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remember the whole $15/hour debacle? Pepperidge Farms does. So does McDonald's

Online ordering is still available and predates the fully automated store.

Jesus, that was my point, genius.

Regardless, these changes aren’t made out of spite, they’re made to increase profits. There’s cost savings even if employees would gladly work for $5/hr.

Wrong. At $5/hour with an average of 12 crew per shift, that is $60/hour + withholding match + workers comp costs = $90/hour in labor costs.

At $15/hour, that is now $270 in labor costs. The machines are not free. In fact, the machines are ******* expensive. Maintaining the machines is expensive. The decline in rate of sale (customers are slower inputting orders than people who do it for a living) is expensive. But not $270/hour expensive.

Or is your theory that McDonald's wanted to give away money before the minimum wage hikes even though replacing people with machines would save money, but are now taking that step just because ... something?
Jesus, that was my point, genius.

Wrong. At $5/hour with an average of 12 crew per shift, that is $60/hour + withholding match + workers comp costs = $90/hour in labor costs.

At $15/hour, that is now $270 in labor costs. The machines are not free. In fact, the machines are ******* expensive. Maintaining the machines is expensive. The decline in rate of sale (customers are slower inputting orders than people who do it for a living) is expensive. But not $270/hour expensive.

Or is your theory that McDonald's wanted to give away money before the minimum wage hikes even though replacing people with machines would save money, but are now taking that step just because ... something?
Please. Ordering kiosk costs aren't anywhere near $5/hr. or $7.50/hr. maintenance included. They’re essentially PCs.
As someone who worked there food waste was a huge cost. Got to be fast but also try and gage food prep. Everything had a timer before it’s tossed.

I’d imagine the kiosk, order online ahead, door dash and maybe these machine stores would cut that down substantially.

So between the rapid raise in labor and the consistent loss in product costs, this could be a win financially
It doesn’t really matter. It’s a significant cost savings regardless of what they’re paying their employees.

This may or may not take off. The reason people prefer Chik-Fil-A, besides their superior food, is their top-notch and personable customer service. BTW, if you’re ever in St. Clairsville OH, the Chik-Fil-A has a 24/7 Dwight Shrute impersonator. He wasn’t really personable, but delivered a spot-on Dwight Shrute “my pleasure” when I thanked him.

You're being challenged because you are attempting to separate the rise in labor costs from McDonald's decisions to automate.

You cannot. They are factually a part of the equation. Our side will agree automation was going to happen anyway. But over-inflated minimum wages accelerated their efforts enormously.

The gubmint mandating excessive minimum wages is demonstrably having an impact across industries. As predicted.
Please. Ordering kiosk costs aren't anywhere near $5/hr. or $7.50/hr. maintenance included. They’re essentially PCs.

You'd be wrong again. McDonalds isn't using the little white Apple card swipe kiosks.

The machines, which reportedly cost upwards of $60,000 to install, "let you order exactly what you want with more choices than ever before

That doesn't include the cost of the kiosk itself, which ranges from $10,000 to $30,000. Not including maintenance. Typically that runs 10-20%. So you're looking at another $2-$6K of support costs per year per kiosk as well. So they are paying $72K to $96K per kiosk, give or take. Purchasing in bulk probably gets them a discount. Wanna haggle? I'll settle at $75K per kiosk.

That's one HELL of an expensive PC.

This is dated (from 2018) but shows McDonalds started investing $6Billion in automating stores:

This store, the Chicago store, is the store my team and I worked on automating, the flagship store:
On Aug. 9, the company introduced a new flagship store in Chicago with self-service kiosks, table service, mobile order and pay and other enhancements.
Weird, weird, weird. Forbes says kiosks are here to stay as a direct result of minimum wage increases. It's like saying the sun rises, or water is wet.

McDonald's Says Goodbye Cashiers, Hello Kiosks​

“Would you like fries with that?” may soon be a phrase of the past.

As minimum wage levels approach or surpass $15 nationwide, restaurant customers expecting to be greeted by a smiling face will instead be welcomed by a glowing LED screen.

As of 2020, self-service ordering kiosks will be implemented at all U.S. McDonald’s locations. Other chains, including fast-casual brands like Panera and casual-dining brands like Chili's, have already embraced this trend. Some restaurant concepts have even automated the food-preparation process; earlier this year, NBC News profiled "Flippy," a robot hamburger flipper. Other upcoming concepts include virtual restaurants which eliminate the need for full-service restaurants (and staff) by only offering home delivery.
You're being challenged because you are attempting to separate the rise in labor costs from McDonald's decisions to automate.

You cannot. They are factually a part of the equation. Our side will agree automation was going to happen anyway. But over-inflated minimum wages accelerated their efforts enormously.

The gubmint mandating excessive minimum wages is demonstrably having an impact across industries. As predicted.
No, Tim. Minimum wage, adjusted for inflation was at its highest point in 1968. The pursuit of automation predates that by hundreds of years.
You'd be wrong again. McDonalds isn't using the little white Apple card swipe kiosks.

That doesn't include the cost of the kiosk itself, which ranges from $10,000 to $30,000. Not including maintenance. Typically that runs 10-20%. So you're looking at another $2-$6K of support costs per year per kiosk as well. So they are paying $72K to $96K per kiosk, give or take. Purchasing in bulk probably gets them a discount. Wanna haggle? I'll settle at $75K per kiosk.

That's one HELL of an expensive PC.

