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Roll Tide

I can't say that. I voted for Obama the first time. There are still 2 or 3 Democrats that haven't completely embraced fascism.

I voted Clinton (Bill) the first time. I honestly closed my eyes and pointed to the button for the candidate. After that and seeing what a sleezebag he and his party are, I vowed never to vote (D) again. I’ll either write one in, vote (R), or vote 3rd party.
The voters of Alabama rejected Roy Moore, probably because they didn't want the Democratic hysteria and distraction for the next 2 years.

The ulterior motive vote. Oh, that is rich!

Strange they didn’t have a problem with the “hysteria and distraction” they knew would come with a Trump election... OR... they have come to regret it.
Look for this to be the main tactic of the left for the forseable future. False accusations of sexual misconduct will be used to torpedo every republican candidate until the tactic stops working.

and has to be done right around the time that it is too late to practically change the candidate. Too early will be wasteful.
and has to be done right around the time that it is too late to practically change the candidate. Too early will be wasteful.

Huh? Roy Moore's track record speaks for itself dating back two decades to 2001 when he was Chief Juctice in Alabama. He was removed in 2003 for refusing a court order, then reelected in 2013 and suspended again in 2016 for enforcing an unconstitutional ban on gay marriage. Sexual allegations against him surfaced in November of last year, more than a year ahead of yesterday's vote. Nobody wanted Moore in this race until Bannon and then Trump went to the wall for him.

And what does that say about Trump, to throw his full support behind such a shameful and tarnished politician? The irony in it all, is the pedophile charges against Moore were just a drop in the ocean. Nothing can describe what a downright horrible candidate he was. Yet again, it was none other than Bannon and Trump propping him up and doing all they could to get him elected.

Yesterday's bombshell result was a clear repudiation of everything Trump stands for. Great news for all Americans looking for a return to sanity.

Moore is considered an advocate of far-right politics.[SUP][9][/SUP][SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] He attracted national media attention and controversy over what has been called strong homophobia, antisemitic and islamophobic views, his belief that Christianity should order public policy,[SUP][12][/SUP][SUP][13][/SUP] and his past ties to neo-Confederates and white nationalist groups.[SUP][14][/SUP][SUP][15][/SUP][SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17][/SUP][SUP][18][/SUP] Moore was a leading voice in the birther movement, which promoted the false claim that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.[SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP] He is also the founder and president of the Foundation for Moral Law, a non-profit legal organization from which he collected more than $1 million over five years, though a far smaller amount was indicated on its tax filings.[SUP][21][/SUP]
sounds like Moore is part of that swamp that needed drained. Old, crusty, slimy politician. I don't have a problem with him losing, but like it said earlier, why is this a shock? His goose was cooked, even before Trump's endorsement, which meant nothing.
and has to be done right around the time that it is too late to practically change the candidate. Too early will be wasteful.

And you have to find multiple women who cannot only prove that they have met, known or worked with the candidate, but also agree to publicly make these false allegations and the stories behind them... but that’s easy, right?
And you have to find multiple women who cannot only prove that they have met, known or worked with the candidate, but also agree to publicly make these false allegations and the stories behind them... but that’s easy, right?

You act like this hasn't been done before...the Democratic party finding women willing to levy accusations against a R candidate in a political race.
And what does that say about Trump, to throw his full support behind such a shameful and tarnished politician?

I don't think it says anything more or less than all the support behind the Clintons. If you remember, Trump did no initially support Moore. I think it is less to do with the person and more to do with letter next to their name. But who knows? Maybe Trump genuinely liked the guy. In this day and age, little that happens in politics surprises me.
I don't think it says anything more or less than all the support behind the Clintons. If you remember, Trump did no initially support Moore. I think it is less to do with the person and more to do with letter next to their name. But who knows? Maybe Trump genuinely liked the guy. In this day and age, little that happens in politics surprises me.

I think that's it exactly, the R means more to Trump than the person. Not too hard to figure out. I believe he stated as much.
Huh? Roy Moore's track record speaks for itself dating back two decades to 2001 when he was Chief Juctice in Alabama. He was removed in 2003 for refusing a court order, then reelected in 2013 and suspended again in 2016 for enforcing an unconstitutional ban on gay marriage. Sexual allegations against him surfaced in November of last year, more than a year ahead of yesterday's vote. Nobody wanted Moore in this race until Bannon and then Trump went to the wall for him.

And what does that say about Trump, to throw his full support behind such a shameful and tarnished politician? The irony in it all, is the pedophile charges against Moore were just a drop in the ocean. Nothing can describe what a downright horrible candidate he was. Yet again, it was none other than Bannon and Trump propping him up and doing all they could to get him elected.

Yesterday's bombshell result was a clear repudiation of everything Trump stands for. Great news for all Americans looking for a return to sanity.

Heh.... what was Trump supposed to do? As the lead "Republican" in the country, I suppose he could have come out and denounced Moore from the outset. I'm sure that would have made you happy.

