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Petition to keep Vick off the team, or dump him since he's already been signed

I've eaten bear. Wasn't impressed.

I've never tried bear. I hear that it, pretty much, has to be butchered right after you kill it or the meat goes bad. No idea why.

I've had a kangaroo burger. It was just OK. Doubt I would ever order it again.
Dogs are not worshiped, they are held in higher regard than deer are though. Deer are a food source to Americans, dogs are pets (or members of the family). Typically deer hunters do not purposely torture deer during a hunt. They don't electrocute them, or beat them or slam them to the ground. They shoot them, hoping for a clean kill, if that doesn't occur, they locate the wounded animal and put it out of it's misery.

continuing to try and compare what vick did to hunters is ******* idiotic.

Worse than idiotic.
I've never tried bear. I hear that it, pretty much, has to be butchered right after you kill it or the meat goes bad. No idea why.

I've had a kangaroo burger. It was just OK. Doubt I would ever order it again.

Bear is greasy. No matter how you cut it up. Could make it into sausage.
When I was younger, I'd go shoot deer a couple different times a year. Fed some older people in town that needed the venison to eat.
Yep, hunted out of season, but the farmers wanted the herd thinned and people needed food.
Vick's first practice with the team, on Wednesday, coincided with - and I'm not making this up - National Dog Day.
Yeah, I remember when I grew up, it was those damn German police dogs, why would anyone want to own one of them, they were SO bad. Then it became the Doberman, man, why would ANYONE want to own one of those. Then it was the Rottie, man why would ANYONE want to own one of them. Now it's the Pit.

Want to know what dog causes more visits to the ER than any other dog in the USA? Labrador.

I know, it's because there are tons of them out there, but hey, "Lab bites old lady" doesn't sell nearly as many newspapers. You want to own a dog, you have to know there is ALWAYS a risk something will happen. And if it goes south, your odds of surviving a Pit attack are not nearly as good as if you have a teacup yorkie, so there is always that concern. Dogs, just like humans, can have neurological issues, brain tumors, etc that can make them do things that are out of character, it's just what happens. Our awesome old lab mix who is 14 now is sometimes barking at the wall, and I'm fully aware that at some point her dimentia might get to the point where she might snap at one of us. It's NEVER happened, but she's old, and near the end of her life, and while she is currently wagging her tail every time she sees us still, that doesn't mean she's always going to know who we are. I hope she passes before then, but I know it's a risk.

All this being said, it's no different than anything else, my experience with all our rescue pits has had ONE thing in common, every pit that I have ever met wants nothing more than praise and love from it's owner. It's precisely why they make great fighting dogs, because if the owner praises them for it, they will literally fight to the death for them. It's sad people are training them to do that, but we all know they are.

Additionally, the story says "the dog was owned by someone who was staying at the residence". In other words, the person who was attacked was not in fact the owner, and wherever that dog came from it was not in it's normal home. Just full information from the story, listening to the interview with the officer.


I have found absolutely NO information to support your claim that Labs are responsible for the most bites, even so, so what.

In the 10-year period from 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans and accounted for 62% of the total recorded deaths (326). Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 74% of these deaths.

That is a fact, Of the hundreds of dog breeds out there, the pit bull accounts for 62% of all dog related fatalities. 62%. The dogs ARE the problem, the breed IS the problem and I get sick of people defending that.
I have found absolutely NO information to support your claim that Labs are responsible for the most bites, even so, so what.

In the 10-year period from 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans and accounted for 62% of the total recorded deaths (326). Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 74% of these deaths.

That is a fact, Of the hundreds of dog breeds out there, the pit bull accounts for 62% of all dog related fatalities. 62%. The dogs ARE the problem, the breed IS the problem and I get sick of people defending that.

While that may be true, its also true that Pits and rottweilers are typically dogs trained to be violent watchdogs too... you arent training a poodle as an attack dog to protect a junkyard.... Ive known more sweetheart Pits than violent ones, but the ones trained for violence can be brutal...
While that may be true, its also true that Pits and rottweilers are typically dogs trained to be violent watchdogs too... you arent training a poodle as an attack dog to protect a junkyard.... Ive known more sweetheart Pits than violent ones, but the ones trained for violence can be brutal...

