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SO, did Kaepernick have a legit point?

  • Thread starter Thread starter POP
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good video. Now, if it can be just that easy. . .

Getting pulled over sucks and doing anything that looks like it could be viewed as suspicious activity can turn an simple traffic stop to calling for a body bag. I've never had a gun pulled on me and hope it never happens. Cops can't say the same thing. They want to get home to their families as we all do.
I don't think anyone here condones, or is willing to defend, the criminal actions of any law enforcement officer. They should suffer the appropriate consequences. What I think many here don't believe, including myself, is that there's some sort of institutional police brutality thing happening. The statistical evidence doesn't support it. I cite Heather McDonald's study as proof.

OK, here is the crux of the matter: No one will steadfastly defend the obvious murders from cops killing unarmed folk, including unarmed black men. But to constantly try to minimize the significance of cops killing unarmed back men as "not at all meaningful" one is trying to excuse cold blooded murder. "Oh, well, more blacks kill each other..." "Oh, well, cops get shot by blacks so....."

So Obama claims if stricter gun control saves a single child, then it is worth it.

So, what, the same thing doesn't apply to innocent black men being murdered by cops? Or, anyone being murdered by cops should be significant?

Kelly Thomas was flat out beaten to death, and our resident Steel Time Rat claims we can't possibly know if that was murder if we are not trained to be a cop or a law rat? That is such a heaping pile of total bull ****. I guess by this thinking, unless we are scientists we can't know whether water is wet or fire is hot.

You watch this tape, and tell me if you don't have the ability to see that it was murder of a man posing no threat to anyone. Go ahead and try to sell that.

good video. Now, if it can be just that easy. . .

Getting pulled over sucks and doing anything that looks like it could be viewed as suspicious activity can turn an simple traffic stop to calling for a body bag. I've never had a gun pulled on me and hope it never happens. Cops can't say the same thing. They want to get home to their families as we all do.

Yea, but endless black men have guns pulled on them, for doing nothing wrong, other than being black. That is Kaps entire point and it's a valid one. You have to be blind and deaf not to realise that.
Yea, but endless black men have guns pulled on them, for doing nothing wrong, other than being black. That is Kaps entire point and it's a valid one. You have to be blind and deaf not to realise that.

Evidence please. Endless?
very few of the blacks who are killed truly pose no threat. those that are killed who truly are not a threat, the cops should and usually are charged with the crime

And what are you basing this on? In the 1,000's of police shootings over the last few years, a total of 6 cops where found guilty. Do you really think all the others were not guilty of anything? ****, the 6-8 cops who beat Kelly Thomas to death should all have been found guilty of murder and not one of them was convicted of any crime.
the whole hands up don't shoot was proven to be bullshit

You mean the guy laying on the ground with his hands up watching the autistic guy really was a threat and was rightfully shot? My oh my, you really are something else.
as were most of the cases the ******* idiots in the media pimp up for ratings...and stir up the ignorant masses who just want some free **** or to destroy other peoples hard earned property.

You are chalking up all shootings of unarmed people to the above? OK. I see what I am dealing with here.

if kapernick or black lives matter gave a **** they would be working on fixing the issues which cause blacks to pull the **** they pull and kill each other at a much greater rate than cops ever do...but they don't....

go ahead and claim I am just another cracker racist....[/QUOTE]
Evidence please. Endless?


Not just having guns pointed at, but actually shot.

Now, go and pretend I didn't already show you this a myriad of times.

Police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths)

Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting

37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population

Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015

Only 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and only 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, will be sentenced May 31.
Kaepernick says that cops in general go out with the intent to kill black people. That is a lie, and pointing to one off incidents does not make it true. Everybody knows that occasionally cops are wrong and those cases get prosecuted.

Who is saying that cops shouldn't be put on trial when they overstep?

This war on cops is not a serious movement. At least it is not seriously trying to improve the lives of black people just as liberal policies which are sold to black people as some sort of life preserver are not intended to actually help black people.

Let's just review. We have many black neighborhoods that are unsafe because of gang activities. Are there protests aimed at curbing gang violence? Nope, or at least very few. No, the protests are aimed at the only people trying to keep those neighborhoods safe.

So now you have a bad neighborhood and maybe there a gang hanging out on the corner and decent folks can't walk the streets. Good cops will break that up, but not anymore. Why should they? Why try to help and have people shoving a camera in your face as if the cop is the problem in the equation? That's the bizarro world that is being created.

**** you pig, leave that gang banger alone! What happens when they do?
Police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths). Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting. 37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population

I have already completely and totally refuted these claimed "facts" in this goddamn thread.

The 102 "unarmed blacks" killed by police includes traffic accidents, domestic disputes, neighbor disputes, more traffic accidents, bicycle accidents, and on and on.

