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Predicting the next Civil War

What sets off the impending Civil War?

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Regular Member
May 9, 2014
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LP in the burgh
So for many of us, the polarized politics of this country have gotten downright scary.... compromise is dead and each side seems adamant on shoving their opinions and viewpoint on every other person... call for violence to make the other side comply are becoming more public.... many of the extremists on either side seem giddy for a violent end to this left vs right showdown....

So here is the poll question... what do you think the event will be that sets off this impending political party driven civil war...
People won't do much until they can't eat,have a job, be disarmed by the second ammendment going bye bye. It would really take something on a large scale. But it certainly a great many
things are being chipped away at. But yeah as long as folks are still stuffing their faces freely all is good.

I'd rather just see the states break up before any civil war. The left coast can have it's own country. Take New York with you. No reason to kill each other unless of course you attack us.
The size of the US military and the advanced nature of its weaponry prevents any civil war from ever occurring.

Would a civil war be shirts and skins so you could tell people apart? Who would be skins?
The size of the US military and the advanced nature of its weaponry prevents any civil war from ever occurring.

Would a civil war be shirts and skins so you could tell people apart? Who would be skins?

Not saying you're entirely wrong, but wasn't the same thing said about revolution against the British? Plus, what makes you think the US military will attack the American people en masse?
Not saying you're entirely wrong, but wasn't the same thing said about revolution against the British? Plus, what makes you think the US military will attack the American people en masse?

Oh no he is wrong... advanced military hasn’t really been a total deterrent for those who feel they are being wronged... our advanced military didn’t quell uprisings in Iraq or afganistan or anywhere eles without real conflict... and places like Syria had a pretty strong military and yet had revolts....

Even when a group doesn’t wage open war they can also fall into a guerrilla style uprising... or terroristic means of combat like palistine.....

It doesn’t have to be a north vs south style war....
The size of the US military and the advanced nature of its weaponry prevents any civil war from ever occurring.


I know, right?
The size of the US military and the advanced nature of its weaponry prevents any civil war from ever occurring.

Would a civil war be shirts and skins so you could tell people apart? Who would be skins?

The military is 90% conservative. They swear an oath to the constitution not the government and most would shoot the officers that gave the command to attack their own families and homes.
The military is 90% conservative. They swear an oath to the constitution not the government and most would shoot the officers that gave the command to attack their own families and homes.

The vast majority of military member come from the South. The Liberal coastal elite class doesn't want their kids to do something icky and play with guns.

There will not be widespread revolt. Revolt only occurs in the small number of blue areas.

There won’t be any widespread conflict

Again, we're not struggling like Venezuela to eat from day to day so I don't think we will see a mass uprising. Maybe small escalations in lib enclaves where somebodies had enough and snaps. That being said, you didn't have an option for if something were to happen to Trump unexpectedly. Then Houston, we have a problem imo.
The size of the US military and the advanced nature of its weaponry prevents any civil war from ever occurring.

Would a civil war be shirts and skins so you could tell people apart? Who would be skins?

It would be pretty much Cities vs everyone else and we would have the cities naturally surrounded and starved. A large percentage of the military would be on our side. It would not go the way you think it would not by a long shot.
Liberals can't truly revolt they don't own the majority of guns and they participate in the military in lower percentages. They will throw rocks and stones and maybe Molotov cocktails and burn their own cities. They will defeat themselves in many ways.
So for many of us, the polarized politics of this country have gotten downright scary.... compromise is dead and each side seems adamant on shoving their opinions and viewpoint on every other person... call for violence to make the other side comply are becoming more public.... many of the extremists on either side seem giddy for a violent end to this left vs right showdown....

So here is the poll question... what do you think the event will be that sets off this impending political party driven civil war...

I struggle with this "both sides are guilty" narrative.

Comprise is dead of course because you can't compromise with the unhinged.

