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Pro-Dem thread / All your Trump vitriol here

What the what??

Kent State to Pay Hanoi Jane $83k for May 4 Commemoration Speech

It's hard to believe, but May 4, 2020, is the 50th anniversary of the tragic shooting at Kent State University, where Ohio National Guard troops fired on a crowd of students during a massive anti-Vietnam War protest, killing four students and injuring nine.

Witnesses, military and law-enforcement experts, historians, and activists are divided on whether the shooting was justified (that's a discussion for another day), but it appears that Kent State is going all-in on pouring salt in the wounds of America's Vietnam veterans.

In a move that surprised many in the Northeast Ohio area and beyond, Kent State President Todd Diacon announced that actress, activist, and (former?) communist sympathizer Jane Fonda will be one of the speakers at an anniversary commemoration of the shooting on May 3—and she'll be paid a whopping $83,000 to ostensibly reminisce about her anti-war activism.

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a Republican and veteran, is not having it.

"The 50th anniversary of one of Ohio’s darkest days has the potential to serve as a moment of unity, understanding & healing in a nation that is deeply divided," LaRose wrote in a Facebook post on Sunday. "However, Kent State’s decision to pay Jane Fonda $83,000 to speak at their commemoration event does the very opposite."

LaRose, who served in the 101st Airborn Division and later as a Green Beret, earning a Bronze Star for his service in Iraq, observed that American service members returning from Vietnam "deserved a much better reception than the one they received. They weren’t the politicians who chose which battle to fight -- they were the soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines sent into the battle. And we should say one thing to them: Welcome Home."

But that wasn't all. While LaRose says he understands that people can disagree on policy issues, especially matters of war, "What’s not ok is providing aid and comfort to the enemy and willfully serving as a propaganda tool for those engaged in hostilities against the United States."

"And Ms. Fonda did that – the very definition of treason," he added.

LaRose noted on Twitter that he supports free speech, but the university should not be paying her tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege.


Fonda should have hanged or shot the moment she came back from Vietnam.
When you really look at the issues, Trump is actually a MODERATE Republican. If the left didn't hate him so much, they would realize his platform and issues are pretty much at the 30 yard line of left-right ideology.

I thought some of the stuff the Tea Party was spewing back in 2011-2012 was much further right.

The problem the democrats now have is in their attempt to vilify everything Trump stands for they have gone too far left. Sanders is literally on the goal line of left-right ideology. He's a ******* Marxist. And because he's winning, most of the other candidates have been inching their way further and further down the field. Bloomberg is a solid 30 yard line guy, but he just has no understanding of the fight he just got himself into with Bernie-Bots and Warren Marxists. I think after that debate, Bloomberg is finally waking up to just how crazy-left his "party" has become.

If they keep going down this path, they won't win the White House for the next 20 years. No way anyone on that stage beats Trump or Nikki Haley. No ******* way.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.</p>— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) <a href="https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1230889348167434240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Governor of Commiefornia.:frusty:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.</p>— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) <a href="https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1230889348167434240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Governor of Commiefornia.:frusty:

The hell??


Disney world Liberals drive me insane. Where the **** do they think these houses come from? The house tree? The house fairy?

Growing up, visiting my father one weekend, he announced to my step siblings, my sis and I that he was getting a gum tree. I just a bout **** my pants....WHAT???///!!! A Gum tree!!?? He smiled, we all freaked out. "It grows gum dad???" He said yes it does. I remember vividly asking if it grew JuicyFruit. He said yes it does. He toyed with us for a while having us believe **** grows on trees.

I learned the truth at 7 or 8 years old.

Liberals still believe in this stuff.

A prescription for a house. Damn near seen it all now.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.</p>— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) <a href="https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1230889348167434240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Governor of Commiefornia.:frusty:

Dude you gotta check the replies LMAO . People are funny.


I need a prescription for an ocean front condo Memorial Day weekend, should I go to my provider, or do I need to see a specialist?

Who pays for building and maintaining the housing? Who pays for the rent and utilities?

Can someone call a doctor and get Gavin a prescription for his insanity?

Buzz Patterson for Congress
Replying to
I’m still waiting for my Lamborghini script. What’s up?

When someone is operating at your capacity, do they let you park in handicap spots?

"Hi this is Karen from CVS. I'm calling to verify a prescription for a three-bedroom two-bath ranch style home."