This is dated (from 2018) but shows McDonalds started investing $6Billion in automating stores:

This store, the Chicago store, is the store my team and I worked on automating, the flagship store:
You’re including the capital expenditure, that’s separate from the hourly operating cost. What’s the lifespan of the kiosk? How many years should the depreciation be spread across? You’re suggesting that the $75k is above $5+/hr. but way below the supposedly ridiculous $15+/hr. minimum wage demand. How? You’re leaving out many key details.
The crux of all of this is that the socialists believe that the minimum wage should be a livable wage. Logic should dictate that flipping burgers should not be anyone's life goal, but a job for teenagers until they figure out life.
No, Tim. Minimum wage, adjusted for inflation was at its highest point in 1968. The pursuit of automation predates that by hundreds of years.

You're denying the rise in minimum wage and the cost of labor has had anything at all to do with McDonald's automating. This shows how obtuse and ignorant you can be.

I mean, I only worked with their execs for two years and heard them say that was a major factor.

But by all means, continue with your unfounded beliefs.

You’re including the capital expenditure, that’s separate from the hourly operating cost. What’s the lifespan of the kiosk? How many years should the depreciation be spread across? You’re suggesting that the $75k is above $5+/hr. but way below the supposedly ridiculous $15+/hr. minimum wage demand. How? You’re leaving out many key details.

You said a kiosk is equivalent to the price of a PC.

Once again, you stand corrected.
There are 3 groups of people in favor of $15 minimum wage.

1. Big companies that know this will crush small competitors.

2. Dumb people who don't understand economics and think businesses can just pay out that extra money from their scrooge mcduck money vault they all keep at headquarters. Margin? What's that?

3. Globalists/socislists/communists - They want there to be just a handful of mega corporations that can be easily controled by government. They also know this will lead to unemployment and more people dependent on big government. Their goal is you living in your tiny apartment, sleeping in a drawer, eating bugs, cashing your government check, smoking weed all day and then giving your blank ballot to the harvester who knocks on your door at election time.
Please. Ordering kiosk costs aren't anywhere near $5/hr. or $7.50/hr. maintenance included. They’re essentially PCs.

I was going to post information showing how stupid you are. TSF did so earlier, but I was merely going to repeat about a dozen of your moronic Covid comments to make my point.

You’re including the capital expenditure, that’s separate from the hourly operating cost.

"yEah, bUt thAt nUmbEr fOr KosTs inCLooDs CaPiTal CoStes."

Uhhh, yes, calculating the costs for installing and running automated food service machines includes the cost of the machine. Or did you think that the cost of buying a car is merely the cost for fuel and maintenance? Dumbass.

Are you actually this stupid or merely pretending to be this dumb? Good God, I know you have a job killing old people so your stupidity actually benefits the elderly since if you were not such a blithering imbecile, you would be a more efficient murderer, but still your idiocy challenges one to find the words to describe it completely.
You're denying the rise in minimum wage and the cost of labor has had anything at all to do with McDonald's automating. This shows how obtuse and ignorant you can be.

I mean, I only worked with their execs for two years and heard them say that was a major factor.

But by all means, continue with your unfounded beliefs.

The rise in minimum wage? No, it peaked in 1968, 55 years ago. That’s a decline in minimum wage.
You said a kiosk is equivalent to the price of a PC.

Once again, you stand corrected.
Dodge! Answer the question. What’s the lifespan of the kiosk? The great thing about math is that it’s a perfect science and it can definitively settle arguments. Well, that’s not so great for you.
I was going to post information showing how stupid you are. TSF did so earlier, but I was merely going to repeat about a dozen of your moronic Covid comments to make my point.

"yEah, bUt thAt nUmbEr fOr KosTs inCLooDs CaPiTal CoStes."

Uhhh, yes, calculating the costs for installing and running automated food service machines includes the cost of the machine. Or did you think that the cost of buying a car is merely the cost for fuel and maintenance? Dumbass.

Are you actually this stupid or merely pretending to be this dumb? Good God, I know you have a job killing old people so your stupidity actually benefits the elderly since if you were not such a blithering imbecile, you would be a more efficient murderer, but still your idiocy challenges one to find the words to describe it completely.
Tim has realized that, given the lifespan of the kiosk and the fact that they operate 5,000+ hours per year, the hourly cost is indeed less than $5/hr. You’re a ******* idiot for not realizing the same. Again, no way you were a lawyer,
The rise in minimum wage? No, it peaked in 1968, 55 years ago. That’s a decline in minimum wage.

McDonalds is automating largely in part due to the rise in minimum wage.

PROVE us wrong (including those of us who, you know, worked with them to accomplish this).

Meanwhile, keep up the dance.

Dodge! Answer the question. What’s the lifespan of the kiosk? The great thing about math is that it’s a perfect science and it can definitively settle arguments. Well, that’s not so great for you.

I addressed your baseless claim. So you dodged. You said a kiosk is equivalent to the cost of a PC.

You remain wrong.

Prove the kiosks McDonalds have implemented cost $500.

We will wait.
Tim has realized that, given the lifespan of the kiosk and the fact that they operate 5,000+ hours per year, the hourly cost is indeed less than $5/hr. You’re a ******* idiot for not realizing the same. Again, no way you were a lawyer,

You still wearing a mask? No?


Oh, and run the complete figures, dumbfuck for the total cost of the machines, including purchase price, installation, maintenance (people will spill **** on them and intentionally damage them in "underserved communities"), upgrades, replacements (machines fail, murderer), software, software upgrades, menu changes, etc.

You have no ******* idea of any such costs. TSF had to school your stupid *** on the cost of just the original device because you are such a stupid **** left-wing cockholster cumdumpster that you think companies give the ******* things away.

Go back to killing old people, you slavering imbecile. At least you're good at it.