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Roll Tide

Downright moronic. Glad I'm an unaffiliated voter. Then again, I'm also a coastal elite.

Poor people who vote republican crack me up.

First of all, you know NOTHING about me. Second, I am registered as unaffiliated. Third, you are an arrogant *******.
First of all, you know NOTHING about me. Second, I am registered as unaffiliated. Third, you are an arrogant *******.

I know some things. I've been on this board quite a long time. So, let's see...

- you once worked as a teacher's aide, I remember your struggles trying to make more money, and at least one thread where you had disagreements with the school admin.
- you lived in Kansas (perhaps at the time). I beleive you have bounced around a bit.
- you have/had family in the military (my recollection there is not as specific)

You are unaffiliated, yet will "never vote democrat". So you vote Libertarian, Republican or Green Party? I myself have voted for multiple parties, including voting for McCain in 08.

I AM an arrogant *******. Hell, you've been around. Most of us here are...how many times has Gary gotten himself banned back in the day by being an *******, and just look at anything Coolie posts...

My point remains. Republicans are just helping their rich friends get richer, but poor dumb folks (apparently like yourself) will vote for them anyway...because why? Family values? Rolling back Roe V Wade?

Gay marriage is here to stay. Women should have the right to decide if an abortion is right for them or not....and we need Mexicans to pick watermelons, because those jobs are beneath Americans, even the folks in flyover country...
I know some things. I've been on this board quite a long time. So, let's see...

- you once worked as a teacher's aide, I remember your struggles trying to make more money, and at least one thread where you had disagreements with the school admin.
- you lived in Kansas (perhaps at the time). I beleive you have bounced around a bit.
- you have/had family in the military (my recollection there is not as specific)

You are unaffiliated, yet will "never vote democrat". So you vote Libertarian, Republican or Green Party? I myself have voted for multiple parties, including voting for McCain in 08.

I AM an arrogant *******. Hell, you've been around. Most of us here are...how many times has Gary gotten himself banned back in the day by being an *******, and just look at anything Coolie posts...

My point remains. Republicans are just helping their rich friends get richer, but poor dumb folks (apparently like yourself) will vote for them anyway...because why? Family values? Rolling back Roe V Wade?

Gay marriage is here to stay. Women should have the right to decide if an abortion is right for them or not....and we need Mexicans to pick watermelons, because those jobs are beneath Americans, even the folks in flyover country...

I STILL work as a para. I also have a part-time retail job. I've never had enough of a problem at my job to take it to administration. I might have issues with bitchy coworkers, but never admin.
I STILL live in Kansas, and yes I have moved a lot. My Ex husband is a CMSGT in the Air Force.
I am registered as unafilliated. Makes it a ***** to vote in primaries, but it's doable.

You got a few things correct, yet still know nothing about ME. You see what I post, but you don't know what makes me tick. Do I have pets? Children? What's my favorite music? Band? Movie? What' my favorite animal? Have I ever been out of the country?

I might not have a lot of money, but I am rich. I have friends, family, and a roof over my head. I manage to put food on my table. I don't need anything else. So please stop saying that I am "poor." I am also not "dumb." I might not have common sense, but I am by no means stupid. Would you like for me to get my IQ results forwarded to you? I can if you so desire.
It's ok. He's a coastal elite and thinks his behavior is acceptable.

After all, he IS superior to every one else so he's the one that matters. Not us. Pretty typical of today's Liberal.

Gee, I wonder how the Democratic Party lost so much support in the section of the country between New England and California, besides some big cities here and there along the way? It's a mystery!
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Let's see.....a bowl of diarrhea soup, or a **** sandwich. Which one do you pick? That's what Alabama was faced with. I think the accusations against Moore are pretty bogus, and it sucks that the political process has come down to accusations, smears, and whatever else either side can think of. It's very telling that up until yesterday, the liberal media was saying how uneducated, redneck, and backward Alabama is. After last night, they are the most gracious, caring, accepting state in the Union. If I live in Alabama, I'm pissed.

Having lived a in the south for a few years, it still irks me that people think the south is backwards etc.
There were a lot of hard working, functional people when I lived in GA.

My brother in law is from TN and will admit that Mississippi has issues, but the south in general is his home.
Alabama will be fine even with the **** options they were dealt with. If any state is proud and no nonsense, Alabama is top
Oh and one more thing, 3 Hypocycloids....