How to you compromise when Republicans and those on the right are being shot, stabbed, beaten, mailed powder, run out of restaurants, sent death threats, sent threats of being raped, calling for assassinations ,...while dbags like Hillary, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, college professors continue to advocate violence? ….

….when the only ****** thing the Republicans are guilty of is winning. That's it.

I mean, if you can name something else that Republicans have done so evil that it merits this kind of hate, I'll listen.

How is compromise possible when not a single democRAT leader has come forward to proclaim enough is enough?

So what "opinions" do you think are being shoved by the right?

The "opinion" that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty? See Brent Kavanaugh.
The "opinion" that the gender of a person is determined by the equipment they were born with?
The "opinion" that we have the right to bear arms.
The "opinion" that the United States has borders, and that they must be protected?
The "opinion" that abortion is taking the life of a child in the womb?
The "opinion" that immigration laws were written to be enforced?
I struggle with this "both sides are guilty" narrative.

Comprise is dead of course because you can't compromise with the unhinged.

How to you compromise when Republicans and those on the right are being shot, stabbed, beaten, mailed powder, run out of restaurants, sent death threats, sent threats of being raped, calling for assassinations ,...while dbags like Hillary, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, college professors continue to advocate violence? ….

….when the only ****** thing the Republicans are guilty of is winning. That's it.

I mean, if you can name something else that Republicans have done so evil that it merits this kind of hate, I'll listen.

How is compromise possible when not a single democRAT leader has come forward to proclaim enough is enough?

So what "opinions" do you think are being shoved by the right?

The "opinion" that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty? See Brent Kavanaugh.
The "opinion" that the gender of a person is determined by the equipment they were born with?
The "opinion" that we have the right to bear arms.
The "opinion" that the United States has borders, and that they must be protected?
The "opinion" that abortion is taking the life of a child in the womb?
The "opinion" that immigration laws were written to be enforced?

.... please, conservatives automatically assume a dem is guilty of an accusation too.... some of slick willies accusers have a strong case, but some were every bit as dubious as Ford was... and in this last election both side were super eager to push fake news as fact... thats just human nature... The Dems went to far with it trying to ignore the presumption of innocence in a government function this time, but lets not kid ourselves... the next time any dirt on Hillary or Obama comes out many people on the right will have assumed it to be true without a single fact...

The gender thing is stupid, but there are a dozen petty stupid agendas the right aligned themselves with... defending the confederate flag, for example.... why in the world would you want to defend something that stood for a rebellion against this country and that is generally associated with defending slavary.... there are always goofy points the right and left fight for that just are pointless and then make fun of each other over....

2nd amendment issue i agree with you on, but again to some people they think removing the weapons removes the crime... it’s faulty logic in my opinion... but thats their belief....

The borders thing can be taken several ways... but in regards to THE WALL.. some version of this has been proposed by both parties through the years and the opposition party always decrys it as a boondoggle. As for regular immigration both sides have points id agree with but both sides also think the other is 1000% wrong....

The abortion issue isthe most polarized issue in America... it stems from if you believe that life starts at conception or if somewhere along the pregnancy the baby gets consciousness.... going into it in depth can take days... but each side boilerplates facts down to the bare minimum...
i can almost bet no one on one side really listens to anyone on the other...

Back to immigration laws... ive been alive through Presidents of both parties granting asylum to a **** ton of illegals... and saw both parties cheer tgeir guy and benoan the opposition

..... let me put this out there... do you think it was fair that the Republicans blocked a perfectly qualified guy for the supreme court for like a year saying that the election should decide,then rushed their guy in to beat an election?

In life, one side is never always right... we always think whatever our opinions are are correct, but we really should at least listen to the other side to see where they are coming from.... very few do

I see it on Facebook all the time... two sides in an echo chamber getting more and more convinced the other side is the devil incarnate

Like it or not this country’s politics have convinced each side that the other is extremely bad and whomever is out of power has a million mostly imaginary wrongs opressing them... and thats all you need for a revolt.... feeling unrepresented and angry...

