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So you wanted evidence of widespread voter fraud? Here it is.

download (26).png
dammit. i got my legal minds foncused. @Steeltime isnt half the legal wiz that @Tim Steelersfan is.

Tim once got out of a parking ticket, while Steeltime got the chair for a jaywalking offense by an 89 year old asian woman.

Absolutely. TGP attached the full police report (redactions by the police dept., not Gateway Pundit).

This is one of 5 or 6 very substantive reports showing systemic voting fraud - from the magic box of ballots pulled out from under the table in Georgia after monitors sent home, to the van arriving in Michigan at 2:45 a.m. with thousands of ballots, to the thousands of fraudulent absentee ballots in Arizona, now to this report of tens of thousands of bogus voter registrations being dropped off by flunkees paid for such fraud.

As Booted points out, however ... now what? I can tell you the response from the lying libbies and save you the torture of having to read it elsewhere:
  • "tHe GatEwaY PunDiT is RighT WinG"
  • "oNLy 42 rEgiStrAtiOn CaRdZ iNvALiD? ThAtZ NuThiNg!"
  • "So wHat? 10,00 voTeZ wOuLd NoT chAnGe thE rEezuLtZ in MiChiGan!"
  • "pRoVe ThErE wErE 150,000 FaKe BaLLoTz In MiChiGan bUt CiTe OnLy tHe NeW YoRk TimEz or WaShiNgToN PosTzE oR PrEziDeNt BiYdEn!!"
So, it seems the FBI and DoJ lost this file along with any incriminating evidence on Hunter.

Whom do these co-incedental miscues by federal law enforcement benefit?

Even Tibtard could see the pattern emerging, I mean if Media Matters emailed that to him.
ze is too busy fetching your coffee. stop changing your order, as it foncuses his thimble brain.
ze is too busy fetching your coffee. stop changing your order, as it foncuses his thimble brain.

Tibilo was unable to vote once as he went into a trance due to what those in the business call "Was that caffeinated or decaf?" paralysis. His mom had to pick him up at work.
Tibilo was unable to vote once as he went into a trance due to what those in the business call "Was that caffeinated or decaf?" paralysis. His mom had to pick him up at work.
to be fair, that also happened at the same precise moment in time that @Confluence changed his order for the 2nd time and Tiblio was told of Sinead's death.
Wow, look at pg. 20 of the pdf attached to TGP's report, noting:

Hawkins stated she worked for [redacted] and is employed by [redacted]. ... stated she has been employed since August of 2020 and is paid $1150 per week to find unregistered voters and provide them with a form so they can get registered and obtain their ballot.

She supposedly registered 10,000 voters in two months? One woman at one spot in one office in Michigan? Yeah, sure. You bet. Unpossible that (D)imbos paid, say, 100 of these people to generate hundreds of thousands of bogus voting forms and resulting ballots, collected by these fraudmeisters and deposited into the election bins that are as well-secured as a mailbox.

What could go wrong?
Det. Luker and your affiant examined a bath of eighteen (18) separate voter registration applications. When the applications were printed out and put side-by-side the handwriting on the (18) forms appear to have been done by the same writer and numerous signatures have similar characteristics.

Libbies? Leftists? Overt voter registration fraud, defrauding genuine voters of their votes. (Each bogus vote negates a real vote.) What say you?

Absentee ballots arrive in numerical order - an impossibility.

(D)imbos? (D)imbos??
