Sad thing about the stillers...
Currently 6-8
As a minimum...
Shoulda beat the ratbirds (no lamar)
Shoulda beat the phins (shoulda had 4 picks that game)
Shoulda beat the jets (their qb that game was subsequently benched he sucks so bad)
Probly shoulda beat the hapless pats (but we were even more hapless)
Woulda, coulda, shoulda be 10-4.
Why? Coaching.....plain and simple. Better HC, OC, special teams....this team is in the playoffs. Probly one and done as their biggest losses (Buff., Phila.) were blowouts, showing they are not ready to compete with the better teams in the league, but this team still could be playing an 18th game.
Rooneys need to make changes.