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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Consider the truth and facts, not just uneducated emotion.

Before a preseason game on Friday, San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. When he explained why, he only spoke about the present: “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. … There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”

Twitter then went predictably nuts, with at least one 49er fan burning Kaepernick’s jersey.

Almost no one seems to be aware that even if the U.S. were a perfect country today it would be bizarre to expect African American players to stand for the Star Spangled Banner. Why? Because it literally celebrates the murder of African Americans.

Few people know this because we only ever sing the first verse. But read the end of the third verse and you’ll see why the Star Spangled Banner is not just a musical atrocity, it’s an intellectual and moral one, too:

No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The Star Spangled Banner, Americans hazily remember, was written by Francis Scott Key about the Battle of Fort McHenry in Baltimore during the War of 1812. But we don’t ever talk about how the War of 1812 was a war of aggression that began with an attempt by the U.S. to grab Canada from the British Empire.

**** him. **** the author of this shade piece of literary fecal matter.

Kaepernick is ******** on the service members who put their lives on the line to afford him the comfort to play a goddamn game and become rich off it. The same military who is comprised of black people and other "people of color". The same national anthem that is played for the same country that elected a black man not just once, but twice to the highest office in the land and the most powerful in the world.

and this ************, who was put up for adoption by his white mother after his biological black father skipped out - and he was adopted by a white couple then ultimately raised in California. He also has biblical scripture inked into his skin, but due to overpowering vaginal magic of his current girlfriend, has converted to Islam.

**** him.
facts are we have a generation of self entitled fucktards who think they do not have to listen to anyone.

99.9999% of these officer involved shootings would not happen if the suspect would just ******* listen and not fight or pull a weapon on an officer. In just about every case that has caused protests, the initial story that the media ran with without verification, incited the violence yet was proven to be inaccurate later "Hands up, don't shoot"...for example.

if these black lives mattered people gave a **** they would be in chicago and detroit and other shitholes trying to fix the real problems behind black deaths....

I would consider the facts but where are they?

The War of 1812 was fought against the British and their Indian allies. No mention of African Americans, blacks, or slaves is mentioned here.

The attempt to "grab" Canada is nothing more than a supposition.
I'm sure that the annexation of Canada crossed the Americans mind, but when the Brits ceased their support of the Indians, American attacks across the border ceased.
The British ceased aiding First Nation attacks on American territory, and the United States never again attempted to invade Canada. Apart from minor raids, it has remained peaceful.[1]

Kaepernick probably cant recite the first verse of the Star Spangled Banner let alone the 2nd and 3rd. His beef isn't with the National Anthem or the War of 1812 which he also knows squat about...so the idiot who wrote up this piece is acting as Kaeps self appointed representative and is merely making excuses for his behavior.
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He is ignoring the positive ideals of America that every person of color who has ever served, fought–while some died–for, by refusing to stand. Proper action is exactly that, action, not the inaction of not standing because he couldn’t think of a better way to protest. Next time Kaepernick wants to talk about social issues, maybe he can find a more respectful way to do it that does not make him look like a disrespectful tool.
For any blacks who think they are oppressed, I have a few questions.
1. Did you graduate from high school?
2. Can you read a blueprint?
3. Can you weld?
4. Can you rebuild a transmission?
5. Can you pass a drug test?
He's ******* trash...and a ****** ballplayer too.
**** Kaepernick and **** black lives matter and **** anyone that is offended by me saying it. ******* blacks seem to have forgotten that 690.000 WHITE men gave their lives so you could be free. ******* leave if you feel so ******* oppressed.
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he ha brought negative attention to a league that has made him rich. I don't get why the 49ers just say it is a mandatory deal. if he doesn't want to show allegiance to the country he lives in then he can leave.
He has the right to do as he pleases.

Do I agree with him? No. **** that dick weed.
No country on the planet has offered blacks a chance at greatness, wealth, and prosperity like America has.

Name a famous black that isn't American.

Let's see, there was soccer great Pele, Nelson Mandela....Idi Amin?

Who else?
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No country on the plant has offered blacks a chance at greatness, wealth, and prosperity like America has.

Name a famous black that isn't American.

Let's see, there was soccer great Pele, Nelson Mandela....Idi Amin?

Who else?


There ya go!...rumors are that this Jew was black, or at least brown and not lily white like most Jews you meet.

I think that about covers it.
Way more black slaves were shipped to Brazil and the rest of South America, and the best we can do is Pele. Pretty sad.
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I've always thought he was an arrogant Dick. I still do. What a piece of ****.
Kaepernick is a useless idiot. BLM is actively pressuring athletes to make political statements. The whole movement is a sham. It is a Trojan Horse. The goal is for the leadership to carve out some sort of power where they are installed as some sort of unofficial racial arbiters. Corporations must run their policies past them first. District Attorneys must ask BML if they should prosecute or not. ETC.

When will people learn that these Twitter mobs are not as powerful as they seem? It is so easy for 100 people to seem like a million on twitter and facebook. It is well established that you can pay people to to be followers, or to tweet out your hashtag or whatever to make it seem like you have real power.

George Soros is pouring millions into this. He is dedicated to destroying democracy and capitalism, of course after he profited from it.

The media will call Kaep brave but he's a coward. How is it brave to do something he knows will be lauded by the PC media?

He mentions that he can't show pride in the flag. Fine, don't sing along, and don't put your hand over your heart. Standing simply shows RESPECT for your country which has made you free. At the Olympics, you would stand when a different country's anthem is played. It's a show of respect.

Kaep is too dumb to know he's being used, but this is part of a larger effort to get rid of the anthem and patriotism at sporting events. I have already seen articles calling for the end of God Bless America being played during 7th inning stretches in baseball.

The reason is that it is proven that displays of the flag and patriotism make people think and act more conservatively. More traditionally, and less likely to give away their freedom for whatever is the next liberal bait and switch offering.
Kaepernick is an intelligent and brave man and I applaud him for taking a stand on what he feels is right.
Kaepernick is an intelligent and brave man and I applaud him for taking a stand on what he feels is right.

Lol, now you are just being facetious. NOBODY thought Kaepernick was intelligent....even way before this.