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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

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Mr. Shiny Shoes,

Your place in this world is to make it worse. Nice going.

Wow, you posted yet ANOTHER irrelevant YouTube video.

You really are making this too easy.


Invitations are Sent


POOP's view of the debate


Steeltime ends the debate with a final shoe-shine on POOP
Poop has no explanation for these videos. I can be irrelevant and post them all day too.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w-9Qp6t50vo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
last time I saw a murder this awful was when CM Punk tried to be an MMA fighter.
When you are dead, you do not know that you are dead. All of the pain is felt by others. The same thing happens when you are stupid.
Poop has no explanation for these videos. I can be irrelevant and post them all day too.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w-9Qp6t50vo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That was a terrible thing.

How ever lets not equate the actions of murderous criminals to the actions of those who swear an oath before God and man to serve and protect and uphold the law. Let's not use the acts of barbarity perpetrated by criminals to justify the barbaric criminal actions of some police officers. Let's find a way to stop both.
I think the minute that POP admits he's a cop-hater, the easier it will be to ignore him.
That was a terrible thing.

How ever lets not equate the actions of murderous criminals to the actions of those who swear an oath before God and man to serve and protect and uphold the law. Let's not use the acts of barbarity perpetrated by criminals to justify the barbaric criminal actions of some police officers. Let's find a way to stop both.

That is not what I am doing. I'm not comparing. You're assuming I am. What I am doing is exposing Poop's stupid method of establishing something as "fact." You see, Poop continues to show videos, incessantly, and extrapolates because a video shows police brutality, there is an epidemic of police brutality. Outlier examples do not speak for the norm. There is NO epidemic of police brutality. Cops are 18.5 more times likely to be killed by a black man than they will kill one. 50% of victims in 2015 of police fatal shootings were white, 26% were black DESPITE 70% of the violent crimes being committed by blacks. Cops show MORE restraint with violent black criminals than they do white violent criminals. Allow me to repeat - the FACTS show...real facts, not YouTube videos...that there is no epidemic of police brutality.

As a means of exposing Poop's stupid methods, I am employing them. I could act like Poop and say there is an epidemic of cops being killed daily in the line of duty and it's no wonder they have a twitchy trigger finger (I do not believe this - I'm saying I could say this). Then I could try to justify this position and establish it as fact by posting cops being killed videos (of which there are hundreds) over and over and over and over and over then scream "See, it's a fact! Cops die every minute!"

Yes, I'm being childish and stooping to Poop's level.
That was a terrible thing.

How ever lets not equate the actions of murderous criminals to the actions of those who swear an oath before God and man to serve and protect and uphold the law. Let's not use the acts of barbarity perpetrated by criminals to justify the barbaric criminal actions of some police officers. Let's find a way to stop both.
I don't think anyone here condones, or is willing to defend, the criminal actions of any law enforcement officer. They should suffer the appropriate consequences. What I think many here don't believe, including myself, is that there's some sort of institutional police brutality thing happening. The statistical evidence doesn't support it. I cite Heather McDonald's study as proof.
thing is, we are hearing NOW more about perceived police brutality. it's always existed and we've even had jokes about it.

but this is being pushed as a narrative and talking point more and more. why? we know this has been going on. we know there are "bad eggs" in every walk of life and every profession. that fact that police forces are government agencies shows that even those, who, as DBS puts it "swear an oath before God and man", are corruptible is not a point that is considered. We citizens come into contact with this face of the government more than any other. Yet we are to ignore that this cannot happen higher up the chain of government ineffectiveness?

and we have bomma second-guessing some police actions before the blood is even sprayed off the sidewalk.

which leads to the public, already distrustful of the police forces, being even more cautious and leery.

we seem to forget that the vast majority of cops are normal people who just want to do their job and go home to their family at the end of the day.

some people say we need more training for cops, yet are also the first to cry when looking at budgets for police, and on up the chain to military.

as well, training is not going to weed out the bad cops, IMO.

Is Kaepernick whining about this? the cop in question did more than he should have to keep from shooting this ******.

<a href="http://www.crimejunkie.com/index.php/2016/09/15/wild-footage-murder-suspect-surprises-cop-knife/">Watch video!
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I can't believe this dead horse is still being beaten.
Ha ha! Kaeperdick cost himself $80 million! He lost his job to sucky Gabbert and the Niners were going to start Ponder unless he signed a new contract that eliminates the next 4 years and removes the injury clause. They know he's going to get crushed by linebackers with hatred for that piece of ****. This is great. Karma at it's best...


Speaking of karma....gloating a little prematurely it appears. At least Kap's motives are well-intended. Celebrating someone's great misfortune seems not to be.

I haven't even looked in here for days or over a week, as I recall.

And yet, it remains a conflagration regardless.

What is Kap's sin? That he stands against cops murdering unarmed black men who pose no threat to cops. So, if you are so against his stance does that mean you are FOR cops murdering unarmed black men posing no threats? Is that your assertion?

They shoot this unarmed back man who had his hands clearly raised.

very few of the blacks who are killed truly pose no threat. those that are killed who truly are not a threat, the cops should and usually are charged with the crime

the whole hands up don't shoot was proven to be bullshit.....as were most of the cases the ******* idiots in the media pimp up for ratings...and stir up the ignorant masses who just want some free **** or to destroy other peoples hard earned property.

if kapernick or black lives matter gave a **** they would be working on fixing the issues which cause blacks to pull the **** they pull and kill each other at a much greater rate than cops ever do...but they don't....

go ahead and claim I am just another cracker racist....
Speaking of karma....gloating a little prematurely it appears. At least Kap's motives are well-intended. Celebrating someone's great misfortune seems not to be.

I haven't even looked in here for days or over a week, as I recall.

And yet, it remains a conflagration regardless.

What is Kap's sin? That he stands against cops murdering unarmed black men who pose no threat to cops. So, if you are so against his stance does that mean you are FOR cops murdering unarmed black men posing no threats? Is that your assertion?

They shoot this unarmed back man who had his hands clearly raised.

this incident was the worst and certainly is a WTF moment. I hope it's an isolated incident. There have been a lot of shootings of unarmed/armed black men and we should ask why. Can there be other measures taken to prevent these shootings? Should these men should have stopped and listened to the officers? That is for the people in charge with a greater pay grade than you or I. Being a cop is not easy and the unrest is scary. They are now unsure how they are supposed to handle situations when their lives are on the line. It shouldn't have gotten to this point, but it's where they are with the protests and constant backlash.