuahua mix.


I understand your personal exp. But how many times and how many stories do we read about pits mauling people? I doubt a gun will jump up off a table and shoot you. Just in the past week a local story about 2 elderly women being attacked by there pit bull, I doubt they were training fighting dogs.

Witness describes dog attack on 2 women: 'It destroyed her arm'
Both women taken to the hospital
UPDATED 5:32 AM EDT Aug 26, 2015

GREENVILLE COUNTY, S.C. —Two women were viciously attacked by a dog in Greenville County Tuesday morning, according to a witness at the scene and deputies.

Deputy explains dog attack in Greenville Co.

Witness describes watching dog attack 2 women

Two women were viciously attacked by a dog in Greenville County Tuesday morning, according to a witness at the scene and deputies.

"I pulled up on C Street and Third. I seen these two ladies getting attacked by a pit bull and as I turned, the lady ran up to my car. I got blood on my car right now where she was telling me to help her," Daniel Wideman said.

To listen to the entire witness interview, click here.

Deputies said they received a 911 call about a dog attacking two women at 8 a.m.

Deputy Jonathan Smith said that when a deputy arrived, she saw one of the women being attacked by the dog.

He said the deputy fired one shot and hit the dog.

The dog died, Smith said.

To listen to Smith's interview with WYFF News 4, click here.

Smith said the dog appeared to be a pit bull. He said the dog belonged to one of the victims and no charges will be filed.

Smith said one of the women's arms was almost severed. Smith said the other woman's injuries were less severe. Both women were taken to the hospital.

Wideman said the dog attacked one woman, ran away and then came back and attacked the other woman.

"She tried to run back into the house. As she was going back to the house, the pit bull came back and locked onto her arm. It destroyed her whole arm. It broke her arm. It was only hanging on by meat," Wideman said.

He said the dog was locked on the woman's arm for 5 or 10 minutes.

"I feel so sorry for that lady," Wideman said.
And then they dug out their Twilight Blu-Rays and wept...

They WEPT!
He's taking away my Sundays, my friends...

Can't embed the video, so here it is > https://video-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/h...=ae3955a53ce27a07c77a8368f090705b&oe=55DF6169

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I understand your personal exp. But how many times and how many stories do we read about pits mauling people? I doubt a gun will jump up off a table and shoot you. Just in the past week a local story about 2 elderly women being attacked by there pit bull, I doubt they were training fighting dogs.

Witness describes dog attack on 2 women: 'It destroyed her arm'
Both women taken to the hospital
UPDATED 5:32 AM EDT Aug 26, 2015

GREENVILLE COUNTY, S.C. —Two women were viciously attacked by a dog in Greenville County Tuesday morning, according to a witness at the scene and deputies.

Deputy explains dog attack in Greenville Co.

Witness describes watching dog attack 2 women

Two women were viciously attacked by a dog in Greenville County Tuesday morning, according to a witness at the scene and deputies.

"I pulled up on C Street and Third. I seen these two ladies getting attacked by a pit bull and as I turned, the lady ran up to my car. I got blood on my car right now where she was telling me to help her," Daniel Wideman said.

To listen to the entire witness interview, click here.

Deputies said they received a 911 call about a dog attacking two women at 8 a.m.

Deputy Jonathan Smith said that when a deputy arrived, she saw one of the women being attacked by the dog.

He said the deputy fired one shot and hit the dog.

The dog died, Smith said.

To listen to Smith's interview with WYFF News 4, click here.

Smith said the dog appeared to be a pit bull. He said the dog belonged to one of the victims and no charges will be filed.

Smith said one of the women's arms was almost severed. Smith said the other woman's injuries were less severe. Both women were taken to the hospital.

Wideman said the dog attacked one woman, ran away and then came back and attacked the other woman.

"She tried to run back into the house. As she was going back to the house, the pit bull came back and locked onto her arm. It destroyed her whole arm. It broke her arm. It was only hanging on by meat," Wideman said.

He said the dog was locked on the woman's arm for 5 or 10 minutes.

"I feel so sorry for that lady," Wideman said.

Yeah, I remember when I grew up, it was those damn German police dogs, why would anyone want to own one of them, they were SO bad. Then it became the Doberman, man, why would ANYONE want to own one of those. Then it was the Rottie, man why would ANYONE want to own one of them. Now it's the Pit.

Want to know what dog causes more visits to the ER than any other dog in the USA? Labrador.

I know, it's because there are tons of them out there, but hey, "Lab bites old lady" doesn't sell nearly as many newspapers. You want to own a dog, you have to know there is ALWAYS a risk something will happen. And if it goes south, your odds of surviving a Pit attack are not nearly as good as if you have a teacup yorkie, so there is always that concern. Dogs, just like humans, can have neurological issues, brain tumors, etc that can make them do things that are out of character, it's just what happens. Our awesome old lab mix who is 14 now is sometimes barking at the wall, and I'm fully aware that at some point her dimentia might get to the point where she might snap at one of us. It's NEVER happened, but she's old, and near the end of her life, and while she is currently wagging her tail every time she sees us still, that doesn't mean she's always going to know who we are. I hope she passes before then, but I know it's a risk.

All this being said, it's no different than anything else, my experience with all our rescue pits has had ONE thing in common, every pit that I have ever met wants nothing more than praise and love from it's owner. It's precisely why they make great fighting dogs, because if the owner praises them for it, they will literally fight to the death for them. It's sad people are training them to do that, but we all know they are.

Additionally, the story says "the dog was owned by someone who was staying at the residence". In other words, the person who was attacked was not in fact the owner, and wherever that dog came from it was not in it's normal home. Just full information from the story, listening to the interview with the officer.

so you are watching the news and some guy shoots the news team during the broadcast, live on TV and that's not a legit story? Must be another slow news day.

No more or less than any other two people being shot is a news story. The rest is sensationalism.
May not like it but I feel better with Vick as back up than anyone since CB left the game. Purely business we did need another QB.

Besides voicing one's opinion of like or dislike it's a waste of thought and effort to even begin to protest be it in person or by petition. Rather see the energy put towards ending world hunger.
The funny thing is, if he did all this to deer than nobody would even care. Dogs are idolized and almost worshipped in this country to a point. Which is crazy imo.