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Russian Jet fly by US Destroyer

Ivan did this same **** in the Cold War. We always played the game as well to keep him in check and let him know that international waters are international waters even if it's international waters near Mother Russia's coast. If you step back and look at the big picture you can see this as an escalation that began with the over flights of our carrier battle groups by Bear Bombers a few years ago and shadowing of our shipping by Russian subs. We haven't pushed back and Ivan sees this for the sign of weakness that it is. More than that because of years of pointless war has erroded our training and readiness for our deep water navy particularly the Helocopter crews since they were doing primarily things overland supporting the pointless wars. Remember the primary purpose of naval rotorary wing aircraft is anti submarine warfare and they haven't done much of that in over 10 years due to other comitments caused by the pointless wars. Ivan knows this and he is feeling us out. Making us look like paper tigers on the world stage is damaging to us diplomatically. Obama has not reacted to it and made us look even weaker.
I call it like I see it. And I don't get "incredibly sensitive" about jack ****. The only thing I reacted to was when someone took a pot shot at my kids (intended, or not). No doubt, this board is hostile territory for me, and I won't back down from any of you internet asshats that think you can dominate and steer the conversation on the board cause you're full of your conservative, tea party selves. You guys are sworn right-wingers. Super, good for you, pass your breibart participation trophies around. Pat yourselves on the back. Not everyone shares your political views, deal with it.

go steelers!!!
Let's see here, Einstein. You were referring to the infowars quote you posted from your asshat buddy Alex Jones' site. The qoute read as follows:

You then asked me:

And I answered.

Then, in your typical smug, condescending manner, you write:

I'm sorry, who is the ******* idiot?
You are the ******* idiot. Over and over again.
And I don't get "incredibly sensitive" about jack ****.

They are just mocking us right now which is fine, but like I said they are not just playing games. It is to the point of endangering service men.

Russian Jet Threatens U.S. Recon Aircraft

“On April 14, a U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft flying a routine route in international airspace over the Baltic Sea was intercepted by a Russian Su-27 in an unsafe and unprofessional manner,” said Navy Capt. Danny Hernandez.

“This intercept comes shortly after the unsafe Russian encounters with USS Donald Cook,” he added. “There have been repeated incidents over the last year where Russian military aircraft have come close enough to other air and sea traffic to raise serious safety concerns, and we are very concerned with any such behavior.”

Hernandez said the U.S. aircraft, a militarized Boeing 707 jet, was operating in international airspace “and at no time crossed into Russian territory.”

“This unsafe and unprofessional air intercept has the potential to cause serious harm and injury to all aircrews involved,” he said. “More importantly, the unsafe and unprofessional actions of a single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between countries.”



Pretty ******* snarky response.

My point is that I see a LOT of the world getting benefits from our country free of charge. You can't deny otherwise. We pay for so much. We give more than the top 10 other countries combined. Aid, technology, food, organizational leadership. Mostly America.

That stuff COSTS MONEY. Lots and lots of it. Either is pure monetary terms or manhours and time of our citizens.

I'm starting to be curious what Europe would do with Putin without us supporting their back. I'm curious what Japan would do vs. China. Maybe what Turkey/Saudi Arabia would do vs. Iran/Syria/Russia? Pakistan vs. India would be interesting.

Funny how no one thanks us. No one says we'll help foot the bill. We'll be socialist while you have to labor for our protection. No one seems to realize these are real dollars, represented by real manhours of hard work by a majority of Americans, that are paying for all these global benefits.

Del, don't give us this bullshit that America's support is a one way street with no thanks, or helping foot the bill - remember Afghanistan, Iraq and even Vietnam? Those were America's wars, no-one else's, yet multiple European countries (even some of the Scandinavian countries were involved) and Australia (and even Japan lent assistance to the extent they could, given their pacifist constitution) and others sent troops, weaponry and supplies at their own cost to support America in all of those wars. Based on your comment I could say American's are so self-absorbed, that not only do you not give thanks, you don't even notice we're there helping fight YOUR wars. It's attitudes like this that are why Americans are hated and seen as arrogant. Having been to America several times and met quite a few here in Australia, thankfully I know enough Americans to know that you seem to be in the minority.