Why not just ban homelessness? It worked for guns, right?

Failed #Democrat policies created this housing nightmare. Tax this..regulate that and now your mindless comments reveal the total lack of accountability for a problem your policies created.
MSNBC Hopes for ‘Global Financial Crisis’ Helping Dems in 2020

On Friday, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle talked to CNBC contributor Dan Nathan about how the booming economy may factor into the 2020 presidential race. Without any substantiation, Nathan wildly speculated that there could be another “global financial crisis” which would provide something “Dems can run on” in the fall.

Nathan, a longtime Democratic Party donor and principal at the investment consulting group RiskReversal Advisors, began by arguing that the nation’s historically low unemployment was actually a bad thing: “...the labor market is really tight, and economically, in an election year, that could pose a really big problem when you think about it here because we’re just not seeing the sort of economic growth that you might expect at this stage of the recovery over the last ten years.”

He then started to imagine an even more dire economic picture:

And so, if companies are having a hard time finding skilled workers, that means there’s going to be wage pressure which could weigh on profit margins. And at this stage of the game, with valuations where they are, with a stock market at all-time highs, you could see that as a sort of sign at top that profit margins start declining.

So all of those three things pose real issues for this administration in an election year because if you did have some sort of head wind to economic growth, it’s already facing coronavirus right now, and then really the head winds of the trade war, you have a really difficult situation.

Ruhle skeptically weighed in: “But do you have a difficult situation?...Look at the stock market. Look at corporate America....as far as the winning economy that the President needs from now until November, do you really see that changing?”

Nathan assured her: “Well, I’ll give you two examples. 2008, at this time, nobody thought we would have a global financial crisis right on our shores.” Ruhle was suddenly converted: “Oh, good point.” Nathan giddily added: “And that’s the thing that really sunk John McCain’s candidacy then.”

Eager to further bolster his wishful thinking, Nathan noted: “Think about 2018, you know what happened in Q4 2018? The stock market fell 20%. You know what also happened? The Dems took back the House in that period.”

He wrapped up his slanted analysis with this proclamation:

Nobody can tell you what’s going to happen, you know, in October or November of this year, but they all pose risk for this administration because the stock market at all-time highs is backward looking, it’s not forward looking. And so, if the stock market were to tumble this year, if we don’t get near the 3% GDP growth that this administration has been talking about for years, these are all things that Dems can run on and they pose a problem.

The media have become so desperate to see Democrats win the 2020 election that anchors like Ruhle are bringing on pundits who are openly rooting for a devastating economic collapse.
After appearing on The View in a $580 dress, Occasional Cortex sets another hypocritical standard.

AOC Got Her Goddaughter Into a Charter School – Which She Publicly Opposes

Here she is talking about it:

<iframe height="348" width="618" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" src="//players.brightcove.net/4137224153001/ed38fae1-4db1-4308-8095-399a04010bc1_default/index.html?videoId=6134674533001"></iframe>

Good for me, but not for thee.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez managed to get her goddaughter into a Bronx charter school, according to a Facebook Live video she recorded in 2017 — before she was a public figure.

“This area’s like a lot of where my family is from,” AOC says as she strolls along Hunts Point Avenue in the Bronx. “My goddaughter, I got her into a charter school like maybe a block or two down.”

It’s unclear exactly how Ocasio-Cortez managed to finagle the favor for her goddaughter, or which school she attended. There are at least five — including South Bronx Classical Charter School I and Bronx Charter School for the Arts — within walking distance of the Hunts Point subway station where the video cuts out.

Reps for AOC did not immediately respond to request for comment.

Embracing charters would be a big no-no for Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic socialist base, which calls for the total abolition of charters, arguing that their existence hurts traditional public schools.

“Charter schools act as tools for privatizing education and weakening the power of unionized teachers,” the party says in its New York City platform, which called for ending “the creation of new charter schools, [banning] the expansion of existing charter schools, and transform[ing] existing charter schools into public schools.”

Though Ocasio-Cortez has frequently talked about how her own family fled the Bronx to avoid the borough’s failing public schools, she has also publicly stood in total lockstep with anti-charter advocates.

During a March 2019 town hall organized by Jackson Heights People for Public Schools, she had harsh words for New York City public schools — but also lauded public education as “one of the greatest gems of public good in the United States.” She warned that residents of the Bronx were now being “incentivized to enroll into a charter school.”

