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Russian Jet fly by US Destroyer

Nice pics




Russian Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer - 2 seat, all weather, supersonic, variable swept wing, fighter-bombers with electronic countermeasure jamming.capability

This was the type shot down by Turkish F-16s recently over the Syria/Turkey border



This is why the Navy didn't shoot down Russian jets

7. The money we sink into NASA puts aliens and those in other solar systems ahead of Americans
8. The fact that we spend so much on pizza puts Italians ahead of Americans
9. By listening to the Beatles we put Brits ahead of Americans
10. Our flags our made in China, that puts the Chinese ahead of Americans
11. Donald Trump hires Polish immigrants for construction jobs putting all Poles ahead of Americans
12. The fact we let Dirk Nowitzi play in the NBA puts all Germans ahead of Americans
13. We let a Cuban and a Canadian run for president, thereby putting all Cubans and Canadians ahead of Americans
14. My neighbor stubbed his toe on a nail made in Costa Rica, thus we put all Costa Ricans ahead of Americans
15. The air we breathe consists of molecules from Venezuelan airspace, that puts all Venezuelans ahead of Americans
16. The strands of cotton in our beach towels are Egyptian, thus we put all Egyptians ahead of Americans.

Uhm, exaggerate much?

OK Tibs, swing, miss. Del gave you examples where programs put actual countries ahead of ours, and people from other nations receive favor our own citizens do not.

You list spending on money as pizza as somehow benefiting Italians? Really?

Letting Germans and foreigners play in the NBA puts them ahead of Americans? Let's dissect that absurdity. When a German or a Croatian comes to the USA to play on an NBA team, he has to make the team. He has to be better than at least one other player in his abilities make the team. He isn't given a "pass" on to the team. It's a fair competition. Just like immigration should be. No one here has an issue with legal immigrants. None. Come here. Integrate. Work. Pay taxes. Follow the rules we all do. Instead, we give them passes. Tax free work. Subsidies. Free healthcare. We want to provide amnesty to those who came here illegally. We have to pay for their well being. That would be akin to allowing a Croatian to come to an NBA try out, shoot 33% from the free throw line, but allow him onto the team because of some obscure quota.

I don't expect you to see the absurdity of your points. They are all equally inane.
Steeltime - "every other citizen from every other country", line 1.

Correct! I knew you could figure it out, buddy!
7. The money we sink into NASA puts aliens and those in other solar systems ahead of Americans
8. The fact that we spend so much on pizza puts Italians ahead of Americans
9. By listening to the Beatles we put Brits ahead of Americans
10. Our flags our made in China, that puts the Chinese ahead of Americans
11. Donald Trump hires Polish immigrants for construction jobs putting all Poles ahead of Americans
12. The fact we let Dirk Nowitzi play in the NBA puts all Germans ahead of Americans
13. We let a Cuban and a Canadian run for president, thereby putting all Cubans and Canadians ahead of Americans
14. My neighbor stubbed his toe on a nail made in Costa Rica, thus we put all Costa Ricans ahead of Americans
15. The air we breathe consists of molecules from Venezuelan airspace, that puts all Venezuelans ahead of Americans
16. The strands of cotton in our beach towels are Egyptian, thus we put all Egyptians ahead of Americans.

Uhm, exaggerate much?

Pretty ******* snarky response.

My point is that I see a LOT of the world getting benefits from our country free of charge. You can't deny otherwise. We pay for so much. We give more than the top 10 other countries combined. Aid, technology, food, organizational leadership. Mostly America.

That stuff COSTS MONEY. Lots and lots of it. Either is pure monetary terms or manhours and time of our citizens.

I can't think of ONE COUNTRY that gives more to the United States than we give to them. Not one.

Are we just supposed to sustain that forever? We're an infinite source of resource and help and sustenance?

Eventually we have to start adding up the columns. What are we really getting for all this global support? Ridicule? Hatred? Sarcastic contempt?

I'm starting to be curious what Europe would do with Putin without us supporting their back. I'm curious what Japan would do vs. China. Maybe what Turkey/Saudi Arabia would do vs. Iran/Syria/Russia? Pakistan vs. India would be interesting.

Funny how no one thanks us. No one says we'll help foot the bill. We'll be socialist while you have to labor for our protection. Or we'll be a dictatorship and pocket all the money (like Saudi Arabia) while you foot the bill. Funny how that works. And it's even more funny (and sad) how no one in this country seems to care. No one seems to realize these are real dollars, represented by real manhours of hard work by a majority of Americans, that are paying for all these global benefits.

If our country JUST FOR 5 YEARS said **** you to the world, we could rebuild our infrastructure and employ everyone in the process. Close our borders. Improve health care and standard of living.

