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Republicans - Get your **** together


Apr 8, 2014
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much rather see President Ben Carson than any other candidate out there.
I think you may be right. Clinton will certainly get the womans vote and she has planty of money. I doubt t h e Chinese or the Russians want to see her as president. That will be her biggest and wealthiest opposition.
I don't think Mitt will get the nod and Hillary will get beat. She comes off as the mean old lady and she is. She's a commie too or progressive..which is a just a cute new term for commie...all the same thinking&ideals. As long as we don't trot out some old fart has been rhino we will be ok. This next election will see absurd amounts of bullshit from the left. They champion taxes,absurd regulations,baby killing,homosexuality,enslaving people to government forever and crushing free speech unless it goes along with their platform. The only thing conservatives need to do is stay away from baby killing and homosexuality. Beat them over the head with everything else. Make Hilliary as if she is Obama's sister. This election should be a walk in the park. Beat them at their own game!
much rather see President Ben Carson than any other candidate out there.

Me too. By far and away. As long as he stays away from semi-automatic rifles and infringing on the 2nd amendment. He has a real good shot . I think he would make a great president. A person EVERY American could be proud of. A uniter of people and not a divider.
Beat them at their own game!

To beat them at their own game, the Republicans would have to control the media... unfortunately, their message will not make it to the vast majority of the sheeple.
Bobby Jindel has my vote.
Might as well start writing your concession speech, Mitt. No one wanted you two years ago, and no one is going to want you in 2016. If this is the best the Republican party can do with two full years to find a candidate, this country is truly doomed..

This country didn't want Nixon first time around either. But the Dems had things so ****** up after LBJ, all Nixon had to do was show up. I guess we will see.
Elizabeth Warren for President, maybe let Hillary be VP, but would rather see Alan Grayson on the ticket.
Elizabeth Warren for President, maybe let Hillary be VP, but would rather see Alan Grayson on the ticket.

tibs will be here all week......

...try the veal.....

On a serious note, I would love to see that Thelma and Louise ticket!
This country didn't want Nixon first time around either. But the Dems had things so ****** up after LBJ, all Nixon had to do was show up. I guess we will see.

I think there's only so much the shifting political tides will turn in favor of the Republicans, if the best they can offer is Romney (again). Put that together with the female vote for Hillary and a Democratic Party that will be scrambling to reverse the recent mid-term losses, and I think Hillary wins in a landslide. As in, not even close, in an era where the last seven elections have been won by single-digit margins of the popular vote (including one win by W., who managed to win the electoral vote while losing the popular vote). Reagan was the last president to win by a double-digit margin, and I suspect Hillary will easily hang at least a 15% margin on Romney.

Ultimately the point is that the Republican Party is going to fail because they keep re-hashing the same old, tired ****, with the same old, tired candidates. There's no one that the Republican base can get excited about, and this election will be the same as the last - "I'm voting for Mitt Romney because at least he isn't a Democrat."
"Leading" candidates as of one or two years before the actual election mean less than nothing. Want some examples??

1967: D - Edwin Muskie
1975: D - Ted Kennedy
1975: R - Ronald Reagan
1983: D - Gary Hart
1987: D - Mario Cuomo, Jesse Jackson, Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, Paul Simon
1991: D - Jerry Brown, Paul Tsongas
1999: R - John McCain
2003: D - Howard Dean, John Edwards
2007: D - Hillary Clinton

You get the point. Purported "leaders" among possible candidates at this point means absolutely nothing.

That said, agree 1000% with the thread title. Democrat lite? Yeah, pass.
Elizabeth Warren for President, maybe let Hillary be VP, but would rather see Alan Grayson on the ticket.

Per Wikipedia........credentials same as Barry, onlywhite and female.Too far left, moderates sick of it.

Elizabeth Ann Warren[2] (née Herring; born June 22, 1949[3]) is an American academic and politician, who is the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party. She was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law. Warren is an active consumer protection advocate whose work led to the conception and establishment of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. She has written a number of academic and popular works, and is a frequent subject of media interviews regarding the American economy and personal finance.
"Leading" candidates as of one or two years before the actual election mean less than nothing. Want some examples??

1967: D - Edwin Muskie
1975: D - Ted Kennedy
1975: R - Ronald Reagan
1983: D - Gary Hart
1987: D - Mario Cuomo, Jesse Jackson, Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, Paul Simon
1991: D - Jerry Brown, Paul Tsongas
1999: R - John McCain
2003: D - Howard Dean, John Edwards
2007: D - Hillary Clinton

You get the point. Purported "leaders" among possible candidates at this point means absolutely nothing.

That said, agree 1000% with the thread title. Democrat lite? Yeah, pass.

Except the article isn't about what the Republican Party strategy is, it's who Republican voters are saying they would pick, given the field of 16 hopefuls. And that itself is telling in two ways. First, that they can't narrow it down to fewer than 16 (the top three Dems accounted for around 85% of the Dem voter responses, compared to less than 40% of responses on the Republican side of the poll). Second, Romney doesn't have a commanding hold on republican voters, garnering only 20% of the support of the 510 Republicans surveyed, unlike the 65% of the 457 Democrat respondents that Hillary got. Clearly the Republican base isn't terribly excited about ANY of the 16 potential candidates, but Democrats are clearly ready to jump on the HIllary train.

