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Republicans - Get your **** together

So in addition to paying someone $33K/year to man a deep fryer,

that's ******* hilarious, and depressing. My first job out of college (1995) paid $19k a year and I had deadlines and real responsibilities. The new job I am starting next Monday pays less than my last couple of jobs, but yay I'm employed again....sigh
That's why I've always said that we need to make it easier to enter legally and more difficult to enter illegally. If you take away the under-the-table no-tax advantage that the illegals have and penalize them and the people who hire them heavily, then it takes away the advantage. But the Democrats and about half the Republicans are too afraid to enforce the "more difficult" part with fines, fences, and deportation.

We don't need more immigrants. Contrary to 21's belief that everyone is retiring and there are too many jobs for too few people that fact is that there aren't enough jobs now. After they give 12+ MILLION people legal status you'll have more people on the dole and out of work. The U.S allows over a million people per year legally and no telling how many illegally. Most over stay their visas and will get amnesty as well. Too many immigrants is why we have Lebanon aka Deerborn, MI right now. Enough already. I'd stop all immigration right now. I'd also get rid of the anchor baby issue. It's ridiculous how people have taken advantage of this country and we kept letting it happen.
that's ******* hilarious, and depressing. My first job out of college (1995) paid $19k a year and I had deadlines and real responsibilities. The new job I am starting next Monday pays less than my last couple of jobs, but yay I'm employed again....sigh

We're hiring at my second job at the PGH airport. Ground transportation. Almost full-time, kinda 3-4 days a week, mostly night shift, pays almost $12 an hour. The night shift guy is leaving. It isn't a terribly hard job. I'm studying my mortician school stuff right now along with posting here. PM me if anyone knows anyone.
Expecting people to support themselves on 7.25 an hour without healthcare is ludicrous. If you want smaller government, you should support living wages, otherwise the government has to subsidize what employers don't provide.

1. Minimum wage jobs were never meant to be life time endeavors that support a family or even an individual for that matter. No one seems to remember that little factoid and it bears repeating in rebuttal to the stupid ******* "living wage" argument because unless todays brainless yutes are reminded of it they'll never know it. It's certainly not being taught in high schools, which by the way I was still attending when I first took a minimum wage job.
2. The government has no mandate to subsidize anything so lets just drop that whole damn argument.

Things have gone so very far away from what our government was and was not intended to do, provide not provide, be responsible for or not be responsible for that the majority of people just swallow that crap without question and move on to the minutiae of the debate. It's important that we remember the basic premises.
of the arguments and pretty soon the argument is

Then why the **** does government need to **** up wage rates?

If you are correct, the goddam market will drive up wage rates to where they should be, without government oversight, punishment, impediment to economic growth in the interim, etc.

Just let the goddam market work, for Christ's sake.

Why is this **** so hard for liberals to understand??

Lalalalala...they can't hear you.
I just heard on Limbaugh the we now have 92 million people between the ages of 19 to 53 not working. A lot of those accept the fact that they are surviving and choose not to pursue employment while they are receiving free assistance.

We can not afford that layer of public welfare let alone add a whole new more expensive layer on top of it. Raise the wage per person, lower the number of people allocated to the job...simple math.
I just heard on Limbaugh the we now have 92 million people between the ages of 19 to 53 not working. A lot of those accept the fact that they are surviving and choose not to pursue employment while they are receiving free assistance.

We can not afford that layer of public welfare let alone add a whole new more expensive layer on top of it. Raise the wage per person, lower the number of people allocated to the job...simple math.

Well yes, because what Bomma wants to do has worked so well in Italy.