If i was betting on this... id say there are two things that would push conservatives to rebell... repealing the 2nd amendment and becoming a fully socialist country... i think the Democrats are a lot closer because they have created a lot of doom narratives that they believe... man made global warming, for instance... id say if they don’t capture control of something soon there are factions that will snap there

Now Democrats want Kavanaugh to recuse himself on certain cases.

Yeah, good idea. Perfect timing for comprise. Let's come together. Let's not blow it this time Republicans.
Kav should recuse himself from cases involving women. How absurd.

Recusal demands by Kavanaugh critics including Democratic lawmakers and liberal commentators focused on two main areas: certain cases involving Trump himself; and cases involving Democratic Party lawmakers or interests, considering Kavanaugh’s angry remarks about Democrats during a Sept. 27 Senate hearing. Some also have suggested Kavanaugh should step aside in cases on women’s issues in light of sexual misconduct allegations made against him last month. He denied the allegations.


Now Democrats want Kavanaugh to recuse himself on certain cases.

Yeah, good idea. Perfect timing for comprise. Let's come together. Let's not blow it this time Republicans.
Kav should recuse himself from cases involving women. How absurd.

Recusal demands by Kavanaugh critics including Democratic lawmakers and liberal commentators focused on two main areas: certain cases involving Trump himself; and cases involving Democratic Party lawmakers or interests, considering Kavanaugh’s angry remarks about Democrats during a Sept. 27 Senate hearing. Some also have suggested Kavanaugh should step aside in cases on women’s issues in light of sexual misconduct allegations made against him last month. He denied the allegations.


See the compromise here is that he does so and RBG does so too, since she had angry comments about trump and has publicly touted her support of the meetoo allegation movement....
When the economy crashes is when the civil war will start. The bright side is after all the strife we get a hard reset. I have stated this before what will happen is this: we refuse to cut the size of government and we continually expanding “entitlement“. Because of this our debt will become so big that we can no longer even pay the interest on it. When that happens our current sea will be worthless.
Because Democrat politicians will need to protect their power base in the big cities they will attempt to get food from the farmers out in the hinterlands. The farmers won’t accept worthless paper and will demand gold, silver or trade goods. Next the pols will send cops, and federal agents to “Confiscate the food for redistribution.” This will work once or twice, but eventually one of the redistribution efforts Will be ambushed and all of the cops and federal agents will be shot into little guy down to the last man. That’s how it will start and from there it will be Katie bar the door. Now let me break some things down for you big city socialist folks. How much fuel, food, manufacturing of goods goes on in your ZIP Code? All of that stuff is done out in flyover country. Most of the working people that do the sayings that cheap you bad and keep the lights on our salt of the earth and just as nice as anyone you’d ever want to meet. But at the same time by and large these people are also hard men, doing the heavy lifting jobs that keep society running requires toughness. If you try To harm them and their families they will kill you and sleep like babies that same night. If you try to take their property and goods they produce Without compensation they will cut you off and let you starve and not think twice about it.
There will not be a civil war.

Most of the screaming and yelling is coming from rich white liberals. When all of these whining liberal elite college kids grow up, get real jobs, see how much this government steals from them on a weekly basis, and realize their heroes want even more, they'll shut right up. It happens with every generation.
There will not be a civil war.

Most of the screaming and yelling is coming from rich white liberals. When all of these whining liberal elite college kids grow up, get real jobs, see how much this government steals from them on a weekly basis, and realize their heroes want even more, they'll shut right up. It happens with every generation.

The generation of millennials slightly younger than myself are a different breed though... these are 30-40 year olds who are moving back with their parents and eschewing the regular work force... i have several friends like that... and worse they are becoming more and more enamored with socialism because they feel that there is no easy path forward for them at this point in life... thats what society bred into younger generations... there is too much entitlement and they are stubborn in their viewpoints...

The old adage about being liberal young and conservative old is not what is happening in this era...
And they will take until there is nothing left to take. And then they will die because when you live with mom at age 40, your survival skills are nil. People that have hunted, fished and worked land will survive and kill the 40-something’s leeching off of mom in order to preserve their own families.

