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See ya, Rex.

In Mike Pompeo, Trump taps an Iran hawk whose views dovetail with his own

WASHINGTON — Mike Pompeo, US President Donald Trump’s pick to become secretary of state, is an unabashed Iran hawk who vehemently opposed the 2015 nuclear deal, and has sought a more aggressive approach toward Tehran since joining the administration as CIA Director in January 2017.

The president himself told reporters shortly after firing Tillerson that they did not have compatible views on key matters, including on how to confront Iran’s nuclear ambitions and regional aggression.

“We were not really thinking the same,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Really, it was a different mind-set, a different thinking.”

Tillerson will now be succeeded by a figure who has stood out as an Iran hardliner. After former president Barack Obama forged the landmark agreement with world powers and Iran in July 2015, Pompeo, then a Congressman from Kansas, immediately castigated the pact as both ineffectual and weak.

He said the accord would not “stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb” and that it “places Israel at more risk.” He scorned the notion, perpetuated by the Obama administration, that the deal would open Tehran up to the international economy and thus allow it to potentially join the community of nations. He said the “theory that post-sanctions Iran will moderate is a joke – they want to annihilate Israel.”

Furthermore, he demanded that it should have been a prerequisite for Iran to halt its routine saber rattling against the Jewish state. “Ceasing to call for the destruction of Israel should have been a condition of the Iran Deal – along with release of innocent American hostages,” he said that summer.

Yeah, you can't have a Secretary of State undermining your agenda. It doesn't bother me in the least when Trump fires people for not doing their job. Hillary should have been fired as SoS a hundred times. Obama only fired generals who wanted to defeat ISIS.
Betsy Devos was not a good choice for Education Secretary. She doesn't seem to know much about the position she holds or her duties. But then, maybe she is just a bad interview.

You're right she hasn't the first clue about public schools or any care what's happening in them. She cares about Charter schools only. She was a bad choice.
Yeah, you can't have a Secretary of State undermining your agenda. It doesn't bother me in the least when Trump fires people for not doing their job. Hillary should have been fired as SoS a hundred times. Obama only fired generals who wanted to defeat ISIS.

Trump does not have an agenda. One day he says this, next day he says that. Sometimes he says different stuff in the same day. He had very few clear consistent ideas. It is also not good to have a staff full of lemmings. People need to be able to voice their own opinions without having fear of being fired. Trump should have the final say, but he should be open to listening to different ideas.
Trump hired people with real world experience which is far better than the novice academics obama surrounded himself with. They got played in every negotiation.

LOL! Trump hired people who corrupted the D.C. swamp. Devos was born filthy rich and married into more wealth. She hasn’t spent a day in her life in the real world.
Trump does not have an agenda. One day he says this, next day he says that. Sometimes he says different stuff in the same day. He had very few clear consistent ideas. It is also not good to have a staff full of lemmings. People need to be able to voice their own opinions without having fear of being fired. Trump should have the final say, but he should be open to listening to different ideas.

Are you for real? Have you ever heard of MAGA? That was his agenda loud and clear, and he's doing it despite what CNN tells you every night.
LOL! Trump hired people who corrupted the D.C. swamp. Devos was born filthy rich and married into more wealth. She hasn’t spent a day in her life in the real world.

"People" is plural. You only mentioned one.
Are you for real? Have you ever heard of MAGA? That was his agenda loud and clear, and he's doing it despite what CNN tells you every night.

Wow make america great again what a specific agenda. His main thing was the wall and it maybe progressing but it is a long long long way off from being a reality let alone having Mexico pay for it. Iran deal is still in place, Obama care is still here (although the penalty is gone which is a step). He did get the tax cuts passed only time will tell how that plays out but so far so good for me.

His foreign policy has been all over the place. Flip flopping on NK. Refusing to blame Russia for anything. They poison a bunch of people in UK meh no biggie. They are still buzzing out military "tsk tsk!" Yet he can sit there and constantly tweet ignorant things to everyone else in the world including fellow americans. The white house is total chaos whether you choose to believe it or not. The turnover rate is outrageous and there is more to come. McMaster will likely be gone, Kelly will likely be gone, and a few others. Trump is like a child. When he doesnt get his way he throws a tantrum fires a few people and then rinse / repeat over and over. How can that be a functional working environment? This is not counting all the things trump has said then said "oh i didnt say that" even though it is on tape. He has major problems with the truth and accountability and that is concerning.
"People" is plural. You only mentioned one.

he probably also wants to include Ben Carson ... since the left refuses to believe that a friggin brain surgeon who grew up IN the projects would know how to remedy the projects so people can get out of them.
Wow make america great again what a specific agenda. His main thing was the wall and it maybe progressing but it is a long long long way off from being a reality let alone having Mexico pay for it. Iran deal is still in place, Obama care is still here (although the penalty is gone which is a step). He did get the tax cuts passed only time will tell how that plays out but so far so good for me.

His foreign policy has been all over the place. Flip flopping on NK. Refusing to blame Russia for anything. They poison a bunch of people in UK meh no biggie. They are still buzzing out military "tsk tsk!" Yet he can sit there and constantly tweet ignorant things to everyone else in the world including fellow americans. The white house is total chaos whether you choose to believe it or not. The turnover rate is outrageous and there is more to come. McMaster will likely be gone, Kelly will likely be gone, and a few others. Trump is like a child. When he doesnt get his way he throws a tantrum fires a few people and then rinse / repeat over and over. How can that be a functional working environment? This is not counting all the things trump has said then said "oh i didnt say that" even though it is on tape. He has major problems with the truth and accountability and that is concerning.