The Republican Party is setting themselves up for failure if they don't come up with a candidate who can energize their base. I agree that two years is still a long time, but I'll also point out that (unfortunately, I would say) the election cycle is getting naturally longer and longer, and it's a fact of life that as soon as one election is over, the parties start laying the groundwork for the next one. That's a double-whammy for Republicans since the liberal left has the media on their side,

Let's just assume Hillary is the Democratic candidate in 2016. She will take the lion's share of women voters and minorities, that's almost a given since she's A) a woman and B) a democrat. Unless the Republicans can find a way to just absolutely and irrefutably assassinate her character, she has those voters locked down. So that leaves the staunch Republicans, of which I doubt there are enough to outnumber Hillary's built-in base. So who else can the Republicans get on their side? They need to get the fence-sitters, and they need to have a massive turnout of people who otherwise wouldn't have voted at all. And of course, the Dems will be fighting for those same votes, so the Republicans will have to be unbelievably convincing to swing that bloc of voters overwhelmingly their way. The only way to do that is with an exciting candidate, and no one on the right is anywhere near as excited about Romney as the left is about Clinton.

Game. Set. Match. Republicans lose, because they don't seem to be serious about this. God help us all if Hillary wins in 2016 AND Dems erode the Republican majority in Congress. Because if the Democrat base is energized by a Clinton campaign, you can count on Republicans losing ground in the House and Senate too. If Hillary wins big like I think she will, and Dems take back some seats, they'll be able to say they have a mandate from the voting public, and god only knows what they'll do then.
I dont' have any faith in the rinos but even they can't **** this one up. There was no way the dems were losing after Bush there is no way the rinos lose after Obummer. The vicious cycle will continue
That would be a beautiful thing!

Yea, 8 more years of 90+ million people who've stopped looking for work, medium household income falling, middle class being wiped out, TRILLIONS dollars more in debt, feckless foreign policy, millions more illegal aliens made citizens with no end to the stream of illegals flooding the southern border, thousands more regulations heaped onto businesses, BILLIONS wasted on democrat run eco companies like solyndra, more failing education system, more of the same ****....
Yea, 8 more years of 90+ million people who've stopped looking for work, medium household income falling, middle class being wiped out, TRILLIONS dollars more in debt, feckless foreign policy, millions more illegal aliens made citizens with no end to the stream of illegals flooding the southern border, thousands more regulations heaped onto businesses, BILLIONS wasted on democrat run eco companies like solyndra, more failing education system, more of the same ****....

That's nit picking.
Yea, 8 more years of 90+ million people who've stopped looking for work, medium household income falling, middle class being wiped out, TRILLIONS dollars more in debt, feckless foreign policy, millions more illegal aliens made citizens with no end to the stream of illegals flooding the southern border, thousands more regulations heaped onto businesses, BILLIONS wasted on democrat run eco companies like solyndra, more failing education system, more of the same ****....

But, but, but .... BOOOOOOOSH!!

Funny thing is, if a Republican is elected in 2016, I wonder if the media will give him or her a pass for the first 5 years because Bammy so ****** up the economy.


Hoo-boy, that was funny. Of course not. We will get minute-by-minute reports on GDP growth and the labor force. Just like now ...

"Leading" candidates as of one or two years before the actual election mean less than nothing. Want some examples??

1967: D - Edwin Muskie
1975: D - Ted Kennedy
1975: R - Ronald Reagan
1983: D - Gary Hart
1987: D - Mario Cuomo, Jesse Jackson, Al Gore, Dick Gephardt, Paul Simon
1991: D - Jerry Brown, Paul Tsongas
1999: R - John McCain
2003: D - Howard Dean, John Edwards
2007: D - Hillary Clinton

You get the point. Purported "leaders" among possible candidates at this point means absolutely nothing.

That said, agree 1000% with the thread title. Democrat lite? Yeah, pass.

And wasn't Giuliani the GOP candidate-to-beat going into the 2008 primary season?
So who else can the Republicans get on their side? They need to get the fence-sitters, and they need to have a massive turnout of people who otherwise wouldn't have voted at all. And of course, the Dems will be fighting for those same votes, so the Republicans will have to be unbelievably convincing to swing that bloc of voters overwhelmingly their way. The only way to do that is with an exciting candidate, and no one on the right is anywhere near as excited about Romney as the left is about Clinton.
(Certainly) the Libertarains and (possibly) some Independents would get excited about Rand Paul. He actually thinks the Constitution is the barometer for all policy (eeegads!). Toss in a VP candidate (Haley, Jindal, i.e, non-white dude) and you might just have a GOP ticket unlike any in recent memory.

And I'll add that I'm excited by an elected official ONLY if he/she promises that I'm allowed to keep my liberties, money, and freedoms as spelled out in that old founding document. I don't care if he/she plays the sax, shoots hoops, or can field dress a moose. I'll leave all that stuff for the low-information voters.