I don’t know about civil war, but we haven’t yet seen one iota of how ugly this is going to get. All because group of people that laughed at a guy that said he wouldn’t accept the election results are unable to accept the election results. An irony so thick you can cut it with a knife.
The generation of millennials slightly younger than myself are a different breed though... these are 30-40 year olds who are moving back with their parents and eschewing the regular work force... i have several friends like that... and worse they are becoming more and more enamored with socialism because they feel that there is no easy path forward for them at this point in life... thats what society bred into younger generations... there is too much entitlement and they are stubborn in their viewpoints...

The old adage about being liberal young and conservative old is not what is happening in this era...

I agree its not quite the same as that old adage. Socially we'll probably never go back. But I have plenty of middle aged friends who claim to be liberals but when it comes right down to it, they want to be allowed keep what they earn just like most of us do.

It's funny there's a movement afoot in PA to pool all the property taxes and distribute them equally throughout the schools all over the state. You would think that would be wildly popular with the wealthy so-called liberals who live here and pay outrageous taxes for the school district. Surprise! They all hate the idea. They're all talk. They love liberalism as long as it doesn't involve any sacrifice on their own part.
The generation of millennials slightly younger than myself are a different breed though... these are 30-40 year olds who are moving back with their parents and eschewing the regular work force... i have several friends like that... and worse they are becoming more and more enamored with socialism because they feel that there is no easy path forward for them at this point in life... thats what society bred into younger generations... there is too much entitlement and they are stubborn in their viewpoints...

The old adage about being liberal young and conservative old is not what is happening in this era...

Totally agree with you. I don't want to go all tin foil hat on this, but I believe it's been by design. I once again encourage everyone to read Witness by Whittaker Chambers. Summary here: https://acton.org/two-faiths-witness-whittaker-chambers

One such writer was Whittaker Chambers, whose autobiography Witness, published in 1952, details his life as an agent in the Fourth Section of Soviet Military Intelligence from 1932 to 1938, where he coordinated espionage activities with high-ranking United States government officials. Witness also movingly explains Chambers' departure from Communism and his conversion to Christianity. From his conversion, Chambers grasped that revolutionary ideology lied about the nature of man and the source of his being...

Chambers' conversion inspired him to atone for his past betrayal of his country. He divulged to the federal government information about the Soviet espionage cell he had organized during the 1930s in Washington, its membership, and his complicity in its operation. Of those officials in Chambers' Soviet-allied cell, Alger Hiss, Director of the Office of Special Political Affairs in the Department of State and Chambers' close friend, would prove to be the most consequential...

Naming Hiss to the House Committee on Un-American Activities as a Communist agent earned Chambers the full disdain of much of the political and media leadership, and was, in retrospect, the beginning of the deep social, cultural, and political divides that continue to mark American life between its elites and petit bourgeoisie. Chambers' fear was that subversive activity had continued in the ten years between his exit from Communist activity in 1938 and 1948, the year he first testified before Congress (he first revealed his traitorous conduct in 1939 to Adolf Berle, Director of Security at the Department of State). Chambers thought America was oblivious to the spiritual and philosophical degradations that surrounded it, and he believed his testimony would prove to be an exemplary sign of contradiction, calling forth the nation's latent spirit. He referred to the federal trial of Alger Hiss, truly one of the greatest trials of the 20th century, as one involving "two faiths." "At heart," Chambers observed, "the Great Case was this critical conflict of faiths; that is why it was a great case. On a scale personal enough to be felt by all, but big enough to be symbolic, the two irreconcilable faiths of our time–Communism and Freedom–came to grips in the persons of two conscious and resolute men."...