“The moment we start feeling that way is when we should start fighting to improve them,” Ocasio-Cortez said during the meeting, which was attended by a who’s who of anti-charter activists, including State Sen. Jessica Ramos, Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz and NYU professor Diane Ravitch.

During the same meeting, AOC conceded that her cousin’s children also attended charter schools, according to the socialist magazine Jacobin.

In another Facebook Live video from around the same time, Ocasio-Cortez posted footage of American Federation of Teachers boss Randi Weingarten rallying the troops against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos — a prominent charter advocate.

“I am not surprised by the hypocrisy,” said Ray Domanico, director of education policy at the Manhattan Institute. “Charter schools are incredibly popular with the communities and populations that a lot of these Democratic politicians claim to be representing … People in the Bronx can find a good school for their young ones now as the congresswoman apparently did for her goddaughter.”
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Doctors should be able to write prescriptions for housing the same way they do for insulin or antibiotics.</p>— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) <a href="https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1230889348167434240?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Governor of Commiefornia.:frusty:

Well, ya do haffta consider the family tree thing. CALIF GOV. GAVIN NEWSOME IS NANCY PELOSI'S NEPHEW....after all.

In fact, you silly deplorable racist homophobic anti-immigrant Cucks have the deck stacked against you and you're too stupid to realize it.

Let's start with...

* Hillary's daughter Chelsea IS married to George Soros' nephew.


ABC News executive producer Ian CAMERON is married to SUSAN RICE ,Obama's former National Security Adviser.

CBS President DAVID RHODES is the brother of BEN RHODES , Obama's Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

ABC News correspondent CLAIRE SHIPMAN is married to former Obama White House Press Secretary JAY CARNEY.

ABC News and Univision reporter MATTHEW JAFFE is married to KATIE HOGAN, Obama's former Deputy Press Secretary .

ABC President BEN SHERWOOD is the brother of Obama's former Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.

CNN President VIRGINIA MOSELEY is married to former Hillary Clinton's Deputy Secretary TOM NIDES .

This is a 'partial' list since the same incestuous relationship holds true for NBC/MSNBC and most media outlets.

The "Swamp" is a lot deeper and more heavily infested with vermin than you realized. Good luck with that suckers.

The Wall Street Journal says the Mormon Church has quietly amassed a one hundred billion dollar investment fund. The article didn't reveal the name of the investment broker who landed the Mormon investment fund. However if Mitt Romney has a son named Hunter, my money's on him.



Jeffrey David Cox (in Google, real name just David Cox) is the head of Federal Prison Guards in Manhattan. Jeffery is the boss of the guards who were supposed to keep Jeffery Epstein alive while in the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. He also is friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton. This is such a small world.

Stop everything!! Updated information 11/24/19

David Cox just had a $20 million mansion "bought for him" in Shanghai, by a company called HSBC Holdings. HSBC had been found money laundering, funding terrorists, and Mexican drug cartels. Hillary buried this in 2012 by negotiating it down to a relatively small fine.

July 30, 2019 Russian intelligence picked up info regarding a hit on Epstein being ordered, for exactly $100 million.

August 3, 2019, Clinton linked entities in NYC transferred $100 mil to HSBC. HSBC transferred $50 million to their China branch, who then used it to buy the mansion, as well as a $7 million luxury apartment for another Clinton connected union boss in charge of hiring guards.

August 10, 2019, Epstein found dead in an ultra-secure prison where only 1 other person has ever been able to commit suicide...

Last edited:
American Patriot transferred from one prison facility to another after reaching "breaking point"

Michael Avenatti moved to different jail after hitting ‘breaking point’

By Michael Kaplan

February 22, 2020 | 4:36pm

On Feb. 14, disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti was found guilty on all charges of trying to bilk $23.5 million from Nike, and now faces up to 42 years in prison. But there’s one thing for him to be happy about: He’s finally been moved out of the downtown Manhattan jail cell he despises.

The attorney, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in a failed 2018 suit against Donald Trump, was arrested last March and charged with attempting to extort the shoe brand over illegally funneled payments to college basketball players.

In January, ahead of his trial, he was transferred from a California facility to the notorious 10 South — a jail deep inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Tribeca that Avenatti’s Miami-based attorney Scott Srebnick described to The Post as “sheer dehumanization.”