I own up to my financial mistakes and work my *** off to overcome them. I haven't taken a handout from the government, even though I COULD qualify for all kinds of assistance. That is a major reason why I won't ever vote Democrat. They keep passing all kinds of legislation to keep people dependent on the government and to keep the initiative TO work away from people. Would I like it if I could sit on my *** and get paid? Well, yeah. But that's NOT me and that's NOT how I roll.
You guys make me lol. Lynn, for someone who , in your words "doesn't know anything about you", I seemed to do ok. Maybe you were surprised at how much I did know. Like I said, I've been here for a while. Since before Coryea had a purse and you couldn't post tye words tickets or rumor...

I'm no better or worse than any of you. In fact, I use coastal elite in a 'tounge in cheek' manner. I live in NC, but I'm not from here. I find the 'coastal elite' concept funny. I have lived in the country. I live in Raleigh now. I prefer the city suburbs. I'm glad I don't live in middle america, NC politics are conservative enough...social liberalism is evolution of thought. We once thought the earth was flat, and that the sun revolved around the earth. Traditional conservative beliefs are....outmoded. Once upon a time, interracial marriage was an affront to God. I think we have progressed from that, and yet, we still have a ways to go.

Lynn, don't forget, under our current system you are entitled to those benefits because you pay in to them. That is how it works. If you choose not to accept them, it seems to me it's to the detriment of you and your family. To my knowledge the only 'permanent' government assistance is disability (which is not easily obtained). Unemployment is time limited, and again, you get to collect when you pay in.

I'm of the mindset that if I lost my job, I would work at McDonalds or shovel **** for money if I had to. That still wouldn't mean that I would turn down benefits to which I am rightfully entitled because I'm too proud.

Regardless, my original statement while crass, still applies. How can you say you would never do something (vote for a democrat) when you don't know who the candidates are, or what their stances are on issues?
I haven't lost my job, so unemployment isn't an option. Don't know where that came from. It's just me, so there's not much detriment to myself if I choose not to accept a handout. Like I said- I made the mistakes and I am working to fix them. I don't need help from the gubmint.
You guys make me lol. Lynn, for someone who , in your words "doesn't know anything about you", I seemed to do ok. Maybe you were surprised at how much I did know. Like I said, I've been here for a while. Since before Coryea had a purse and you couldn't post tye words tickets or rumor...

I'm no better or worse than any of you. In fact, I use coastal elite in a 'tounge in cheek' manner. I live in NC, but I'm not from here. I find the 'coastal elite' concept funny. I have lived in the country. I live in Raleigh now. I prefer the city suburbs. I'm glad I don't live in middle america, NC politics are conservative enough...social liberalism is evolution of thought. We once thought the earth was flat, and that the sun revolved around the earth. Traditional conservative beliefs are....outmoded. Once upon a time, interracial marriage was an affront to God. I think we have progressed from that, and yet, we still have a ways to go.

Lynn, don't forget, under our current system you are entitled to those benefits because you pay in to them. That is how it works. If you choose not to accept them, it seems to me it's to the detriment of you and your family. To my knowledge the only 'permanent' government assistance is disability (which is not easily obtained). Unemployment is time limited, and again, you get to collect when you pay in.

I'm of the mindset that if I lost my job, I would work at McDonalds or shovel **** for money if I had to. That still wouldn't mean that I would turn down benefits to which I am rightfully entitled because I'm too proud.

Regardless, my original statement while crass, still applies. How can you say you would never do something (vote for a democrat) when you don't know who the candidates are, or what their stances are on issues?
Unemployment isn't a handout. She's talking about other sorts of benefits

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I wasn't implying that you needed unemployment. Simply stating that the benefits offered by our current system, are benefits that we pay for, and thus are entitled to accept in return (when and as needed).

My background is in social work, and now I work in data analytics for a behavioral health insurance company. I have witnessed first hand how helpful government assistance (housing, FSNAP, Medicaid) can be for people. I have also witness firsthand people who abuse the system.

Again, as I have stated in other threads, and as Sarge (I beleive) wrote early in this thread. Show me a socially moderate, fiscal conservative and I'm happy to show them my vote. IDGAF if they are a D, R, L or other. I find it laughable how polarized and partisan our body politic has become, and honestly I find it laughable that any common person thinks that Trump has their best interests at heart.

Trump has yet to disclose his tax returns, yet somehow he can be trusted? Trump ran for president, for 2 reasons; get rid of the AMT (so he can fatten his pockets) and get rid of estate tax (so he can pass on more of his inheritance). Mission accomplished.

Yeah, I think scaling down immigration is a bonus for him, but all that other **** is just lip service.

I want to know how many of us will still have better returns if and when the tax cuts are automatically rolled back because the bill is not cost neutral despite their dynamic projections...one thing is sure though, rich folks will still be enjoying the benefits of their corporate tax cuts, while middle class folks like myself will foot the bill. Weeeee!
And, just to add, if you really want to know what I think our biggest social issues are...