Italy protests erupt across the country
Italy hit by strikes and violent demonstrations as anger towards soaring unemployment and economic crisis boils over onto the streets
Nick Squires By Nick Squires, Rome4:43PM GMT 14 Nov 2014

Italy was hit by strikes, violent demonstrations and protests against refugees on Friday as anger and frustration towards soaring unemployment and the enduring economic crisis exploded onto the streets.
Riot police clashed with protesters, students and unionists in Milan and Padua, in the north of the country, while in Rome a group of demonstrators scaled the Colosseum to protest against the labour reforms proposed by the government of Matteo Renzi, the 39-year-old prime minister.
Eggs and fire crackers were hurled at the economy ministry.
On the gritty, long-neglected outskirts of Rome there was continuing tension outside a centre for refugees, which was repeatedly attacked by local residents during the week.
A group of 36 teenage migrants had to be evacuated from the centre in Tor Sapienza, a working-class suburb, on Thursday night after the authorities said the area was no longer safe for them.
Locals had hurled stones, flares and other missiles at the migrant centre, smashing windows, setting fire to dumpster rubbish bins and fighting running battles with riot police during several nights of violence.
They demanded that the facility be closed down and claimed that the refugees from Africa and Asia were dirty, anti-social and violent.
Some protesters, with suspected links to the extreme Right, yelled "Viva Il Duce" or Long Live Mussolini, calling the migrants "b*******", "animals" and "filthy Arabs".
Despite the threats, around 17 of the young migrants returned to centre, called Un Sorriso (A Smile) on Friday, saying they had nowhere else to go.
In an open letter to Italians the migrants, many of whom risked their lives to get to Italy by crossing the Mediterranean in boats run by smugglers, wrote: "In these last few days we have heard many bad things said about us – that we steal, that we rape women, that we are uncivilised.
"These words are very hurtful – we did not come to Italy to create problems, least of all to fight with Italians. We are truly grateful to them – we were saved in the middle of the sea by the Italian authorities. We are here to build new lives."

Finance Guard policemen protect themselves from paint thrown by demonstrators in Rome (AP)
The sense of chaos in the country was heightened by transport strikes, which disrupted buses, trams, trains and even flights at Rome's Fiumicino airport. Demonstrations also took place in Turin, Naples and Genoa.
Unemployment among young people in Italy is around 42 per cent, prompting tens of thousands to emigrate in search of better opportunities, with Britain the top destination. The overall jobless rate is 12 per cent.
Mr Renzi's attempts to reform the country's labour laws, making it easier for firms to dismiss lazy or inefficient employees, are bitterly opposed by the unions.
The ongoing recession has also exacerbated racial tensions, with some Italians blaming refugees and immigrants for their economic woes.

Italy is struggling to cope with the huge number of refugees and economic migrants arriving on its shores by boat from North Africa.

Demonstrators during a protest against Matteo Renzi and his planned job reforms in Milan (AP)
In the last 12 months, around 150,000 made it to Italian soil, with many of them rescued by the Italian navy and coast guard as part of a humanitarian operation that was controversially shut down on Nov 1.
Opposition to immigration has helped fuel a surge in support for the anti-immigrant Northern League party.
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I'm surprised that the blacks in this Country haven't woken up to the fact that their continuing decline in employment and social status can be directly related to the amount of money and resources that are being allocated to illegals. If they would spend as much energy demanding the Obama administration follow the laws of this Country instead of following the race baiter's into violence, their cause could be helped a lot more than it is now.
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I just heard on Limbaugh the we now have 92 million people between the ages of 19 to 53 not working. A lot of those accept the fact that they are surviving and choose not to pursue employment while they are receiving free assistance.

We can not afford that layer of public welfare let alone add a whole new more expensive layer on top of it. Raise the wage per person, lower the number of people allocated to the job...simple math.

Sorry you must be wrong... 21 told everybody that all those people were retirees and there is a labor shortage...
Sorry you must be wrong... 21 told everybody that all those people were retirees and there is a labor shortage...

Sorry, Maha Rushti has spoken.....

RUSH: The jobs number came out. And I'll tell you, I have never seen anything like this, either. We now have 92 million Americans not working. We created the equivalent of 1,700 jobs per state in December. One of the highest employment months of the year.