And as far as America giving more aid than any other country - that probably has more to do with the fact that your population and economy are both multiples of the next largest developed country. On a percentage of GDP basis America doesn't feature in the top 10 (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_development_assistance which quotes OECD top 10 for 2013) and I suspect would not do so on a per capita basis either.
Russian Jet Threatens U.S. Recon Aircraft

“On April 14, a U.S. Air Force RC-135 aircraft flying a routine route in international airspace over the Baltic Sea was intercepted by a Russian Su-27 in an unsafe and unprofessional manner,” said Navy Capt. Danny Hernandez.

“This intercept comes shortly after the unsafe Russian encounters with USS Donald Cook,” he added. “There have been repeated incidents over the last year where Russian military aircraft have come close enough to other air and sea traffic to raise serious safety concerns, and we are very concerned with any such behavior.”

Hernandez said the U.S. aircraft, a militarized Boeing 707 jet, was operating in international airspace “and at no time crossed into Russian territory.”

“This unsafe and unprofessional air intercept has the potential to cause serious harm and injury to all aircrews involved,” he said. “More importantly, the unsafe and unprofessional actions of a single pilot have the potential to unnecessarily escalate tensions between countries.”


From same article
Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon strategic forces analyst who specializes in Russian affairs, said the recent incidents over the Baltic Sea, including the simulated attack of a U.S. warship, are fundamentally different from past Russian provocations.

“It is a major escalation of Russian aggressiveness although it fits into a pattern of Russian activity that goes back years,” Schneider said. “The Russian Defense Ministry reaction was blatantly dishonest.”

Schneider said the likely U.S. response to these provocations are what former Pentagon official Richard Perle once dubbed “demarche-mellows,” or very weak, pro forma protests.

“If so, incidents like this will probably continue to escalate,” Schneider said.

Great post Aussie Steel and welcome to the board. You are absolutely correct in what you write. Del's is a typically narrow view representing just a small segment of the population. That's also true for this SN political message board, if you haven't noticed. It's the type of 'woe-is-me' naval-gazing, hurt-feelings rhetoric that Donald Trump has based his campaign on. Thankfully, most see right through it.

Donor countries by percentage of gross national income

Norway – 1.07%
Sweden – 1.02%
Luxembourg – 1.00%
Denmark – 0.85%
United Kingdom – 0.72%
Netherlands – 0.67%
Finland – 0.55%
Switzerland – 0.47%
Belgium – 0.45%
Ireland – 0.45%

Fyi the U.S. is 20th on the list.

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Del, don't give us this bullshit that America's support is a one way street with no thanks, or helping foot the bill - remember Afghanistan, Iraq and even Vietnam? Those were America's wars, no-one else's, yet multiple European countries (even some of the Scandinavian countries were involved) and Australia (and even Japan lent assistance to the extent they could, given their pacifist constitution) and others sent troops, weaponry and supplies at their own cost to support America in all of those wars. Based on your comment I could say American's are so self-absorbed, that not only do you not give thanks, you don't even notice we're there helping fight YOUR wars. It's attitudes like this that are why Americans are hated and seen as arrogant. Having been to America several times and met quite a few here in Australia, thankfully I know enough Americans to know that you seem to be in the minority.

And as far as America giving more aid than any other country - that probably has more to do with the fact that your population and economy are both multiples of the next largest developed country. On a percentage of GDP basis America doesn't feature in the top 10 (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_development_assistance which quotes OECD top 10 for 2013) and I suspect would not do so on a per capita basis either.

Well remember its our money.

Does that take into account that we are also the biggest contributor to NATO, the UN and are STILL in debt for Arming and defending the rest of the world during the second world war and footing much of the bill for rebuilding it after? Also lets not forget defending the west against Soviet Russia in the Cold War. Thanks for all the support to our allies but we have to shut off the taps on the cash flow because its bleeding us white.

