that statement contradicts itself.
In what way?
that statement contradicts itself.
In what way?
I'm confused at the disconnect here. I have not once stated that the gun is the problem or needs legislated (never once said to ban 'assault style weapons'). I do agree that the people are the problem as well.
Convicted Felons can not own firearms after they are released from prison.
Non American citizens are not allowed to own or carry a firearm, unless they are at a gun range.
No one with a history of mental illness should be allowed to own a gun.
No one under the age of 18/21 can conceal carry
No one under the age of 21 can own 'assault style' rifles.
You may not own a firearm if you are dishonorably discharged from the military.
All gun owners must complete a gun safety course before owning a firearm.
You need a license to own a firearm.
I'm not for removing a single gun or restricting them whatsoever...
That right of owning guns should not be diminished, and that I agree on.
Do you regulate the guns, or do you regulate the gun owners? Due to the constitution, you can't, or at least shouldn't be able to regulate the guns. So the alternative would be to regulate gun owners.
What would be your solution?
I'm confused at the disconnect here. I have not once stated that the gun is the problem or needs legislated (never once said to ban 'assault style weapons'). I do agree that the people are the problem as well.
What would be your solution?
If a firearm is not locked away, and a crime happens with it, the gun owner is also responsible for the crime. If the gun owner had the firearm safely locked away, and the safe was broken into/ stolen, the gun owner would not be responsible for the crime, but it is their immediate responsibility to notify the local police department of the firearms taken and serial numbers for them.
The idea that I like the best was actually the one I saved for last, and was the biggest reason for me to start this discussion.
If a firearm is not locked away, and a crime happens with it, the gun owner is also responsible for the crime. If the gun owner had the firearm safely locked away, and the safe was broken into/ stolen, the gun owner would not be responsible for the crime, but it is their immediate responsibility to notify the local police department of the firearms taken and serial numbers for them.
I think the gun owner should be civilly responsible for any crime done with their gun, criminally, I'm still not sure, there are a lot of variables here as well. What are your thoughts?
Yes, the mother bought the guns for him as gifts. He was a target shooter at gun clubs as a hobby. He was a weird kid, but according to all reports he showed no propensity for violence, that anyone knew of.Was it the mother of the Sandy Hook shooter that let him have access and use of the family weapons?
Yes, the mother bought the guns for him as gifts. He was a target shooter at gun clubs as a hobby. He was a weird kid, but according to all reports he showed no propensity for violence, that anyone knew of.
Even if she had not purchased the guns, he was an adult and there is nothing in his background which would have precluded him from buying guns himself. No violent or criminal history, no mental health confinements, nothing that would show up in a background check.
My take is that if an individual provides a weapon to someone they know is mentally unstable, then they should be held accountable.
So is it safe to surmise that you are also in favor of psychiatric background checks for gun purchases?
Cope, first I want to say I appreciate your demeanor. You've kept it calm, cool and collected throughout. You've been roasted a bit here and there, a lot by me. You've kept it civil. I appreciate that and thank you for that.
And I do appreciate you wanting to look at this "issue." I still refuse to call it a problem, because in my mind's eye, I see gun ownership as a core reason why this country is great. Yes, we suffer collateral damage from guns. People die senselessly due to gun violence. But overall, for hundreds of years, gun ownership is one of the reasons this country remains. I believe that. For a thousand reasons I won't get into.
Onto your point...
I "get" the idea of holding the owner accountable. I do "get" it, but I don't think it is feasible. What if I walk into my house one night after one of my business trips. Sometimes I leave my house at 5:30 AM to get on a flight to Chicago, then connect to a flight to Arkansas that gets me in there at 11:30AM their time (I'm EST). I do meetings from 1-3P with clients, rush to the airport and board a 6PM flight to Chicago, then connect to DC and I land at midnight and drive the 45 minutes home. I get to my house at 12:45AM. I've been up for 20+ hours and I mistakenly forget to lock my vehicle. I go to bed and crash.
Kids in the neighborhood get into my vehicle, hot wire it and take it for a joy ride and kill someone in a car crash. I guess you could make the argument that I am liable. As a human being though, should I be? Or should they be held responsible for stealing my vehicle and killing someone?
I live in MD like you do.We have speed cameras all over this state. If my sister visits for a week and drives my vehicle and gets a speeding ticket via a speed camera, guess who pays the bill? I do. Is that right? I don't think so. She was driving.
I believe we gun owners should be responsible for our weapons. They can kill. Period. I'm all for that. But so too can cars. And knives. Do we extrapolate your position to everything we own? If someone takes a baseball bat from my garage and kills someone with it, should I be held accountable? If someone takes the chainsaw I own and hacks someone to death with it, should I go to prison? If someone takes Clorox from my laundry room and uses it to poison someone, am I to blame?
I'm not sure this approach is reasonable either.
The fact is that none of this would do any good to stop school shootings or any other shooting. It's just more bull **** to infringe on lawful gun owners rights. Nothing more nothing less. How in the hell is licensing people or safety courses going to stop a moron from shooting up a place? It's not. It's just another attempt to ban guns that liberals don't like. Period. End of story.
Also cars aren't the only thing that can cause mass killings. Maybe the only thing Tim listed but certainly not the only thing that can kill many people. Did you not see the knife welding guy that killed a bunch of people a few weeks ago? How about fertilizers? What about Airplanes? Trains? Boats? Axe?
Seriously this is insane.
Welcome back Vader! It's been a while man.
Also thanks for adding to the discussion. Do you have any thoughts on how to improve the country here?
MPs have backed the Daily Express campaign and urged the Government to ban the deadly "sporting devices" saying there was "no reason" for them to be on sale to the general public.