But we don't. We don't because we have a conscious and compassion and a belief in freedom for all and freedom of choice and opportunity. We don't believe that everyone gets something except an opportunity. That's all the government should be responsible for. Nothing more, nothing less. And those that fail to take advantage of that opportunity don't deserve 3rd and 4th and 5th chances.

Couldn't agree more. And it's not just the money. The resources in general. Clothing, food. The foreign aid we give can go on and on. Yet our citizens still face poverty, hunger in a country where it should be easy to have access to these resources. And as you stated none of our fellow citizens care nor pay attention at that cause of the "cushy" life we take for granted here

Couldn't agree more. And it's not just the money. The resources in general. Clothing, food. The foreign aid we give can go on and on. Yet our citizens still face poverty, hunger in a country where it should be easy to have access to these resources. And as you stated none of our fellow citizens care nor pay attention at that cause of the "cushy" life we take for granted here

The biggest resources are time and money.

People forget that Americans donate their TIME to world causes more than any other country. We have more manhours in Peace Corps and Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF and a million other charities and organizations than every other country. And it's not close.

Imagine those manhours, devoted to whatever you felt was worth it, doing something here in America. It would change everything.

We are by and large the most giving country in the world. We have the most generous people in the world. When we devote our time, we work the hardest. We organize the best. Our charitable organizations have the least corruption. We have the most oversight.

But no one cares. They just want more and more and more.

I'm tired of apologizing. I'm tired of being made to feel America isn't pulling our weight. What a crock of ****.

There are literally 100 countries in the world that if the U.S. just disappeared would either collapse under their own economic problems or would be invaded/at war in the next 5 years.

And yet for all this importance, we continue to get ****** up the *** by country after country after country in trade deals, currency manipulation, corruption/cheating and diplomatic pressure against our own best interests. It is asinine.
deljzc, honest to God I get your points and understand what you're saying (to an extent). But I can't help but comment that I think you have a lot of misplaced and misguided anger.

In describing everything that pisses you off and what you think is wrong with the world, you paint with a very broad brush.

We've had a democrat POTUS for two terms, and that somehow caused the planet to shift on its axis? What about the Republican majority in Congress? What about years and years with Republicans in the White House? What about all the Republican Governors, Mayors, City and State legislators?

What exactly are you hoping will be different if Trump or any other 'non-liberal' gets in the White House? He's just gonna wave his magic wand, everything will turn on its head and be fundamentally different?

You think having an arrogant, angry, xenophobic, isolationist blabbermouth as POTUS is going to create instant credibility around the world? That other countries are going to somehow bow down and respect us?
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But, but, but you guys worship Putin, he's a hero to many of you.

If Obummer had any sort of backbone, this never would have happened. He is a ***** and every single world leader and terrorist know it.

Sadly, I think this is exactly what Obummer want's, for America to be humiliated.

How long before he heads off to Japan to apologize to the Japs for dropping a couple of atom bombs on them?

What an embarrassment he is.
For all you trigger-happy, warmongering, right-wing nutjobs that are eager to spark WWIII.

You think the military doesn't have specific, highly-detailed rules of engagement on how to handle a situation like this? You think the Navy commanders just leaned back and said, 'We'll just wait to see what our limp-wristed liberal weenie president wants us to do in a situation like this?" I've never seen a collection of misinformed and disillusioned people in one place than like the one we have on this board. The overall scope of idiocity and partisanship is scary, actually. But if the SN political board is anything, it's consistant. Consistantly dumb.

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," retired frigate and cruiser commanding officer Capt. Rick Hoffman told the Navy Times about the incident.

"We’re not at war with Russia," Capt. Rick Hoffman said.

"It would be one thing to be operating and have a threatening attack profile from someone who might not recognize me — that’s not the case here."

As a former commander of a cruiser that protected aircraft carriers and amphibious-assault vehicles from airborne attacks, Hoffman knows how to deal with threatening aircraft.

The Russian planes, Su-24s, had no visible weapons during the passes, and at no point did the USS Cook detect that the Russians were trying to lock onto them with a missile.

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For all you trigger-happy, warmongering, right-wing nutjobs that are eager to spark WWIII.

You think the military doesn't have specific, highly-detailed rules of engagement on how to handle a situation like this? You think the Navy commanders just leaned back and said, 'We'll just wait to see what our limp-wristed liberal weenie president wants us to do in a situation like this?" I've never seen a collection of misinformed and disillusioned people in one place than like the one we have on this board. The overall scope of idiocity and partisanship is scary, actually. But if the SN political board is anything, it's consistant. Consistantly dumb.