In a January letter of protest, Srebnick complained that the temperature of the 8-by-10-foot cell was in the mid-40s and that his client was “forced to sleep with three blankets … [and] not permitted to shave.” In the summer, the temperature reportedly becomes debilitatingly hot.

Avenatti was transferred to 5 South, a general-population facility, on Thursday, after one of his defense attorneys, Danya Perry, wrote an appeal to MCC — saying Avenatti had reached a “breaking point.”

“[Avenatti] was in a cell where everything he does is watched. He showered in view of cameras. He couldn’t control the lights [which reportedly never turn off],” Srebnick added of his client’s old 10 South cell. “There was no privacy.”

Avenatti’s not the only famous tenant who’s been made miserable by the conditions at 10 South. In 2017, the same cell housed Mexican drug cartel kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, whose lawyers called the conditions “excessively punitive.”

Michael Lambert, who heads up a law firm that represented El Chapo, told The Post that the conditions of 10 South — a special housing unit that is primarily designed to hold terrorists and others who would face threats from the general jail population or be a threat themselves — are “nothing short of torture.”

“The air conditioner blows dirty air and puts out weird noises that make it difficult to sleep,” one of El Chapo’s lawyers, Mariel Colon Miró, told The Post. “There are no vending machines, no water bottles, no fresh air or sunlight. There are very small windows, but they have frosted glass, which blocks out the light.”

In a letter sent to the prison while El Chapo was there, she complained that he could “taste and see mold coming out of the faucet.”

Often characterized as an “SHU” (special housing unit), 10 South consists of six solitary-confinement cells. According to Miro, each contains a sleeping pad on the floor, plus a toilet, a sink and a shower.

One hour per day, Monday through Friday, Avenatti was escorted to a room characterized as a “solitary cage” — a cramped, dark space with a stationary bike and a TV. No time was spent outdoors. The exercise room, said Srebnick, “has a slat through which the wind blows.”

The prison is also said to be infested with vermin. “I saw roaches; I saw rats,” Miro said. “I heard them scratching through the walls all the time.” A former inmate of 10 South told Gothamist that the rodents are “so big, it seemed like they could only be in the sewer.”

At Avenatti’s new home in 5 South, general population privileges include 92 hours out of the cell per week, during which prisoners have unlimited (but monitored) email access, cellphone privileges, television privileges and library access.

In April, Avenatti will be tried in the same courthouse for allegedly stealing $300,000 from Daniels. He will also later be tried in California on charges of ripping off clients, scamming bank loans, evading taxes and lying during bankruptcy proceedings. At some point, he will be sent to a federal penitentiary.

For now, he is glad to see 10 South in the rearview.

“The human mind can take only so much,” said Srebnick.

With additional reporting by Melkorka Licea
American Patriot transferred from one prison facility to another after reaching "breaking point"

Michael Avenatti moved to different jail after hitting ‘breaking point’

By Michael Kaplan

February 22, 2020 | 4:36pm

On Feb. 14, disgraced lawyer Michael Avenatti was found guilty on all charges of trying to bilk $23.5 million from Nike, and now faces up to 42 years in prison. But there’s one thing for him to be happy about: He’s finally been moved out of the downtown Manhattan jail cell he despises.

The attorney, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in a failed 2018 suit against Donald Trump, was arrested last March and charged with attempting to extort the shoe brand over illegally funneled payments to college basketball players.

In January, ahead of his trial, he was transferred from a California facility to the notorious 10 South — a jail deep inside the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Tribeca that Avenatti’s Miami-based attorney Scott Srebnick described to The Post as “sheer dehumanization.”

In a January letter of protest, Srebnick complained that the temperature of the 8-by-10-foot cell was in the mid-40s and that his client was “forced to sleep with three blankets … [and] not permitted to shave.” In the summer, the temperature reportedly becomes debilitatingly hot.

Avenatti was transferred to 5 South, a general-population facility, on Thursday, after one of his defense attorneys, Danya Perry, wrote an appeal to MCC — saying Avenatti had reached a “breaking point.”

“[Avenatti] was in a cell where everything he does is watched. He showered in view of cameras. He couldn’t control the lights [which reportedly never turn off],” Srebnick added of his client’s old 10 South cell. “There was no privacy.”