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," said Hoffman.

Well, there's yer problem.

Well remember its our money.

Does that take into account that we are also the biggest contributor to NATO, the UN and are STILL in debt for Arming and defending the rest of the world during the second world war and footing much of the bill for rebuilding it after? Also lets not forget defending the west against Soviet Russia in the Cold War. Thanks for all the support to our allies but we have to shut off the taps on the cash flow because its bleeding us white.

You racist, war mongering, arrogant, self absorbed, right wing, xenophobic America firster.
Del, don't give us this bullshit that America's support is a one way street with no thanks, or helping foot the bill - remember Afghanistan, Iraq and even Vietnam? Those were America's wars, no-one else's, yet multiple European countries (even some of the Scandinavian countries were involved) and Australia (and even Japan lent assistance to the extent they could, given their pacifist constitution) and others sent troops, weaponry and supplies at their own cost to support America in all of those wars. Based on your comment I could say American's are so self-absorbed, that not only do you not give thanks, you don't even notice we're there helping fight YOUR wars. It's attitudes like this that are why Americans are hated and seen as arrogant. Having been to America several times and met quite a few here in Australia, thankfully I know enough Americans to know that you seem to be in the minority.

And as far as America giving more aid than any other country - that probably has more to do with the fact that your population and economy are both multiples of the next largest developed country. On a percentage of GDP basis America doesn't feature in the top 10 (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_development_assistance which quotes OECD top 10 for 2013) and I suspect would not do so on a per capita basis either.
You're saying that Australia joining our coalition is in some way thanks for our foreign aid generally? That would be an interesting geopolitical strategy. Odd take on the whole thing, really. Also, our aid dwarves all other countries. Lumping the 28 EU countries into one category is deceiving, and it's stupid to make a linear comparison based on GDP. Little countries like Australia (we've got states with higher GDP) have to donate more as a percentage of GDP just to move the needle. Anyway, I don't really give a **** how much aid other countries give. That's their issue.

One thing that does make sense to ratio by per capita is charity. The US just dropped to number two, behind Myanmar. Australia is a respectable number five.
Putin will continue to provoke and posture until a GOP Prez is in office. He knows Odumma, Hilldog and Bern won't do a damn thing. Hell they could fire at us and Odumma won't react militarily. It's going to take shooting one of their planes down to stop him and I would have no problem if we did it. To me, coming within 30 feet of our war ship can be considered and act of aggression/war.
You're saying that Australia joining our coalition is in some way thanks for our foreign aid generally? That would be an interesting geopolitical strategy. Odd take on the whole thing, really. Also, our aid dwarves all other countries. Lumping the 28 EU countries into one category is deceiving, and it's stupid to make a linear comparison based on GDP. Little countries like Australia (we've got states with higher GDP) have to donate more as a percentage of GDP just to move the needle. Anyway, I don't really give a **** how much aid other countries give. That's their issue.

One thing that does make sense to ratio by per capita is charity. The US just dropped to number two, behind Myanmar. Australia is a respectable number five.


Let's compare DOLLAR AMOUNTS and see how it shakes out.
Great post Aussie Steel and welcome to the board. You are absolutely correct in what you write. Del's is a typically narrow view representing just a small segment of the population. That's also true for this SN political message board, if you haven't noticed. It's the type of 'woe-is-me' naval-gazing, hurt-feelings rhetoric that Donald Trump has based his campaign on. Thankfully, most see right through it.

Well would you look at Tibs trying to find a friend?

"Hey, buddy? You share my same whack political views. Could you please stick around and save me from the daily *** beatings I'm taking? I need the help. Please?!"

