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SCARY: Hyphen's Green New Deal Calls for Government Control of American Society

Tim Steelersfan

Flog's Daddy
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
Read...this...****. Holy scary mother of pearl. People voted for this woman and she is now in our United States Congress.


'Ocasio-Cortez sees this plan is being a vehicle through which social equality might finally realized, as it will use reparations to right historical injustices'

Incoming New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez brings with her a massive online following, influence she says she’ll deploy only in support of candidates and politicians who support her plan for a “Green New Deal.”

“The Green New Deal” is something Ocasio-Cortez invokes frequently in media appearances and rallies.

So what’s actually in it?

Her office recently released the text of a proposed House rules change outlining the plan.

The proposed rule change for the upcoming 116th Congress would require the creation of a “Select Committee for a Green Deal” that would be responsible for creating the plan by January 1, 2020, with corresponding draft legislation soon after. The text of the rule change lays out the committee’s jurisdiction and required areas of action.

Its scope and mandate for legislative authority amounts to a radical grant of power to Washington over Americans’ lives, homes, businesses, travel, banking, and more.

Early on, under “Jurisdiction,” the document makes clear its grandiose philosophical vision: “The select committee shall have authority to develop a detailed national, industrial, economic mobilization plan for the transition of the United States economy to become greenhouse gas emissions neutral and to significantly draw down greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and oceans and to promote economic and environmental justice and equality.”

In addition to achieving its goal of “meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources,” the document also repeatedly states the Green New Deal will advance non-environmental projects, such as, “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s plan further claims it will (virtually) eliminate poverty: “The Plan for a Green New Deal (and the draft legislation) shall recognize that a national, industrial, economic mobilization of this scope and scale is a historic opportunity to virtually eliminate poverty in the United States and to make prosperity, wealth and economic security available to everyone participating in the transformation.”

More specifically, Ocasio-Cortez’s plan calls for, within 10 years, a series of lofty overhauls of American life [emphasis added]:

  • The installation of a “national, energy-efficient, “smart grid.”
  • “Upgrading every residential and industrial building for state-of-the-art energy efficiency, comfort and safety”
  • “Eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing, agricultural and other industries” as well as from America’s transportation and infrastructure network
  • Funding “massive investment” in reducing existing greenhouse gasses
  • Between its calls for “upgrading” homes and overhauling travel, public infrastructure, and even the way Americans consume electricity, the plan leaves virtually no facet of everyday life untouched. Think of how often you don’t use electricity to imagine how much of your average day the plan wouldn’t impact.
The proposed committee would also have seemingly total oversight of American industry, with a mandate for pushing union membership. Under “Scope of the Plan,” a section on labor states the committee’s final plan shall: “Require strong enforcement of labor, workplace safety, and wage standards that recognize the rights of workers to organize and unionize free of coercion, intimidation, and harassment, and creation of meaningful, quality, career employment.”

Later in the document, Ocasio Cortez’s plan imagines creating a national jobs force to help people participate in this “transition.” The Green New Deal, it says, shall “provide all members of our society, across all regions and all communities, the opportunity, training and education to be a full and equal participant in the transition, including through a job guarantee program to assure a living wage job to every person who wants one.”

The plan also imagines creating governmental support for “transitioning” minority communities. The deal shall: “ensure a ‘just transition’ for all workers, low-income communities, communities of color, indigenous communities, rural and urban communities and the front-line communities most affected by climate change, pollution and other environmental harm including by ensuring that local implementation of the transition is led from the community level.”

More, Ocasio-Cortez sees this plan is being a vehicle through which social equality might finally realized through the use of reparations to right historical injustices. The final Green New Deal will “mitigate deeply entrenched racial, regional and gender-based inequalities in income and wealth (including, without limitation, ensuring that federal and other investment will be equitably distributed to historically impoverished, low income, deindustrialized or other marginalized communities in such a way that builds wealth and ownership at the community level).”

And if that weren’t enough to ensure that Democratic Socialism could be fully realized in America, the plan includes failsafe in the form of universal income and Medicare for All: The plan, it says, shall “include additional measures such as basic income programs, universal health care programs and any others as the select committee may deem appropriate to promote economic security, labor market flexibility and entrepreneurism.”

Ocasio-Cortez clarifies that this plan would not only need to be financed by taxpayers, but also the Federal Reserve and other institutions the government can create. The end of the document contains a Q&A, one of which deals with the plan’s funding: “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments, new public banks can be created (as in WWII) to extend credit and a combination of various taxation tools (including taxes on carbon and other emissions and progressive wealth taxes) can be employed.”

Ocasio-Cortez may not be in Congress yet, but she already has a plan to remake the way Americans drive, commute, live, work, and even use the financial system. Let there be little doubt how she aspires to wield power in Washington.

LOL, love the fearmongering by yellow-bellied Alt-Right Trump supporters. Hilarious.

This isn't Europe Ms. Bartender....she'll learn quick enough.

