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Pitt vs. Penn State This Week

Pretty good game. Penn state had that game. If that receiver caught the ball, I think game over in psu's favor. Glad Pitt was able to get the int though. Have been pulling for them this season. James Connor is a treat to watch and the circumstances he over came has made me a Pitt supporter. Thoughts watching this game is these two teams have capable explosive offesnes. Both teams have an average defense that will hold them back
Great game. I was already worried about Penn State's ability to stop the run because they have inexperienced DTs, but then it comes out that Penn State's MLB was out and it was going to get ugly and it did early. Pitt has a senior laden OL and had their way early. Then Penn State's best DT gets taken out by friendly fire and things were not looking good.

Coaches deserve a ton of credit for the adjustments to at least slow Pitt enough to allow for the comeback. Pitt saw the Kent State film where PSU was tricked a few times so they added a bunch of misdirections and jet sweeps. PSU just doesn't have the experience in the front 7 yet to deal with that kind of stuff unless they can dominate the OL.

So many teams fold in these situations and it was pretty amazing that PSU's young team kept their heads and played hard the whole game.

Connor is a good RB but Saquon Barkley is a beast. He got almost all those yards on his own as there were few real holes for him to run through. He's got size and speed and now he's showing receiving skills.

This is the first year in 3 years PSU has had a scholarship Punter and you can see the difference. PSU lost at least 2 games last year due to shanked punts in key situations. This kid is a true freshman and in just 2 games, he's already proven to be a weapon.

Penn State is mostly starting freshmen and sophomores. Most PSU fans had them down for 7 wins. Disappointing that they lost but i come away feeling much more positive about the season. They were a dropped pass away from winning this with all these inexperienced players and a new scheme. Not too shabby. PSU is still probably going to only win 7 or 8 but they will be a much better team by the end.
PSU couldn't even sellout their allotment.

that was bullshit. Penn State did sell their allotment. They returned exactly 59 tickets which were tickets set aside for player families and not for public sale. Those were the tickets of families that said they were not going to attend so PSU sent them back to Pitt so they could sell them.

It was bush league for Pitt to claim PSU did not sell their allotment. Hell, they probably sold them to PSU fans anyway.
So ok, You are Penn State... you have all the momentum in the world... Pitt only has a rushing game... why not play for OT there....

I recorded it and just watched it and I cant honest to godly believe down 3 and all but in field goal range they called that play.

Or Mcsorley even attempted it....

I mean really?
Great game. I was already worried about Penn State's ability to stop the run because they have inexperienced DTs, but then it comes out that Penn State's MLB was out and it was going to get ugly and it did early. Pitt has a senior laden OL and had their way early. Then Penn State's best DT gets taken out by friendly fire and things were not looking good.

Coaches deserve a ton of credit for the adjustments to at least slow Pitt enough to allow for the comeback. Pitt saw the Kent State film where PSU was tricked a few times so they added a bunch of misdirections and jet sweeps. PSU just doesn't have the experience in the front 7 yet to deal with that kind of stuff unless they can dominate the OL.

So many teams fold in these situations and it was pretty amazing that PSU's young team kept their heads and played hard the whole game.

Connor is a good RB but Saquon Barkley is a beast. He got almost all those yards on his own as there were few real holes for him to run through. He's got size and speed and now he's showing receiving skills.

This is the first year in 3 years PSU has had a scholarship Punter and you can see the difference. PSU lost at least 2 games last year due to shanked punts in key situations. This kid is a true freshman and in just 2 games, he's already proven to be a weapon.

Penn State is mostly starting freshmen and sophomores. Most PSU fans had them down for 7 wins. Disappointing that they lost but i come away feeling much more positive about the season. They were a dropped pass away from winning this with all these inexperienced players and a new scheme. Not too shabby. PSU is still probably going to only win 7 or 8 but they will be a much better team by the end.

PSU needs a new head coach. He doesn't rate next to Harbaugh, Urban m, and others.
PSU couldn't even sellout their allotment.

I seriously doubt that. It doesn't make any sense.

Pitt doesn't require people to purchase season tickets if they want to go to the Penn State game unless they know the demand from Penn State fans will be high.

NFL teams have done the same for Steeler games.
I seriously doubt that. It doesn't make any sense.

Pitt doesn't require people to purchase season tickets if they want to go to the Penn State game unless they know the demand from Penn State fans will be high.

NFL teams have done the same for Steeler games.
For all you butthurt PSU fans.

Pitt athletic director Scott Barnes tweeted today at 1:07 p.m. that the Nittany Lions didn’t sell out their allotment of 3,300 tickets for the rivalry game at Heinz Field. Pitt’s official sports Twitter account followed that up by tweeting that season ticket holders can submit a request to purchase the returned tickets.

Pitt later said, after Penn State said it returned approximately 50 tickets, that the school sold the Nittany Lions’ 59 unused tickets to Panthers season ticket holders in “mere minutes.”


If there is another explanation, good for you.
Wait, the only way Pitt sells out a game is if the opponent is PSU or Notre Dame, and PSU fans should be butt hurt?

Pitt fans aren't the ones that are always bringing up attendance when it comes to the two schools...
Are Pitt fans into college football? It seems the pro sports teams get more love. Well from what I notice the Steelers and Pirates seem to have an older traditional fan base. The Pens seem to have a younger following. Pitt seems that only the four year students follow. I followed UGA after I stopped attending. So to read about the Pitt attendence was not a shocker
Meh imo save for hard cores Pitt people mostlyrealize college ball is just glorified minor league ball... Its a nice pass time occasionally but there are plenty of better things to spend time with on a Saturday... Plus historically the program has torn itself apart so many times for silly idealogy that its hard to take it too seriously... The big difference is pitt fans realize for the most part they are a second tier power conference school and its unlikely they will be anything more anytime soon... Penn state fans still think they are national contenders... Ever since they joined the big ten they have been on a downward spiral to second tier and no one gets that the schools willing to pay for players are always going to be the only real contenders...
Lots of different entertainment for your dollar in Pittsburgh. Steelers, Pirates, Pens, clubs, music venues, etc.
When most have a limited amount of money to spend, you make a choice.

Example out my way is Tucson. The U of A sells out everything only because there is nothing else to do there.

Of course if Pitt begins to win 10+ games a year, things would change.
The big difference is pitt fans realize for the most part they are a second tier power conference school and its unlikely they will be anything more anytime soon... Penn state fans still think they are national contenders... Ever since they joined the big ten they have been on a downward spiral to second tier and no one gets that the schools willing to pay for players are always going to be the only real contenders...

No, the big difference is enrollment and representation. PSU churns out idk, 4 or 5 times as many graduates every year as Pitt, and represent the entire state. It's why it can routinely get six figure crowds while Pitt is lucky to get 40% of that.

PSU had early success in the big ten including an undefeated season and Rose Bowl championship.

PSU screwed up a dozen years ago by not forcing JoePa into retirement and handing over a premier program to someone. Had they done so, who knows where the program would be but it could easily be on par with the likes of Michigan and Michigan State.
Ron Jr. works at Pitt. Although he is not a huge sports fan, his girlfriend's parents were in town and they all went to the game. At my birthday party today he tells me that as they were leaving they saw two older guys fighting in the parking lot, one Pitt guy and one PSU guy, and a cop breaks it up and says, "Act your age!"
Jesus Christ it was a great game, the better team won, let's leave it at that. I'm Penn State all the way but I can appreciate a good game and even though I felt my heart sink the second that touchdown pass was dropped I can be an adult and move on.
Don't be ****** winners that everyone hates. Leave that to Michigan.
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