Not enough abortions, personally, I think abortions should be free. Too many parents who have kids they don't invest time into and can't take care of. The worst thing we can have are kids whose futures are wasted because of generational poverty and disengaged parents. Those kids end up costing the system money, want to know more, look up 'social determinants of health' and learn about it.
And, just to add, if you really want to know what I think our biggest social issues are...

Not enough abortions, personally, I think abortions should be free. Too many parents who have kids they don't invest time into and can't take care of. The worst thing we can have are kids whose futures are wasted because of generational poverty and disengaged parents. Those kids end up costing the system money, want to know more, look up 'social determinants of health' and learn about it.

How about people just start using birth control. Problem solved.
And, just to add, if you really want to know what I think our biggest social issues are...Not enough abortions, personally
My approach would be to have more readily available birth control and triple sex education and counseling for the inner city and rural population. As the - bigoted and racist - saying goes, the folks that are having kids shouldn't and the folks that aren't should. Actually, it's less of a racist concept more of an economics one. People that have the resources to be able to raise kids properly - ie spend the required time, make the required sacrifices and be committed to providing a good upbringing - are hesistant to do so. Those that don't seem to multiply in droves. True around the world, actually. The idea is welfare will provide income for the family, thus more kids is more subsidized income. It's a ****** up way to be. But 'the state' can't simply cut off supporting low income families, as they'd be punishing innocent kids. Those children were born into that reality, to no fault of their own. It's a literal catch-22.
The idea is welfare will provide income for the family, thus more kids is more subsidized income. It's a ****** up way to be. But 'the state' can't simply cut off supporting low income families, as they'd be punishing innocent kids. Those children were born into that reality, to no fault of their own. It's a literal catch-22.

I am old enough to remember life before the welfare state. Without a gov't safety net, people were more responsible about having children they couldn't afford. There was actually a societal stigma against those that had children out of wedlock. Those cases where families were really in need were helped by private charities and churches. Then LBJ had the answer with the Great Society, And thanks for Vietnam, as well. Yep, Washington has all the answers that us deplorables are not enlightened enough to understand.

Can't put the genie back in the bottle.
My approach would be to have more readily available birth control and triple sex education and counseling for the inner city and rural population. As the - bigoted and racist - saying goes, the folks that are having kids shouldn't and the folks that aren't should. Actually, it's less of a racist concept more of an economics one. People that have the resources to be able to raise kids properly - ie spend the required time, make the required sacrifices and be committed to providing a good upbringing - are hesistant to do so. Those that don't seem to multiply in droves. True around the world, actually. The idea is welfare will provide income for the family, thus more kids is more subsidized income. It's a ****** up way to be. But 'the state' can't simply cut off supporting low income families, as they'd be punishing innocent kids. Those children were born into that reality, to no fault of their own. It's a literal catch-22.

The current welfare generation is lost. Will never be productive members of society. Have never known a member of their family who had a job. Write them off and pass a new law that says everyone born on or after Jan 1, 20xx is ineligible for welfare and that any children born after that date will not increase your welfare check. It would fix things in a decade or two but it would be racist.
Hang on. Are we having some semblance of moderate discourse?

Yes to Birth Control and sex Ed. Yes to Abortions....but the right wants to restrict/do away with abortions. Remember Tibs, "they are ripping babies out of the womb".

Do I think they are alive, yup. Do I care, nope. We would be better off with less fetuses that turn into people, and less people overall, especially if the people we have pay their bills and their taxes and contribute to the tax base, rather than take away from it.

More discourse, GO!
How about people just start using birth control. Problem solved.

You mean like how Obamacare made it so insurance covered birth control free of cost? Yeah, I'm glad you like that too...

Everytime my wife gets her pills at no cost to us, I'm grateful. But, hey, Hobby Lobby and the religious right don't want their beliefs trampled on...so...
You mean like how Obamacare made it so insurance covered birth control free of cost? Yeah, I'm glad you like that too...

Everytime my wife gets her pills at no cost to us, I'm grateful. But, hey, Hobby Lobby and the religious right don't want their beliefs trampled on...so...

First of all, your wife's pills are not free. We all pay for them, and I don't want to pay for your wife's pills. Pay for them yourself. And if you get your wife pregnant, don't expect me to pay to raise the kid.

Let's be honest. This isn't about birth control. It is about taking personal responsibility.
I believe I wrote that insurance covers them free of cost. By your logic, If you had NC Blue Cross then I'd be chipping in for your ED pills...
I don't have any children, why should I be forced to pay for public schools, or even worse, these **** *** religious voucher schools?

I don't drive on certain roads, why do I have to pay for their maintenance?

We all chip in, champ. That's how it works