I never said they should have shot them down. But Putin knows Obummer will do NOTHING. The Chinese know this as well, so do the Iranians and so do the North Koreans and so do the terrorists. Hence all of the provocative actions all are taking in recent years. Obummer's only answer to this is to ignore it and go play another round of golf.
I never said they should have shot them down. But Putin knows Obummer will do NOTHING. The Chinese know this as well, so do the Iranians and so do the North Koreans and so do the terrorists. Hence all of the provocative actions all are taking in recent years. Obummer's only answer to this is to ignore it and go play another round of golf.

You couldn't be more wrong. But you buy into a completely inaccurate position, completely void of facts, because, well, because it's easy to do so. It's popular here on the board and with far-right wingers in general and it fits into your preconcieved world view.

We are not at war with China, you should know that. The Iranian's nuclear capabilites have been significantly reduced due to an internationally supported agreement put in place. Supported overwhelmingly by every Western nation including all of our allies. North Korea? What do you want us to do? Fly by and drop a few nukes on their heads, jeopardizing our troops in South Korea?

And you're most wrong regarding terrorists. But don't let facts get in the way.

How many terrorists has Obama actually "taken out"? This is a surprisingly hard question to answer, both from inside and outside the government.

We know of at least five theaters in which the U.S. military has explicitly targeted terrorists: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa and the Saudi Arabian peninsula and the Islamic State.

Over those five theaters, then, the total number of terrorists killed since fighting began ranges from 65,800 to 88,600. Of that number, Obama is responsible for between 30,000 and 33,000 -- including only the Islamic State, Pakistan, Africa and the Iraqi kills since 2009 as indexed by the AFP.

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For all you trigger-happy, warmongering, right-wing nutjobs that are eager to spark WWIII.

You think the military doesn't have specific, highly-detailed rules of engagement on how to handle a situation like this? You think the Navy commanders just leaned back and said, 'We'll just wait to see what our limp-wristed liberal weenie president wants us to do in a situation like this?" I've never seen a collection of misinformed and disillusioned people in one place than like the one we have on this board. The overall scope of idiocity and partisanship is scary, actually. But if the SN political board is anything, it's consistant. Consistantly dumb.

He goes on to say, in the full interview that Spike linked to that
"We would probably not have accepted that from an Iranian aircraft in the Persian Gulf, although we’ve seen it," Hoffman said. Or if it had been a civilian aircraft, he added, the CO would have been more on guard for a potential suicide mission. But the likelihood that a rogue Russian pilot would take a shot at an American ship and then try to fly home through the airspace of multiple NATO partners is very low.

So we only "accept it" from one of our top geopolitical threats. What does that mean? The right response is to sit back and chuckle at those pesky Russians, but take everyone else seriously? Right in line with this administration always giving more deference to the bad guys. Hoffman sounds like he's pandering to his Hollywood clientele, or he's just like that. Anyway, I didn't say the right thing to do was shoot them down, I said the right thing to do was not to have the Sec of State running around crying about how we could have shot them down if we wanted to, like the kid who just got beat up getting brave after they leave, and then do nothing. This Hoffman seems to think the PR aspect of this is amusing too. The Chinese are definitely amused -
However, an editorial in the Global Times, an official mouthpiece for China’s ruling Communist Party, characterizes the incident as a huge blow to American prestige. “The Russian pilots have demonstrated high professional skills to conduct such extremely dangerous maneuvers,” states the editorial. “The US military, which intends to provoke Russia in the Baltic Sea, was humiliated by its Russian counterpart instead. The US must feel furious.”
- http://www.infowars.com/china-russia-humiliated-arrogant-u-s-with-simulated-attack-on-warship/
The SN right-wing faction's hero and mentor, Vladimir Putin heaping praise on Obama. LOL

In rare words of praise for President Obama, Putin described him as a "strong man" for recognizing his administration had made mistakes in Libya. Obama recently told “Fox News Sunday” that "failing to plan for the day after" the fall of Libya's then-dictator Muammar Gaddafi was the "worst mistake of his presidency.”

Putin said today, "Firstly, it once again confirms that the current U.S. president is a decent man, because to say such a thing is not easy. And that's very good that my colleague possesses the courage to make such statements."

"Barack, as a senator, criticized the administration for its actions in Iraq. But, as president, he allowed a mistake to happen, he has said it himself, in Libya. Not everyone can do that. They snap at him from different sides over that but only a strong man could have done that."

Wow, how shocking, you get your shtick and marching orders from the clinically insane Alex Jones and infowars. Batten down the hatches, they're coming for you and your kids!
You couldn't be more wrong. But you buy into a completely inaccurate position, completely void of facts, because, well, because it's easy to do so, it's popular here on the board and with far-right wingers in general and it fits into your preconcieved world view.