This is my main issue with the 2 party system. At the highest level of government, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats will put the best interests of the American people before the best interests of their party. Ask any one of them about Term limits, and you'll be ignored. But never let it go an election cycle for congress without some form of self approved wage increase. It's all a show.

The Republicans promise a government that's less intrusive in your personal lives, yet spending just gets redistributed to suit their needs.
The Democrats promise to support everyone in the country with healthcare, education, jobs all, but it's all on the government (read: taxpayers) dime.
(Note: VERY simplified -- it's more complicated than that but you get the idea)

Should Moore have stepped down from his candidacy? Probably... but with a month before the election, that would have just handed the seat to Jones and the Democrats without at least some competition as there was no 'Republican-in-waiting' to take Moore's place.

Doug Jones is probably ok as a candidate and will do okay as a Senator, but the D in his party was the reason that Trump was basically obligated to back Moore.

The Republicans just picked a ****** candidate.
I don't know, I think this had less to do with Trump than it did the sexual misconduct claims. And even at that it was razor thin.

exactly - we are much better off without having to defend that idiot Moore anyway

President Trump congratulates Doug Jones on a “hard fought” win in Alabama against Roy Moore.

“Congratulations to Doug Jones on a hard fought victory. The write-in votes played a very big factor, but a win is a win,” Trump tweeted. “The people of Alabama are great, and the Republicans will have another shot at this seat in a very short period of time. It never ends!”

Personally I think Roy Moore would have been a poor choice and a total distraction in Washington


have to look at big picture - the story would never end

He just turned off too many Republican women for starters.

Moore would have been a national symbol of sexual harassment, a lightning rod the Dems would use in every race to drive turnout of women especially, incumbents would have been asked about Moore every day of every campaign.
You act like this hasn't been done before...the Democratic party finding women willing to levy accusations against a R candidate in a political race.

So they are contacting these women, who otherwise have no reason or intention of making an accusation, and convincing them to fabricate a story? And these women have always gone a long with it or kept their mouth shut about the conspiracy, or maybe the Clintons had them killed?
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oh please, we know what this is all about

Dems lost the keys to the black vote so they exchanged racism for sexism against women as their new symbol of scaring up votes
So they are contacting these women, who otherwise have no reason or intention of making an accusation, and convincing them to fabricate a story? And these women have always gone a long with it or kept their mouth shut about the conspiracy, or maybe the Clintons had them killed?

Flog....listen closely. It...has...happened....before. Unless your manbun's been in the sand (along with your head), you've heard of companies like Fusion GPS that will fabricate lies and document them to be used politically? You're aware your ethical Democratic party paid millions, in some cases high level pols paid personally, to have dirt fabricated to be used against their political opponents.

Smearing political opponents IS the game. Millions are spent on it and have been for decades. Oh, R candidate is running in Montana? Begin digging up dirt. Start conducting phone calls and interviews. Find every person you can and see what we can dig up. With prior co-workers, begin asking the questions...did R candidate ever say anything rude, speak to you inappropriately, or assault you? It's not hard when you put millions into investigating one person with many resources to find one or two or three honest, angry or politically motivated women to step up and make honest or exacerbated or false claims.

With all of the exposures of fake dossiers, Fusion GPS, fake news, my other thread where women are being caught repeatedly falsifying assault accusations, you really wanna stand on that thin platform - that fabricating false accusations never happens and that these accusations aren't used now in political races?

Jesus son, just go back to Gary Hart. Using affairs, accusations, etc to smear candidates for political gain. These are old-style tactics.
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Flog....listen closely. It...has...happened....before. Unless your manbun's been in the sand (along with your head), you've heard of companies like Fusion GPS that will fabricate lies and document them to be used politically? You're aware your ethical Democratic party paid millions, in some cases high level pols paid personally, to have dirt fabricated to be used against their political opponents.

Smearing political opponents IS the game. Millions are spent on it and have been for decades. Oh, R candidate is running in Montana? Begin digging up dirt. Start conducting phone calls and interviews. Find every person you can and see what we can dig up. With prior co-workers, begin asking the questions...did R candidate ever say anything rude, speak to you inappropriately, or assault you? It's not hard when you put millions into investigating one person with many resources to find one or two or three honest, angry or politically motivated women to step up and make honest or exacerbated or false claims.

With all of the exposures of fake dossiers, Fusion GPS, fake news, my other thread where women are being caught repeatedly falsifying assault accusations, you really wanna stand on that thin platform - that fabricating false accusations never happens and that these accusations aren't used now in political races?

Jesus son, just go back to Gary Hart. Using affairs, accusations, etc to smear candidates for political gain. These are old-style tactics.

You act as if every major election candidate has gone through the routine of being accused of sexual assault.

So which thread am I to take as fake - the one about women caught repeatedly falsifying assault accusations or the one keeping a tally of Democrats vs Republicans? You can’t have it both ways.
You act as if every major election candidate has gone through the routine of being accused of sexual assault.

No, I do not.

Reading comprehension. A phrase you've used recently if you recall.