Well would you look at Tibs trying to find a friend? "Hey, buddy? You share my same whack political views. Could you please stick around and save me from the daily *** beatings I'm taking? I need the help. Please?!"
Thanks for a good laugh. You would need to find a really big jar if you wanted to bottle the amount of asshurt you carry around with you Tim. I know I've taken you behind the woodshed a few times, but really, just get over it and move on.
Thanks for a good laugh. You would need to find a really big jar if you wanted to bottle the amount of asshurt you carry around with you Tim. I know I've taken you behind the woodshed a few times, but really, just get over it and move on.

The self bravado is strong with this one. When you combat foes who live in the mental state of Disneyland and Unicorns and throw around things like Bernie's accomplishments being that he "served as a Senator," it's a bit difficult to get the foe to grasp a woodshed moment. No matter.

The day that you get one over on me will be the first.
Let's see:

1. Weak southern border controls put everyone from Mexico and south ahead of our citizens. Those illegal immigrants are granted better status than our homeless. That puts them ahead of Americans.
2. The Asian-Pacific trade agreement puts everyone is Asia ahead of Americans.

These first two are bullshit. Most of you don't really understand how our economy works or why it's the most resilient in the world. We are the richest nation on earth, and yet goods are cheaper here than in most of the rest of the world. Why is that? Cheap labor from Mexico, cheap goods from Asia. We have the highest standard of living IN THE WORLD largely because of our free market. Which includes migrant labor keeping food costs low and cheap imports keeping consumer costs low.

You think you want Trump's protectionist tax scheme? Look at Dilma Rouseff and Brazil. Protectionism don't work, son. It's an iceberg to wreck your economy on.

3. Our middle east policy and response to the refugee crisis puts everyone there ahead of Americans

Not even close. There are millions of refugees. How many have we taken in? And do you feel the same about invading Iraq to "free" the Iraqi people?

4. Our using climate change as a method of wealth distribution to 3rd world countries is helping everyone in those countries more than Americans.[/quote}
5. Our consistent help with the World Bank keeps bailing out socialist Europe of their financial perils and puts them above Americans.

What's our total investment in the World Bank vs our total investment in our own banks? Yeah. Exactly. This is also totally bogus.

6. And we are expected to be the police and defense of NATO, Japan, and most of our Allies all free of charge, so that puts them above Americans.

We chose that role LONG before Obama took office, so I don't understand this one. Every President since Truman and Eisenhower has supported NATO.

Half truths and outright lies is all you've provided here. The NATO accusation is particularly troubling because it shows you have no historical understanding of American policy.
You're saying that Australia joining our coalition is in some way thanks for our foreign aid generally? That would be an interesting geopolitical strategy. Odd take on the whole thing, really.

Nope, they were two separate points responding to two points Del was making - the reference to the other countries joining the coalition was a response to Del's comment that the rest of the world expects America to come to its assistance militarily free of charge with no thanks, when the reality is in the last 50 years its been the mainly other way around - the rest of the world has assisted America in its wars. To the extent America has been involved in "assisting" other countries I'm pretty sure self-interest (ie keeping the Russian Bear at bay and maintaining a steady supply of middle eastern oil) has been its main motivating factor rather than any benevolence - which is also the case generally for those nations assisting America.

Also, our aid dwarves all other countries.

Like I pointed your population is nearly three times the next largest developed country Japan, and four the times the third largest Germany - of course its course its going to dwarf other nation's.

Lumping the 28 EU countries into one category is deceiving,

and it's stupid to make a linear comparison based on GDP.

No, it isn't as percentage of GDP is a good indicator of capacity to contribute.

Little countries like Australia (we've got states with higher GDP) have to donate more as a percentage of GDP just to move the needle. Anyway, I don't really give a **** how much aid other countries give. That's their issue.

My comments were a response to another person who effectively stated the United States is more generous than anyone else because it gives more aid in absolute terms, and I was pointing out that absolute numbers are not always a good basis for comparison - if you don't give a **** about how much aid other countries give, then why are you entering a discussion that started on a premise that one country (ie the United States) was more generous than another?
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Well would you look at Tibs trying to find a friend?