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These are her plans. Do they not scare the **** out of you?
Not at all, why would it? The behemoth, firmly-entrenched stucture of American government and free market capitalism aren't going anywhere. The system could use a little nudge from the left, a la Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, to help balance out federal spending so it's not so skewered to the rich, mega corporations, the military-industrial complex and special interest groups. I hope the Dems make inroads in Congress, first and foremost to allow for more accountability over the executive branch. Besides that, I'm glad to see these progressive-liberals have a turn at the table. As you all like to say, elections have consequences. The people have spoken, hence the blue wave of the midterms. Let's keep an open mind and see what they can accomplish, for the betterment of America and the lives of all Americans.
to help balance out federal spending so it's not so skewered to the rich, mega corporations,

Lack of intelligence, such as this, is why Hyphen is in our Congress.
Her district has only 250,000 voters. Only about 32000 cast ballots. She won with roughly 16000 votes (only about 6.4% of votes). Its scary that someone with so little support can get elected and start making cockamamie demands.
This nonsense won't last. She is to extreme to cover with marketing and denial. This kind of control nonsense and strong government crap won't fly. You will see. This won't go.
“In addition to achieving its goal of “meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources,” the document also repeatedly states the Green New Deal will advance non-environmental projects, such as, “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice.””

And there we have it, reparations
Yeah good lucky with that you dumb window licking commie **** sucker.
Not at all, why would it? The behemoth, firmly-entrenched stucture of American government and free market capitalism aren't going anywhere. The system could use a little nudge from the left, a la Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, to help balance out federal spending so it's not so skewered to the rich, mega corporations, the military-industrial complex and special interest groups. I hope .

More proof that Leftists are bad at math. most of our budget is tied up in transfer payments and interest on loans we took out to pay transfer payments.
“In addition to achieving its goal of “meeting 100% of national power demand through renewable sources,” the document also repeatedly states the Green New Deal will advance non-environmental projects, such as, “social, economic, racial, regional and gender-based justice.””

And there we have it, reparations

The environmental movement became the new home for Communists quite some time ago.

She will get voted out in two years by a less controversial Dem

Don't bet on it. Her district in is NYC where they don't realize how stupid she sounds and the only election of any consequence is the Democrat primary.

She's thin with nice **** but I'd have to put a bag over her head.
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Not at all, why would it? The behemoth, firmly-entrenched stucture of American government and free market capitalism aren't going anywhere. The system could use a little nudge from the left, a la Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, to help balance out federal spending so it's not so skewered to the rich, mega corporations, the military-industrial complex and special interest groups. I hope the Dems make inroads in Congress, first and foremost to allow for more accountability over the executive branch. Besides that, I'm glad to see these progressive-liberals have a turn at the table. As you all like to say, elections have consequences. The people have spoken, hence the blue wave of the midterms. Let's keep an open mind and see what they can accomplish, for the betterment of America and the lives of all Americans.

most of us would be happy if the government stopped using taxes and regulation to pick winners and losers amongst companies.....
You know, spending for defense is actually one of the powers listed in the constitution. Reparations and social justice spending are not. **** outta here with that ****.
She will get voted out in two years by a less controversial Dem

I was listening to Michael Savage the other day, and he said Nancy Pelosi was the gumbints best stabilizing force against nuts like Cortez b/c she won't tolerate any of her communism BS, and I really think he was spot on there. She's become an internet sensation but she's an absolute moron, in addition to having delusional ideas.
LOL, love the fearmongering by yellow-bellied Alt-Right Trump supporters. Hilarious.


Fear? Maybe if she obtained an ounce of actual power -- because she's a delusional and radical nutjob.

Quick question -- you think she's fit for office?
..The system could use a little nudge from the left, a la Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez, to help balance out federal spending so it's not so skewered to the rich, mega corporations, the military-industrial complex and special interest groups.

I would be interested in a link that details federal spending on corporations. I'm all for reducing spending on special interest groups, although I think you are confused if you think it would be a leftward lean to reduce that.
These are her plans. Do they not scare the **** out of you?

Not at all, why would it?

So you didn't actually read it, huh?

Its scope and mandate for legislative authority amounts to a radical grant of power to Washington over Americans’ lives, homes, businesses, travel, banking, and more.

A total overhaul of America's infrastructure (think about what that would entail for a minute), that's a good idea to you?

And if that weren’t enough to ensure that Democratic Socialism could be fully realized in America, the plan includes failsafe in the form of universal income and Medicare for All: The plan, it says, shall “include additional measures such as basic income programs, universal health care programs and any others as the select committee may deem appropriate to promote economic security, labor market flexibility and entrepreneurism.”

Ocasio-Cortez clarifies that this plan would not only need to be financed by taxpayers, but also the Federal Reserve and other institutions the government can create. The end of the document contains a Q&A, one of which deals with the plan’s funding: “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments, new public banks can be created (as in WWII) to extend credit and a combination of various taxation tools (including taxes on carbon and other emissions and progressive wealth taxes) can be employed.”

So you want Socialism for America?
I'm just going to leave this here as these nuts don't need a bunch of new threads:


Dems in the first day of House control:

President Trump is Adolf Hitler
- Rep. Hank Johnson

"We're gonna impeach the ************"
- Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Introduce articles of impeachment against Trump
- Rep. Sherman

Introduce bill to abolish the electoral college
- Rep. Cohen

Little video on why that Electoral College thing matters so much. Ocasio-Cortez could also learn the 3 branches of government as well!
Hyphen-***** wants a tax rate of between 70 and 87% to pay for her socialist agenda. She's nuts, and libtards who support her are even dumber than she is.