The figure is horseshit, and I showed you why - and lo and behold, here you are citing a fictional, bullshit, false, lying number.
Yea, but endless black men have guns pulled on them, for doing nothing wrong, other than being black. That is Kaps entire point and it's a valid one. You have to be blind and deaf not to realise that.

This is where you get into trouble with your arguments POP. Does this happen to black men, ever? Of course it does. Pretty much every one of us has admitted that there are bad cops and racist cops and incompetent cops out there, and that they deserve the full force of the law to come down on them.

Does it happen to "endless black men"? "For doing nothing wrong, other than being black?" No, it does not. In the vast majority of these highly publicized cases, even though in some of them the cop is also at fault, the guns are pulled either because the person involved has a weapon himself, or he acts irrationally and does not listen to instructions. Instructions such as "put your hands up"..."get your hands where I can see them"..."drop the gun"..."get on the ground"..."stop resisting"...often the person involved is under the influence of something and acts unpredictably. Very rarely if ever have we seen an incident where a cop just walks up to a black man and immediately pulls out their gun without something precipitating it.

I lived in North Philadelphia and Southeast DC where cops interact with black people all day long every day. The people who act normally and rationally do not have a problem with the police. In fact they have quite a friendly relationship with police, or at least they used to. I've even seen police encounter people who were high as **** pissing on the sidewalk and they did not get roughed up or have guns drawn on them as long as they were cooperative.

You keep using individual instances as evidence of some vast systemic problem yet you ignore the tens of thousands of police interactions that go on every day with no one whatsoever being hurt. Traffic stops. Domestic disputes. Shoplifting. Public intoxication. Breaking up fights. Drug busts. etc. etc. etc. Individual instances are evidence of nothing but the fact that no, cops aren't perfect, they aren't all great guys, they aren't all competent, sometimes they overreact, sometimes they are more scared than they should be. Nobody disputes that. Nobody's saying those people's lives don't matter, only that the vast majority of cops who are good should not be impugned by the few who aren't.

Quoting numbers of people who have been shot tells us nothing either, because we don't know the individual circumstances. Sometimes the use of deadly force is 100% appropriate, I would venture to guess it's far more often than not. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a cop who looks forward to the day they get to shoot someone. Most hope they never have to. Again, not saying they don't exist, just saying they are rare.
Kap is washed up. Go take a knee Kap, you racist ungrateful punk
I have already completely and totally refuted these claimed "facts" in this goddamn thread.

The 102 "unarmed blacks" killed by police includes traffic accidents, domestic disputes, neighbor disputes, more traffic accidents, bicycle accidents, and on and on.

The figure is horseshit, and I showed you why - and lo and behold, here you are citing a fictional, bullshit, false, lying number.

Police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly twice each week. (See which police departments were responsible for these deaths)

Nearly 1 in 3 black people killed by police in 2015 were identified as unarmed, though the actual number is likely higher due to underreporting

37% of unarmed people killed by police were black in 2015 despite black people being only 13% of the U.S. population

Unarmed black people were killed at 5x the rate of unarmed whites in 2015

Only 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and only 2 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade and Eric Harris) resulted in convictions of officers involved. Only 1 of 2 officers convicted for their involvement in Matthew Ajibade's death received jail time. He was sentenced to 1 year in jail and allowed to serve this time exclusively on weekends. Deputy Bates, who killed Eric Harris, will be sentenced May 31.

You must drink a lot.
FU Kap.jpg

Screw you Kap, you worthless piece of ****!

Tibs is going to cry when his idol is out of football next year.
You must drink a lot.

Read the thread, dimwit.

"Unarmed" blacks killed by police include traffic accidents, and bicycle accidents, and domestic violence, and neighbor disputes, and black guys pointing toy guns at cops and on and on.

I went through one after the other of your site's citations to "unarmed black guys killed by police" and showed how ******* stupid that number is.

Yes, most who die in ******* CAR ACCIDENTS ARE UNARMED.

So racist car accidents, is that it? And racist domestic violence, and neighbor disputes and toy gun incidents???
Read the thread, dimwit.

"Unarmed" blacks killed by police include traffic accidents, and bicycle accidents, and domestic violence, and neighbor disputes, and black guys pointing toy guns at cops and on and on.

I went through one after the other of your site's citations to "unarmed black guys killed by police" and showed how ******* stupid that number is.

Yes, most who die in ******* CAR ACCIDENTS ARE UNARMED.

So racist car accidents, is that it? And racist domestic violence, and neighbor disputes and toy gun incidents???

You mean "traffic accidents" like this? I feel so much better now.


All because he didn't give the cops ID. So they beat him to death. But that is just fine and dandy with some of you? Wow. You really better hope there isn't a God or universal justice.