Avenatti’s not the only famous tenant who’s been made miserable by the conditions at 10 South. In 2017, the same cell housed Mexican drug cartel kingpin Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, whose lawyers called the conditions “excessively punitive.”

Michael Lambert, who heads up a law firm that represented El Chapo, told The Post that the conditions of 10 South — a special housing unit that is primarily designed to hold terrorists and others who would face threats from the general jail population or be a threat themselves — are “nothing short of torture.”

“The air conditioner blows dirty air and puts out weird noises that make it difficult to sleep,” one of El Chapo’s lawyers, Mariel Colon Miró, told The Post. “There are no vending machines, no water bottles, no fresh air or sunlight. There are very small windows, but they have frosted glass, which blocks out the light.”

In a letter sent to the prison while El Chapo was there, she complained that he could “taste and see mold coming out of the faucet.”

Often characterized as an “SHU” (special housing unit), 10 South consists of six solitary-confinement cells. According to Miro, each contains a sleeping pad on the floor, plus a toilet, a sink and a shower.

One hour per day, Monday through Friday, Avenatti was escorted to a room characterized as a “solitary cage” — a cramped, dark space with a stationary bike and a TV. No time was spent outdoors. The exercise room, said Srebnick, “has a slat through which the wind blows.”

The prison is also said to be infested with vermin. “I saw roaches; I saw rats,” Miro said. “I heard them scratching through the walls all the time.” A former inmate of 10 South told Gothamist that the rodents are “so big, it seemed like they could only be in the sewer.”

At Avenatti’s new home in 5 South, general population privileges include 92 hours out of the cell per week, during which prisoners have unlimited (but monitored) email access, cellphone privileges, television privileges and library access.

In April, Avenatti will be tried in the same courthouse for allegedly stealing $300,000 from Daniels. He will also later be tried in California on charges of ripping off clients, scamming bank loans, evading taxes and lying during bankruptcy proceedings. At some point, he will be sent to a federal penitentiary.

For now, he is glad to see 10 South in the rearview.

“The human mind can take only so much,” said Srebnick.

With additional reporting by Melkorka Licea

Poor, poor American Patriot.
Wow, now I begin to believe that maybe, just MAYBE, Avenatti will not save democracy in the United States from the evil orange man.
Speaking of ****** conditions, you all have to watch this. I mean it really hits home when you're looking at it up close and personal:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Democrat Frontrunner <a href="https://twitter.com/BernieSanders?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@BernieSanders</a> says “it's unfair to simply say everything is bad” with Castro's Cuba.<br><br>Check out what Communism and Socialism actually did to the country.<br><br>If he thinks this is good, he doesn’t belong anywhere near the Oval Office.<a href="https://t.co/ALmxf0Favi">pic.twitter.com/ALmxf0Favi</a></p>— Benny (@bennyjohnson) <a href="https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1232007613040275459?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 24, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Wow, now I begin to believe that maybe, just MAYBE, Avenatti will not save democracy in the United States from the evil orange man.

he's wearing an orange jumpsuit.
now who's OrangeManBad?
The Cuba video is awesome.

P.S. Mango Marmelade ... I think it was named after our President. Maybe Cuba is for me?
Great video Steel. EVERYONE should watch that.

Shocking to me that so many humans are so unintelligent as to vote for that.
Great video Steel. EVERYONE should watch that.

Shocking to me that so many humans are so unintelligent as to vote for that.

Absolutely, Tim. Required viewing in our schools etc.
Absolutely, Tim. Required viewing in our schools etc.

I stopped by the high school earlier today to see what instruction the youngins were getting on socialism. Found this:


My, my, my ... a 1932 poster bragging about the Soviet Union's success in literacy. Easy to figure out where Bernie got this idea - it's one of the few things on earth older than he is.
Sanders pockets the Party

Despite everything the party insiders and their lackeys in the media are doing to try to stop him, Bernie Sanders keeps polling well and getting votes. That has the Democrat powers-that-be in a panic. Their fear is that Sanders will win the nomination and that the presence of an avowed socialist at the top of the ticket will cause a Democrat wipe-out in November.

This is an idea worth exploring. The Democrat Party's decades-long march to the political left has indoctrinated its voters into being socialists in all but the name. Consequently, it is no surprise that those voters are now ready to vote for a politician who proudly proclaims he is a socialist.


Holy ****, the similarities are uncanny!