So when a middle manager goes against what the big boss wants, the boss should just keep the guy on board?

Say what you want behind closed doors but you can't go against your boss publicly and expect to keep your job.

We had guys who make beautiful teleprompter speeches and then do the opposite. Trump speaks off the cuff almost all the time so sometime his statements do contradict. But his actions are what matters.

I find it hilarious that liberals are saying Trump is not prepared to negotiate with North Korea. He's just not experienced enough as if Obama is qualified to do anything than be a speech maker.

Yeah, Obama really pulled off a great deal with Iran. He allowed them to get nukes, promised to stop Israel from trying stop Iran from getting nukes, and he sent them a literal shipload of money.
Mid managers should not speak out against the boss publically. However as far as tillerson knew there wasn't a route to NK talks. I think his statement was just bad timing. Trump surprised everyone with the NK announcement.

I think if he follows through with the talks it will be a big accomplishment. Even if nothing gets resolved it will be a step in the right direction
Flog and the left were the exact same with Comey. Hated that son of a *****. "He cost Hillary the election!"

Trump fires Comey, suddenly he is their hero.

It's comical to watch. It happens every...damn....time.

LOL exactly.....



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I will say that I am intrigued about all the resignations and firings. It has to be more than people simply not doing their job. If that is the case, a guy that only picks the best people (his words), he has picked a lot of duds. I think his ego plays into it at least some. I mean, I get you don't go against your boss publicly. You should never do that. But it would seem that with this president, you don't go against him at all. Maybe that isn't the case, but you have to admit, the turnover is ridiculously high for 14 months in.
I will say that I am intrigued about all the resignations and firings. It has to be more than people simply not doing their job. If that is the case, a guy that only picks the best people (his words), he has picked a lot of duds. I think his ego plays into it at least some. I mean, I get you don't go against your boss publicly. You should never do that. But it would seem that with this president, you don't go against him at all. Maybe that isn't the case, but you have to admit, the turnover is ridiculously high for 14 months in.

the turnover rate, as you mentioned, is high. it's almost as if the White House has a revolving door. The only common denominator is Trump. I'm of the mindset that he may be difficult to work with, demanding and micro-managing. We really don't know if this is something new, or if it's how he conducts business. Afterall, he did make famous "You're fired!". Could be a mixture of like-minded business minds who never had to report to anyone (or haven't in years) suddenly being put under the microscope, having to deal with Trump's expectations, and at this point in their lives, not feeling up to the task.
He has drained the swamp.........

You should probably worry more about Justin Trudeau making an *** of himself in India while at the same time allowing Jihadis to use Canada as a staging ground.
I think Trump picked Tillerson at the beginning to appease the GOPe. Now he's just like, **** them, I'm getting my own guys in. Sessions needs to go next. And then fire ******* Mueller, end the dog and pony show.
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the turnover rate, as you mentioned, is high. it's almost as if the White House has a revolving door. The only common denominator is Trump. I'm of the mindset that he may be difficult to work with, demanding and micro-managing. We really don't know if this is something new, or if it's how he conducts business. Afterall, he did make famous "You're fired!". Could be a mixture of like-minded business minds who never had to report to anyone (or haven't in years) suddenly being put under the microscope, having to deal with Trump's expectations, and at this point in their lives, not feeling up to the task.


I have recently lived this in my professional life..

Although my release was termed as a restructuring, it was basically the decision of a ego-maniac, reactionary, micro managing, and vision less superior, who saw me as a "threat" to his style of doing business...

I hated to lose the job, mainly for the salary it paid, but my stress level and my enjoyment of life has actually returned!

Im sure most if not all of the Trump staff firings..... are probably feeling the same way.

Trumps the boss and is managing to his life-long style..and it is his right as the ultimate superior in his current role..
It is all about the results....and IMHO the jury is still out on this president..
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I think Gina Haspel is an excellent choice to run the CIA. But when I was on the treadmill this morning, I saw that John McCain slammed her selection because of her work at a black site waterboarding bad guys. I say kudos to her. Take no **** from those that wanna kill us. I know her confirmation is gonna be tough, but she is the type of person that needs to lead the CIA.
I can't in good conscience support Trump's handling of this firing if the information that it was done via twitter is true. Tillerson is a giant of private industry, the very people Trump needs long term. Dude looked almost in tears in his transition speech yesterday. Do I think Rex may have wanted out, definitely. Do I think his opposing views made him vulnerable, absolutely. Firing a needed ally this way is not MAGA.

No the optics on this are not good. Remember your friends on your way up, they're the very same people you'll see on your way down.
I can't in good conscience support Trump's handling of this firing if the information that it was done via twitter is true. Tillerson is a giant of private industry, the very people Trump needs long term. Dude looked almost in tears in his transition speech yesterday. Do I think Rex may have wanted out, definitely. Do I think his opposing views made him vulnerable, absolutely. Firing a needed ally this way is not MAGA.

No the optics on this are not good. Remember your friends on your way up, they're the very same people you'll see on your way down.

Yeah, I saw where the news media said he found out via twitter. That's pretty ******. If Tillerson hadn't said that he didn't talk to the President prior to finding out, I would dismiss the text thing as media nonsense. Who can tell these days. I just really hope that isn't how it went down.