was there too///
agree sort of
Ben comes out of the gates too slow - agree
who prepares the team and gets them ready to start hot or cold?
I think we know the answer
Like really, what do you really expect/want a coach to do? They don't have magical controllers. They can't control how high or low a QB throws a ball. They can't dictate who a QB throws a ball to while he's looking for a open WR. Coaches do the same exact thing every week... Condition a team/look at film/run plays, I know this may shock you but that's what a coach do. They also don't use deep freezers or sauna's to "start hot or cold"... If a player's starts the game that way then they're just having that type of day.
The key word here for the players, particulary Ben is inconsistent. Ben is the most inconsistent QB I know at Times. HOF one week, rookie QB next week.
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