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Welcome to Minneapolis...errr...Little Mogadishu

Their plan is just fine with me, lol

Democrats Working for Trump's Re-Election

"The Democratic Party, which has called everything under the sun a “Nazi” for the last 3 years, all of a sudden can’t muster up the spine to condemn blatant anti-Semitism within their own party.”

It’s been in the works for years under the cloak of intersectionality -- in truth little more than an effort to ingather voting blocs of illegal immigrants, Palestinian supporters, socialists, blacks locked in the ghettoes of their minds, sexual outliers – LGBT (and "whatever other gender” now included), and malcontent women delighted that even post-birth abortion will be legal.

The three harpies -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib -- have stripped the veil from the Democratic tango dancers and presented House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with a dilemma:

Who to bow to -- the Congressional Black Caucus without whose votes she would not have her position, or the weak-spined moderates and Jewish House members who might mouth objections but still will continue to vote with the party?