The reason this is important, 'cause that's the number the low-information voter sees. That's the number the low-information voter hears about. And that number is down from, what, seven, 7.1%. So the unemployment rate that the government puts out, that one number makes it look like we have a bang-up job creation market that's just cranked up and going full speed. And the only reason that number is 6.7% is because the vast majority, the 92 million Americans not working, are not counted as unemployed. And do you know why? You do by now. Because the vast majority of them have been unemployed for so long, they've stopped looking. And if you're out of work and you stop looking for work, you are not counted as unemployed. The only way you end up being counted as unemployed is if you are unemployed but trying to find a job

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The largest group of the 92 million are housewives who do not work outside the home. approx.: 45 million
There are also early retirees, people going to school, 2 million in prison, a million or so in illegal drug trade,
wealthy family members that don't need to work, etc..., etc...

The 92 million is a meaningless number. The meaningful number is those looking for work and who can't find work.
So about 40 million people looking for work that can't find it?

edit: And how many of those 45M housewives are heads of household whose only income is from government programs, but COULD work if they chose to get off the government tit?
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After housewives the second highest number is students. In 2001 the number of enrolled American students was 15.9 million and by
2011 it was 21.1 million. Why do you think Rush used the number starting at 19, because he knew the number would look inflated
because it included students. A lot of you don't seem to understand when your being hoodwinked.
After housewives the second highest number is students. In 2001 the number of enrolled American students was 15.9 million and by
2011 it was 21.1 million. Why do you think Rush used the number starting at 19, because he knew the number would look inflated
because it included students. A lot of you don't seem to understand when your being hoodwinked.

And students don't also work? They just get expensive, useless liberal arts college degrees and default on their student loans?
The 92 million is a meaningless number. The meaningful number is those looking for work and who can't find work.

Oh, you mean like the U-6, which describes those out of work and looking, plus those who have involuntarily left the labor force due to lack of jobs, and those who are underemployed (working part-time when want to work full-time)?

You mean like that? Okay:


Yeah, that's not helping your argument.

How about you insist again that the deficit will be gone by January, 2017?
12.5 million is a lot lower than 92 million. Also notice the steep decline the line is trending. It will be below 1994 by 2016 and the deficit will be vanquished.
The deficit has dropped 600 billion in the last two years, if it equals that in the next 2 years we will have a 100 billion surplus.
12.5 million is a lot lower than 92 million. Also notice the steep decline the line is trending. It will be below 1994 by 2016 and the deficit will be vanquished.
The deficit has dropped 600 billion in the last two years, if it equals that in the next 2 years we will have a 100 billion surplus.
It couldn't be the Republican sequester keeping Bomma from spending as much money as He wanted, could it?
12.5 million is a lot lower than 92 million. Also notice the steep decline the line is trending. It will be below 1994 by 2016 and the deficit will be vanquished.

That's 12.5 percent, not a designation of the number who fall under U-6.

The actual number is 92 million.

A record 92,269,000 Americans 16 and older did not participate in the labor force in August, as the labor force participation rate matched a 36-year low of 62.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The labor force participation rate has been as low as 62.8 percent in six of the last twelve months, but prior to last October had not fallen that low since 1978.


And the simple fact of the matter is that the Bammy economy is creating too many part-time jobs, and the recovery is so lacking energy that a lot of employable Americans are no longer in the labor force.

I agree that this trend is heightened by the aging work force and the retirement of a lot of boomers. You are correct to bring that up. However, the U-6 numbers are ugly, and every other post-WWII recovery has seen the total employment numbers much, much better than this:


So I agree with your point about the aging work force, but please be realistic and acknowledge that this recovery has been massively disappointing, by any reasonable measure.
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After housewives the second highest number is students. In 2001 the number of enrolled American students was 15.9 million and by
2011 it was 21.1 million. Why do you think Rush used the number starting at 19, because he knew the number would look inflated
because it included students. A lot of you don't seem to understand when your being hoodwinked.

And students don't also work? They just get expensive, useless liberal arts college degrees and default on their student loans?

Well there's yer problem.......
Australia is very smart on immigration. To work there you need a work permit number. If an employer doesn't have
the number, the law is they take out more than double the regular taxes which makes it not worth working there.
The incentivize doing the right thing. If employers don't take out the right taxes, they face stiff fines.

Ya know what else Australia does? Send illegal immigrants home. If they refuse to go they're sent to an island off the coast. To me that's an outstanding way to handle that stuff but I'm not sure you'd agree?