We are not at war with China, you should know that. The Iranian's nuclear capabilites have been significantly reduced due to an internationally supported agreement put in place. Supported overwhelmingly by every Western nation including all of our allies. North Korea? What do you want us to do? Fly by and drop a few nukes on their heads, jeopardizing our troops in South Korea?

And you're most wrong regarding terrorists. But don't let facts get in the way.

We're not at war with any country, but any president with a backbone would have countered Russia's incursion into the Ukraine, China's military expansion in the South China Sea, Iran's humiliation of our sailors and continued missile tests (which is a violation of the so called great nuclear deal) in some way. Obummers counter is to ignore it and go play golf. It will be someone else's problem in about 9 months.

Iran figures they have 10 years to perfect their missile program, then when the clock runs out and they have ZERO restrictions on their nuke program, they'll start putting nukes on top of them. That will then start a nuke arms race in the middle east which is not good for anyone.

Any of Obummers so called "great deals" are in essence just him kicking the can down the road to let someone else deal with it.
Lots of stuff in this thread. First of all what Del posted was acurate, but it's not all on Obama. Every president rep or dem could have done things to help this country, but has not. People are finally getting mad about it hence all the "outsiders" left election process.

We have schools falling apart, drinking supplies being poisoned, and homeless people everywhere. Instead of fixing those problems we give billions (maybe trillions) to other countries and get nothing in return. A lot of countries don't even want us there. The bottom line is we should fix our country first then help others. The easiest way to get out of debt is to stop giving money away. If we stopped giving stuff away for just one year I bet the amount of stuff that could be fixed in this country is staggering.

As for the navy I am sure they have very strict ROE. However even if the plane was unarmed they were extremely close. If there was a slight pilot error or malfunction that plane could have crashed right into the ship. Not only would it have done extensive damage people probably would have been hurt or killed. I think they should tell Russia if you get that close again they will be fired upon. They are just mocking us right now which is fine, but like I said they are not just playing games. It is to the point of endangering service men.
You think having an arrogant, angry, xenophobic, isolationist blabbermouth as POTUS is going to create instant credibility around the world?

For all you trigger-happy, warmongering, right-wing nutjobs that are eager to spark WWIII... I've never seen a collection of misinformed and disillusioned people in one place than like the one we have on this board. The overall scope of idiocity and partisanship is scary, actually. But if the SN political board is anything, it's consistant. Consistantly dumb.

It's popular here on the board and with far-right wingers in general and it fits into your preconcieved world view.

The SN right-wing faction's hero and mentor, Vladimir Putin...

Damn you're one pathetic, miserable mofo.

Funny how incredibly sensitive you can get while speaking insult after insult throughout the site.
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Wow, how shocking, you get your shtick and marching orders from the clinically insane Alex Jones and infowars. Batten down the hatches, they're coming for you and your kids!
Are you disputing the quotes?
Are you disputing the quotes?
What, that the Chinese scoff at anything we do geopolitically - good or bad - like they've done for the past century? No, I don't dispute that.
What, that the Chinese scoff at anything we do geopolitically - good or bad - like they've done for the past century? No, I don't dispute that.
Not what I asked. You libs can't win arguments so you constantly move the premise. ******* idiots.
Not what I asked.

Let's see here, Einstein. You were referring to the infowars quote you posted from your asshat buddy Alex Jones' site. The qoute read as follows:

However, an editorial in the Global Times, an official mouthpiece for China’s ruling Communist Party, characterizes the incident as a huge blow to American prestige. “The Russian pilots have demonstrated high professional skills to conduct such extremely dangerous maneuvers,” states the editorial. “The US military, which intends to provoke Russia in the Baltic Sea, was humiliated by its Russian counterpart instead. The US must feel furious.”

You then asked me:

Are you disputing the quotes?

And I answered.

What, that the Chinese scoff at anything we do geopolitically - good or bad - like they've done for the past century? No, I don't dispute that.

Then, in your typical smug, condescending manner, you write:

You libs can't win arguments so you constantly move the premise. ******* idiots.

I'm sorry, who is the ******* idiot?
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Funny how incredibly sensitive you can get while speaking insult after insult throughout the site.
I call it like I see it. And I don't get "incredibly sensitive" about jack ****. The only thing I reacted to was when someone took a pot shot at my kids (intended, or not). No doubt, this board is hostile territory for me, and I won't back down from any of you internet asshats that think you can dominate and steer the conversation on the board cause you're full of your conservative, tea party selves. You guys are sworn right-wingers. Super, good for you, pass your breibart participation trophies around. Pat yourselves on the back. Not everyone shares your political views, deal with it.
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