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Republicans - Get your **** together

But, but, but .... BOOOOOOOSH!!

Funny thing is, if a Republican is elected in 2016, I wonder if the media will give him or her a pass for the first 5 years because Bammy so ****** up the economy.


Hoo-boy, that was funny. Of course not. We will get minute-by-minute reports on GDP growth and the labor force. Just like now ...


Or maybe they will allow the new GOP president to continue blaming Bush for eight years.
I get so sick to my stomach when I see names like John McCain, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton being associated with the presidency. Haven't we learned our lesson about electing lifetime politicians without any credibility or value ?

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(Certainly) the Libertarains and (possibly) some Independents would get excited about Rand Paul. He actually thinks the Constitution is the barometer for all policy (eeegads!). Toss in a VP candidate (Haley, Jindal, i.e, non-white dude) and you might just have a GOP ticket unlike any in recent memory.

Except as all the Republican shills around here love to exclaim, there aren't enough Libertarians to make a difference. When we vote for a Libertarian candidate we're throwing away our vote. There are probably at least as many Republicans that would consider a vote for Rand Paul on a Republican ticket to be a wasted vote, too. Net effect is nil.

And I'll add that I'm excited by an elected official ONLY if he/she promises that I'm allowed to keep my liberties, money, and freedoms as spelled out in that old founding document. I don't care if he/she plays the sax, shoots hoops, or can field dress a moose. I'll leave all that stuff for the low-information voters.

None of that stuff is what I meant by getting voters excited. Certainly Democrats aren't excited about the prospect of Hillary in 2016 because of her mad sax-playing, hoop-shooting, moose-dressing skillz. The Republican Party's problem is that they have no sense of how to pick a strong candidate that isn't absolutely polarizing in a bad way. Romney looked great last time around... until he stuck his foot - and his piles and piles of women's resumes - in his mouth during a televised debate.
Maybe you can pick one of these guys, surely heroes to many here:

Maybe you can pick one of these guys, surely heroes to many here:


I'm sure that meme is meant to be insulting or funny in some way. Truthfully, it is just dumb.
If that is what you truly believe, then you sir, are dumb.
What, that most - if not all - of those guys are heroes to right-wingers? Or at least looked upon sympathetically? Is that not the case?
I don't see where a Communist dictator and a Democrat are right-wing folk heroes.
With the talk of another Romney run, it looks like I will throw my vote away AGAIN.
The democrats can stick all of the commie pinko **** sticks from the past beside them.They love that power&control. Doesn't matter they have been shown the door.See house&senate. And dear leader will pave the way for a republican in 2016 in the whitehouse. A ball of dryer lint could beat Hildabeast who is the same far leftist pig as dear leader.
What, that most - if not all - of those guys are heroes to right-wingers? Or at least looked upon sympathetically? Is that not the case?

Find one post by any self-proclaimed conservative on this site - ONE - praising Putin and stating that the Steeler Nation board member wishes that Putin were our President.

Find one post by any self-proclaimed conservative on this site - ONE - suggesting that George Zimmerman, a Democrat, would make a good leader, or stating that the Steeler Nation board member wishes that Zimmerman held public office.

Find one post by any self-proclaimed conservative on this site - ONE - suggesting that Wilson should hold public office, or containing a comment by the Steeler Nation board member wishing that Wilson were a governmental leader.

You won't find any. But don't let the facts interfere with your comments.

"No justice, no receipts!!"

"Pants up, don't loot!!"
You should be more concerned about your folk hero Obama who has inflicted more damage to America than these 6 combined.

Not enough karma is possible.
to be fair, government built all these failing businesses. thus we need more people for government to give business to.
much rather see President Ben Carson than any other candidate out there.

Bobby Jindel has my vote.

I'd be pretty cool with either right now. But since the former alluded to a possible candidacy I haven't seen or heard one thing from or about him, meaning he isn't and probably won't be anointed by the R's.

Don't think we'll see Romney either.......I'd be damn near willing to bet that we'll see a Bush sequel as he will garner more of the Hispanic vote.
I will agree with Tibs, on some level we have to gather up real representation with conviction. The representation we have now is **** for birds.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) suggested that House Republicans are on the verge of breaking their campaign promise to fight President Obama’s administrative amnesty, judging by the legislative text currently being circulated.

Sessions said that the proposed language “fails to meet [the] test” established by Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, who promised earlier this year that the GOP would do everything possible to thwart Obama’s executive orders.

Yep, same ole..same ole Republicans. Stammer, stutter, hem and haw while the Interloper does whatever he feels like. In the latest "FU" from the White House, the 'found' documents detailing the administrations involvement with the IRS, will now go into the bottom drawer of the Oval Office "can't see" file.

Cruz is still causing McCain ulcers but that's about all he's been able to do...

Some GOP leaders say now is not the time for a funding fight when Democrats still control the Senate. Cruz says that is not a reason not to stop Obama's action.

"The same folks who are saying, 'Gosh, we cannot do anything now,' are the same folks who in January are going to say, 'Gosh, we don't have 60 votes in the Senate,' " Cruz said Wednesday. "It's like Charlie Brown and Lucy where consistently the same voices pull the football aside and say, 'You know what, you can never ever ever do anything to stop a lawless president.' "

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Here is the prediction that will determine who is the next President. During Obama's second term there will be more jobs created than any 4 year term
in American history. If that proves true, the Presidential party will not change.

Even with Republicans doing everything they can to hold back the economy we are on the cusp of the biggest economic boom in American
history. By 2016 we will be talking about a coming severe labor shortage.
Here is the prediction that will determine who is the next President. During Obama's second term there will be more jobs created than any 4 year term
in American history. If that proves true, the Presidential party will not change.

Even with Republicans doing everything they can to hold back the economy we are on the cusp of the biggest economic boom in American
history. By 2016 we will be talking about a coming severe labor shortage.

WHY will all those people that are living on the Govt Tit suddenly want to go out and get a job?

It also stands to reason that IF X% of Ypeople start new businesses that hire other people, AND population of said area increases. Than wouldn't it be true that more businesses will be hiring? The only way for Obama to take credit is if he ****** all those women who had kids that were the sole reason for the population increase.
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Must be nice weather there in Fantasy Land, eh 21?
I'd be pretty cool with either right now. But since the former alluded to a possible candidacy I haven't seen or heard one thing from or about him, meaning he isn't and probably won't be anointed by the R's.

Don't think we'll see Romney either.......I'd be damn near willing to bet that we'll see a Bush sequel as he will garner more of the Hispanic vote.
"America, stay out da Bushes!" -- Jesse Jackson
What exactly did Obama do to improve the economy and job growth? Be specific.

Btw, didn't anyone notice that Obama is halfway through his second term, and all incumbents running for reelection are avoiding Obama like the plague. One would think they would ride the Obama success train to reelection.
Btw, didn't anyone notice that Obama is halfway through his second term, and all incumbents running for reelection are avoiding Obama like the plague. One would think they would ride the Obama success train to reelection.

Democrat incumbents are obviously racist.