"Hey, buddy? You share my same whack political views. Could you please stick around and save me from the daily *** beatings I'm taking? I need the help. Please?!"

From my post what political views did you discern that I hold? As my post was not expressing any political views but merely pointing out a couple of exaggerations in statements made by Del to support his own views - incidentally my political views are probably not far off those expressed by Del in that I believe charity begins at home, and that less interference (in my case, by Australia) in other countries affairs wouldn't be a bad thing - I just wouldn't belittle the rest of the world to try and support my arguments.
From my post what political views did you discern that I hold? As my post was not expressing any political views but merely pointing out a couple of exaggerations in statements made by Del to support his own views - incidentally my political views are probably not far off those expressed by Del in that I believe charity begins at home, and that less interference (in my case, by Australia) in other countries affairs wouldn't be a bad thing - I just wouldn't belittle the rest of the world to try and support my arguments.

The post was directed at Tibs. You'll notice a common theme. Follow his likes. Follow his comments. The euphoria the man showed when someone - anyone else - echoed a sentiment he agreed with was epic.

When someone makes incorrect statements such as - "remember Afghanistan, Iraq and even Vietnam? Those were America's wars, no-one else's" - which reek of Liberal talking points, one can't help but throw you into the Liberal heap.
other countries may very well contribute what they can. that doesn't lessen the whines and cries for American assistance (when needed) that somehow, miraculously morph into American hatred and complaints when that assistance is delivered and received.

we have homeless and hungry here, but extend untold millions/billions to nation build all over the globe...and are then resented for doing so.

can't win if we do and can't win if we don't. may as well take care of the AMERICAN taxpayer first and foremost before allowing mid-East migrants to come over essentially un-vetted, may as well take care of the AMERICAN taxpayer before stripping "illegal" off immigrants, and may as well take care of our own country before nation building another shithole in some arm pit cesspool that will only hate us for doing so.
Putin has a green light to do this type of stuff with Obama in office.

Although it's not getting much press the USA has Hypersonic weapons can achieve speeds over five times faster than the speed of sound. I have heard up to Mach 10. ( 7,500 MPH ).

The problem is, such weapons can be launched from ships, giving little time or warning before impact. This is making the Russian's ver un-easy.

Sooner or later the nuclear powers of the world will need a peace arrangement based on Trust, which is why Iran and nations like them should never be allowed Nukes.
The post was directed at Tibs. You'll notice a common theme. Follow his likes. Follow his comments. The euphoria the man showed when someone - anyone else - echoed a sentiment he agreed with was epic.

When someone makes incorrect statements such as - "remember Afghanistan, Iraq and even Vietnam? Those were America's wars, no-one else's" - which reek of Liberal talking points, one can't help but throw you into the Liberal heap.

Would you like to point out what was incorrect about that statement? It was America who went into those wars and the rest followed. The war in Afghanistan was in response to an attack against America - who else's war was it if not America's? Iraq - again it was America leading the rest of "the West" into war and Vietnam was one of many actual wars during the cold war period that was basically an America v Communism proxy war - the only difference being that the Vietnam war actually had America's and their allies troops on the ground.

I wasn't making a judgmental comment about those wars just pointing out the exaggerations in Del's statements. The fact that I question the factual basis for a complaint that aid/military support etc is a one way street from America to the rest of the world, no more make me a bleeding heart liberal, than questioning immigration policy makes someone a racist. Seriously a lot of you guys (on both sides of the political spectrum) seem to have a real problem with discussing/debating issues on their merits without having to put a label on someone. But then I suppose only those who are extremely passionate about their political views are likely to be spending time posting them on a messageboard (especially one primarily devoted to football).
My comments were a response to another person who effectively stated the United States is more generous than anyone else because it gives more aid in absolute terms, and I was pointing out that absolute numbers are not always a good basis for comparison - if you don't give a **** about how much aid other countries give, then why are you entering a discussion that started on a premise that one country (ie the United States) was more generous than another?
When I see bullshit I call it out. Get used to it.