You'd think that a ton of bites were from watch dogs, Not so. Many of the dog attacks are by family pets that have either gotten loose or have attacked people in their own home. Here is a breakdown of all attacks in the last year:

BTW, a real poodle (not a toy or such, bread to be cute and tend to have foul tempers because of this) Is a rather large animal. The owner where we board our dog has one that is bigger than our lab/shepherd mix and he is over 100 lbs.
Vick's first practice with the team, on Wednesday, coincided with - and I'm not making this up - National Dog Day.

I saw that too. With Bell and Bryant out from drugs, Ben's going to have to carry this team. Let us hope the two don't become Bam Morris and Eric Green.
I could see labs leading in total Number of bites simply because there are more than any other breed. Percentage of bites by the breed Will be very low.
BTW, a real poodle (not a toy or such, bread to be cute and tend to have foul tempers because of this) Is a rather large animal. The owner where we board our dog has one that is bigger than our lab/shepherd mix and he is over 100 lbs.

I was in my 20's before I ever saw a real poodle. I was shocked by the size.
I have found absolutely NO information to support your claim that Labs are responsible for the most bites, even so, so what.

In the 10-year period from 2005 to 2014, pit bulls killed 203 Americans and accounted for 62% of the total recorded deaths (326). Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 74% of these deaths.

That is a fact, Of the hundreds of dog breeds out there, the pit bull accounts for 62% of all dog related fatalities. 62%. The dogs ARE the problem, the breed IS the problem and I get sick of people defending that.

100% agree with this statement. Let me tell you my own experience and this is coming from a guy who was bit by a black lab at the age of 2 and still remembers it 32 almost 33 years later. My wife and I were looking for a family dog but didn't want a purebred when there are so many mix breeds that are unwanted so happenstance a friend of ours was giving away red heeler and black lab mix puppies. We figured perfect size since the heeler was about 30lbs and the lab 55lbs so anywhere between would be a nice size dog and both lab and heelers are smart but not aggressive dogs. Well, the dog was full of energy, cute, loved the family and everything was great. Until she met our neighbor and she literally got a Mohawk and chased him all the way to his home. I mean literally inside his own home. We apologized and couldn't understand why she acted so aggressive. Few weeks later we had family over with my cousins daughter whom is the same age as my son. Our dog almost attacked her but luckily I was near and saw it go down and was able to stop things from going wrong. After that we kept a close eye on her and noticed how aggressive she was. Finally I started facebook stalking the owner of the dog and noticed she had a red heeler, black lab, and a male PIT BULL. So I googled red heeler pit bull mix and almost an identical picture of my dog came up. We now put her in a kennel when people are over, have invisible fencing to keep her in our yard, and have a muzzle for when we have to take her on trips. She loves my family and wouldn't hurt any of us but anyone else she would definitely bite and maybe even kill giving the right circumstance. She is my dog and I will take the appropriate steps to make sure that does not happen but I feel all pit bulls need to be fixed to stop the breed from continuing on. There is not reason to have a dog which is solely built for killing. And I believe anyone who doesn't believe that should also be fixed so their supreme stupidity is not passed on to future generations.
if you read my posts...I am upset he is on the team because he is no longer a quality qb...

It's amazing that a quarterback of Vick's inferior quality was able to throw 2 touchdowns, post a 116 passer rating, and run for 39 yards to lead the Jets (who finished 3-12 against the rest of the league) to a win against our beloved Steelers last season.
Yeah and a bum like Gradkowski threw for 3 TDs in a quarter against the Steelers a few years ago doesn't change the fact both suck.

Yes, that game against the Steelers "a few" years ago, in 2009, was clearly the highlight of Gradkowski's less-than-distinguished career, during which he's compiled a 65.8 QB rating and a 15-25 record as a starter.

Never mind that Vick's career stats are markedly better in every category, two of his three starts LAST year were rated over 105, and he still has the mobility to run circles around Gradkowski...they both suck just the same. Great point.
Not going to get into a big debate about dogs as those dogs didn't ask to be tortured and regardless of breed it doesn't matter. However, certainly some breeds like the pit bull were never intended to be a pet. They were bred for combat. That is a simple fact. Owners of these breeds can be very responsible and the dog can be a great animal. If they are less than diligent it is the same as leaving a loaded firearm sitting in your backyard.