So which thread am I to take as fake - the one about women caught repeatedly falsifying assault accusations or the one keeping a tally of Democrats vs Republicans? You can’t have it both ways.

A % of women do lie about assault and rape. It's a scientific fact.

The list of "accused" men is a factual list. Providing that list doesn't establish guilt or innocence. It merely shows who's been accused, not who's guilty....while doing a great job of showing that Liberals are being "accused" much much much much more often than Conservatives.

What is your next inane attempt to paint me into a corner?

Perhaps we should have a discussion on issues vs. your never-ending attempts to discredit me personally that fail?
I didn't like Moore from the beginning. He's a southern religious-right fire and brimstone candidate.

We are in an overly charged political environment right now. Nothing is the "same" or "normal" when comparing what is happening now in our country to almost any time as long as I've been alive (say 1970). These once-and-done special elections are getting HUGE amounts of money from both sides (although Dems again outspent Reps by like 2:1 or something). They are getting national press coverage. Lead headlines across every paper in the country.

More eyeballs normally means more turnout. And more turnout normally favors democrats (because their voters are less reliable).

There are no "tea leaves" to read here. Just like there wasn't in some of the special elections earlier this year (which the Republicans won something like four to nothing). The truth is Alabama will go back to (R) when it likely matters most to maintain Republican control, which is 2020.

In 2018 there are still 26 senates seats that are (D) up for election and only 9 seats that are currently (R). To me it seems unlikely those are going to go 28 to 7 (and lose overall control 49-51). It's possible I guess and we'll see the backlash against Republicans in congress then but I think it's unlikely.

Most likely it stays a small majority Republican up to 2020, which is a Presidential election year. More turnout means normally better for democrats. And that year has about 22 of the 33 seats up for election currently held by Republicans (not including Alabama now).

The truth is it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the pendulum didn't swing pretty hard to the Democrats in 2020. They can (although it's hard) gain ground in the House in 2018 and 2020. They can win the Senate in 2020. They can win the Presidency in 2020.

I am hoping that the success of Trump's Presidency (and I do think what is happening now and in the next 2-3 years will be good for the country) will sway the public, but with so many gunning and hoping for his (and the country's) failure and with the press on his heels constantly degrading him, I have a hard time seeing how he can continue to defend himself non-stop like this in perpetuum. To me, only complete incompetency like the Browns are preventing the Democrats from finding a candidate to lead a somewhat resurgence in 2020 (but that is also possible, because they are pretty stupid like the Browns).

I already know I'm voting Trump again. I think a lot of us are sold on what he wants to accomplish and how. But the machine he is up against is like time itself. It stops nor changes for anyone.
No, I do not.

Reading comprehension. A phrase you've used recently if you recall.

A % of women do lie about assault and rape. It's a scientific fact.

The list of "accused" men is a factual list. Providing that list doesn't establish guilt or innocence. It merely shows who's been accused, not who's guilty....while doing a great job of showing that Liberals are being "accused" much much much much more often than Conservatives.

What is your next inane attempt to paint me into a corner?

Perhaps we should have a discussion on issues vs. your never-ending attempts to discredit me personally that fail?

I’m not painting you into any corner or trying to discredit you personally. You inserted yourself into DBS’ argument that sexual assault is now the Democrats main tactic to which I was calling bullshit. You contend the Democrtas “find” these women who are willing to make false accusations. I’m challenging that argument.
so, Flog, do you believe all the women who accused Bill Clinton?
by your assessment of the Moore accusers, one would be inclined to believe you think Clinton should be in jail. is that so?
You contend the Democrtas “find” these women who are willing to make false accusations. I’m challenging that argument.

Fact: They find women willing to make accusations. Former coworkers willing to talk negatively. Neighbors. Whoever. It's all a part of the digging up dirt and smear campaign tactics that have been going on for decades.

Couple that with Democrats having thrown their primary, having paid Fusion GPS to create fake dossiers, etc, you and anyone else would be naive to think they wouldn't pay people to make inaccurate claims.
I will never vote for a Democrat. Ever. They are all part of the plan to destroy America from within. So no, I’m not being coy.

Downright moronic. Glad I'm an unaffiliated voter. Then again, I'm also a coastal elite.

Poor people who vote republican crack me up.
Downright moronic. Glad I'm an unaffiliated voter. Then again, I'm also a coastal elite.

Poor people who vote republican crack me up.

At least they have are able to see through the phony "Demoecrats are for the working man" builshit they have been fed forever. Democrats WERE for the working man a few decades ago. Now they want to keep poor people as poor as possible so they can tell them how Republicans are who made them poor. Poor people that vote Democrat crack ME up. I am unaffiliated too. But then again, I live in flyover country and am not a coastal elite so I understand that I am inferior to you mentally and socially, therefore my opinion is not as valid as yours.
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Downright moronic. Glad I'm an unaffiliated voter. Then again, I'm also a coastal elite.

Poor people who vote republican crack me up.

Yea................your right. Why would poor people want a better economy and more better jobs? That would just be stupid!