The West itself, Chambers feared, was listless at the moment when it most needed strength. Chambers argued that the West's weakness grew out of its tacit adoption of many of the philosophical errors on which Communism rested. A larger Western conversion, Chambers boldly urged, similar in many respects to his personal conversion, would have to be made if Communism and its philosophical underpinnings were to be defeated. The West would have to emerge from its deep-seated materialism, its confusion over the nature of the person and his dignity, and its detached understanding of the free society's conservative origins. This could happen, Chambers observed, only if the West reengaged the truth about God and man.

Chambers' diagnosis troubles us today because of the West's retention of so many of the ideas that shaped Communism. We still remain distant, if not cut off, from the intellectual and religious sources that shaped the West from its beginning. The contemporary West still asserts that reality should be understood through empirical reason alone, that man is merely a highly evolved creature, or that liberty is only a useful fiction because history, science, economics, and the state are the real movers carrying man forward.

I fully believe that Communism, like Whittaker believes, infiltrated our country deeply during this time frame. To read this book, to see the names and the explanations, you would be aghast to realize the sheer enormity of how many Communists worked in our Government. Many still do.

Much of modern Liberalism is built upon these tenets of Communism.

So let me shift gears. I think much of what we are suffering is by design. Use the media and education as examples. For countless decades the media has controlled what we hear and consume. It shapes thinking. And Liberals have taken over the vast majority of education from the top down to the teachers themselves. They have shaped the minds of these millennials. The ideas of Socialism are the precursor to Communism. They have convinced generations that Government and man are all powerful. And it's working.

I remember when my kids were little and began playing soccer and t-ball as little kids and I found myself aghast about "everyone gets a medal." I didn't realize then, what I'm aware of now, but I was angry. My wife brushed it off. But I remember at that time being ardently opposed to the idea. I explained that it taught mediocrity. That in life, there are winners and losers. It's how life works. There is one President. There is one valedictorian. One person gets the job. One guy gets the girl. Everyone does NOT win in life so why are we teaching these kids that failure should be rewarded? I knew it was wrong then. I knew it.

But I now believe, truly believe, movements like "everyone gets a medal" has matriculated down from the top through years of teachings aimed at changing the viewpoints of Americans making them more and more and more susceptible over time to the promises of things like socialism.

We now have multiple valedictorians so as not to offend. There are signs of change like this we see every day that shows Communist/Socialist thinking has taken a huge foothold.

And it's working. Sadly, it is working. Hyphen beat an incumbent not because she is smart or talented. But because there are countless growing numbers of young people coming out of these systems and environments that believe everyone should get a medal and the promise of that socialist, promise-filled world appeals to them.

We are sliding and I don't know if we will make it back. I believe Whittaker was accurate and spot on in the 1930s that we were at a major inflection point. I fear that Communism has slowly taken finger holds here and there for decades in the minds of Americans and eventually we will become Socialist because the war was lost decades ago. We walked into it blindly.

Sounds extreme and I'm not trying to be all "Wig" about this, but I believe Whittaker nailed it and we missed (as a country) the window to right the ship. If Liberals continue to dominate the media and educational institutions and get hold of the Government again...well. Buckle up.
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The next civil war will be amongst the people, not two factions of the government. I believe Obama and Soros begin to ramp up the violence in the coming years. They're hoping the mass unruly violence pushes conservatives over the edge and they begin to fight back with guns. Seeing citizens mow down other citizens in the streets will be the key to disarm. This is where it all starts...

Tick tock

I know a lot if people think this is far from happening here, but its way closer than you think.....
You don’t need a horrible economy or starvation to sstart a revolt... you need disenchantment and polorized views... and we have that in spades.... there are people who really believe that the republicans are evil people, that their economic stance is keeping them from their peaceful utopia and that their environmental stance is literally dooming the world in their lifetime....

This isn’t a small group ether... its a fairly significant portion of millennials.... not a majority, but enought to start an ill fated revolt....

On the other side there are plenty of paranoid and angry people who are certain the democrats are trying to remove their rights, and who are willing to violently defend them.....

These hot flashes are a warning... if politicians keep pushing everyone apart to win elections there is going to be a violent reckoning eventually